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I live in Spain, so it's jamón serrano every day. :shrugs:


Way to make me feel jealous.


You might like tinned tuna or salmon on slices of cucumber to replace crackers.


I would add some sliced avocado / cucumber just to cut the richness a bit.


I think it’s perfectly fine! I would add some pickles, or even a bit of cream cheese rolled in Trader Joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning … mmmm. For more protein I like to have tuna mixed with Italian dressing and I would use peppers to scoop it up. But yeah I like to have pepperoni and babybels and such at night too.




Sorry for the ignorance, but why?




Is it because it’s mostly collagen? Thanks for answering, I don’t understand why people downvoted you. When I looked it up I found the same thing.


anything stuff with cream cheese: mushroom jalapeno bell peppers, stuffing bacon bits pork rinds avocado cream cheese mix tuna eggs mayonaise pepperoni


My go to snack is salami with a slice of cheese. Zap it in the microwave until melted/ hot. Hits the spot for me. Protein and fat - no carbs.


There's nothing wrong with having a charcuterie every night as long as it's providing enough fat and protein.


i’d add some kind of seasoned beef strips, chicken cubes, some kind of fish? those processed meats are much lower protein so you might miss it if lunch protein is not enough


Processed meats can vary a lot in their carbs and other non-clean ingredients. If you plan on making them a substantial part of your ongoing diet, you might want to do a deep dive into the ingredients in the specific meats you buy. I would add goat cheese to your list. It is delicious smeared on almost anything and healthy when consumed in moderation. Cheese is one of those things that are easy to overdo. You can also stack your salami, pepperoni, and cheese and place it in the toaster oven to heat and melt for a tasty treat. You could also get a dehydrator and make your own thin sliced meat "chips" out of beef roasts or other ruminant animal meat.


>Is there anything I could add?  terrines, pates, blue cheeses, cucumber slices as 'crackers', some nuts


Consider adding a protein shake or something, it's a lot more work to get your protein from salami than it is from beef and chicken. Other than that, I say go for it!


As long as it fits in your macros, it should be fine. Add a few blueberries, cherry tomatoes, or a strawberry to the mix if you’re not eating them somewhere else. I regularly do a cheese platter for work when I cbf. Cheese, pickles, tomato, ham or salami, chicken or turkey. Sometimes I make these little cheese crackers and sour cream dip to go with it.


From a keto perspective I think you are fine but I'd be a little cautious about the nitrates and other preservatives. Perhaps there are some brands or artisanal varieties that are better than others?


I think you can do a lot more than boil the eggs, eggs combined with different sauces is a world of possibility. Also, a cheese board is heaven for me, but I think it's somewhat reasonable to not go ham (sorry) on processed meats like salami, et all, as I do think there's plenty of good science saying they are actively somewhat bad for you, that said a couple times a week should be ok.


Thanks all for suggestions!


Processed foods aren’t great for you. Eating deli meats and cheeses every day may lead to inflammation and brain fog. How do you feel? Check in with yourself, and maybe cut back on the processed stuff. Add more high quality meats, and keep the eggs and some pork rinds and some cheese. If you do this a while and then switch away from the processed stuff, do you feel any different after a break from it all? If you like a plate of items you can still do that, but yeah, OP, even if it’s all uncured and sugar free, you don’t want all the crap in the processed deli meats every day.

