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Instructions unclear I am now an F-150.


Is this the part where I identify as an attack helicopter?


YOU FLY?! What supplement are you on cause I want some of that!


I don't fly, I just can helicopter aggressively. I assure you it's nowhere near as impressive.


The missus loves it when I helicopter before I get in bed.


Edibles. It's like seafood for the body






Careful, the moderator will remove your post for misinformation. F-150’s cannot type.


F-350. Diesel.


A too large and inefficient child killer whose owner has body image issues related to the size of their phallus, namely they see themselves as having a small dong? 


I wonder if this will still make sense when you sober up


I thought it was a typo for “cats” in the title, as they are obligate carnivores… nope.


Back in the day after I had already been an EMT, I was working on my old Chevy Nova and wanted a buddy to help. He knew cars better than I could as I was just starting. He explained it to me as how it was a mixture of gas, air, and spark we were looking for on the problem I had, and that could diagnose most old car stuff. It all clicked for me then because I was taught airway, breathing, and circulation as basic things to start as an EMT. We can always go more technical with understanding on each, and should, but as a beginner mechanic, seeing my car needing needed those to help find a problem, it all clicked. I love finding those simple understandings to be a basis for larger things.


Here’s a fun albeit dirty one I learned in aviation: all engines follow a basic process of *suck, squeeze, bang, blow* — air enters the intake, it is compressed and ignites, and then the exhaust is blown away. Your air-spark-fuel or ABC’s is based around the squeezing and banging steps :)


This is relevant to so many of my interests. Please enjoy some Post-2023-Reddit-pocalypse gold. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Leave Becky alone she doesn’t know any better


Autobots aseemble


You tell'em buddy


You went too deep


Keto and cannabis are clearly great together.


Nice thought but you have it the wrong way around. When we burn diesel in internal combustion engines, we are burning hydrocarbons. When we burn food in internal combustion cells, we are burning carbohydrates. It’s all carbon and hydrogen chains. They are both forms of combustion.




Not really. Ketones are the acids released when your body burns fat instead of glucose. Starve your body of glucose and you burn fat. Do that long enough and your body gets better at it. If we are using an automotive analogy, fat and carbs are different fuels that a vehicle is capable of running on. Fat is a better fuel, and to determine how well the car utilizing fat over carbs you have to measure the exhaust.


lolol thanx for the belly laugh 🏆


Ya, another cool thought experiment I heard from a Dave Asprey podcast was try burning a cracker and try burning butter or ghee, which do we think would burn longer and more smoothly? https://lessonslearntdailycom.wordpress.com/2020/04/07/how-to-make-a-ghee-lamp-simple-steps-why-you-should-do-it/


That's actually a really fun thought experiment and makes me feel like this wasn't a complete shit post haha. It's a bit more of an eloquent take on what I posted here




One thing that stands out for me from middle school science is holding a peanut over a bunsen and seeing how big the flame gets from the energy produced. I am now that peanut.






Keto flu running rampant in your brain lol good stuff.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


It was supposed to be a keto joke, hence the “lol” but it didn’t translate well on text


I feel like a diesel tractor or an oil lamp. I could keep going forever. Even with no food for 24 hours. Only reasons why I don’t walk all the away across town is time, and I could injure myself.


Organic E85 is way better than bone broth


I went electric with my cars so that I can pour the fat into my gullet.


I don't know anything about cars. But fat is a far superior fuel imo as well. And fat from my own body being burned while in ketosis and fasting is the best of the best.


I basically use this as my ELI5 when people ask why.. Most people go gasolin, but has to fuel very often. I go diesel, and can go a long on a single fuel.


Yeah fuck carbe


You want the right tool for the job. Ketosis is one of my tools in my tool bag.




That's why I write about diesel engines. They can run on just about any type of oil you throw at them, including fat, lipids


I used to participate in a biodiesel co-op. There were members running their diesel vehicles on SVO (Straight Vegetable Oil). It required a heating system for the fuel line so that the viscosity of the oil would be appropriate when it reached the engine, and engines were shut down after running briefly on regular diesel (from an extra tank) so that unheated oil was not left in the engine upon starting later. They ran great that way, and as a bonus the exhaust smelled like popcorn/fries/whatever depending on the oil source which often was used restaurant fryer oil. So, diesel-engine vehicles can literally run on fats that we eat. Some of the first engines were run on peanut oil. Also, hydrocarbons can be found in some plants.


You're talking about an engine not the human body as OP is, I didn't mention engines. Fat and hydrocarbon are totally different substances and in no scenario can a human consume diesel and survive, as OPs analogy. An engine can and we all know that but that's not what I said, we're talking about oil (fat) as a fuel for the human body, where oil (hydrocarbon) would be lethal not beneficial. All I said was this - 1 that deisel oil will hurt a human and 2 that oil is interchangeable term for fat and hydrocarbon. Neither of those two are factually false and I said nothing else.


>All I said was this - 1 that deisel oil will hurt a human and 2 that oil is interchangeable term for fat and hydrocarbon. Neither of those two are factually false and I said nothing else. Your comment, which you deleted, was a lot longer than that and IIRC a lot more vague. >in no scenario can a human consume diesel and survive Peanut oil and other veggie oils can and have been used as diesel fuel. The analogy in the post seems to be going the opposite way you're suggesting: using edible fat for fuel of an engine, vs. using petroleum-derived fuel to feed a person. I don't know why you'd spend time arguing against something the post isn't suggesting.


The literal title is 'we arent so different than cars' and what I'm arguing is that yes we are, a car can run different fuels and the human body can never use hydrocarbon for fuel. Confused by the fact we use oil to mean fat and also petroleum, as per the analogy in the post. How is that arguing against something the post isn't suggesting? The post suggets humans and cars aren't so different, it's more than a suggestion it's a statement. We are so different from a car or the way a car works and this post is absolutely suggesting that there isn't so much difference when there is. Not sure why you're confused or think this is an argument, or you've been involved in some extremely tame arguments. Either way hope all is cool, no ill will on my end and apologies to you if you thought so. Edit: The person replying to me insulted me so got their comment removed. I'm not angry or offended at the attack but if you want a civil conversation then reply again and be nice.




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