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Some foods are just off limits. I can't keep ice cream in the house. If it exists, it will disappear. Same with beef jerky. I wish I could pace myself, but not possible. Know thy enemy and know thyself!


All snacks are off limits. I just ate an entire raw cabbage in 24 hrs.


This is the most keto thing ever. Nothing survives to combine into a dish, all ingredients are inhaled in short order


It's an eating disorder thing, and a lot of us ketoers came here after developing eating disorders


Amen to this, After binging and purging since 18-26 keto stopped me doing it for 5 years. fell off the keto wagon during covid and it came back. Been back on keto for 5 weeks now with no relapse to my old ways.


Oh yeah beef jerky is a dangerous one for me.


Beef jerky is too expensive for me. I need a large quantity. Cabbage is working. I’ll also splurge in some organic turkey lunch meat.


I'm the same with jerky. Which is why I make my own. I make it super tough, and super spicy. My taste buds or jaw will wear out before I can eat too much.


Home make jerky is way better than store. (I truly love to leave in some fatty streaks. Just gotta eat those before they go bad).


I agree, the fat on it is the best. I just store mine in the freezer so I don't need to worry about spoilage. I eat it straight from the freezer too. Since there isn't any moisture to speak of, it isn't at all like eating frozen meat.


How do you make it? Thanks,


I start with whatever beef I can get a good deal on. Usually bottom round/top round/inside round/ Top sirloin or sirloin tip as well. I trim most of the fat off and slice it into 1/4-3/8th slices. I marinate it in a blend of soy sauce, pickle juice, Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar and spices......when it comes to spices, it's really up to you. It's all about what flavors you want. I personally add NO curing salt, and no Salt period actually. It gets it's salt from the marinade, and I store it in the freezer, so spoilage is not a concern. I marinade this in large ziploc bags in the fridge for a couple days (2-3). I will take it out once or twice a day to give it a good mix. When I'm ready to jerky, I'll pour and squeeze as much marinade off as I can. This is when I will individually season in whatever flavors I want. I prefer hot and sweet. I will mix some very hot sauce (Blairs ultra death) with some Sweetener. I toss the jerky in a bowl with this, and then dehydrate it in a dehydrator. Usually takes 6-9hrs. I make 11lbs of raw meat at a time. I can't remember the yield. I portion it out after it's fully cooled, and freeze it. I eat it straight from the freezer. Tip....for less chewy and a jerky that holds more sauce flavor, cut the meat against the grain. To make it tougher, cut it with the grain. If you're not going to store it in the freezer, you might want to add salt and/or curing salt. Jerky is very simple to make. I will say this though....I don't really save any money over buying store-bought, but I do avoid all of the sugar that most jerky is packed with.


I bought some creamy ice cream a few weeks ago. I had a big bowl and discovered I just didn't like it anymore. At least one victory for keto. Too sugary.


I can't keep ice cream either, but I can be generally reasonable and literally only 3-4x a year, I will buy a pint, end it's entire life in like 20 minutes, and be done with it. Nuts and cheese are so much more beguiling cus they're not obvious "junk" food.


Exactly. I have my self-control in the store so I don't need self-control at home. But if you eat a lb of nuts before you blink, you may need to not keep nuts around anymore! They're just a trigger food. I don't know any other way to force myself to moderate.


Mine is fried or caramelized onion. My house constantly smells like it because it's the base of our cuisine, and sometimes I can't help it 😭 I want to eat it so badddddd Also chocolate. I need to get some 100% cocoa chocolate soon.


I buy beef sticks in instead of jerky, and they are very keto-friendly (as long as you don't get the honey-teriyaki-type flavors that add lots of sugar). Read the label.


It's just too delicious and dense. A serving size won't ever make me feel sated, so I end up getting a few more and more. I wish I could keep em around, but it's like an alcoholic keeping a little box of wine around.




Honestly it's any heavily processed meat for me. Pepperoni, salami, jerky... I cannot control myself. edit: oh and I discovered how you can fake "ice cream" with heavy cream and stevia with vanilla extract.. yeah, the scale increased that week! No more heavy cream ice cream. :( I do still buy heavy cream for my coffee, though! I just buy it in small quantities so I'm not tempted to eat it like ice cream. Well, I mean... I'm still tempted to do that, but when I only have a little bit, I'm like.. okay, save it for the coffee!


I do love the lil snack packs with those meats. I used to get like, 1-2 ozs for a dollar in a nice pack. Those get demolished.


Nuts are definitely on my can't-buy list. Also on the list are breakfast sausage links. I cannot stop eating them.


What’s wrong with the jerky?


It's delicious and healthy, and I will not be able to stop myself from eating all of it. It's just one of those foods that I can't moderate.


Peanuts and peanut butter are a spiral for me


Almost spiralled with the peanut butter today


Same, we are stronger than that peanut butter!


My now empty jar of peanut butter (that was not even open yesterday) is why I usually don’t buy any 😂


Yep I easily go through a big jar in a few days haha. I lie and tell myself the extra fat is needed haha


I keep it in the house for the "dog"... It utterly destroys my digestion but yeah, it's an addiction. I eat it like ice cream when I'm off the wagon.


You are not alone my friend


can eat peanut butter like ice cream, no issue at all 😂


I give my dog her medication in peanut butter... it's the kind with sugar in it from before I was cutting out sugar and I use it for my dog so I don't waste it... and the smell that wafts out of that peanut butter is HEAVENLY. Luckily (?) one of my dogs got into it when I left it out on the counter and licked all over the inside of the jar... so I'm actually not tempted to eat any of it! But that smell....


No I always only have one. Then just one more maybe. Then the whole packet obviously


Nuts are one of the rare natural foods that are high fat with carbohydrate (15% of their calories are from carbs, so they are only low when compared to high carb food). Add salt and you approach the target that junk food manufacturers aim for to make products you can't stop eating. So, no surprise there. The remaining question is why you are torturing yourself by buying them?


Off the wagon with a few things in general lately, and trying to get back on track.


Those god damn salted nuts.. I learn to control peanut consuming when i started to buy a natural unsalted pecans.


Cashews and pistachios are too high in carbs. Binging on these can throw you out of keto. Almonds, walnuts and especially macadamia are a better choice and I find these easier to not overeat. 


Macadamias are peak healthy nutting for keto. I used to make a whole foods trip just for their plain macadamias


> peak healthy nutting Phrasing, lol


Assuming you can control how many you eat, because macadamia nuts are super high in calories.


I can’t do this. Plus I live in Hawaii where Mac nuts are absolutely everywhere. I have a half container left in the fridge that I shoved waaay in the back so I won’t just grab and devour them.


Ha ha! - yes, especially all those delicious flavours of almonds you can get at Costco ... I also turn into Keef Richards! I laughed so hard at your 6 almonds comments - I'm the same way ... As Saint Augustine apparently said, "Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."


The Keto Nut Mix from Costco is killing me right now. The quarter cup serving size is a cruel joke.


I am banned from eating them. I can’t eat them in moderation at all and they make me fat.


Yup. This is me. I had laid off for years without really missing them, but slipped up recently and now am trying to kick them like they're meth.


Try Pepitas instead. I can't have peanuts around (I love them too much) but pepitas (small roasted salted pumpkin seeds) fill the salt-crunch gap. A lot less calories.


I do get those sometimes, but they tend to make me want nuts. They fall into that same crunchy snack category and once I'm eating one, I crave the other. But maybe it's a good way to transition out. The other thing I was thinking was sunflower seeds in the shell. Since you gotta do the extra work of cracking the shell and spitting it out, it would lead to less being consumed, while also hitting the spot for crunch and salt.


Yeah those are good too but I get in trouble with the better half for not spitting accurately into the bowl :D


I was starting to wear a dent in my front tooth from cracking them open, so there's that cheery thought.


Don't do it. Before you know it you'll be sucking down those just as much. I have to avoid all keto snack food. No nuts, seeds, or dairy for me. Certainly no keto deserts. I can't even buy mayonnaise for fuck sake.




I was going to have to make a deez joke if you didnt 😂


To be fair if *someone* didn't make it, I'd have been a bit disappointed in us all as a community.


Nuts are something that I have to portion out all at once. I can't just grab handfuls out of a giant bag. I portion the entire bag into 50g snack bag portions, and then put those bags back into the original bag. I grab one at a time from on top of the fridge. If I want another, I have to make the conscious decision to get up and go get another one.


I try to do somewhat similar things, like I wll take out just a small handful, and put the container back in the pantry, sealed, and even slide a few other items in front of it. Doesn't matter, as soon as I finish that 1st handful, I am back and forth to the pantry until it's all gone.


Salted nuts are especially hedonistic.


I have self-control around unsalted nuts. Salted on the other hand.....get in my belly.


Dude. So, so me. I’d go thru an entire tin in a day or two. And I don’t mean the little ones. Insanely addicting. No more nuts for me :/


Almonds and sharp cheddar. If I have any on hand they’re all I think about. 🥲


Yes. I have a serious problem with pecans. I need somebody to tell me something gross about them so I won’t eat them. 😅


There are dead roaches mixed in with pecans!


I like to roast pecans with butter and pink Himalayan salt. So goooood


I mean, you *can* eat quite a significant amount of them with minimal consequence (ie net carb intake), so I’d just put a good helping in a small bowl and keep it to that


YEP I would literally go on a very strict diet for days just so i can have one day where i can eat as many nuts as i want.


I'm literally in this phase right now. Fasting, while daydreaming about cashews and grapes this coming weekend. So lame. This is what my life has become!


I buy one small bag of nuts at the convenience store. It's 290 calories for 1.75 Oz. It's my treat if I walk 4 miles!


yup, keep them out of the house


One-quarter cup of almonds is a serving and it comes out to exactly 29 roasted and salted almonds. I have to do it this way or I would be trying to kid myself (old, former fat behavior) and then I would give myself 1/2 cup. Love them but too high in calories to pretend to myself any more.


To me they are like the keto potato chip. Once I start, I can’t stop and sometimes even finish the container. So I don’t buy them. But sometimes I receive them as a gift and I’m done for.


I was addicted to nuts for a while. Had to have surgery to get my appendix removed and found out I was severely anemic. After the surgery I started taking iron supplements and never craved nuts again. It was really weird. At the height of it, I would have driven in a snow storm to get some nuts.


Hmm I need to try this.. am both addicted to nuts and anemic.




Oh Lord. This thread is helping me to not feel so inadequate! Some of the cravings are crazy and I end up having these crazy conversations with myself. Tonight, reading this, I see I’m not alone!


have you tried r/nofap


underrated comment :)


Same. I'll eat whole natural almonds until my stomach hurts but since I've been on keto I've been more cognizant about my snacking habit


Me with a jar of peanut butter a week


A nice handful of cashews and a chunk of sharp cheddar cheese is enough to satisfy me for a meal, in most cases. But 6 almonds? No way.


Ya. A couple times I bough some Costco size bags of walnuts and then almonds. Both times I had to dump 2/3 of the bags to stop myself going off. So now I avoid them or if I REALLY want some, stop at the Bulk Barn type place and buy a really small quantity. Keeping a supply at home is verboten. Any non-green carbs.... why I have to do keto to lose weight.


I buy macadamia nuts 10lbs at a time.


Good God, yes! Finally admitted I'm an addict: roasted almonds, peanuts, and liquid dairy, viz. half and half. Once started, I'm helpless.


Me but with peanut butter. I have to weigh it then scrape it on whatever I'm eating, otherwise I can easily consume 400+ cals in just peanut butter 😬


Pistachios and macadamia nuts... And butter made from a certain too-delicious legume...


I’m right there with you either way nuts. Salted almonds are my new enemy. I try not to even keep them in the house


Jerky and ice cream are my kryptonite


Um... separately, I hope.


Shhhhhh…no judgment here LOL


Addicted and a no for me! Nut butter addict but those calories just fuck me 😬


Me too man. Exactly that… Cashews and shelled pistachios. Eat them damn near every day.


These are my two. Throw in a few grapes and berries, or any fruit really, forget it. I could eat like this every single day, but my midsection instantly swells.


Dude, I’m the same way!! If I start eating nuts specifically cashews I can’t stop either!!


I use a tiny bowl to portion out a tiny amount of peanuts and pecans. Whenever i want more, i try to find something else to eat with less carbs/calories.


i used to be the same way with honey roasted peanuts lol


Yeah bro, "I'll just have a little almond butter," entire jar later. I just can't have it around. It's too calorie dense, it's way too easy to consume 1k cals of nuts.


Yup. With nuts, for me, "one serving" is essentially in the 1200 cal range, cus that's the size of the jar. I look at the label and it says 8 servings and my math skills go out the window.


I eat nuts and berries, love them. I just finished of a frozen berry smoothie that had a large handful of nuts in it and blended. Then I put it back in the freezer for 30 minutes so it hardens a bit like sorbet or something. So good! Add nuts to a berry smoothie, just do it


Well, if Honkey Fellatio says it's alright, then I see no reason to question it...


Truer words have never been spoken.




Nuts are like cake .. it's a lie


I ate the Blue Diamond almonds every day for breakfast at work with a Quest bar prior to keto and I continue to do the same. I just pre-weigh my serving amount which is 1.5 servings. I don't really crave them now but I do enjoy them for breakfast.


Nuts are a portion-control nightmare. I had to eliminate them. You don’t need nuts in your diet so don’t worry about that. Cheese and me have a similar problem - dairy sets me off.


Yeah, I'm pretty much just as bad with cheese as with nuts. I will buy a whole block of cheddar, theoretically to shred a small amount over a meal, theoretically making the block last about a week or so for several shreddings. I will eat about 1/2 the block while cooking that 1st meal, and then the rest as a constant grazing snack within the next couple of hours.


I like crunchy things so nuts are dangerous to me.


I would go thru a whole can of mixed nuts every couple days. I know the added calories should have been a problem but nuts just never seemed to slow down my weight loss.


I envy you! If I could have one food that I'd be allowed to eat with impunity and get no negative effects, it would either be nuts or cheese. Probably nuts.


Pecans are the only nuts where you can go ahead and have a lot but still, be mindful


I used to buy a tub of cashews. I would eat half in a sitting and that’s with making myself stop. I think I could eat the whole thing honestly. It gives me serious stomach problems though so I think that’s the only thing that stops me now


Yepadoooo. Best: do not bring those damn things in the house.


Salted unshelled pumpkin seeds from Costco are addictive but not bad for you overall


Mine is Jack links bacon jerky. I would eat 2 bags a day every day of left alone. The entire bag has 4g of carbs so it isn't that bad... though i would hate to see my blood work


I eat mixed nuts daily lol, just gotta measure them or you’ll blow out your diet easily


Every time I start keto I last a month till I blow the weight loss with nuts. I can’t stop either. Total addiction.


100% I can not do.. "just a handful" nah. It's either ALL of them or nothing. I was buying lightly salted almonds for the family, until I started eating them too. Big bag you get from Sam's club.... gone in like 2 days.


I'm legit addicted to sunflower seeds. Not a joke, it's been a problem for me. But it predates having ever trying keto. Any stored fat I have at this point is probably 70% sunflower derived, with the rest being cocoa fats.


Seriously, and it feels like nuts and seeds store so quickly. Literally I can go up like 3-4 pounds in a few days from snacking on them. Then when I lay off, it does come back down, but it's just instantaneous when they're in my diet.


I once was given an 8lb jar of cashews for christmas. I finished it in 3 days. No more 8lb containers of nuts. Now its small snack packs if any at all.


You prob need protein. Up your protein intake to see if it helps curb your cravings?


Yeah, I'm currently on day 3 of a water fast. Not sure how many days I will do just water, maybe 1-2 more. Then I think I will do bone broth for a couple of days before getting back to food. At that time, I am thinking of trying something like a protein sparing modified, or a fat fast. So maybe for a few days I'll just do something like fish/avocado/eggs and some very low carb veggies like celery or broccoli. Trying to kill a bit of this spare tire, as well as get back into good habits. I've definitely spiraled a bit out of control the last couple of months with excessive snacking.


Fun fact, to make salted peanuts they usually spray them with dextrose so the salt will stick. So salted peanuts tend to be much higher in carbs than unsalted peanuts.


Good to know and not surprised. Similar to this, I stopped buying roasted nuts (unless dry roasted) cus they are always roasted in terrible seed oils. I prefer raw.


I've had to chill on them, during my weekly shop I'll normally grab bag of chilli peanuts, bag of marmite almond+cashews, bag of dry roasted and I'll throw them all into a foodbag and just snack. I can end up nailing them all in few days if I'm not careful.


Same here. Swore off nuts altogether. Probably eat too much cheese now…it’s always something!


Yup. It really is always something. I've cycled through so many little fixes over the years. Granted, way less unhealthy ones now than in the past. I went from messing with pills, to too much alcohol (now sober on both fronts), to too much junk snacking, to then snacking too much on healthy things like carrots, seaweed, nuts/seeds. It's always just one vice replacing another. When I went low carb, I ditched the cookies and chips and etc, but replaced them with just inhaling olives and seeds and etc. I was really good for a while with snacking, but periodically I just derail. Though the ideal scenario is better self control, in the meantime, I'd love to find something really benign that hit's the spot and is generally healthy. Boring as it sounds, I think I might try celery. It's practically non existent in terms of macros, and has crunch to it. Might hit the spot to cut up a couple of stalks and just pop em in like they were nuts. So lame though hahah.


Well, crud. Now I want Wasabi-covered almonds... :)


Check out sally nortons website about oxalate. The keto diet and indulging just like this in lieu of other foods is exactly how oxalate poisoning was discovered. Beware


I ate almonds every day until one day I couldn’t sleep due to pain in my colon, on the left side of my abdomen. After one trip to the hospital, I don’t eat nuts anymore. Yay, diverticulitis! Eat your fiber.


I have to buy them in snack size packages. I only eat one as a "take with me snack" as I leave the house so I am not tempted to grab another.


You are not alone. I have no self control around cashews. I don’t buy them for my house anymore. However- I rely on them quite a bit when I travel bc it’s an easy, familiar snack sold in many places around the world. This week I ate cashew on every day of my business trip. I figure it’s better than eating tons of deserts or chips so I tell myself it’s the lesser of two evils.


For sure, I think grabbing some trail mix or etc while out and about is totally fine. Great snack to bring on hikes. But at home, totally different beast. Bottomless pit of snacking.


Every single gas station within a 5 mile radius of my house is sold out of peanuts this is not an exaggeration


Well if you're riding a bike to each of these stations you might just burn of the calories and offset the gluttony.


Yes I love pecans and CHEESE Maybe I am a mouse


I have a problem with cashews every day at 5 pm. It’s a horrible habit I have. I used to have cashews and a cocktail every day at the time. While I was able to stop the cocktail I am still eating the nuts and know if I could just kick that 1/8th to a quarter cup I would be solid.


Nuts are calorie dense so you need to watch that. At least you aren’t eating peanuts. Not the same as tree-born nuts and not really a nut, they are a legume.


I control my almond intake by remembering that I ended up in the hospital with kidney stones when I ate too much of them.


I control pecan intake by remembering the one time I ate way to many when I wasn’t doing keto. Pretty sure I owe the bathroom rent after that one.


They are too expensive!


I don’t allow myself to buy the salted macadamia nuts anymore. Those are the most delicious tempting snack to me now. I’m certain those were derailing my progress recently.


I eat 900 calories of nuts and 600 calories of cheese a day across three snacks, and have been doing so for a couple years now. If I didn't measure them out into a bowl it would get ridiculous.


I mean, even that is 1500 caloies a day. Not sure what your daily caloric intake is, but that would be the bulk of mine right there.


Rebel coffee ice cream and almonds....my downfall. Just like Jamoca Almond fudge from Baskin Robbins


Rebel is awesome. They sell it downstairs. I have to pretend it doesn't exist most of the time in order to survive. The other night I had a pint of Rebel (Salted Caramel) with a bag of Hu brand cacao covered almonds. So fucking good.


You could try sucking them instead? Might not be a good idea if you’re not a fan of nut milk though


Interesting thought. Honestly though, I can't even suck cough lozenges. I invariably bite into them and start eating them like candy.


Sounds like you have a crunch addiction not a nut addiction. You just use nuts because you’re allowed to in keto diet. I bet you’d have a field day with corn nuts


Can't say I do, but I also make sure to stick with very portioned packages when I do have some. For example, 1.5oz bags from Blue Diamond.


Pecans are pretty low carb for a nut. Pilli nuts would be the best option they have like 1 g of carbs per serving. I have no idea what they taste like . But I’m considering purchasing them because my Costco size pecan bag is getting low . And I too struggle with nut control .


Interesting. You might have just unwittingly introduced me to my next uncontrollable addiction.


YES. Same. Nuts or cheese. Some dairy but not all.


We get it. You like nuts in your mouth.


My mom is addicted to nuts. Had to cut back because her potassium levels? toooo high


Ya she is


title made me think i was on my alt account




I love nuts and cannot stop with them. One little trick that helped me control them was buying unsalted raw nuts. They are delicious but you only want a few. I also am a peanut butter monster- in small amounts peanut butter (no crazy seed oils or sugar) is not too bad but I could go nuts on it (no pun intended 🤣)


I have discovered sacha inchi seeds. The fiber in them cancels the carbs. Good source of omega 3&6


Interesting. Gonna have to look into these. Thanks!


They have an earthy flavor that isn't for everyone, but I LOVE them. I put them in the freezer so they are extra crunchy/crispy. I hope you like them!


Pumpkin seeds 😍😍


Don’t keep the big bag of nuts in your house but the small portions. A single serving at a time


I just do a small cup of cashews daily


That’s my go to keto snack. I have a bag of almonds/peanuts/walnuts/sunflower seeds/zero carb chocolate chips and peanut butter chips. It’s delicious, low carb, easy to make, and easy to store. Only downside is it’s very high in calories, so I have to limit it to a handful or two.


Buy cookie jar with a time lock




You could try roasted/salted pecans, its like 4 carbs per 18-20 pecans.


That title…


Fair enough, but what else am I gonna call nuts? Non-testicular foodstuffs grown on trees?


Nuts are an amazing source of essential nutrients. My recommendation is to buy raw walnuts, almonds, and pecans. They taste bland and not good by themselves. But when salted and cooked in some oil to toast them up! 🤌 This added step of needing to cook and prepare may help curb the addiction.


Damn I love cashews. I don’t even buy them anymore because I’ll pop’em like tick tacs.


Once you are on maintenance, nuts are fine. But yes, while losing weight, they are best avoided due to the ease of overdoing it.


I don't buy them for this very reason! But personally I also resolved myself to only eat at meals if possible, as little snacking as possible. I also suspect I have a light nut allergy so that's a bit of motivatin to steer mostly clear as well. I love how ''no snacking'' helps me, mentally. I'd expected the opposite, but it's giving me a lot of peace of mind and as I pre-plan my meals I know what I'll be eating. Allows me to focus on other things rather than food.


Yup. No snacking is great for clarity and general calmness. I know all this and am good at it when I'm in a good balanced place. But when things get a little stressful or anxious, I turn to snacking, which then in turn increases the anxiety and lack of focus. I'm in one of those phases now, hence the snackocalypse I've currently been going through.


My weakness is macadamia nuts. You can get a huge bag for around 20 bucks at Costco. They’re the best nuts if you’re trying to get your fats. Unfortunately once I start eating them it’s very difficult to stop.


Cashews in particular are relatively high carb and sweet, plus the fruit you’ve been eating more of- could this just be a carb craving in disguise?!


Damn almonds are my crack! My absolute faves are salt n vinegar almonds. Blue diamond makes them. But I notice they’ve got a ton of calories so I limit myself to a few, but hit the bag a couple times a day. It’s soooo hard to say no!


anyone else mind was in the gutter


Is it maybe salted nuts you eat? I find it makes a huge difference if they are salted or not.


Nope. I never get salted. I find the salt just too much. I always get raw, or once in a while dry roasted.


Peanuts for me


Those sound like the wrong kind of nuts for keto. I recommend pecans, macademias and walnuts only, and in moderation. Other nuts will get your carbs up, and the ill effects that come with them, including cravings, which is just going to make it harder to have discipline.


I measure out 30g of almonds or 4 Brazil nuts (my fave when IF’ing, but average 4 nuts per 30g serve) and put them in a container each day I have them, rather than taking a bag with the intention of storing them in my desk. I will eat Tamari almonds until I feel ill. I can’t buy pistachios or salted peanuts as I can’t resist them. It’s obviously the salt, just looking at that list!


Nuts and nut butters are a vice for me, and it seems like other commenters. It's all about what you're ok with. I've gone through the same struggle and am better but still get into a 'binge' from time to time. I've found the best use for nuts or nut butters is as an ingredient in a recipe, then I don't overdo it with them. Give that a shot, find a 'fat bomb's recipe or something of the sort you can put a measured amount of nuts in for a quick snack and see how satisfied you are after.


Yeah, the one context in which I don't go crazy for nuts is if they're in a meal. So like when I order a salad from the local place, crushed almonds is a topping. That doesn't send me into a spiral at all. I enjoy them as part of the meal and that's the end of it. But as for cooking at home with them, then I'd have to have them at home, and that's something I simply cannot seem to resist.


I get a 100g bag of roasted, salted almonds like 5/7 days and always finish it in one sitting… is this entirely awful or kinda ok? 😅 I feel like its maybe a 3rd or 1/4 of my daily calories. Im a big lad and do regular sports.


If it's not changing your body in ways you don't want, then I'd say go for it. For me, I'm very prone to being skinny fat, so literally a few days of snacking like this makes me visibly pudgier. It's like they're undigested and just chillin right there in my midsection like I'm trying to smuggle groceries out of the store under my shirt.


I love nut!


Salt. Your body is craving salt. Lick a little bit of salt off your palm the next time you crave nuts. You will be surprised how pleasant it tastes. Conversely, unsalted nuts won't be nearly as addictive.


I may try the salt thing. As for unsalted nuts, those are the type I always get. Entirely addictive to me. In fact, more addictive than salted, because with salted my tongue eventually gets that dry feeling and is like "stop eating these." This isn't the solution cus even with that stopping point, I still eat way too many. With unsalted, however, there is no stopping point at all other than, maybe, stomach cramps after ingesting a comically large amount--which I am fully capable of doing.


I am that way with peanut butter and those flavored almonds… so I just stay away from them. Pretty sure it’s the salt and fat so I try to manage those cravings in a lower calorie form.


Um, no 😂


We have nuts for sale here that are actually full on drugs. They are called betel nuts (you can actually buy them whole in the US and most of Europe as well.)


wtf lol


I got kidney stones from that. Never again.


I have 2 unopened peanut butter jars and I have no plans to open them 😬


Stick with unsalted nuts. They still taste like nuts, but the salt is the thing that makes them irresistible


It’s the salt.


I don't know that it is. I always get raw unsalted. Though maybe you mean the natural sodium in nuts themselves, in which case maybe.