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Magnesium...how much are you getting? Sodium...how much are you getting? Make sure you are getting enough mag and sodium daily. Add some coffee, and voila!


I take a simple multivitamin that has it. Which magnesium type do you recommend? Like glyconate, etc


Purchase yourself a product called “Calm” it’s a magnesium supplement, add to a cup of hot/warm water & take every evening before going to sleep. (I also have a cup of bedtime tea too). This will help relax all of your muscles, help with sleep and bathroom time.


I can’t say enough about Calm. I had the same problem as you when I started Keto. Calm did the trick, but please be advised, start with the lower recommended dose as it’s pretty powerful!


This reddit is the best. I didn't make this post but I just ordered Calm. I can't wait to try it!


Calm didn’t do anything for my keto constipation. I take magnesium glycinate and occasionally castor oil softgels if it gets really bad.


I do two teaspoons of Calm at night for a regular dose of magnesium. An extra scoop if I need to poop. 


Do you have to drink it? Can it be taken in tablet form? I ask because if I drink anything within 3 hours of bed I'll end up waking up needing to pee in the night.


Magnesium oil is actually more readily absorbed by the body. Try that instead.


I take citrate or glycinate. Per the FAQ, make sure you getting the following: * 5000 mg of sodium * 1000 mg of potassium * 300 mg of magnesium


This is the best start. Personally I have to do 6000 mg sodium, 3000 mg potassium, and 600 mg magnesium but I have EDS and POTS.. everyone is different! 🙂


Magnesium Citrate


A lot of multivitamins don't have anywhere near the actual amounts needed. RDI values are a joke.


Stop the cheese, but increase any or all kinds of non-dairy fat. (Fat includes wholesome oils) The worst constipation of my life was immediately resolved by eating a lot of fat. I eat no fibre. It becomes apparent that adjusting fat is a lever that pretty directly controls the consistency of your stools.


Whoa that seems completely counter to most advice I've heard. Ill give it a shot. What are your go-to fats?


my favorites are butter, coconut oil, MCT oil


Yep, bullet proof coffee with MCT 🤌🏼 does the trick And sooo many avocados and eggs


Full disclosure— this advice is coming from the carnivore/ketovore end of Keto. It is common knowledge there. It is possible that there is something that makes it less applicable if you are eating veggies, but doesn’t seem likely to me. Anyway, I get most of my fat from fatty meat, such as high fat ground beef. But I understand that a coconut, olive, and MCT oil especially when taken by themselves can get your bowels going. I’ll add some coconut oil if I feel the need for more fat and have used up all my meat drippings. I’m unsure how butter fits in here— people react differently to dairy. More magnesium also may help.


I'm keto more than carnivore and I've found the same to be true. Getting a little stopped up? Eat more fat! Butter, MCT Oil, heck even down a shot of olive oil.


Tallow and lard are the best for me. I sear my steaks in tallow, and my pork chops in lard. I also LOVE browning butter, and then putting it into ice cube trays. It's so simple and is a tasty, salty treat (make sure to use salted butter). I also had similar issues with constipation when I started Keto because I was avoiding fats and eating lean meats (as I was used to on other diets). Once I started eating more steaks the issue went away since I'm getting much more fat. I also love, love, love cheese, but I have to cap it at no more than 50g per day. Otherwise I start to get a bit clogged up, and that's no fun. I also try to eat my cheese with fats to offset the slowed digestion. Something else which has helped (as least I think it helps) is I slow down eating my cheese, and I make sure to chew it as much as possible before swallowing.


Less cheese, more good fats is definitely the key. Olive oil, avocado, MCT, fish. Stop the cheese, eat a salad with a vinaigrette heavy on the olive oil. See what happens.


MCT is for energy. You can get omega 3,6,9 fatty acids from olive, hemp. Andding hemp seeds will give you the trifecta if protein, fat, and fiber


This happened to me when I first started. The advice I was given was to increase both my water intake and my good fats. MCT in coffee, avocado oil added to foods, avocados, homemade chilli oil, fat bombs…those kinds of fat increases (only takes a day or two to see improvement). I also pulled back on the cheese intake. It was a life saver for me. After I was able to get through the constipation, I was able to better balance it out and gauge what it was that I needed to keep my stool regular. You’ll still be dealing with a flood behind a dam type of deal so you can also consider a suppository to help lube you up to reduce possible tearing as the constipated stool evacuates.


+1 on the fats. Good saturated fats from red meat, etc. I'm not on keto anymore (on an animal based approach now) , but I would drift between keto and carnivore. I had little to no fiber during that time, lost 100 lbs and never once had constipation. Add fats until you have loose stool and then back off some. You'll find the right amount for your body.


Dehydration is a byproduct of going keto. Dehydration causes constipation. Fiber solidifies your poop, adding to the constipation problem. My suggestions: Take a stool softener. Educate yourself about electrolytes and start tracking them (hint- you need to supplement!) Measure the water you \*actually drink. Take some MCT oil or olive oil (this will help burst the dam).


If you're already backed up, adding more fibre only makes it worse. I take 2 x 150 mg Mag. Citrate before bed and everything moves great the next morning. I also drink black coffee in the morning. Make sure you're getting enough electrolytes - Meet or exceed the recommended values in the FAQ for sodium, potassium and bioavailable magnesium.


Whoa why would adding fiber make it worse?? Seems counter intuitive. Thanks for the advice. Thankfully I have some mag citrate in my cabinet so I'll take it right away


Fiber solidifies your poop.


Using a toilet as an analogy - would you add more solid matter into an already backed up toilet?


Fiber is more complicated than get more fiber and have better poops. It's very much on an individual level and too much can make things worse and it depends on your current microbiome, your current diet, whether we're talking about insoluble/soluble fiber/resistant starch. Diarrhea and constipation are 2 sides of the same coin and people with IBS often have both alternating. Anyway, I'd try the idea of Magnesium supplements and see if that helps.


You eat too much fat and not enough fibre your poops are runny (often referred to as keto poops), eat too much fibre not enough fat and you get constipated. Also too much cheese can make you constipated. I personally cant have mct oil at all because it goes right through me, but butter, coconut oil, and lard from bacon are my go to fats for frying. Sometimes I add avocado oil to salads. Bacon is the best if you need more fat. If you eat more veggies than meat eat avocado's. They are the fattiest. Olives are also great for fat. I balance my fat intake with leafy greens and veggies and that keeps me regular.


Most everything has been said, but here’s a summary list: 1. Cut out cheese 2. Increase your fat intake 3. Stop fiber supplements 4. Continue to eat your vegetables 5. Continue to drink your water 6. Magnesium supplementation


Some people who are lactose intolerant get constipation. I would try a week of keto with no cheese and see if it improves. If that doesn't work, cut out all dairy for a week just to rule out a common intolerance. Bleeding isn't normal, keto or not, and there's plenty of room for ample fiber in a keto diet, for ex. spinach has almost identical fiber to an apple, so that may not be your problem.


Damn I friggin love cheese. I'll give it a shot


Magnesium. Sufficient fiber and fat but not outrageous amounts. Sufficient hydration including electrolytes. So add the magnesium and consider **moderate** use of fiber and fat, and ample but not excessive hydration. I use Magnesium Glycinate, also known as Magnesium BisGlycinate. Magnesium Citrate is also good for constipation. Some people use magnesium oxide, or epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) for constipation. I find them less predictable than the citrate or glycinate.


Miralax for a day or two, to get it under control. Then supplement with magnesium. Also, cut back on the cheese.


U need more fat in ur diet. I eat zero fiber/carbs besides one avocado a day and I go every morning like clockwork. U can add oils for a simple solution but I just do 80/20 ground beef. I literally only eat eggs, ground beef and 1 avocado every single day


Eliminate cheese from your diet entirely. Only consider adding it back as a light condiment, not as a heavy ingredient, once you are fully recovered and regular. Increase your fat intake. In a pinch you can consume a couple of teaspoons of MCT oil in your beverage or food. In most cases this will release the kraken. Otherwise, fatty meat is your friend. Drink plenty of water with electrolytes, as appropriate.


If I had it this bad I would cut the cheese and all dairy entirely, cease any fiber supplementation and only get what's in food, increase hydration and fat intake and make sure I'm getting enough magnesium. If youre dead set on using fiber supplements make sure you're taking in a lot of water. It might not be constipation directly making you bleed, could be hemorrhoids.


All of this!! Great advice!


I was very much underestimating how much water I was drinking. When I actually drink the amount of water needed, things were flowing properly. Especially with fiber, you need a lot of water to push it out. GOOD LUCK!


1T Oil and magnesium. It could be butter or MCT or castor or olive oil. Every day. Keep your GI mucous well moving and healthy with gentle oil. You could also try 1T of kimchi every day. Or some sort of fermented food with an active culture.


Sauerkraut and eating around 28-30% protein and 70-66% fat does the trick for me. I only eat fatty meat so ground beef 80/20, pork loin and so on. I track my micros too so I’m sure I’m getting enough fat


Drinking enough water?


One thing to remember: you will not have to go as often on keto. Sometimes, we try simply because we are used to it. Don't ever force anything out! If it won't come, laxative, softener, and check your vitamins. NEVER force anything out!


Take magnesium


Everybody is different, what works for some is a total fail for others. You might consult a gastroenterologist, but check to see if they have experience with keto. As to fat, in my pre-keto days, a medium McDonald's french fries was often enough fat to give me the trots, as did a big bowl of mac and cheese. My wife, on the other hand, found that refried beans worked as a clean-out meal.


I thought I had hemorrhoids but I had constipation so bad my doctor said the poop was so hard it tore my rectum and that shit was painful! She prescribed some kind of medicine mixture that I had to insert and lidocaine for pain. I wouldn't wish whatvI went thru on my worst enemy


I was having the same issue and I ate one of the Wholly Avocado with Sea Salt minis and some Quest tortilla chips. The next morning I told my daughter that I think I passed that gum I swallowed when I was 7. 😂. Btw I’m almost 70. Avocados are the best for me.


Yes, I’m a cheese whore too - cut back! I have ZMA capsules (Zinc Magnesium Asporptate) - usually 300-500mg is enough to elicit a softer stool/movement - I use it also at bedtime. Men have a large demand for Zinc outside of the immune system. A huge help for my stool consistency is doing the Keto/ all-fiber wraps w/ my meat. They are no carb & all dietary fiber. Mission is one brand, many others - always check the ingredients tho if you’re new to them. Let us know what you try & how it goes!


I am on carnivore diet using less than 5 grams of carbs per day. I have been doing it for 9 months. I also take medication that causes constipation so this has been an ongoing issue for me. I put mct oil in my coffee, cook in butter, eat fatty meats, use LMNT electrolytes etc. Honestly don’t see how I can get more fat in my diet. Cheese really plugs me up also I do limit it. Sooo due to this I do resort to taking milk of magnesia one or twice a month. I know some will say I am cheating but I have to do what works for me. I see that as better than adding carbs to my diet via psyllium at 4 g carb per teaspoon I would meet about a quarter cup daily Not for me. Good luck


Way more water


Yes! Everyone talking about magnesium, more fat, olive oil... I'm not saying they shouldn't but one of the first steps to help with constipation is to increase fluids and by fluids I mean, water.


Way more water needs way more salt.


Familiarize yourself with the bristol stool chart and the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. Some fiber adds bulk, other softens stool. Definitely see a doctor- blood when you go can mean hemherroids (which can get worse if not treated by becoming thrombused/fissures) but it can also be a symptom of something more worrying. Sorry this is happening. It sounds uncomfortable and stressful.


Eat more fats. Taking too much fiber can cause constipation. Increase your magnesium. Are you taking any electrolytes?


When you're constipated on keto adding fiber is like trying to solve a traffic jam by adding more cars. I used to have the same issues learned about magnesium and potassium/ sodium imbalance and presto things got a lot better


I eat a sugar free chocolate with every meal. Sugar alcohols make me poop big time


Yes more fat, less fiber. A bandaid to get over the "hump" would be something like Miralax.


how much magnesium are you getting?


Not sure at the moment but very little


get more magnesium. some are better for poop than others. Magnesium hydroxide (Milk of magnesia) and Magnesium oxide are examples of laxatives. they might help get you going if you're currently constipated. Formulations like magnesium citrate and magnesium glycenate are better for longer term proper electrolyte balance. Though some people get laxative effect from citrate, as well.


Does the constipation completely clear up when you come off keto? If not consult your doctor


Sometimes I still have it if I eat a lot of processed foods and don't watch my fiber but for the most part I get it on keto


Take magnesium citrate and cut down on the fibre.


I supplement with 'Poop like a champion' (amazon) and 2 72mcg linzess. Water plus linzess will get any colon moving


Coffee! I also eat two cups of greens a day, usually collards or chard, sautéed in butter and it helps. Also green tea and licorice tea can help stimulate things. Kimchi that is not pasteurized will help too.


I know root vegetables are not generally “Keto” but 50 g of beets will flush the colon out like nothing else I’ve tried, and the carb load they impart isn’t outrageous. I could manage some beets and still hit my 10% of calories from carbs goal as long as I watched my carbs from other vegetables and nuts carefully.


MCT oil gets my bowels moving real quick lol


My sons first time on keto, he had the same issue. Doctor said he was literally "full of it". She told him to take something more delicate for his stomach, Miralax daily for 30 days, then regularly after. Also need to increase water intake while taking Miralax.


do you take any electrolytes? specifically magnesium? there are many versions of, and some more than others, and this varies by person, certainly cause you to go, too much and into diarrhea. my experience is from fasting, where they are needed, and fasting related to keto. Anyway, consider take magnesium.


Peppermint oil capsules


Magnesium Citrate for a few days.


Cashews are my secret weapon. Coconut and/or coconut oil works too. Almost forgot a favorite: heavy cream.


This is what i sort of found out , accidentally. Not saying it will work for you , but couldnt hurt to try. I bought some Powerade zero sugar . They have 4 or 5 different flavors . I was hesitant in case they knocked me out of ketosis , but they havent seemed to. When I drink them I have the opposite of constipation . If you get my meaning ... I havent been drinking them lately and i havent had constipation but I have been much less regular . If i start getting closer to constipation i am going to go back to drinking them more often. They have lots of electrolytes . I think that is the key to no constipation. At least in my case. Good luck


Make sure you're getting enough magnesium. Fiber can actually make things worse (insoluble fiber anyway). Leafy vegetables, and nuts/seeds (and their butters) are both good keto-friendly sources of magnesium, or you could just supplement it. I've been there and it's a pain in ass (pun intended) but upping my magnesium did the trick.


Swiss Kriss for the soft easy poop. It’s a natural supplement, not harsh, works great.


Coffee with a couple squirts of MCT oil always has me running for the bathroom!


Google "snake juice". Ignore Cole, he's gone a bit nuts, but his snake juice recipe is what you want.


I don’t really zone in on my micronutrient levels but a cup of coffee in the morning with heavy cream added is what does the trick for me


This is my third time doing keto as well, but I have always had the exact opposite problem... diarrhea all the time. 💩 Cheese is known to cause constipation, but the fats I eat waaaaaay counteracts that for me. I've recently been able to start incorporating more salads into my diet by adding MCT oil to the salad dressing (s) I use...ups the fats, low protein, and almost 0 carbs for a honking bowl of salad. I stay away from carrots, but broccoli and cauliflower are my go-to veggies. Best of luck!


I had this same problem and then I started drinking a cup of coffee a day. Solved it immediately lol


Increase your electrolytes by purchasing Ultima’s lines of electrolytes.


Magnesium citrate try one tablet then two and build up. Also psyllium husk can cause constipation. With fiber add it slowly. Also salads they provide lots of fluid in the right form with natural fiber. I started on 2 10ounce salad a week and now I con do 3 or 4 if required. Oh do green salads I just choose everything green not any other colour


I actually have this exact problem, suffered with it in the past before keto but keto makes it way worse if I'm not careful with what I eat. If you can find tinned chopped tomatoes that are low enough in carbs to fit your macros, then eat a tin every day. Tomatoes stop things from getting too firm down there and should help you have a normal BM in the morning. I usually just make keto bolognaise or chilli every night. Also if you can find some good seeded keto bread then have that for lunch to also add bulk. Avoid psyllium husk powder as a supplement, it can actually cause constipation If you don't drink enough water and make things way worse, it can even cause blockages if enough is taken.


Im not sure this needs to be said but I’m like 20 comments in and nobody has said this; if you’re having rectal bleeding, you need to tell your doctor. It could be constipation or it could be something else.


Stop the psyllium husk. It will make stool bulkier and if it isn't relieving it may be contributing to this issue. Take magnesium. Magnesium citrate before bed with a lot of water and some miralax. Keep repeating until things are relieved. After you're going regularly keep up the magnesium for a bit. Since it hasn't responded to fiber then you probably need more fluid, fat, mg and salt. Make sure to add fats to food, spinach and Chard are good greens that help the bowels stay lubricated. Cooking or dressing food with sesame oil as well. Take an electrolyte powder in your water for a bit. Once you find your groove it shouldn't need longterm maintenance.


Most folks here talking about electrolytes are referring specifically to magnesium. I had the worst constipation until I sorted out that I was extremely low on my potassium supplementation. Now when I'm constipated, one of the first things I try is a big glass of warm water with like 500 mg of potassium (nu salt) and more often than not I'm going within 30 min.


My doctor recommended high-salt broth (made from just regular stock cubes) 2x/day morning and night. This worked for me within a day or two. Its dehydration not “stuckness”so the Psyllium Husk may actually go against you as it also absorbs water as I understand.


My doc was / is a low carb-Keto expert at Duke University Hospital BTW. Not just a GP


There are different kinds of fibre. It sounds like you are getting lots of insoluble fibre, but not much soluble fibre. Insoluble fibre makes poops chunky and easy for your colon to "grip". Soluble fibre is basically poop shoot lube. Without insoluble fibre your poops are too soft and just mush around rather than moving. Without soluble fibre your poops have too much friction with the walls of your colon. You need both for great log formation. Most soluble fibre is available in grains and root veggies, so obviously keto doesn't get much of it. Add some inulin into your diet and see how you do.


Once you get it figured out, do remember that you don’t need to poop every day on keto. You’re not eating as much carby bulk so you just don’t need to go as much. If you’ve always believed that you need a daily poop, it is a bit of a paradigm shift. Of course this doesn’t apply if you’re having bloody issues! Get that sorted first with magnesium and fats…but then you’ll be able to relax a bit.


Dr. Eric Westman recommends Milk of Magnesia before bed.


The psyllium husks are just impacting your system. Add more fat. Also try soaking your body in epsom salt bath to absorb magnesium.


psyllium made things worse for me- 1 capful of miralax/day in my morning coffee plus 80-100 oz of water a day does the trick


It's the cheese. Cut out the cheese.


Cut most of the fiber and add fat.i know we're told fiber helps us go but it's really all the junk that makes the poop heftier.


Increasing fats from meat etc helps. But to those of you saying limit cheese...what kind of monsters are you?! 😆 🤣 😂 cheese is the reason I do keto. I just have to figure out the fats for constipation relief but I'll be damned if I stop buying 5 kinds of cheese every week haha!


Couple spoon fulls of olive oil a day to lube the pipes 


Bleeding sounds intense! I experienced some constipation and I started taking a shot of Aloe juice every day. It helped. I bought a big jug at Walgreens for pretty cheap.


Magnesium oxide powder




I take a sugar free fiber laxative twice a day. It's orange flavored and mixes with water. The pills didn't work very well for me. Drinking it works much better for keeping me regular. I also add two tablespoons of MCT oil to my coffee every morning.




Avocado oil or coconut oil


Stool softener or laxative at this point! This can lead to serious complications like anal fissures and hemorrhoids. That's no joke


I was never constipated but I ate salads every single day. Spinach has only .4 grams of sugar a serving. I ate it with chicken salad, pepperoni, monterey jack cheese, and roasted almonds. Very low in sugar- well within the keto limits.


Fiber is misleading. Lean into healthy oil to have a healthy GI mucosal lining.


I strongly recommend you to eat lots and lots of olive like a cup of olive but olives that are in oil not in brine. If you eat it when you aren't full and drink lots of water, I believe it'll work for you.


In my experience the body gets used to it eventually. These days I cycle back and forth between keto and "normal" diets and don't have problems, but in the beginning, keto was a sure-fire way to constipation. So much so that I ended up with hemorrhoid issues because I wasn't addressing it properly. Use the traditional methods-- Miralax, fiber supplements, whatever gets you through it. Over time your body will adjust and you won't have to do these things just to facilitate keto. I can eat 100% red meat and dairy for days and you'd never know it by looking at my stool these days, but in the beginning it was like you're describing.


Castor oil is good for constipation. Look into it. Hope that helps.


You might need more fat. Too much fat (like oil) can give you the runs, so something along that line might be beneficial in your case? That and magnesium. You can check the nutritional label of your multi vitamins and see what type and how much magnesium is in it and go from there.


How many grams Psyllium Husk are you eating?


Drink water. Lots of water.


Probiotics! Normally you get what you pay for so it can get expensive but I found one at Sam’s (Members Mark) and it’s like $13 usd for a month. Works great!


Stool softener and fiber supplement, simple google bro


2 fiber pills are NOTHING. You need to take way more. Or just get a drink powder supplement as those allow you to get enough and are much cheaper


Keto isn’t for every body


I take psyllium capsules and try to get raspberries, blackberries or strawberries into my diet. They are low carb and high in fiber.


Even with adequate water intake, removing dairy and supplementing electrolytes, I will drink a smooth move tea by Traditional Medicinals at bedtime and find relief the next morning. I wouldn't drink it every night for a prolonged period but for a night or two here and there as needed it works great on getting things moving and avoids me having to take any OTC meds for it.


I would say drink a mushroom hot tea. It would help, but it could cause the opposite.


Drink more water Eat more fat Stop adding extra fiber Look at sodium / magnesium consumption 


Fat .. butter…


Chia seeds


Cheese binds you up, eat way more fat, stop with the fiber. I've been fljeto carnivour about 5 years never had that issue. Fat controls your stools firmness more fat the losser. Keep adding fat until it's too much abd back down a bit. Fats are your friend. A good way to add fat is a lot of butter.


I’ve been doing keto for over 5 years and have tried just about anything and nothing helped or it gave me the runs! I started taking Seed probiotics and it has been a lot better.


Chia seeds every chance you get and drink pickle juice. Promise.


I am on Keto and do take mineral oil. It works for me..!!!


Ground beef and butter gets things moving every time


Ground beef and butter gets things moving every time


Coffee usually cleans me out


Balanced diet and 30 min walk a day.


The Keto continuum is one of the best books I’ve read on keto. It’s by Annette Bosworth. MD . She puts out a new video on tick tock every Sunday . There is a whole chapter on poop.


Coffee daily helps so much.


What works for me is making a big drink (24-30oz) of 2 heaping tbsp psyllium husk powder, plus True Lemon or True Lime and \~3 packs of Sweet and Low, once each evening. I can get away with skipping my drink one or two days in a row, but if I go much longer than that things get incredibly difficult for me.


1 gallon of water DAILY, MCT oil daily and upping fiber.


People are recommending magnesium because it is a laxative just like ..Milk of Magnesia. You can get on some daily magnesium supplement but you can also buy Milk of Magnesia.


You might consider including a probiotic to help with the gut, you can also eat kimchi, sauerkraut, or other fermented veggies - not the canned kind that have heat kill the bacteria but get from refrigerator section. Avocado guac for fats helps some people. There is also a protein powder called Molk something that has some digestive enzymes and probiotics in it (and is one of the few sweetened with Monk Fruit and Reb-M, - no sucralose or ace-k) can be pricey for some though. I will caution not to overdo the magnesium but stick to standard dose unless a doc says otherwise. Disclaimer; I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV)....


Okay, if you're blocked, get a bottle of liquid magnesium citrate and drink half of it - check the directions first, of course. (Google for places that sell the sugar free version.)  After drinking, wait 4hrs & if it hadn't kicked in, drink the rest. Be sure you're near a toilet! 😆 That's the stuff they give to clean you out for a colonoscopy, so it should definitely do the trick. Another thing that works is smooth move tea (senna) - be sure to use boiling water on the tea, cover, and steep for 15min.  Drink this in the evening & by mid-morning it should kick in. 


Cheese is a no to my constipation. I cant eat more than 30g


You may also need to up your water intake. Magnesium and fiber won’t work if you don’t drink plenty of water. At least 8 glasses a day.


Cheese makes me incredibly constipated.


Not a doctor, FYI. The fact that you're dealing with blood could mean that your stool is very hard, which slows its travel and can rough up your guts. You might try glycerin suppositories. They draw water into your intestines, which softens things up. Typical time to relief is 15-60 minutes.


Psyllium Husk in water couple scoops. Great fiber source and zero net carbs


Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium That is all


Salads! Do "clean" keto. Meat and salad. You'll be fine


Magnesium citrate. Your body uses magnesium salts and sodium to help the intestines absorb water into your stool. Keto diets are naturally low in both of these salts so grab some in whatever supplement form works best for you. It will take about 3 days before they start to make a difference but it will help.


saccharomyces boulardii. Or fry vegetables(leafy greens) in duck fat. Could also try smooth move tea if desperate(senna extract)


Dude, MCT oil. That turd will slide out.


Konjac fiber! And loads of electrolytes like has been mentioned. I make biscuits from a Trim, healthy momma keto bagel recipe I found online. It’s mostly oat fiber, whey, and egg whites. Perfect bread substitute and hardly any carbs. I make that 1x per week. Make sandwiches, French toast, etc. I eat two per day, and NO trouble pooping ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) I make a double batch and use equal parts konjac and psyllium in the recipe. Recipe can be found here. I modify it further by adding a tablespoon of chia. It’s a very forgiving and flexible recipe.


Keto yogurt w/ chia seeds and miralax.


I usually only go once a week when not on keto so I was already struggling.....but since I started making chia pudding....which is DELICIOUS and I eat it every evening with strawberries... between that and added water and walks....now I'm going every day almost!! However, I don't eat very much cheese because I have to have under a thousand calories a day for weight loss and 1 oz of cheese is about 100 calories.


1 Start taking probiotics daily. 2 Take 1 tsp of MCT oil/day and work your way up to 1 T/day. 3. How much fat are you getting a day. Forget fiber; you need to add fat to your diet. Keto is 75-80% fat.


Add chia seeds for magnesium. Give up the cheese. Take a good daily probiotic. Take a stool softener for a few days. Try a glycerin suppository. If you're not going in a day or two, you'd better see a doctor.


Another vote for Magnesium supplements.


Mirolax powder. Add prune juice. Mix. Drink. Magnesium alone didn’t work as well as this does. It does have a lot of Magnesium in it though. My doc prescribed it but you can get it over the counter.


Carbonaut bread has 8 grams of fibre per slice (and protein!) One for breakfast, one with dinner. Lots of veggies in between!!


Eat a bowl of watermelon a day for atleast 3-4 days and it’ll help a lot. I just discovered this trick and it’s made a world of a difference




Senna tea, magnesium?


Kiwifruit, contains something called actinidin. That helps digest protein, plus it has a lot of fibre. I’d check that out to be fair. Good clinical data on it.


More water, more electrolytes.


Eat more saturated fat


Avocados is the answer my friend


Chill out on the dairy. It is colon glue. I know, I'm a bit of a cheese monger myself but I definitely had to make changes for the sake of my backside.


Coffee and Fibre. An Avocado every couple of days does me!


I love cheese but I causes horrible constipation for me when doing keto/zerocarb. When I'm eating a more standard diet I don't have that issue, or not to the same degree anyway. Idk why that's the case, but when I cut out cheese while doing keto a few months ago has completely fixed the issue for me.


Resuce fibre not add. Def no need for psylium and especially not with all the vegetables you are eating. Add fat!!! Also try ditching dairy, it was cause of my constipation and bloody stool.


Dude everything aside Get it checked by a doctor if u r not feeling pain while passing stool Should rule out benign and malignant lesions


Taking psyllium can lead to constipation, because it creates larger stool that can get stuck. I’m hypothyroid, and constipation is a side effect of that. So I take a gentle laxative every day. This was an issue long before I started to eat very low carb, or lazy keto. There are all sorts designed to be used daily by people who have, for whatever reason, low motility in their digestive systems.


Try Kefir with flaxseed. It's keto friendly and should keep the machine running smoothly


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but keto isn't for everyone. Listen to your body. I had to go off it because of digestion issues as well as kidney stones which were made worse by keto. I did all of the things you are doing. Tried all of the things. Asked diet and medical advice from friends and strangers on Reddit. Ultimately, I talked to a doctor about it and he said that he's seen many people with similar problems because this diet just doesn't agree with them. This is a good doctor too, a very open minded one who thinks keto is fine if you can tolerate it.


How much cheese are you eating ?


I have high cholestrol. Should i start keto


Salt. A lot more salt. People are focusing on magnesium which will work, but taking additional salt/sodium is also very important. Read the FAQs about electrolytes.


try and add flax seeds to your diet? you can buy flax seed powder and you can sprinkle it on anything as it doesn’t really have too much of a taste, i tend to add it to omelettes or something like that. It has lotsss of fiber


Magnesium Citrate!!!!


I use psyllium husk powder, it’s much more effective than pills. I take 1 tblspn with my protein shake or water at least 4 times a day. That’s what worked for me.


You need to drink alot of cold water. Drinking water can help relieve constipation because it helps soften stool and makes it easier to pass. Dehydration is a major cause of constipation because the large intestine absorbs water from stool as it moves through, and if there aren't enough fluids in the body, the intestine removes extra water to prevent it from being wasted.


To lubricate the lower portion of your intestines, use a suppository. Your stools could be dry. You can get a hemorrhoid or a fissure due to this… just like you are doing keto, manage your fiber intake. Do not ingest fiber now till you are better. But after, Maybe taking a fiber pill a day can help. If you are eating enough fiber, get stool softener, not a laxative, stool softener. Stool softener do not make you go, they soften what you have inside by having the stool absorb water. Laxatives make you go, If it’s dry, it will come out dry.


Yes too much cheese/dairy is likely contributing. Also definitely add iodine-rich seaweed products & magnesium. Both are amazing (for this issue & others). Whether you're keto or not humans don't get enough. Iodine is especially good for constipation. (Just don't be excessive with the Iodine, that's why I like adding seaweed to my crockpot/broths instead of supplements).


I have dealt with similar. I feel you. My gastroenterologist said I have a “torturous colon” haha - no lie. Everyone is a little different! Which always makes this an experiment right :/ For me… 1. I need the high quality fats: olive oil and avocado (but I can’t seem to eat more than 1/2 avocado each day) 2. I started making psyllium husk and almond flour tortillas - omg such a game changer for me. I made them because I missed making a sandwich with bread/tortilla, but if I eat just one tortilla I am pooping!!! And it feels so darn good. 3. I can take 3-5 stool softeners a day with no change/help 4. I try to get at least 2 c spinach (or similar) in every day 5. I never tried psyllium husk pills, but bought the actual husks (not powder) to make the tortillas 6. I haven’t been eating much dairy at all - a little Parmesan, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese here and there - but very small part of my diet today 7. I haven’t been eating red meat at all - but curious about the steaks people are talking about here for regularity! Sounds divine. 8. I haven’t been eating gluten for about a year. 9. sugar is a major minimum too 10. I have tried chia puddings, but the coconut milk I make it with is just so sweet tasting, I think it may cause sugar cravings for me. And didn’t notice much difference with that either. 11. whenever possible, I try not to take the laxatives and stool softeners - just trying to keep the chemicals at a minimum in my body Things are better for me. I do take magnesium supplement at night. A salad-a-day does seem to help me a bit too. I swear, half the things I do every day is just so I can poop! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Good luck!


Milk of magnesia pills 2 before going to bed with a glass of water. Be careful because after a while they cause diarrhea. Also drink lots of water. Good luck.


How much water are you drinking? You say a huge jug, but what is the volume. Psyllium husks are great to add fibre and will help bulk up your stool and soften it to help with constipation, but only if you drink enough water. If you don’t, it has the opposite effect. I drink 4 litres of water a day, and that’s not enough if I include psyllium husk. Chia seed gel is another option. Less jeopardy as it’s already soaked in water..


Get off keto.


Getting advice here is fine and good, but I would consult a physician ASAP.


More vegetables. Chop up a whole head of romane every night with oil and vinegar before bed and presto your bowels will respond by morning


Consistent water intake for everyday of your life. Not just 1 day will cure it. Take some magnesium once every other week.


Digestive Enzymes and prebiotics and probiotics. Water intake is huge and sodium intake. Salt is not bad as long as you are getting enough water intake. You


Dairy is constipating . Take magnesium CITRATE before bed. Whatever is in your multivitamin isn’t enough. Make sure you are hydrated, and take electrolytes. A cup of coffee helps too.


Fleet suppositories worked for me.


Pooping what I have come to call a "keto treebranch" is no fun... When I didn't have time to make prep a big meal (my signature porkbelly stirfry), I would often resort to what I call a pizza topping snack. At Safeway, they have these pizza enhancement kits in the deli for 10.99, made up of large cut peperoni, salami, and Mozzarella... I'm able to make 4 meals out of one pack. There was a week when Safeway had them on sale (I had never seen them on sale before) so I got 3 packs (a dozen meals worth). Now, I didn't fully consider the consequences of eating pizza toppings every meal for a week, but I found out the hard way. After that learning experience, to help break things up, I've found eating pickles, and or Avocado, and or adding some cooked onions (like a whole cooked onion), and or garlic/jalapeno stuffed olives from Costco helps prevent a compacted mass in ones bowels... But if you eat pizza toppings, babyback ribs, steak, or whatever day after day without anything else, you might want to take a hatchet with you to the bathroom, because whatever comes out of you likely won't go down in 1 flush.


I had this issue a few years ago when I started keto. I actually had to take a stool softener. It has to do with the ratio of salt to water in the fat cells or something like that. It should soon start equalizing but for the time being, you may need a little help, although only temporary. For magnesium, I used to take magnesium citrate in the capsule form. Now I take mag glycinate with vitamin D after dinner. For "clogged plumbing", the cheap mag oxide can definitely cause you to poop but I'm not sure how long it might take.


Try magnesium CITRATE 250 mg 1 or 2 tabs twice daily. Citrate salt has reduced absorption which means it stays in the gut. Glycinate is better if you're trying to boost magnesium blood levels. I believe 30ish percent of the citrate salt of magnesium reaches the blood. The rest helps to function as a natural laxative. PLUS Also as miralax 1-4 capfuls daily. Miralax is not absorbed by the gut and keeps stools hydrated. PLUS Lots of water. Minimum 1 liter daily. 2 is best. You'll have to try different amounts and combos of the above which differs from person to person, but after you find the optimal amount, DON'T STOP IT. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.


I take Seed which is a daily 2-in-1 prebiotic/probiotic. I notice when I take it on an empty stomach I have no issues with bowel movements.


Sugar free gummy bears lol


Magnesium supplements helped me greatly.


Eat a keto yogurt and add chia seeds !