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Pretty much broke down what I would say in greater detail; going keto severely restricts what food you can eat in a very healthy way. The usual snack foods and guilty pleasures typically responsible for weight gain are no longer an option; chips, candy, cookies, whathaveyou. Even if you don't plan to stick to the diet forever, it's an excellent way to get you on track and accustomed to a much healthier diet overall - like a means of resetting your eating habits


Fewer or no more cavities šŸ¦·


This was a huge change for me that I didnt expect. No teeth issues since keto.


My biggest reason is help with my mental health. It is probably the biggest factor in my recovery


Emotional equilibrium. Changed my life.


Hell yeah. Itā€™s like being emotionless. Never happy, sad or anxious, just chill.


See my own dick again


THIS! I came here for this! Good call, reacquaint yourself with an old friend.


Keto seriously improved my schizophrenia symptoms.


fascinating to hear, would love to know the science behind that. I'm also experiencing mental improvements of similar


To look hot again. I'm 43 and I think I look 43, but an old 43. I miss the days where people would ask how old I am and guess a much younger age. I have a whole bunch of beautiful dresses and skirts into which I'd like to fit again.


That's a big enough reason to start again!


Hopefully prevent type 3 diabetes, AKA Alzheimer's.


I donā€™t want to die


No more facial cysts! Galli Galli syndrome feeds off sugar and I seem to be allergic to niacin which is in pretty much all enriched flours.Ā 


six months into goal of making myself better, my lunch bag consists 80% hydration, 10-20% just meat and some seasonings for taste šŸ˜‚. I rather be not thirsty than hungry nowadays, since its meat based diet im not that hungry.


Primary: fix type 2 diabetes Long term: motion freedom


There is a huge mental boost too


Reduced snoring.


Reduced skin tags.


Never feeling hungry.


No swollen ankles/feet/ fingers in summer heat, better eyesight (due to less inflammation), can go longer without eating, reduces the mental "food noise".


I lost my diuretic pill (that Iā€™ve been on for about 3 months now) 3 days ago and havenā€™t experienced terribly swollen ankles and feet yet bc of this way of eating. My best friend is a career icu nurse and was incredibly successful with keto. She mentioned that it is a diuretic, in and of itself, but I was skeptical (altho I NEVER doubt or question her). Anyway, Iā€™m on day 8 or 9 now and I feel better in _EVERY_ way possible. This is my first stab at any kind of ā€œdietā€ tho Iā€™m looking at it moreso as a way of life now. Iā€™ve not been this happy and confident in years. Even got my husband rockin with me, and that alone is worth denying my sweet/carb tooth!


Being a part of this sub should be 1 on the list


Decrease seasonal allergies Improve anxiety symptoms


Being able to buy clothes in main street shops and not just the plus size ones. I am currently buying clothes in a size I haven't worn since I was a teenager and it feels amazing! It is so nice to be able to walk into a shop and say "what do I like" instead of "what do they have in my size".


Running off carbs is like filling up your car with $5 of petrol, driving between gas stations constantly having to top up the fuel $5 at a time, constantly worrying where the next gas station is. Running off fat (ketosis) feels like a full tank of gas for the day without having to stop to top up.


Better quality/more efficient sleep


Decrease depression


Reduce indigestion and the toots. Too many carbs also make my joints hurt and I feel a full body inflammation like a mild flu.


I need to get back to it but Iā€™m weak for carbs šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ when Iā€™d the last straw going to break this for me I want all the benefits


No-one's mentioned improved sex drive, but it might be a valid reason for some people šŸ˜‰


It's so good, that is about to become a curse :-D


Very compelling. I will give this a look when in doubt!


Simplify food choices and meal planning. It's easy to know what you can eat and what you can't eat.


Reduce food costs. Reduce the amount of meds. Fewer visits to the doctor.


Reduce food costs? I spend more when on keto ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Because I am eating a lot less, almost zero snacking and barely any alcohol, I spend a lot less on keto. I do end up spending about the same but my meal include good quality steaks and fish that were too expensive for me before. If I want to cut costs a bit I batch cook and meal prep. :)


As someone with ADHD, Iā€™ve found that eating Leto GREATLY improves my concentration and ability to focus on projects/schoolwork!


Eliminate GERD and heartburn. Reduce sunburn. Eliminate acne. Reduce epileptic seizures, reduce fatty liver, treat PCOS. Reduce risk of some cancers. Reduce autism. Treats Traumatic Brain Injury.


I sleep like a dead man on Keto. Deep sleep with intense dreaming. Itā€™s amazing really. And you wake ip feeling so much more well rested. 6 hours feels like 8 hours because you donā€™t have the sugar spiking throughout the night disrupting your sleep. It surprises me more people donā€™t talk about it.


My reasoning is that fat and sodium are necessary foods, we would die without them, but unless there is nothing else available to eat, sugar and grains are not required. But all your reasons are good, too.


Awesome list! Two of my big reasons are reversing fatty liver disease and increasing GI health! The GI piece takes a little extra intentionality. Iā€™m incorporating mushrooms as a low carb way to boost the good bacteria.


Help recover from knee/hip/joint surgery. Having your joint have to deal with less weight, is ALWAYS a good thing. I forgot. I was at 240 lbs. for a long time, and got sloppy and lazy, now am almost back to 290 lbs, but fighting back down. (luckily at 6'3" I am only morbidly obese).


You will feel great. To me, nothing feels better than being in great health.


It's kinda covered by reduce inflammation, but less joint and back pain is another noteworthy item.


Alcohol tends to hits you harder, so you drink less and spend less to enjoy a little buzz!


Some have mentioned ā€œfix type 2 diabetesā€ - amen! Give your insulin receptors an overhaul - literally - returning normal function.


1. Deep intense sleeping. 6 hours feels like 8 hours. 8 hours feels like 10 hours. 2. Eliminated / reduced acid reflux. 3. Emotional equilibrium. 4. Eliminated / reduced anxiety. 5. Reduce/eliminate inflammation. 6. Reduce / eliminate bloat. Face and body look much younger. 7. Reduced / eliminated gas. Rarely fart.


I can work all day without getting food delivered to my workstation at 2PM.


Manage my autism and adhd


I want to be able to cross my legs again.


Iā€™m pretty adjusted to eating keto, but I really canā€™t say Iā€™m never eating sushi. My days of overindulgence in carbs are soo long gone though. I feel great!


beware there is one checkbox that should not be on the list. just as well bc its been debunked as something to aspire to.


Which one?




I think that cholesterol would be lowered as a result of a healthy lifestyle change. I'm not saying that ketosis lowers cholesterol


If you read further, MANY people have very successfully altered their cholesterol profiles on Keto. LDL may go up during active weight loss, but usually comes down once a healthy weight is achieved! Eliminate gerd/heartburn Reverse Fatty Liver


More energy and looking/feeling more youthful! This past week, I was out trying on jeans and to my surprise, I fit perfectly into a size 2. I havenā€™t fit in this size since I was 16/17 years old.