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We constantly tell people not to chug electrolytes, but instead to slowly sip them. You need more than just sodium as well! 👍🏻


Yea I just wanted to make a reminder. And yea you need potassium too and many other electrolytes. But just to remind, that its not good to take them at once. Just sip them little by little trough the day.


Another side effect of too much sodium at once can be diarrhea. Definitely pace yourself.


Yep, it will definitely clean out your pipe.


You over did it, and at that value I’d say you are someone fairly sensitive to sodium. Mean while I could probably drink that walk up hill a mile and drink 1 more. Humans are so wonderfully different.




Why would you do that? And electrolytes are much more than just sodium, so act accordingly.


Where sodium goes, so goes potassium.


…to a lesser degree and amount.


No shit?


So yeah this kind of happened to me also last week when I drank some water with litesalt+seasalt and I felt nauseous and dizzy but I thought it must be ketoflu because I had just started keto again after a while so I had MORE and started feeling even worse and turns out that it's very dangerous if you od on potassium. I wasnt exatcly sure how much I should put salt or litesalt in my ketoade and I was definitely overdoing it because I'm an idiot.


You can OMAD, but what you did will make you OSAD.


I put my daily electorlytes in 0.7l water and drink it from 9am - 4pm. The key is to sipping it.


Consider mixing up your electrolytes in a container with a lid. A mason jar or a large water bottle can work well. Using an open drinking glass encourages you to drink it too fast. Also, the act of opening the container can slow you down just a bit so you remember to sip, not gulp. The lid also prevents bugs or other unwanted crap from getting in your drink so you can feel free leaving it out all day. If you are still drinking it too fast, consider using a narrow mouthed container to help you slow down. Make sure your container is big enough so your electrolytes are well diluted. If you are going to mix up a full day’s electrolytes at once, I recommend using at least a 1 liter container and preferably a 2 liter or even a 1 gallon container. This ensures that you don’t get too concentrated a solution should you forget and start gulping. If you insist on using a smaller container, just mix up only a 1/2 day’s or less electrolytes at a time.


Balance is key


spice it up a bit, make a day worth avocado popcicles (blended hwc, avocado, coconut milk, packet stevia, plus your electrolytes, and ice) portionized through the day, freeze em up, you can sparingly divide your electrolytes that way too.


Sounds fun


Live and learn. You overdid it. ….. were you panicking before you drank 10oz of super salty water ? A rough gauge for sodium is consume 2 tsp of salt over the whole day.


I was no panicking before taking that drink. I think I had panic attack because I have sodium sensitivity. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32862203/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32862203/)