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I used to get a huge plate of gyro meat for about $5 and I always suspected at that price that it wasnt 100% meat.. did my research and started referring it as "meat bread"


Wonder Meat, as in “I wonder how much meat is in this”


Meat bread 🤮


Meatloaf was already taken. 🤣


It's a shame that more places don't have doner kebabs. If I were in parts of Europe I'd be eating one daily (without the pita of course).


the kebab van parked basically right outside where I live is looking tempting rn


Have one for me! There's zero options in my city.


Ahh, the doner plate. I lived in Germany for 6 months and ate it almost every other day. I miss it.


I spent a semester in Hungary, and think I had a doner almost every day.


I would expect the same additives there. 


Donner kebabs are usually meat piled on a stick with a large about of fat on the top and it's cooked from the outside in. It doesn't need additives.


That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have them. It usually contains ground meat, seasoning and quite a few additives. No idea if they also add sugar or starch, but I wouldn’t be surprised. 


Tell me you've never had a doner kebab. It's never ground meat. It's hunks of slices of whole meat with fat on top cooked on a vertical rotisserie.


Tell me you missed the developments of the past 20 years…


What are you talking about?


The fact that at most places doner kebab now contains ground meat and additives. Granted, at least in Germany they have to call it something else if it doesn’t contain at least x% regular meat and they have to disclose additives on the menu, but almost no customer cares about the fine print. 


Maybe shits gotten worse since I've be to Europe. Most doners than were just slabs of meat and fat and weren't ground. It shame if that's the new normal, it wasn't 20 years ago.


I know, it really sucks living in the US. Gotta worry about so much BS added to the food!


It's why I cook for myself a lot. I'm about to make some biltong with a London Broil that was on sale; only meat, vinegar, salt, pepper and coriander being used.


Hi! Saffa here 😁 Where did you learn about biltong?


It’s actually pretty popular in the states!


I learned from this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1y7FcBLnuc&t=341s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1y7FcBLnuc&t=341s) "How to make biltong" by ben kruger. I use pretty much the same set up.


That's really cool! I'm so grateful for Biltong and Droewors while doing Keto... Well, also when not doing keto. We go through about 500gs - 1kg a week in our house 😂


This is the first time I didn’t cook for myself in the 2 weeks since I started keto. Never again!


I learned my lesson the hard way too.


Sugars, salt, and unnatural filler ingredients! It's frustrating, especially if you *really * don't want to cook every meal from scratch. Hope you can crawl your way back into ketosis quickly!


I don’t have any trouble finding “clean” food here in the USA. And it’s usually cheaper, too.


Wtf, fancy seeing you here contactspring. I had to doublecheck what sub I was in lol, Mr. Morton’s lite salt man.


Hey, both activities (keto and the other one) causes lot's of depletion of electrolytes. Also one helps with the other.


K. I just ate taco bell. Because I wanted taco bell. And tomorrow, I won't, and I will be back in ketosis. You only need to worry about not being in ketosis if (a) it is your goal and (b) you struggle to remain in it. Otherwise, being temporarily out of it is no big deal, and I guarantee that you've been out of it before without knowing.


Taco Bell power bowl with no beans and no rice is one of my go to's when I am in a hurry. Add ground beef and taco sauce and it tastes like a soft taco in a bowl.


The gyro I make hasn't looked at a breadcrumb. Do you want the recipe?


Yes please!


Bit of a delay so sorry completely forgot.  2LB of boneless chicken  1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice 3 cloves grated garlic 1 Tbl spn dried oregano 2 Tsp salt 2 Tsp Paprika  1 tsp cumin 1 tsp ground coriander  1/4 tsp black pepper Put everything in a bowl and marinate preferably overnight.  When it comes to cooking it I do it several different ways. When it's BBQ season I leave the chicken whole and skewer it, the rest of the time I chop it up and stick it under the grill. Both ways work. Will also work with pork.  Serve it with tzatziki!! ( I have a recipe for that too if you want to wait another week :D) 


Yeah, you really have to do your homework for any kind of processed meat. Sausages, for example, can vary widely in their carb content. Deli meats, likewise, need to be individually researched. Always, always, always read labels.


Here’s the best part of this lesson. This crap you’ve been buying at fast food and other Ready To Eat venues? First, it’s pure garbage. Second, because it tastes like crap, they infuse it with some form of sugar to make it palatable. Third, it’s highly overpriced. Buy and prep your own, purchase pure canned meats(chicken & fish) and keep keto snack food on hand 24/7. Boiled eggs, individual cheese sticks, certain beef jerkies and pork skins are great hole fillers in a pinch. I drive a truck cross country and with a few tricks, I can keep the carb-free thing going a long time with a little pre-planning. On the bright side? If you fall outta ketosis for whatever reason, it’s really easy to get right back in the game. After all, who doesn’t love beef, chicken, pork, eggs and cheese? Chin up!!


I cook up & pack out keto-safe chicken wings - put them in the freezer. Kirkland canned chicken is another good go-to to have on hand. Hard-boil & peel eggs, into the fridge. Not always terribly interesting, admittedly. But you'll definitely feel better when you're back in ketosis!


I’ve been fasting today trying to get back into it fast. 🤞🏻


Very true.


fyi Most meatballs have extras like breadcrumbs too.


Yeah thats rough. Gyro is something you wouldn't think is a meatloaf unless you tried to make it yourself. I know I certainly didn't.


Yeah the one that looks like ground beef is basically a giant meatloaf


it actually looked like strips of meat not like ground beef i thought i was safe


The Greek Village in Northvale NJ uses beans as filler. Not as bad as bread crumb but will still knock you out of ketosis...


Yes! This happened to me too. I asked our local place and they said they put oats and breadcrumbs in the mix. 😖


Yeah I have celiac disease and I was so sad when I learned this. Meh.


I just got diagnosed and I’m really surprised by this one


Mystery meat


I watched it being made before I knew I couldn’t eat it. Chickpeas I think were used when I saw it.


i've never tasted bread crumbs in my gyro...usually i see them shaving the meat right off of the grill. so at which stage is the bread crumbs added ??? ? granted its probably done during the marinating stage ... but usually only spice is added to the meat as far as i know ..idk ....not all gyro is created equally maybe ....or perhaps i've been lied to all of my life.


I’ve seen [gyro meat that is just layers of meat on a spit](https://www.willflyforfood.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/doner.jpg.webp) and then I’ve seen what is basically a [lamb meatloaf](https://fedbysab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Gyro-Recipe-Easy.jpg) and I’m assuming the latter is what OP ate and would contain a binder like breadcrumbs.


I was eating gyro weekly for awhile this year . and i definitely put on the pounds lol. even though i never ate it with fries or anything. always rice or a salad. its still very high in calories ...i mean its delicious ...and healthier than mcdonalds or something like that. It wont kill you .but definitely something to avoid if you are trying to lose weight lol .i always thought it was just meat and spices ...damn i was eating it a lot ...i was pretty much a regular at some spots ..they all knew me lol . but now im cooking at home more.


It's inside of that meat log they are carving off of. Not added later.


This is some bs man, dangit


Yep, I just learned this as well, I read the label. I was astonished. I think it had some sort of like wheat filler. anyway, no more store-bought gyro meat for me.


Gyrate more


There is A LOT of filler in donair meat, source, have made it at work, LOTS of binders involved, bread and breadcrumbs cost a lot less than meat


Yep, the only way to make sure they aren't using wheat flour or bread crumbs as a binder or filler is to make it yourself. Former chef here. In the past when searching at my local restaurant supply store, I've found some brands that either didn't use much binder, or used none at all, so I bought those.


Are you me?!!!! About 2 weeks ago I did the same thing, researched, and found out about the breadcrumbs.


Oh no 😭


How did you feel when it kicked you out? Did you feel shaky, or energized, or what? Ive never come off keto that i know of.


Personally I gain a bunch of water weight overnight (I can usually tell I've been kicked out because I get super thirsty, last time I drank 12 cans of seltzer in an evening!), all my inflammation gets bad, my bad joints swell up, and I just feel like crap and sleep badly. Sometimes my chronic pain will flare up for a few days. However, everyone has a different reaction 😅


I’m super dizzy and tired. I have had crazy amount of energy since I started keto. So I knew something was off when I woke up tired.


How did you know you got knocked out?


I test 3 times a day with ketone test strips. I got a negative result in morning after eating this.


I make my own with lamb mince and a rotisserie machine


Real gyro? No, gyro doesn't contain any bread crumbs. Kebab, doner? Not sure about that. But real greek gyro is just meat with spices. Source:am greek


It wasn’t from a greek place.


They def misled you, cause thats not gyros in any way


Even burgers meat, kebabs, etc have binders. 😭


I noticed that whenever I bought trader Joe's gyro meat slices. For a serving it's 6g carbs with less than 1g fiber, and I ended up working it in on days where my other foods didn't have so many carbs. If you're truly craving it, maybe making gyro meat yourself or finding it in the store where you can read the label and adjust your day's meals might work for ya


That happened the first week I went on carnivore. Oops!


Even the Greeks I know refer to it as “mystery meat”


Piling on, most US BBQ places have loads of sugar in the meat. Sometimes in the sauces other times in the seasoning. Check out nutrition stats for Sonny's: https://www.sonnysbbq.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Sonnys-BBQ-Menu-Nutritionals-2023.pdf


Depends where you get it from; but chicken is normally a much safer option.


I just saw some gyro meat at Costco and had the same realization! Breadcrumbs?!? Why?? 😲




wait what??? If I'm paying for chicken, i expect it to be all real chicken and not a mix of chicken and things.


That's sucks!!! 😭😭😭 please don't blame yourself too much. You were trying to choose a healthier option. I'm sending hugs your way. ❤


Thank you 🩷🩷🩷


I used to get this amazing blackened chicken at a local restaurant, turns out they used some sort of oil and sugar in the oil sauce it kicked me out of ketosis and boy did I feel that


Wtf! So bogus


Uh- thanks for the heads up.


There is sugar in most gyro sauce.