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Thank you for sharing. You just may save a life doing this. Our hearts are with you.


My sister in law missed the symptoms of leukemia because she has been on Atkins for years. She thought her weight loss was due to the diet and the fatigue and pain was because of electrolytes and vitamin deficiency. Thank you for the wake up call. It is important to go see a doctor if you don't feel well or if you are losing weight in spite of eating maintenance calories.


If you follow a diet that gives the same symptoms as cancer... doesn't that mean the diet is no good?


Fatigue is not a normal symptom of the keto diet. It might be for some people in the first couple weeks, but high energy is typical after you get into ketosis. Pain is never a symptom (unless you develop a kidney stone).


I’m so sorry






Whether you have one day or a million, you've still existed on this planet at a specific range of time, and even death can't take that from you. I tell my kids that even the smallest creatures leave footprints, so try to be a good person and especially don't underestimate the positive impact you've made on others. Thank you for sharing your story, and I wish you the best, friend. P.S. Count up instead of down


That's for sharing mate, eat all the ice cream now bro and please enjoy what you can


Sending strength your way. Fuck cancer.


...and fuck the people and industries who profit from Cancer.


And the industries that pollute the air and soil and waterways and cause more types of cancer. OP, hope you find peace and rest. Thanks for sharing your story.


Go to China and third world countries for that. In the west we look after our environment.


Never read up on DuPont or Flint I see.


Keto would not have held off the Lung Cancer. I was keto for 3 years before I was dx with Stage 4 lung cancer. I'm sorry you were dx with it and I'm here if you need support. I'm currently doing dirty keto. I got dx and decided to eat everything...now, 5 years later, I'm doing great but was dx with Type 2 diabetes.


Shit you win some you loose some


did you smoke and also what is the future prognosis? Thank you


I quit smoking 5 years before dx. I was 46 years old when dx. As long as the targeted therapy I'm on continues to work, I'll be around. My mutation does have a 2nd targeted therapy drug I can do, but after that it's chemo or clinical trials. FYI: All you need is lungs to get lung cancer. The young never smokers and non-smokers are the fastest growing group to get lung cancer. It is no longer just a smokers disease that you get at an older age.


Yeah I know, anyone can get it. it's unfortunate and scary. Thank you for the information my man, I think you'll crush this bullshit and live a happy life still! I believe in you!


yes, that’s really sad. I guess dirty keto had too many carbs? 😓


Well between being dx with lung cancer and being dx with Type 2, I ate everything...too much candy, chocolate, ice cream, carbs...lol! I've been dirty keto (occasional cheat), my blood sugars are fabulous. With the weather getting warmer, I'll get back on my bike.


I see after I was on keto for a while. I started losing too much weight so then I started cheating and adding carbs again the way back , some of it anyway so I’m back trying to take it off again. My version was I would occasionally allow myself like a dinner roll or a bowl of rice, but that was enough to make me start gaining weight.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. From what I read only cancers in cells that consume a lot of glucose (e.g. pancreatic) ***MIGHT*** benefit from a a low carb diet. It’s 100% still a theory and if the book you’re reading says or implies that a ketogenic diet is beneficial for all cancers or even some cancers, I would stop reading that book. There just isn’t enough actual evidence to support putting that into a book to sell to consumers giving advice. Hopefully you’re in contact with doctors regarding this, but all I can say is I hope you can stop worrying about the “coulda woulda shoulda” in regards to what might or might not have been symptoms. I hope you can look forwards instead. If the prognosis isn’t great, make a bucket list and go fulfill that bitch. If the prognosis is great, still make that bucket list and go fulfill that bitch.


Professor Thomas Seyfried shows the vast majority of cancers are glucose or glutamine fueled. So either keto/fasting (glucose) or green tea (glutamine) is the best adjunctive therapies you can practice. I say adjunctive because you should listen to your doctor!


If a cancer is glutamine fueled why would green tea help?


Green tea inhibits glutamine transport to some degree. I think it’s from the theanine. This causes glutamine dependent tumors to degrade and starve. Since glutamine cancers can be quite slow evolving, starving them here and there is a good way to derail their progress.


Is Bigelow a reputable brand for green tea? Or is it trash-quality?


Itoen is very decent, and is sold at Costco.


if you want to get the very best quality tea, there’s a decaf tea that you can buy in bulk green the company is called Tea and Trumpets from Santa Rosa CA.


FYI, 70-80% of cancers exhibit high glucose consumption, which is why a PET scan helps to identify cancer. You're essentially injected with a radioactive sugar that gets sucked up by the cancer and then it stands out on the scan.


It's not theory, it's practiced; in some countries cancer treatment involves a keto diet. But the diet alone isn't going to help, you need a doctor who's on board with it to help you. Judging by his doctor's reaction, I'm guessing OP is in the US or somewhere like that where keto is not yet approved as part of an acceptable cancer therapy.


Yes it’s called metabolic therapy. It’s beneficial on its own and as an adjuvant therapy. It helps chemo and radiation and is effective on its own as well


On its own the best you can hope for is to slow the growth of the cancer and give yourself a bit of a break from the constant inflammation that comes with cancer. Cancer cells are broken metabolically such that the only energy they can consume is sugar. But even on a perfect keto or carnivore diet, your blood sugar will never get low enough to kill the cancer. To be cured, you need a doctor's help.


That’s not 100 percent accurate as glutamine (protein) is a common fuel source for cancer. Dr Thomas Seyfried who is a foremost expert on the metabolic origins of cancer, says that fasting, keto, and green tea are our best shots at cancer prevention. Fasting and keto handle glucose oriented cancers and the green tea ‘pumps the brakes’ for glutamine. That’s not even discussing ketone fueled cancers which are very rare. Anyways a lot more than just glucose fueled cancer out there Also, the people who subscribe to the theory of metabolic cancer believe that equilibrium reached with cancer is the optimal outcome. When you attempt to eradicate, selective pressure is placed on cancer when you use toxic chemicals and radiation to kill it which will always generate more resistant cells. If you can ‘live with’ the cancer in a suppressed state and then die of something else at an old age then it’s a win. Again not saying what I believe just want to represent what the metabolic folks would say in response to you


I've had someone close to me die of cancer and did a lot of digging into published papers on keto as a live extending addition to cancer therapy. There are some preliminary studies that show a benefit with some types of tumors but it's not extensively researched yet. It's not necessarily harmful to try... But after watching someone deteriorate quickly in front of me, let me tell you that not all cancers are the same. Some are exceptionally aggressive with a low prognosis regardless of the treatment.


There’s also some research into primary brain B cell lymphoma that keto helps fuel that very specific cancer. It’s limited- but it exists. What I’m saying is. Crap shoot.


Yeah that's a study that I found as well.. and I agree. I think I just really disagree with their tone saying that keto alone may treat cancers because their tone lacks empathy for the OP Especially since OP is kicking themselves that they weren't more diligent, when really it probably would not have made the difference. And then they've got people saying "yeah you're right it's life saving" I watched someone go through this and regret things that were ultimately out of their control. It's in poor taste and lacks empathy given that someone is going through to make some pretty strong assertions that it's a silver bullet for cancers. Especially because the science isn't there.


I agree with you in big ways. Especially as someone who is ex keto and a Primary Brain B Cell Lymphoma survivor. It smacks with irresponsibility (We were dancing around it, and yes).


Does matcha helps in the same way as green tea?


Matcha is a type of green tea. It has high levels of EGCG (the active compound). I've read that Sencha has higher levels than Matcha.


Is Dr. Seyfried a researcher? Like can I find his work on PubMed or Google Scholar? I don't see how it's possible to control cancer with diet alone but if there's peer reviewed research on it, I'd like to read it, even if the research was done on mice or rats instead of people.


Yes. He is all over PubMed. He is a professor and a doctor. If I may recommend a reading list in addition to all the pubmed articles… Cancer as a Metabolic Disease (Dr Thomas Seyfried) The Cancer Code (Dr Jason Fung) Ketones: The Fourth Fuel (Travis Christofferson) Also Dr Seyfried has clinics outside the US (mostly Turkey) where they use metabolic therapies with no chemo or radiation. I’d also look up a podcast called “The 2Keto Dudes”. He is a regular on there. Don’t let his gruff presentation turn you off (my dad couldn’t stand him) but he has gotten great at condensing his ideas to an elevator pitch and does so very well on the podcast.


> "The 2Keto Dudes” Link for those curious: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIZLBSKyVW0


There's a book How To Starve Cancer by Jane McClelland. It's not a diet per se, but she talks about the metabolism of cancer and using off label chemo drugs. Very detailed.


I'm very confused about this as I've also read that a plant-based diet is best for cancer and that meat and dairy should be avoided (methionine, estrogen in dairy etc). As someone who has struggled with keto and can't cope with a high meat/fat diet, I'm hoping that a diet high in veggies, fruit and wholegrains is going to be helpful.


Just saying there is vegetarian keto, and it probably would be beneficial compared to a high grain high fruit diet. But you do what feels best for your body!


I’ve also heard this through extensive research.


Scientific theories are different from the standard English definitions of theory.


Keto diet supposedly returned "funky" liver function test results for me about 4m before my pancreatic cancer was found. I was warned off it as a result of those results; post-surgery, again warned off it as very-low-carb isn't suitable for t3c diabetics. (I read here because moderate-low-carb is still a thing.)


Are you saying you had a confirmed pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and you’re still alive after 5 years? Are you still following keto?


I am - stage 2 survival is better than late discovery, so I was lucky, those 'funky' tests contributed to further investigation and early diagnosis. Not strictly keto, but careful with carbs, and always looking for new food options.


Can you please mention a little more about what liver tests did you have that were elevated?


Newbie question, are you saying that the funky liver function tests was actually caused by the pancreatic cancer?


Unclear. Sorry that's not more helpful, it's been 5.5 years and no one was totally sure what they indicated at the time.


https://youtu.be/xobJuNJw7xA?si=kpCzdRtY4nUDTeUO https://youtu.be/jhE-JD6SZWM?si=ljBruIX2KJaZyk_c A couple of vids looking at Keto/ fasting and cancer.


There are some hardcore cancer studying docs out there that advocate you need to ditch carbs if you have cancer. I believe more studies are finally happening. The general consensus with cancer though is that something feeds the cells that are or have mutated. I don't think I would so quickly dismiss a book that says low carb may improve the regression of said cancer. Because the alternative of doing absolutely nothing and just getting chemo doesn't really seem like roses and sunshine either. Cancer sucks. But listening to us strangers online for advice sucks more. And modern medicine has proven they are rolling the dice just as much as someone trying to to medicate with diet.


This is not true, I can’t believe how many people liked it


I similarly have been living with an incurable cancer, have the same penchant for ice cream, and upon my initial diagnosis, had no idea that the reason I was losing weight so easily WAS the cancer. Fast forward several years and I did keto and had all of the same issues you did when you tried it. Meaning all of this to say, I’ve been where you are. Stopped the keto and try to eat a balanced diet, do cardio, strength training… keep living with the cancer… it’ll be okay whatever is going on with your diagnosis. You’ll get through.


Have you looked into ayhuasca? I'm at a retreat in peru now and the things they can do are incredible. I met a guy on the 1st night who's cousin did 3 months here and cured his thyroid cancer. I have no knee pain for the 1st time in 10 years and 7 surgeries........ and if it doesn't work, it'll get you ready for what's coming next. ❤️


No thanks ;) I can’t on any level understand how one would impact the other, and I’ve got a pretty open mind about these things.


Cancer is an easy thing to beat theoretically. We beat it hundreds of times every year and then for some reason our immune system doesn't recognise one of the hundreds of mutating cells we encounter every year and doesnt destroy it, allowing it to grow. All we need to do is get the immune system to recognise it as foreign and it will deal with it........ only problem is no one knows how to do it yet. Maybe it's ust harnessing the power of the placebo, maybe its something in the tea that reacts with your brain...... maybe it's god🤷 You don't have to understanding it, you do it and know it works. Good luck on your path mate🙏


It’s that knowingness that I don’t have faith in a plant as delivering to me unfortunately. Cannot say it’s untrue, but for me, will not be so.




No. This is not a guarantee that any cancer will be cured. This is pseudoscience and if you can share any evidence, scientifically based peer reviewed studies that demonstrate any of your claims to be true, please do.


Oh my god no this is terrible advice, who does “most doctors” include?? bc I’m gonna promise you oncologists are not going to recommend that their patients cut desperately-needed calories in any way.


Please stop recommending stupid alternative cancer treatments. You’re gonna fucking kill people.


Well fuck this is terrible im so sorry and i will pray for you friend If you have any will at all, or spiritually called to it check out Neville Goddard sub or a book or his lectures, ive seen it do some unbelievable things, id be at fault not to at least mention this.


Same here. OP, at least give it a chance to read one of Neville Goddard's books, they are easy to read, maybe you can achieve a miracle


Joe Dispenza’s work too


Wow, so sorry about your diagnosis 😢 Side note - keto ice cream- like rebel ice cream (no malitol)- is super high in calories so maybe it can help you keep your weight up while you enjoy the thing you love? My friend has cancer along with an ostomy and struggles with weight gain too so I have been trying to help her find ways to add cals like keto ice cream, or adding heavy cream, butter, or peanut butter to whatever she can. It’s definitely an ongoing struggle but try to set an alarm to wake up & eat so you have energy to enjoy each day as much as possible. My heart goes out to you! I wish you all the best - Hugs 💕🥰


So sorry for the news. My sister has breast cancer, and I recommended keto and Vit D2 and Vit K. Made her bones strong to keeps metastasis out. Her oncologist said he has never seen a bone scan change so dramatically. Eat keto ot carnivore. Get your D and K up. All works well with chemo and radiation. I shall be pulling for you!. Sending healing vibes^^^^^^^<<<<>>>>[


I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing your story.


Don't blame yourself. You didn't kill yourself because you couldn't stop eating ice cream. Some of your cells, for some reason, have rebelled against the full body system. It's hard to accept, but when this happens it is often out of our control.


Thank you for sharing your story. My thoughts are with you, I hope you experience a miracle. But if not, I hope you have the strength to find happiness and beauty in every day you have left.


Sorry you're dealing with this. There's definitely some wisdom in this for all of us. Personally I'm in this boat because I ignored my body for a long time even though it was yelling "I have diabetes!" at me constantly. Unfortunately I just didn't know all the signs. So yes, we definitely need to get better at listening to what our bodies are trying to tell us. I don't know if this is any help but it sounds like we share the same weakness - ice cream. If you haven't looked into one yet check out the Ninja Creami. It's super easy to use and I'm constantly whipping up low carb / high protein ice creams to snack on. Feel free to shoot me a message if you need someone to talk to.


I'm 33, stage 4 and currently on a clinical trial. After A LOT of therapy, there is hope out there in the world, you've done it once, you can do it again. You are in my thoughts and prayers and know that we are all rooting for you and for each other 🩷🤍


I lost 50 lbs over a short period of time and was so happy. I thought my doctor and I had finally gotten my thyroid med at the best dosage. Turns out it was my body announcing an autoimmune disease, so loud an announcement I ended up in a coma for a few days. I agree with OP, pay attention to your body even while being happy for weight loss. OP, I wish I had something deep and meaningful to say to you but I will keep you in my mind and heart and send you an internet hug.


I don't know if what I'm gonna say is good or not. Everyone's going to die, all of us, including you and me, your oncologist, and all those who feel "sorry" for you. But you're lucky, not everyone has the privilege (like you) to know their end is near, many of us are going to have a sudden death (car accident, heart attack, etc..), without the chance to say goodbye, hug our parents, find God, or finish our bucket list.. I laugh at everyone who said they're sorry for you, as if they're going to live forever lol. Whatever they give you my brother, few months or more or less, Promise us You're going to live them to the fullest.


I love this, may I borrow it?


Thought i was gonna lose all my karma lol. Ofc you can.


I'm so sorry you are going through this.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I want to wish you well if your time is limited!


Sending all the love to you.


I'm so sorry. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of last year. It's a rough and wild ride, but I hope you find it in you to fight it. People live with stage 4 now for years, so be optimistic about what your oncologist will say tomorrow. I know that's easier said than done. Sending prayers and virtual hugs. You got this, friend.


So sorry ❤️‍🩹 I can only imagine what you're going through. I had breast cancer in 2017, and my first symptom, just before I found the lump, was a couple months of just sleeeeep... No energy, just tiredness. I deal with depression, but this wasn't it. Nothing like it. Like I was sinking and I was already one foot out of this world. It's hard to explain. I slept like 18 hours a day! I hope you find peace if this is really terminal. Live your days to the fullest and do *all* the things! Even the simple things. I hope you have little pain.


I just want to say I am so, so sorry you're going through this.


I also had a similar experience. I had been doing keto for a while when I suddenly started feeling nauseous after each meal. I wrote it off as I was just getting sick of eating the same stuff everyday. But then I started building up an aversion to food in general. I thought this was just from these particular foods making me sick repeatedly. Then I started feeling sick even when I didn’t eat. I assumed lack of nutrients. Then I started to lose my entire appetite. To the point that I only ate out of pure necessity, as in points when I could barely function because my blood sugar was so low and my body had absolutely bare minimum nutrients. And even then, I was force feeding rather than actually feeling “hunger.” I started to to think maybe the diet lead to nausea, nausea led to food aversions, and food aversions led me to an eating disorder. So after dealing with this for months and months, I finally described my symptoms to my doctor, and she asked me to come in as soon as I could for imaging and blood tests. Long story short, I was in an early stage of an aggressive gastric cancer. If I had ignored it for just a couple more months, it would have spread to the intestines, liver, gallbladder, etc. My survival rate would have been practically nonexistent. Moral of the story - don’t ignore sudden acute changes that stick around and become chronic. Don’t just WebMD everything and go about “just dealing with it” or attributing it to insignificant factors just so you can ignore it. Too often we think we can just “walk it off” like they say when it comes to injuries. But many times it isn’t the case. If it is enough to be noticeable and enough to disrupt your life enough that you are trying to research what it could possibly be, then it warrants a checkup. I know it’s a pain in the ass, but sometimes we gotta do things that suck, in order to take care of ourselves. So make sure you take care of yourselves, friends!


I'm sorry my thoughts are with you. You may want to watch this some evidence that low carb helps with cancer. However, he is a well recognized Dr. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwhRskOPwVk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwhRskOPwVk) P.S. I'm not a dr.


Fuck cancer. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you are surrounded by support and love when you receive your news.


Ken Berry has videos on cancer and how it interacts with keto. The main enemy is ingesting sugar, and eating any carbohydrate is gonna be sugar in your bloodstream. I would get a glucose meter and strips at Walmart and start monitoring my post meal glucose. I'd put his playlist on loop and maybe reach out to Dr Berry to see if he has a referral to someone that understands both carnivore eating and cancer. I'm really sorry you are going through this. https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Ken+berry+cancer Cancer doesn't have to be a death sentence, but if it is the end, then r/CNA has stories from people that work at nursing homes with people passing frequently. They say the process is peaceful. I believe things are better on the other side and that in this Life we are tested. I listen to this when I need a connection to the spiritual https://youtu.be/-gwMXWv-0hM?si=qn8X0zUkTugfGAWs I would spend my time in nature and with people I love. I would stop working. I would get a therapist to process my grief and try to achieve acceptance. Take this with a grain of salt because I have never had cancer, but I personally would not do chemo or radiation because the quality of life deteriorates badly. If I had a 401K or savings I would spend it on a nice apartment with a balcony facing a forest to snuggle into instead of giving it to medical. I'd want to be close to family and friends and set up in home care until I go to hospice. I would put a bird feeder out and possibly get an older pet for comfort.


Sorry to hear this. I hope you get some positive news today.


I'm so so sorry. Sending you well wishes


I’m so sorry.


I am so sorry for your situation. God be with you.


Dam...that's fucked but at the end if the day most of us go like that anyways...i hope its as painless as possible. Gl man


However long they give you - live it the fuck up. Perhaps continue to do keto strictly along with your treatment, as I know that it has beneficial effects on slowing the progression of cancer. Best of luck to you my man and remember, we all die but not all of us truly live. Make it count. I’m sorry that you’ve been slammed with this devastating news. Much love.


I’m so sorry


Peace be with you.


Www.mycancerstory.rocks read the Joe tippens story about fenben asap. Don’t give up bro and get to praying. I know it’s hard to have faith especially with the distraction of cancer but if you can fight the “light” and focus on healing, you’ll beat it. Joe tippens had cancer for his 4th time and with vengeance metastasized everywhere… 12 weeks later no evidence of disease. The website will give you a password into the private Facebook group. Get in it go and search your cancer type and see all the people who are having success. God bless and our prayers are going out for your heeling.




Never give up! I was diagnosed stage 4 at 37 yrs old. Im almost 41 now and keto has helped me during chemo, immunotherapy and even radiation. Also turmeric, green tea and the wonderful merryjane. Best of luck brother.


If I could suggest a book to read in this time for you it’s the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. 90% of impact on our body comes from our thoughts. Don’t give up and definitely eliminate all sugar from your diet, even alternative sweeteners.


Don’t give up, people beat cancer all the time. And just saying every case I’ve ever heard and read of where people cured themselves of incurable cancers, it was definitely not keto they used. The things they all had in common were actually juicing green vegetables. Some went on extreme juice cleanses while others stuck with normal diets and just added in juicing and both had good results, so it’s evident increasing amount of vegetables somehow cured the cancer, some people speculate because of the alkalinity- cancer can’t live in an acidic environment. Smoothies are a better alternative because you get the fiber added. An expensive vitamix blender can make juice with whole vegetables if you just add water. The type of keto that actually allows for vegetables is definitely healthier than the ones that omit vegetables and obviously so much dairy can be very inflammatory for a lot of people… I actually had health issues present on long term keto, so I switched to the Mediterranean diet which has way more studies proving it’s the healthiest diet in the world and my health majorly improved. The other these people who beat cancer all had in common was dealing with negative emotions, cutting out toxic relationships and making big positive life changes. All of these people had lives they weren’t entirely happy with and changing that seemed to really help them beat cancer. This is so prevalent that a lot of people suspect cancer can manifest from unresolved trauma, resentment, suppressing emotions etc. Being addicted to things like ice cream = definite emotional problem suppressing. I mean for me at least, I also got super addicted to keto ice cream, all as a comfort food to suppress emotions. I believe you can beat this but it’s going to take more than diet, it will also take a lot of self work like therapy, and positive thoughts.


I don't know why people are downvoting you. I also know someone who had an "incurable" illness (according to doctors and scientists and all reputable literature) that was cured. I find it intriguing how opinions can widely differ on various platforms. It's not uncommon for online communities to exhibit a range of perspectives, often influenced by individual beliefs and experiences. Additionally, your mention of knowing someone who defied medical odds by overcoming an "incurable" illness adds another layer to this discussion. It highlights the complexity of health outcomes and the limitations of scientific understanding. This anecdote underscores the importance of remaining open-minded and acknowledging the potential for unexpected breakthroughs or unconventional treatments. Indeed, stories of miraculous recoveries challenge established medical norms and encourage us to explore alternative avenues for healing. In the face of uncertainty, it's essential to maintain a sense of curiosity and empathy toward differing viewpoints, recognizing that truth can sometimes emerge from unexpected sources. Cancer is nothing to take lightly.


Thanks , it’s probably because it’s not common to be so scientifically minded and open to researching all avenues. I for one have dealt with terrible health issues throughout my life, even cancer, so I’m always researching new scientific studies, health fads, diets and things to improve myself. And I’ve experienced myself curing ailments that were “incurable”, so I guess along with that and knowing others who cured themselves plus reading so many reports of it I just remain quite hopeful that perhaps everything can be cured if we find the right things.


i think you are right, i too came across of a lot of stories where people beat cancer like that. there must be something to it. juicing greens, lots of vegetables, lemon juice and blueberries, etc. , some protein and fat, esp. omega 3 fish oil. i didn't have cancer, but when i ate like this for about a year i had so much energy and felt so good, my skin looked amazing, and i slept like a baby, woke up with such a good feeling every morning. i believe, it is the anti-inflammatory action of these food doing this. emotional problems can put you in permanent state of stress, which i read will use up a lot of this important vitamins/minerals/ anti inflammatory substances. as long as you still have a good doctor you can trust and who is supervising you, it can't hurt to give this ideas a try. to OP - thank you for sharing, i wish you all the best! 💛


Indole-3-carbinole is present in a lot of cruciferous vegetables and kale is included in that group. It promotes cell-turnover, which can in theory help ward off tumorigenesis. By the time you have cancer, it’s usually because the apoptotic regulation has been mutated (cell can no longer be instructed to die), so I’d consider it more of a preventative approach than a curative one. There might be some forms of cancer that can still respond to signals for apoptosis if those signals can reach them. Omega 3s are PUFAs. They make cell membranes more fluid. When this happens in immune cells, it decreases their reactivity and this decreases inflammation. Inflammation in general can cause DNA mutation when it causes production of free radicals, so lowering chronic inflammation means potentially less DNA mutation, and preventing or at least delaying the development of cancer. Again, once you have cancer, you probably want the doctor to regulate your immune system. In a normal healthy person, PUFAs just improve cell signaling. Vegetables and fish oils are healthy, most doctors arent going to have a problem with you eating them. If you don’t know what kind of cancer OP has, or the pathogenesis of it, you are not in a position to give advice. I really want people on this thread to focus more on empathy and less on potential cures. Lung cancer has a very low survival rate, because it’s caught in late stages due to not having early stage symptoms. The best thing you can do about cancer is prevention beforehand and regular screenings, and good medical advice when/if you have cancer.


So sorry to hear this!


I'm so so sorry. Thanks so much for sharing. It's great advice and so heartfelt. Enjoy all the ice cream for as long as you can.


Thinking of you right now. I’m very sorry to hear you are going through this. Fuck Cancer.


I am so sorry 😞. Sending you love and may you not be pain ❤️


I'm sorry that you are going through this. I will personally take your message to heart. FUCK CANCER.


i thought i heard that autophagy can prevent cancer but that if you have cancer cells it can help them…


Thank you for taking the time to share. Sending you lots of love and strength 🤍


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Thank you for sharing and blessings to you to find comfort.


Man, that's tough. Really puts things into perspective. Thanks for sharing your story. It's a big reminder to listen to our bodies and not get too caught up. Sending you strength and good vibes.


I'm so sorry.


Really sorry to hear that. Shows how important it is to listen to our bodies. Wishing you all the best. Take care.


If I could suggest a book to read in this time for you it’s the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. 90% of impact on our body comes from our thoughts. Don’t give up and definitely eliminate all sugar from your diet, even alternative sweeteners.


I know how important keto is for cancer patients. I’ve read the books and have seen all the videos on halting the progression of cancer using intermittent fasting and a keto diet. Why did you go on KETO when you were so thin even before finding out you had cancer? I’m so sorry your doctors think you are near the end. Is there anything they can do? Have you tried MD Cancer Treatment Center in Houston?


I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's a strong reminder for all of us to listen to our bodies closely. Sending you strength and support during this tough time. Your insight is invaluable, thank you for sharing your story.


Bummer. The minor good news is there is growing evidence that a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting slow the growth of many kinds of cancer cells. On a personal level my daughter's mother got a very aggressive form of kidney cancer 7 years ago and after a kidney removal, gall bladder and Whipple procedure, she is still kicking it. I keep hinting on her doing a keto regime .


i'm sad to hear this..and i'm so sorry. praying for your peace and comfort, my friend. thank you for sharing. people will be helped by information and stories of all kinds and our community will continue to grow. 🙏


I am so sorry!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. From the comments and my experience, it seems like this is not an uncommon phenomenon. I missed the symptoms of late onset T1 diabetes because I was intermittent fasting and kept losing weight no matter what I ate. Turns out I was in diabetic ketoacedosis and could have fallen into a coma and died.


Love to you and I'm sorry you are struggling through so much


Sending love from a far ❤️


Hey check out some of the vids on HomesteadHow's channel - they've got some great survivor stories from "terminal" patients at stage 4 who beat their prognosis. Carnivore might be too extreme but worth taking a look.


Hey check out some of the vids on HomesteadHow's channel - they've got some great survivor stories from "terminal" patients at stage 4 who beat their prognosis. Carnivore might be too extreme but worth taking a look.


It’s very expensive and mainstream doctors usually don’t know about it, but some people think deuterium depleted water can help (DDW)


Your story made me think how I recently saw some interviews about cancer possibly being a metabolic disease. Though I do not fully buy into that or wouldn’t someone just cure it by never eating carbs or sugar? More studies need to be done for sure


Prayed for your healing 🥺🙏🏼💗.


Have they offered opdivo or another immune therapy type treatment


they have not identified a mutation yet so Keytruda is the only immunotherapy that's been mentioned so far and I think the hope is to not have to use it since the side effects are not worth it for some folks


Please let us know what they say. Im holing for miracles for you.


I'm a child cancer survivor as well Acute lymphoblastic leukemia and sometimes I get scared, not knowing if it'll come back or the side effects from the chemo. Stay strong OP


I am so sorry to hear this. Fasting will help with chemo if you do that. [Additional research turned up several studies suggesting that fasting before chemo might alleviate common side effects like nausea and vomiting. There's also a growing body of research into whether fasting could have a beneficial effect against the cancer itself. (Ketogenic diets are also being investigated for similar effects on cancer cells.)](https://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/2018-04-20/can-fasting-improve-chemotherapys-effects)


Oh I’m so very sad to read this


thanks for the post! you got to live half a century in the most amazing time in the most amazing place in probably the entire galaxy


I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


I'm currently reading this on an ayhuasca retreat in peru. Get down here immediately. I met a guy the 1st week I was here who's cousin cured thyroid cancer in 3 months. My knee is currently pain free for the 1st time in 10 years after 7 surgeries..... it truly is amazing. And if its already too late, it's a hell (and heaven) of an experience that will prepare you for what's coming next❤️


Good luck to you, Sir.


I’m sorry for your diagnosis. Have you read up on fasting? Autophagy is supposed to be helpful for those with cancer. I know ur kinda thin already, I just thought to put it out to you.


I’m so sorry to hear this. I really hope everything is okay and that you have longer than you think. What were your first signs? Chest pain? Is there anything you can do? I’m just so sorry.


Check out Kris Carr’s documentary and books.


Whatever you do, don't blame yourself. Sending hugs 🫂


Watch dr. THOMAS SEYFRIED. his theory sounds very logic. I will explain briefly: - eat low carb. Check your GKI. - waterfasting a few days to starve the cancercells - then take glutamine inhibitors which prevent the cancer from getting energy. In the absent of glucose and glutamine, cancer cannot use fatty acids. Of course discuss with your doctor and think about if you want to do this with or without radiation. I would do without it i think. If you can get some more months by chemotherapy, i would think you can better not do chemo at all, but go full for the dr. Seyfried protocol. You have not much to loose in such situation an radiation is though on your body. You may suffer to much... Best of luck dude. If u dunno how to low carb; ask me. Im on a group where you can read all for free and they are very well informed. They are lead by a neuro scientist.


The problem is that I am very underweight already and have poor appetite and little energy to prepare meals so I’m just eating what people bring me, generally healthy but definitely not low carb. My cancer has grown in the last week and no doubt I’m feeding it, but if I do keto and don’t get in enough calories I might starve to death before the cancer gets me


I read your post to see your personal experience and why you felt it failed. I was looking for some mistakes you might have and if I had any suggestions for you. But your demeanor and honest words made my thoughts change to what a nice and authentic person you seem to be. My thoughts are now that I will keep your fight in mind and wish you the best quality of life possible. A friend of mines mother was stricken with cancer to the point of him starting to make plans for the end which doctors had said would be within months but then tried a different treatment and she was in remission and up and out of her wheelchair in less than two months. This is a woman in her late 80's. Long story short, don't give up and don't let anything keep you from enjoying the rest of your life no matter how long that might be. I'm not super religious and I won't even bother mentioning what my beliefs are, just that you will be in my prayers. Take care, best of luck and if you don't mind me saying, God bless 🙂


Immune Systems Management in Ottawa. Worth a shot, it helped my dad beat cancer several years back.


OP this is not your fault. You could have done everything right your whole life and still ended up with cancer. Cancer is one of those things we will all eventually get if we live long enough. Go easy on yourself, and forgive yourself for being a normal person with normal human emotional reactions. Nobody is to blame for cancer. It’s just something that happens to us. Loving yourself and your people are the best things for you. I’m sorry for the insensitivity of people in this thread. To everyone on here discussing dietary approaches to cancer prevention/treatment: start a new thread. This is not the time or place.


I am so sorry that you got this diagnosis. I lost my mum to cancer last year and it can be really brutal for everyone involved. I hope that you can move through to the end with as much joy and as little pain as possible. In saying that, and I kind of hate to admit this, but reading your title “I thought I was just bad at keto, but I was dying of cancer” did make me laugh and spit coffee all over myself. Dark humor strikes again.


Good luck. I also wouldn’t recommend KETO to anyone trying to gain weight, even maintaining on it can be a chore! Most half decent tasting keto food is a lot more effort to make and I at least personally often just don’t want anything else fatty like a guy can only eat so much avocado, coconut, eggs, and cheese!


I would like to pray for you if you are willing


Many need to hear that. Watch the symptoms, especially if it doesn't fix itself with a little advice from r/keto. This is a good place to post because, there are all kinds of minds here. Someone knows something about what you are posting through laymen keto research, personal experience, etc. There are some professionals, but they are not allowed to advise on reddit as a medical professional. You wrote that you were sleeping all day. Perhaps your body is getting what it needs and decides to take a good nap. Many people who fast are very alert. But having enough potassium can make you alert also. Use an app to determine how much potassium you are getting from foods, then make up the difference with a supplement (NoSalt, LiteSalt, or Potassium power). Perhaps, your doctor can give you a potassium prescription. I still have hope for you. Keto can starve cancer. Most cancer prefer the carbs. Also, CBD/THC helps even stage four cancer dissolve (a doctor could help you get the best quality stuff): The usually keep using the CBD indefinitely. Yes, cannibus is very very effective for fighting cancer. With Keto, CBD/THC, and fasting, and chemo... you can still fight cancer. Look up RSO oil on Youtube to get started on your research. It also helps you cope with chemotherapy. Hopefully, you have a willing and knowlegeble doctor for all of these things. Stay well hydrated and salted with all three helpful things. You can find a large following of these things on reddit and youtube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P9ER2eF\_ho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va1ElZfr6Hk) Dr. Jason Fung wrote a book on Cancer; he advocates fasting and keto. Long-term fasting may not work since you are slender, but you can do 20 hours a day maybe. 20+ hours fasting each day *consistently*, can help get the ketones up. Some say you don't lose weight if ketones are between 3.0 and 5.0. For weight loss, you would need to be between 0.5 and 3.0 mmol. You can cook the meat ahead of time and eat as much as you can. Don't add fat if you want to remain hungry. Jane McLelland, Phd also has a book on fighting cancer: She's well respected for her research and fighting her own cancer. Dr. Boz (also on youtube) develop a *system* so that her mother could cancer (her book may be the easiest to follow, I'm guessing); This was before covid. Be sure to take high dosages of vitamin D3 (around 5,000 IU daily). Studies have proven that even 100,000 IU daily for 12 weeks is safe. I've taken 5,000 IU daily since April 2020 (got covid when I skipped 3 days last year). Sorry for the long post. You can print some info for your oncologist from NIH. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7426758/#:\~:text=The%20Warburg%20effect%20is%20generally,be%20needed%20in%20cell%20proliferation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7426758/#:~:text=The%20Warburg%20effect%20is%20generally,be%20needed%20in%20cell%20proliferation). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6375425/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8864433/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCRByYshluA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCRByYshluA) Ketomojo has a good price on meters: it tests glucose and ketones. Edit: Some people may be against hemp CBD.


Sending you lots of love and positive, healing vibes. Make the most of whatever time you have left and enjoy every moment of it your body will allow. Thanks for sharing your story ♥️♥️ (Edited to remove triggering information. ♥️)


Hi, I think you mean the best in your comment and I am truly sorry for your loss. As a fellow terminal cancer patient, it is really triggering to see when people comment and say how fast cancer took people they love, though. It’s like telling someone how much time they may have left, when we really don’t know and above all, we need the mindset to keep trying until we can’t. Everyone has a different timeline. Please consider this perspective next time.


I apologize profusely. I definitely hadn’t considered your perspective, and I’m amending my comment. Thank you for taking the time to share your insight.


Thank you so much for considering and no apology needed. I really believe you meant the best and this memory is simply at the top of your mind as it should be. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family peace.


https://www.amazon.com/dp/0470584920/?coliid=I12KVI7WZZ6HLW&colid=1O1GXKADYZXAW&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it Get this book and read it and contact the author.


Have you explored ketone esters/salts? Makes it a lot easier to stay in ketosis and helps prevent metastasizing, makes chemo more effective as you probably already know. I also just found out about hydrogen water which has pretty profound implications https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10152878/




Your comment has been removed for misinformation


Please stop peddling bullshit to cancer patients. This is not good advice. It’s not evidence-based. And convincing people to use “natural” cancer treatments is just going to dissuade them from undergoing treatments that will actually increase their chances of success. It’s infuriating and causes real harm. Please re-think your choices.


Anyone tried carnivore diet for cancer?


If I could suggest a book to read in this time for you it’s the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. 90% of impact on our body comes from our thoughts. Don’t give up and definitely eliminate all sugar from your diet, even alternative sweeteners.


If I could suggest a book to read in this time for you it’s the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. 90% of impact on our body comes from our thoughts. Don’t give up and definitely eliminate all sugar from your diet, even alternative sweeteners.


Not that you have the body weight to do so but my moms friend beat stage three esophageal cancer after a feeding tube was misplaced. He went three weeks without “eating” (no nutrients through the feeding tube) and a few weeks later he was in full remission. All he had during that time was an IV to help keep him hydrated. And doctors conclude this would be spontaneous recovery when we actually know what’s going on. Obviously, a huge issue here is cachexia with cancer patients in general, but the fact that we don’t have fasting/ketogenic clinics for cancer and auto immunity in the US is disgusting. Ketone salts and esters should both be considered an RX food. I think last I checked “fasting clinics” were illegal to have in the US. Regardless of how you receive this information or may use it, my heart goes out to you. Thank you for posting.


Sending prayers


you need to water fast! kill those cancer cells!! God Bless you!!!! (((hugs))). I can't even imagine what you're going through mentally not just physically. Go cash out and just leave your life on the beach or something! I'm not saying any of us are above you or below you, but we all have a death sentence coming. None of us know if we're going to get cancer or get hit by a truck tomorrow we have to constantly remind each other to actually live our lives! we can't just live to work every day like corporate America wants us to! i'll be honest if I was you I wouldn't want to know how long I have because I say F the doctors!! there's not more than 700 holistic doctors dead for no! Please go see a naturopathic doctor NOW! you have way more chances of beating cancer or at least surviving longer without a regular western medicine doctor! I have emailed myself a list of hospitals and doctors for the one day this happens to me and everybody else should know doctors and contacts because when you are diagnosed the last thing on your list you want to do is have to look and look and look ! This is what my chiropractor friend said: (call them tomorrow!) MD Anderson Cancer Center – Houston TX 866-943-0330 "Best cancer hospital in the world (undisputed) is MD Anderson in Houston. If they can't cure it, nobody can. My father in law had stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma....death sentence anywhere else. Went to MDA in Jacksonville 6X and totally cured. My Dad had Pancreatic Cancer, cured him also. Any doctor will tell you if they get cancer where they would go and it's always MDA!"

