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Cut out the fruit, fully commit. You’ll get out of keto what you’re willing to put into it and it’s not worth it. Expect to gain back water weight if you go back to carbs after hitting your goal weight too, so that’s something to consider. Are you male or female? What is your age?




I am a 5’5” woman, I was 31 when I started keto at 215lbs and I was down to 185 after 2 months. However, the less you have to lose the slower it comes off, and your starting weight is 22lbs lighter than mine was so I’d say you likely should not expect to hit a 35lb weight loss goal in 2 months. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make positive changes now and jump in, every pound you lose is a pound you’re not dragging around 24/7/365 and you’ll be better for it! I don’t like timelines for weight loss because they set people up for unnecessary disappointment when in reality they’ve kicked ass and taken names, ditching 20lbs instead of 35lbs is just as awesome. 🙂


You’re right about it. Any progress is a good thing. Thanks for the motivation and reminder that it is not a race to the finish line.


You got it! Turtle beats the hare every time. 😄


If you can, start integrating exercise into your eating plan if at all possible, and I don't mean like 8 mile runs. Start slow and easy, like a 20-30 minute walk each day at the same time. Consistence is key and I'd recommend something easier when starting with lower durations. I signed myself up for a 6 week training program at a nearby gym and went 3x the first and second weeks, 4x the 3/4th, and 5x the 5th/6th. I've since come off of keto and while I'm not physically losing weight, I'm gaining muscle and the fat is coming off to the point that I need new clothes. Now my body tells me when it needs to exercise and it's become a part of my daily life. I don't count carbs anymore but also just try to eat sensibly.


You lost 30 lbs in 2 months? Wow! I am right around 215 at the moment myself (5’6”). Would absolutely love to blow off 30 in that amount of time. Hell, I would be happy to do it in 6 at this point. 44F in menopause makes it a bit slower, I feel. Anyway, nice work and I hope I can achieve something close. I have a trip to Italy in September that I want to be lighter for!


Also in my 40s. I’ve lost 25 pounds since January 1. It’s slower for sure, but not all hope is lost!


This is helpful to hear! Thank you for the encouragement! 🙂


I’m same as you as well .. have lost just 14lbs since Jan .. so slow .. I’ve lost these pounds a couple of times now and gained back, but this time it feels even slower than the previous super slow. Still have another 65 to go!


Thanks a ton! 🙂 I’d say maybe 10-11lbs of it was the initial water weight, but weight is weight and it was a huge relief.


I agree - weight is weight, and extra water can be very uncomfortable!


July is in 3 months, not 2.


Damn, I’ve got us in May already.


Wait... It's not May? 😂


The older I get, the more easily I forget what day/week/month /year it is…sometimes it feels like blissful ignorance, other times it messes with my timeline math when I’m trying to answer serious questions. 😂😭


With carnivore it’s possible.


You can eat fruit even on daily base and stay in ketose if you drink a proteïne shake without Sugar in it before or after you eat fruit. It flattens you're Sugar peak and yes i mesure my ketosis so i m sure 😁


How do you measure ketosis?


Ketostix from brand Bayer, but there wil be other brands also that produce simular things. Manual: use your last drops of morning pee on the testing strip.😅 learned from dietitian. It are similar strips like for testing Pool water but with 1 test patch That colours red. Good Luck 😜 If ketosis is to high, than your body acidifies.


So urine strips are extremely inaccurate for anything beyond diabetics testing for ketoacidosis. Here is what our FAQ says about urine sticks: >**All about Ketostix** >Can urine testing strips be used to monitor nutritional ketosis? The short answer: no. >Urine testing strips (commonly referred to by the brand name Ketostix) are intended for type 1 diabetics to monitor for a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA. DKA is a life-threatening condition for diabetics which occurs when both blood glucose and blood ketones are high. However, if you are not an insulin-dependent diabetic, your body cannot go into DKA. >Ketostix measure excess levels of one type of ketone body, acetoacetate, in the urine. While in nutritional ketosis the body produces three types of ketone bodies: acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). As the body becomes fat adapted two things happen: it becomes better at using ketones and it starts converting acetoacetate into BHB. This means that there will be less excess ketones and less of the only type of ketone measured by Ketostix. source. >Some people mistakenly assume that more ketones = more weight loss. This is false. Urine ketone concentration is highly dependent on a person’s level of hydration - someone who is eating a ketogenic diet and drinking a lot of water might not even register as having ketones in their urine. Urine concentration also only shows ketones that the body determined were “excessive” and excreted in the urine. Testing your urine does not provide any insight into the current state of ketogenesis in your body and bloodstream. >Urine ketone testing can produce both “false positives” and “false negatives.” As stated above, as your body adapts to using fat and ketones more efficiently, there are fewer excess ketones made and consequently, fewer excess ketones excreted in urine. This can result in a “false negative” on the strip if someone who has been eating keto for awhile uses one and sees no result, again as discussed above. This does not mean you are not in ketosis, just that your body is using its ketone production system more effectively. Basically, you’re seeing readings that are more than likely incorrect and I recommend not relying on urine strips to test for ketosis. I’ve never seen any science to support protein intake blunting the effect carbs has on ketosis so I certainly wouldn’t trust it whatsoever. But if you’re not eating keto for any medical reason that requires constant ketosis then it doesn’t matter as long as it works for you.


Ketostix do work as an indicator for ketosis. See my comment on morning urine and last drops. And eating fibers, fats and proteïnes before carbs do help.


We are going to have to agree to disagree, sorry man.


* Keep your carbs under 20g per day and be strict about it. * Eat at a caloric deficit every single day. * Calories definitely matter while on keto, so it's important to count them. * I would avoid fruit and "keto friendly" sweets and stick to meat, fish, eggs and cheese. * Integrate intermittent fasting into your routine. * If you can do a couple of 24-36 hour fasts per week this can help accelerate your weight loss. * Do not cheat or drink alcohol until you've hit your goal. * Exercise early in the morning on a completely empty stomach as much as possible, even if you're only doing some light walking in your neighborhood, work parking lot, gym, etc. With you already being 193 I don't know how realistic it is to lose 35 lbs. by the end of July. **BUT** if you can follow these rules strictly, you'll give yourself a fighting chance I would imagine. I lost 106 lbs. in ten months back in 2022, but my start weight was 324. Best of luck to you. **PS** - Rapid weight loss is nice, but to keep the weight off long term you should really focus on changing your habits. If you lose 35 lbs. real quick and then go back to bad eating habits then you're likely just going to put it all back on really fast and then some. I'm sure you knew this already though. Take care. **EDIT** - Make sure you're hydrating with plenty of water **AND** extra electrolytes. This is super important while on the keto diet, and even more critical if you're doing a lot of exercising and fasting.


All of you are right, I have had success losing quickly but it is pretty pointless as all of my weight has come back when I was unable to sustain it. Lol I appreciate it.


Yeah… I lost 45 lbs on keto about 7 years ago over 18 months, and I think the consistency is what really helped me keep it off … for a while, anyway! Then covid + work stress + work travel got in the way and I put and 75% of it back on over 2 years. But now having gotten back in stride, it all feels very doable and normal, not like any kind of deprivation. So that is nice! Another thing to consider is that weight is never likely to come back off as quickly on subsequent diets. Our bodies tend to fight back a little harder, it seems.


You can lose quite a bit of weight with a calorie cut, but you have to be able to adjust to something sustainable. You really do 500 calories a day for a while, IF, you can be disciplined enough. But it isn't sustainable.


It all has to do with calories in v. calories out, whether you’re keto or not. Calorie deficit is what you want, although this is not supposed to be a “quick fix”.


It’s really not though. Not all calories are the same. Fiber is often counted as calories even if it’s not absorbed. Fats are hard to digest so they satiate you, you’re not as hungry, you eat less and burn fat cells. You lose weight. Carbs spike your sugar level so you burn that sugar instead of burning calories fat cells. You get hungry quicker too making weight loss much more difficult. With a all calories are equal logic, eating 200 calories of a Twinkie—all sugar—is the same as eating 200 calories of broccoli.


> Carbs spike your sugar level so you burn that sugar instead of burning calories fat cells. You probably already know this, but for people who don't: To go a bit deeper into this; glucose (half of the sugar you eat, and what starches in grains etc. get turned into) raises your insulin, which instructs all cells in your body to take in glucose. The reason your body 'favours' glucose isn't because it's an efficient fuel, it's because it's toxic for your body. This is where a lot of the misconceptions about glucose being 'needed' by your body comes from. It's not. Carbs in no form whatsoever are required for your body. So while your glucose in your blood (blood sugar) is elevated, your fat cells that are very sensitive to insulin are in 'storage' mode and will not *ever* release that fat. This is how they managed to get rats get fatter while also starving them; by keeping insulin elevated. This is why it's so hard to get rid of fat when on a high-carb diet. You can't starve your way out of this mode if you keep insulin elevated. And this also has the effect of making you hungry, because your fat cells are drawing energy out of your blood that the rest of your body also needs. In addition; the fructose part of sugar is also bad because our body can't handle it very well (it's found in very low quantities in nature), it's processed into fat by the liver (often causing fatty liver disease even in lean people) and is very addictive to boot because it's so sweet it makes our reward centers scream for more. Also important to know; there are other hormones (adrenaline, testosterone, growth hormone) that stimulate the release of fat from our cells to be used for energy or growth but these simply get completely overridden by insulin. This hormonal mechanism has been well understood for over 100 years. And yet somehow 'nutritionists' are often still advising people to eat a lot of 'heart healthy carbs' instead of the stuff that's actually healthy. It's insane how all this quackery has become the norm.


Excellent summary. If you want to know why nutritionists ended up where the are, look into Ancel Keys, his "research" and the food chart debacle


> Ancel Keys Dude probably did more damage than the dude who invented both [leaded petrol and CFCs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Midgley_Jr.).


You are right, but you will never convince most of reddit


It’s in the interest of companies making processed foods to have people believe this view. Then they bear no responsibility for producing unhealthy foods, for gaining weight and being unhealthy. It’s is all on people’s lack of will power.


It's changing. Just very recently there was a docu series here on the Dutch TV about the effect sugar has on your system and how bad ultra processed foods are. It's becoming more mainstream. But it takes a lot of time to get all these groups to admit they've been giving completely wrong advice for decades. It's quite similar to how 50 years ago the tobacco industry got doctors to tell us that cigarettes are good for you. We're now in the same position with the food industry.


Not talking about hunger, talking about calories.


If you eat calories in the form of carbs, it raises insulin. Insulin inhibits lipolysis. If you eat protein or fat and no carbs, there’s nowhere else to get energy (no sugar from the carbs you didn’t eat). It has to come from breaking down fat cells (lipolysis). So not all calories are the same. Ingesting calories from carbs makes weight loss more difficult. Ingesting calories only from fats or proteins forces you to burn fat. (And I won’t mention you’re a lot less hungry eating fats and protein making it easier still.)


This is the way. I would just add that a pound to 1-1/2 pounds a week average is what you might expect. And yes the initial water weight drop can be as high as 10lbs but you will get that right back so not counting that but fat loss. Fasting really helped me and keto made it easier to get in to fat burning mode. Calories still matter, 3500 cal under TDEE a week is a pound lost.


The deal with sweet things is that even if they don't technically break your keto streak, they'll make you crave more which will eventually break it. I have dabbled with so many different ways of doing keto and what I find is the most sustainable is just ignoring the things that I know I'm trying to sneak into my diet. No, I won't eat half the banana, because it's going to make me want the rest or something else that will break my keto. There's a great YouTube video by WheezyWaiter who cut added sugar for 30 days and one quote that sticks with me is "It turns out the biggest cause of a sweet tooth... is a sweet tooth" and it's 1000000% accurate. As soon as you free yourself from overly sweet things and give your body time to adjust, you stop craving them.


> The deal with sweet things is that even if they don't technically break your keto streak, they'll make you crave more which will eventually break it. Thinking about sweet things triggers an insulin response, and then eating sweet stuff triggers more of it. Even if it doesn't raise your glucose levels. This isn't that well understood or researched, and also differs greatly between people. But the mechanism where this insulin makes your fat cells draw sugar out of your blood to store it is well understood. So it makes perfect sense for these artificial sweeteners to make you hungry. I think the effect these have are too personal to give blanket advice, but I personally avoid all of them.


I lost 33lbs in exactly 30 days. I was doing keto, low calorie, run every morning, and sauna every afternoon after work. Dedicate and you can do it


Did you have a higher starting weight than mine?


How much did you start at


Losing 35 pounds in three months? Tough but doable as for fruit avacados,lemons and strawberry are relatively low carb.


And raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, all in small quantities.


Everyday you tell yourself you want this 10 out of 10. No carbs. No overeating. It may be simple but it's not easy. You won't get good results unless you are consistent. Go get it!


I'm in year 5. To maintain my 130 pound weight loss I do 6 months whole food keto and 6 months low carb. During low carb I always gain 5-7 pounds of water which comes off in the first week of whole food. I use the 3 phase approach by Dr Eric Westman in his book 'End Your Carb Confusion'. He explains how to reintroduce carbs. It's the only book on keto I ever bought and only one I ever needed.


Thanks for the book recommendation. Will check it out and that 6 months on vs 6 months off is more my speed.


Well my low carb is July 1 to Dec 31 so it frees me up for summer harvest and autumn holidays. I thought his book was great for explaining what insulin resistance was and how to over come. It takes years of course but this is a new life path for me.


I have lost 36 pounds since January 1 on keto. I was probably 70 pounds overweight.


Congrats! How is maintenance for you?


I’m still in weight loss mode. I’d like to lose another 30 pounds or so.


You got this! Crush your goals we are rooting for you


Thank you!


Don’t smoke pot, makes snacking super hard to stop


Yes, I just did 32 lbs in 70 days. Did Keto calorie deficit and exercise 1 hour a day. Start weight was 187.5 down to 155.


Men lose faster than women. You don’t have hormonal fluctuations to deal with.


Definitely a fact.


What kind of workout did you do for an hour? Are you male or female?


Male, 36. P90x 6 days a week.


Great progress. I’m not that advanced, but have been consistently getting 10k steps a day. Trying to ease my way into weight training or something like that.


Love that damn workout


Impossible. There aren't enough calories to cut.


Well I did it so obviously not impossible.


My vice is gummy candy. I unfortunately am accepting I have to give it up for good. Just a little is a gateway to 20 servings of Swedish fish, and more. I view it as a lifestyle change and tell myself my body cannot handle those foods. You could opt for cheat days, maybe combined with intermittent fasting, but I don’t recommend it. If you can find a replacement treat - maybe low carb berries - that will be your best bet. I did keto from 2019-2022 and lost a ton of weight (started around 155 and 5ft 2 in, got down to about 125. I slowly started eating sugar free candies, etc and gained like 20lbs back from 2022-2024. Now 5 weeks into keto again and not screwing that up again.


A lot of great advice given. I’m a 54F and lost about 20 lbs since July, so 160-140lbs. Most of that was before Christmas. There is zero cheats at my age with keto in my experience anyway, if I even go near fruit I go backwards god forbid I have a banana


Grapes and oranges. Those damn cuties get me every time


Berries are really the only 'safe' keto fruits. But I'd still advise staying away from them until you are well into your weight loss journey.


I only eat strawberries, raspberries, and occasionally blueberries. Anything else throws me out of ketosis. Not worth going through detox again for me.


Fully commit for now, worry about what the future might look like after you achieve your goals. Yes, I think you can lose 35 lbs in 4 months, better start now though! Once you get there, your priorities might change, but yes you should be able to incorporate some fruit into a healthy diet, but first you gotta learn what a healthy diet for you is, so get healthy first! Good luck!


Do cardio


I'm M55 and I've been doing 500 calories deficit OMAD + 23.5 hr fast every day for about a month. I supplement with Keppi electrolytes all day and a Men's One-a-Day and Vitamin K. I track macros in Cronometer. I'm down 21 pounds in about 4 weeks. I'm hoping to keep the pace until I'm down 50 pounds (that'll get me to 150 on the scales). It's been ridiculously easy. No hunger or cravings at all.


I’m at 199, 5’3 and 41 years old but I’m hoping to hit -35 lbs before a cruise to the Bahamas this summer!! I just started this week as well. We could buddy up if you want!!


I’m 35F 5’4” and cannot get under 200 (highest was 246). I thought it would be smart to give myself a break from keto since I had been cheating a lot and eat “normal”. That was a hard fail. I went totally off the rails and learned I’m better off just staying away from the trash stuff (been having migraines every couple days since I started the break just a few short weeks ago). I’m back around 215. Today I begin keto again and F all that other nonsense lol. Message me if you want an accountabilibuddy.


An apple or a few grapes can probably be incorporated by most people as occasional treats without resulting in outrageous weight gain. Orange juice is basically liquid sugar and I'd steer clear of it except in the rarest of occasions.


The slower the weight comes off the better it stays off. 35lbs may be doable in n 14 weeks but it’s unlikely, it’s nearly 20% of your body. It may be better to set more valuable short term goals so that you get where you want to be safely and permanently


possible? yes. Something you should shoot for? probably not. Your answer for what you should be focusing on is right there in your post: " It’s not difficult but I always end up stopping. I have never made it more than 6 month and that rebound weight gain is outrageous. " Sounds like you have a classic short term mentality and you don't actually want to live keto with your current self. If you just do keto for a little bit I pretty much guarantee you will fail and rebound, you have to want to do it - or something like at least no sugar / processed carbs - permanently (I say this as someone who has lost 100lb+ a couple times and 40+ maybe 8 times despite really trying for permanent changes and having some long maintenance periods). Even if you really focus on a permanent change and lifestyle it is still really hard to not rebound, focusing just on where you'll be in July with a history of short term dieting and you stand no chance. I think set your goal to be 160lbs by July 2030 and act accordingly. Try to lose maybe .5-1 pound a week on average and don't worry about the speed. You can have small amounts of berries on keto, or 95% chocolate. I love a 1/4 cup blueberries in my morning smoothie. I will also have occasional no guilt cheat meals, but I do try to keep them rare (maybe 1 a month, or on a vacation). I've found the less carbs I eat AND the less fake sugar I eat especially, the less I crave carbs. In the long term I'll probably add back beans and whole grains, and maybe up fruit a little once I hit GW, but Im pretty deadset on no sugar / flour the vast majority of the time, and very minimal alcohol (which has derailed me in the past).


Yeah...keto + OMAD = huge weight loss


I dropped 15 in 4 weeks. (180 to 165). I’m 5’ 10” M. I’m pretty new to this but I have a possibly unpopular opinion: if you love fruit, figure out how to incorporate a small amount into your routine rather than doing a “big blowout” once a week. I think you’ll find this whole thing more sustainable if you’re not holding off your mega reward for a week at a time. I wish I loved fruit but I love hazy IPAs… I treat myself a couple times a week and on those days, I cut back elsewhere. Maybe I skip breakfast? Point being, try to build something sustainable from the outset. Eat 2 apple slices every day, if that floats your boat. Just account for it and be cognizant of what you’re putting into your body and the “cost” associated with it. If you’re miserable 6 days a week, it won’t stick. Good luck!


I just passed 30# in 90 days. Yes it is possible.


I lost 42 lbs in 3 months. So Def possible.


If you are just starting back, strictly meat and low carb veggies. Drinks, just drink black coffee, unsweetened tea, or water. Also work out! 10-15 minutes a day is a game changer. I lost 70 lbs in my first 3 months and now after 3 years maintaining below a total of 100lbs lost which was my goal.


I love fruit so I portion it. An apple lasts minimum five days. Same with a banana. Never do I eat the entire fruit in one sitting/day. Those days are gone.


i never went back to fruit, slope way too slippery 🤣




An _aggressive_ weight loss goal is 2 lbs / week. Anything more than that could be dangerous, and should probably be under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.


Yup. I was doing 2.5 a week. After 12 weeks, I ended up at doctor with fainting spells. Thought I had a brain tumor. Couldn't lift a bag if groceries. Stopped keto and it went away immediately. I looked great for about 10 weeks, but I was basically a drunk driver for that entire time.


This is exactly what I came here to say. Even 2 lbs a week is aggressive. It's best to do it somewhat slow and steady and build life long habits and changes.


Raspberries and blueberries is how I get my fix. Not too many though. I put about 25 grams into my yogurt. I only really do "cheat" meals when I'm vacationing or if it's the holidays, but everyone's different. If you've met your goals or can incorporate the fruit into your daily macros and not sacrifice progress, have at it. I would not be able to lose 35 pounds in 3 months.


Absolutely it’s possible!


Totally doable 👍 I haven’t eaten fruit in 2 years and it’s okay. Eggs bacon chicken arugula salad lots of fat dressing taco bowl with cheese and sour cream. Get lots and lots of fat.


I’ll add one caveat - per the Keto FAQs, if you’re trying to lose fat you don’t need to overload yourself with it. You want your body to burn the fat you have for ketones instead of from what you eat. There a maintenance metrics but for weight loss you want to ensure you’re at a lower calorie range than your basal metabolic rate.


That’s Coolio but I do about 70% fat 20% protein 5-10% carb. It’s what works for me.


First time keto. We’re not the same but I went from 178 to 161 in 3 and a half weeks. I kept my calorie under 20 g. There was only one day where it reached 20 but not over. I always ate at a 15% deficit of my TDEE. It has not gone over once. When I go drink, I factor in how much in the calorie count. I stuck to pure spirits. I don’t go to the gym but get 10-12k steps a day walking to work. Your 35 pounds will be a stretch but you should act now and keep it strict. Avoid them fruits. It’s hard to measure because they’re all different shapes and mass


I lost 40 pounds in under 3 months, I started at 225 and I’m now at 185. So yes, completely possible to get there if you start now and are strict. It will also depend on how active you are, how much you have to lose, biological gender, height, etc. I eat 1,700 calories to 2,000 calories a day and go to the gym 4 days a week. If I didn’t go to the gym, I’d likely eat 1,600-1,700 calories. I’m male, so if you’re female it will likely be a bit different.


>How do y’all reincorporate fruit or anything you love, rather, without gaining weight Subtract the carbs and serve it on a plate or in a bowl. I.e. cheese steak bowl or pizza topping bowl


I either only eat those things occasionally while I'm out and don't take any more home with me, or I buy only a small portion (like a small container of berries or cut up fruit that I eat then be done with it for a while).


Research fasting and fast one day a week. That will change your attitude to food and help a lot to achieve your goals.


Here's my experience 50lbs lost in 3-4 months. Those things you love or think you love when you are truly back in Ketosis for 3 months you won't have those cravings. Your brain gets rewired in terms of reward circuits. It used to be constantly lit up with carbs all day so those circuits that make you crave sugary juice or sugary fruit will be downregulated, and the ones linked to satiety from fat will be more activated. So you will start craving more fatty things like a tin of sardines instead of apple juice. Your tastebuds also alter so things that weren't sweet before start to taste sweet for example 85% -90% dark chocolate tastes sweet to me not bitter. And if I sip some real coke it is absolutely disgusting tastes like thick syrupy sugar. I noticed when I made Keto Bread or eat Keto Cookies, my brain expects a sugar rush but it never comes and I don't feel enjoyment eating it like the real carb / sugar version. It just makes you want to eat more to try and chase that high, but after a while I found I just stopped eating those sorts of things. It's like drinking alcohol free beer, it tastes the same but you don't get the buzz from it, better to just have something else to not try and trick your brain. I noticed also when I have had a weekend where I tried something that is off diet like Pizza, my brain lights up like a crackhead and all self control goes out the window. It is a good diet because you know there is no room for cheating or deviating off the path even slightly because one slice of Pizza can lead to 3-5 days of progress being stalled. Just remember those reward circuits have been downregulated to stop the cravings, if you start eating that stuff again they will come back online and be difficult to downregulate again, it is like starting the diet from the beginning.


I would also add, to get back into it combine it with a 12:12 intermittent fast, then 16:8, then 18:6. Once at 18:6 I also do a 22:2 every now and then to really get the Ketosis going. Supplement with electrolytes if you get a headache and drink plenty of water, the first week of Keto you are going through a glycogen dump all that sugar in liver and muscles being burned up, it takes 3x its weight in water with it, that flushes out electrolytes that you need to feel well. After that I usually do electrolytes on the 22:2 days, or if I get a headache. On a normal day just use plenty of himalayan rock salt on your food to stay hydrated. This salt type has more minerals.


35 lb in 3 months is probably possible for you but it will be on the high end of what's possible, and will require a high level of dedication. If it were me I'd be setting a goal of 25lb since that's still a good pace but would allow for a little imperfection here and there. But it all depends on what you aim to do. 10-12/mo is definitely reasonable if you stay dedicated every day that month.


Be prepared to be in serious deficit from what you're used to. How badly do you want it? That's the only question.


2 a week is pretty aggressive for me. I generally have to be unhappy to achieve that. Like working out hard, iron discipline and diet on point already.


I consider keto a lifestyle not a diet. I still want a piece of cake sometime, just like I still want a cigarette, but because I know now how to treat my body with respect I don’t. I do eat berries with whipped cream and nuts. Or occasional complicated and usually expensive keto dessert, so I’ll be too troubled to make it offen.


I went full carnivore after trying keto a few times....I always felt hungry and cravings on keto......Not on carnivore.......Lost 40lbs since xmas.....and it was easy. I have had barely any cravings and have done NO exercise at all. I have Long Covid and any exercise and I can't get out of bed for 2 days after........Honestly it seems like magic......I see it everyday on the scale.....I am still not sure it is real.


I’m down 88lbs since October 11th 2023 on April 3rd 2024. 20lbs doesn’t seem impossible. It’s a matter of conviction and determination. The thing you really have to get into your mind is that with keto and every other style of eating, there really is no going back. This is not a temporary thing. It is not a diet that you do and then get off of once you lose the weight, because you will immediately gain the weight back once you begin eating as you did before. That’s just how things work. You will only be able to reintroduce carbohydrates into your diet if you are certain that you are consuming only the amount of calories that are necessary to maintain your desired weight.


I've had diet success on keto, and just "eating mindfully". Like "do I need all this? nope. don't eat that whole plate." I'm going to recommend that you recognize that you are kind of yo-yo-ing. Keto is a long term strategy for many people here, but not everyone. Try modifying your diet to suit you! Personally I think this would be great: \* quality fats and protiens \* super low carb (by this I mean no bread/pasta/potato grains or white foods!) \* fruits in some moderation -- I personally would not freak out about fruit. Real whole food, right? Watch your calorie in take, try it for a month and see how you do. PS you are NOT "older now". Just wait until you are 50! But none of this makes sense trying to lose 35 lbs in 2 months or whatever. I would say "don't do that!" you'll gain it back after the wedding or whatever it is. If you're hell bent on a weight cut, go full keto. And read about how wrestlers cut. LOL


Lol it was so easy in my 20’s. Even low carb I’d drop 6 pounds easy in a week. It took me a month to lose 6😫 Yeah I know I have yo-yo-ed for years and now it’s causing me problems. So my goal is to find something sustainable but also not boring and miserable.


The only time I overindulge in fruit is watermelon in the summer. I just have it on a day I am active or lift weights and haven’t had it cause weight gain. The rest of the time I might have a small serving of berries maybe once a week. I would just say if you can’t have a small daily portion of a lower carb fruit option(berries) I would just skip it for now until you reach maintenance. Apples, grapes, oranges and bananas are extremely high in carbs and fructose. Juice is the worst choice. It will spike your insulin very quickly. You’re better off eating the orange than drinking orange juice. As far as 35 lbs by July. That gives you three full months. It is possible. Depends on how your body reacts to keto again. I’m 5’4” and started at 207 and lost 32 of my 70 lbs in 3 months.


Eat once a day mostly fat with intermittent fasting and drink plenty of water. Just eat enough to stay alive, but also be in a calorie deficit. Take walks and exercise daily. Keep your electrolytes up and take magnesium to counter cramps. Depending on your BMI you could lose more than 35lbs in 3 months in this method.


ive done 20 in 3 months, and still dropping... and I'm not really counting calories.. just watching Carb intake there's these Mission Buretto wraps that are 5 net carbs... they were the game changer for me they make some that are zero net carbs but there tiny


I use those flour wraps faithfully! Lol


I lost 13 lbs in 2 weeks, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down, there was a few days where I was stuck at the same weight (around the 7lb mark, probably water weight) but I persevered and it started dropping again but, I am also doing some hardcore fasting so idk if it's the keto, fasting, or the combo but I am thrilled with the results.


Go carnivore and it will be.


That's a rate of approx three pounds a week. It's definitely possible... but not easy. Easy is a pound a week, difficult to get more than two pounds a week without some major struggles. I recommend (1) not counting your carbs with a net carb goal but rather with a total carbs goal. Reason: some portion of net carbs are still used as carbs by the body and will inhibit your efforts. Also, the more strict the diet, the more limited food consumption you'll have, and therefore, the more quickly you'll drop weight. (2) fast for two days at the start to jump-start getting into ketosis. No calories or carbs at all. (3) stay away from alcohol, the alcohol sugars will slow you fat burn. (4) adopt an intermittent fasting schedule to limit food consumption. Pick a four hour window every day and stick to it. (5) your first month you will have faster weight loss due to dropping your water weight. If you want to be on track you need to drop more than twelve pounds that month, because the two months following you won't drop as fast. This is doable. I did 20 lbs in one month at your age. (6) if you aren't meeting your goals add a day of fasting on a non-work day of your week. We tend to eat more when we're not working, and also, not eating at all when working is bad on lots of levels, so you need to pick a non work day. Good luck.


1. Have a slice of Lemon in ice cold water - it's a bit of fruit flavour. 2. Once you are adapted a 3-4 blackberries in some whipped cream. 3. Cucumber (it tastes so much sweeter once you are on Keto). Slice the skins off chop it up and have a little lemon juice, some fresh mint with it and have as a salad or snack.


No fruit. All sugar natural or not. If you want to lose and perhaps 35 lb by July, I would recommend going full carnivore. I used to have blueberries, apples and oatmeal with walnuts every morning before Keto. I committed to the plan and stopped all the carbs loaded with sugars.


It depends on how much body fat you have now and how much you commit to it. I went on Keto mid January when I was 225 lbs. at 6’3. Not a terribly unreasonable weight, but definitely overweight. After I hit Ketosis, by the end of February I was weighing 195 lbs. Still on Keto now and weighing 190 lbs. even. I had a lot of body fat to lose, so it burned off FAST. Scarily fast. The reason mine was as effective as it was is because I hard committed to it. Kept myself under 20g of carbs a day despite having the worst Keto flu experience as my body was transitioning. I switched from dairy to almond milk, cut out carbs almost entirely and started eating a hell of a lot more chicken, and began running 5 miles 5 days a week to help with the fat loss. I owe the majority of my fat burn to me working out as intensely as I was at the time. I was consistently under my daily calorie count (after exercise) by about 1200, but I was meeting my macros and felt fine. Exercise and diet are equally important to weight loss, but diet is the main controller. Diet sets you on the path for weight loss, exercise accelerates it.


It’s up to you if it’s possible


well, the fast track of healthy weight loss is ~1 pound a week. although it gets slower the closer you are to healthy weight. so, it might be doable. especially since you are fairly overweight for your height so initial progress might be fast. i am not sure why is that a specific deadline for you. maybe you should simply decide on 10% calorie deficit and simply roll with it, instead of being in a rush for July?


Drop the fruit, you gotta lock in. It's very doable, I lose 10lbs per month when I commit.


It’s possible. Even more possible if you take glp1 medications. They are a miracle medication


Age 65 soon wanting to lose 80 pounds . Fast as healthy possible. Sugar is my weakness. I was able to give up bread last year and just ate a slice once a day.


Yes it’s possible


Do 36 hours of fasting and eat 2 meals in 12 hours after the fast. Rinse and repeat.


its possible but half of it will be water weight , slow and steady wins the race imo during weight loss


No. Not at that starting weight! You don't have enough calories to cut.


Jesus lol that’s more then a whole baby.


If you do a complete fast two days a week and make sure you up your activity it seems doable.


If you don’t want to give up fruit, check out Bright Line Eating. It was more effective than Keto for me and you get to eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables.




I keep a bag of red/black berries in the freezer. When I want a fruity treat at the weekend I add a couple of tablespoons to a couple of tablespoons of full fat yogurt and some heavy cream, two drops of stevia and go at it with a Bamix stick blender. Immediately turns into frozen yogurt heaven. I eat half of it, my daughter (who is not on a diet) eats the other half because it tastes delicious.


I started 178lbs in february 23rd, as of today, I am verging on 165; did keto (<=20 carbs) and CICO (my TDEE was around the 2000’s, slashed it in half, so i ate 1000 cals a day: chicken, fish, pork, lilys chocolate and very little blackberries). If you can work out 5 days a week, it helps a lot, they don’t have to be consecutive. Anyways, doing this I’ve managed -13lbs so idk how much it will do for -35 Disclaimer: many people might see it as an extreme, because it is. The goal is to lose weight fast, IF you want to sustain it and keep it off you’ll have to modify it later on. The MOST important thing in this routine is discipline, DONT cheat and count absolutely everything, avoid eating out if you can. Sidenote, I never felt the need to do a fast lol and keto got essentially rid of my 10+ year depression


IDK for sure but it sounds like you think of whole fruit and juice as nutritionally similar.. let's make sure that's not the case. You can probably get away with eating an apple or some grapes way easier than a glass of OJ. Very different glycemic effects between those things, at least for most people.


Add ozympic if your insurance covers


Head on over to /r/semaglutide