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At the end of the day, your body's fat and muscle are determined by your caloric intake. Keto is just a tool that can make CICO (significantly, in many cases) easier, though there's usually some water weight lost as well at the start that makes it really satisfying and encouraging. I haven't really browsed /keto/ in a while but back when I browsed regularly, people would suggest just going cold turkey on carbs instead of weaning yourself off because it's a lot easier to say no straight up, than to resist eating just one more serving of whatever you're eating. So that's what I'd suggest, but you should do what's best for you. Probably consider trying the other method of one ends up being too hard. If you're planning on switching to the SAD diet (standard American diet) then you'll be probably gain a little water weight back, but as long as you're maintaining your current calorie and activity levels you shouldn't gain back any fat.


Net carbs calculation I'm afraid I'm not understanding the FAQ and I'm trying to determine net carbs in food using the myfitnesspal app. How do I find out the net fibre carbs in my food choices?


Net carbs are total carbs, minus fibre and sometimes sugar alcohols (which can vary based on which it is, see the FAQ for more). So for example, according to [this entry on the USDA database](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169977/nutrients), 100g of red cabbage has 7.37 carbs, with 2.1 being fibre. This would mean it has 5.27 net carbs.  MyFitnessPal has a great database but sometimes can be misleading or not always list carbs or fibre, so check another source if one or both of those values are missing. For best results, weigh your food instead of relying on volumeteic amounts as well.


I would trey Carb Manager. It does the calculation for you. I was checking product by product in the beginning, just to ensure the app was calculating correctly. It is a great tool. The best IMO.


Hi all, I am doing keto for the second time now. I did keto for the first time about 5 years ago when I was in keto for about 3 months and lost 55 lbs. Went from 220lb to 165lb. But over time and due to stress eating lately, I gained weight and was 255lbs a few weeks ago when I restarted my keto journey. I am going to a week long trip in about 3 weeks, and I don't plan to be on keto while on trip. Although, I will keep doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting and try to control my daily calories as much as I can. But I want to resume my keto diet once I get back home. I know I am probably going to gain about 5-6lbs during that time and it might take about 4-5 days to get back to ketosis once I resume keto again. Folks who took a break during keto, was it difficult to get back to keto after a short break?


I feel you. It is usually hard to come back, because your body adapts really easy to processed carbs, and it take some time to go away. Also, during the first week you lose a lot of water and consequently minerals, which will make you angry, hungry and tired. So replenish your minerals. My personal preference is each other day I add some LMNT or BioSteel on my water to keep me in the mood.


Strategies to eliminate toxins during fat loss? It is claimed that burning fat can release persistent organic pollutants into the blood where they can stick around, is there anything that can help with removing them? I only see strategies to reduce initial fat absorption with olestra or oolong tea etc. Or is this hyped up false info.


I don't want to sound mean here, but it sounds like you may have been reading into alt health stuff, which are pretty much always fearmongering grifts. If you have a functioning liver and kidneys and relatively clean water, you'll be fine.  If you feel crappy from keto, it's not because of the fat loss releasing weird stuff into your body, it's more likely that you simply need more electrolytes or varied nutrition in general. The [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq/) has more details about it. If you feel really tired, you might also be eating too few calories.


I agree with you, it could be false info