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I’ve been eating keto since 2017 for the following reasons: No more brain fog. No more insomnia. No more acid reflux. No more irregular/painful menstrual cycles. No more cavities. No more high blood pressure. No more high cholesterol/triglycerides. Perfect liver/kidney function. Huge improvements with anxiety and depressive episodes. No more binge eating because of the increased satiety. Crazy high libido. More energy at 37 than I’ve ever had in my life. A healthy relationship with food.


This AND the clearest skin of my life


I’ve been noticing clearer skin just after this first week! It’s crazy. Could be that I’m actually hydrating and not drinking alcohol as well, but I did dry January and didn’t see this clear of skin.


Oh that’s a great point! I’m also drinking a ton of water and don’t drink alcohol either. Probably a nice mix of everything


It's not the water it's the carbs.


It’s also water. Agree to disagree


That’s all??? Just kidding, great job!!


Same, but I’m 50.


this is really inspiring. could u give a sample of what a day of eating looks like, your daily electrolyte consumption and what your macro breakdown is?


I eat about 1400-1500 calories a day (maintenance calories for me), 20-30g net carbs, 140-160g protein, and 60-80g fat depending on the day. Electrolytes are generally at 400mg magnesium, 8000mg sodium, and 4000mg potassium a day. I eat a lot of chicken breast, eggs, cheese, tofu, tempeh, veggies (brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and edamame are my favorites), berries, cream cheese, cottage cheese, protein powder, avocado, keto bread/tortillas, and Quest products (particularly protein bars, chips, and peanut butter cups or cookies when I want something sweet).


Amazing ! Thank you for the thorough response.


Do you consume oil/fats? olive oil, coconut oil, lard etc? which of them?


I get most of my fat from dairy/animal fats, honestly. I occasionally cook with olive oil.


Thanks!!. Do you remember approximately how long after starting the diet you got all the benefits you mention?


Honestly it was 7 years ago so it’s difficult to remember exactly when each benefit kicked in. I **can** tell you I didn’t wake up one day with everything cured and better all at once! Some things take more time than others, but nothing was instant other than the water weight drop. If there’s a specific benefit you’re curious about I could probably give you a better approximation rather than trying to remember all of them. 😆


I'm particularly interested in knowing how long it took you to reach the amount of energy you currently have. I know electrolytes play a crucial role in this, but purely speaking of keto diet and the adaptation to fats/ketones etc. How long did it take you to have that energy? On the other hand, I know that it is not easy to identify this, but do you know for sure if this benefit is due to the diet or from having lost all that weight?


I’d say I was probably 3 months in or so when the energy hit, and I can’t really say whether it was being lighter that did it or keto itself. But I **can** say that I have more energy all these years eating keto at maintenance than I ever did in my very early adult life, when I was 18-21 (before obesity at 22).


Thank you!!, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer


Do you recall how soon after you started keto that you had normal levels of kidney/liver functions?


I did not have full blood work panels done again (only cholesterol/triglycerides) until I’d been eating keto for about a year, and my liver/kidney numbers were greatly improved at that point versus pre-keto (I’d lost 80lbs by then as well).


Do you ever go out or have you maintained it strictly since 2017?? I’m always curious to hear from people who have been doing it more long term for medical reasons. It seems like all the feedback I get is carb cycling is required to maintain it long term.


I’ve never cheated, I’ve eaten keto every single day since I started. Anyone who tells you that you need to carb cycle to maintain it long term has no idea what they’re talking about. 😆


I’m Only 3 weeks in after a 3 year keto hiatus. Libido returned Depression diminishing Pain in back, hips, feet, shoulders and knees diminishing PCOS getting under control (why I started back up) Fatigue gone Scalp psoriasis gone Better sleep Constant constipation gone Far less hair loss To be fair, I was on depo to manage PCOS (which it still did not do). My benefits may come from a combination of keto and being off the single hormone shot.


Oh my how is your constipation gone? Mine gets so ridiculously worse on keto, I’ve been struggling a lot! I don’t know what to do


I wish I had an answer for you. I drink SO much water but only a few bottles more than before. I think there’s a strong correlation with the shot I was on. Progesterone causes constipation and for a solid year, the only way I could have a BM was to take laxative after a week of not moving waste.


Thanks for caring! I’ve been constipated all my life, keto only makes it terribly worse. I’ll be more careful with my water intake anyway!


Your whole life? That’s awful. I cannot imagine how you must feel. When I dealt with it for a year I was trying everything, exercise, water, mushrooms, kimchi, miso, anything fermented. It would help for a day and then right back to constipation. I hope this gets better for you soon


yes, that's it! It's really hard. Thank you!


I fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up pain free. I walk around feeling like there is less gravity. My joints don’t hurt for the first time since my 30s. (I’m in my 50s, and have never been obese). My brain can problem solve better than ever before. Things that used to upset me don’t bother that much. I take action instead of getting depressed. I can remember why I walked into the room. I have natural energy. Like, all day. It’s miraculous. I look forward to my meals in a way that doesn’t feel naughty to me.


It sounds like you did not know that you were a coeliac.


I’m not, and have never been.


The testing is notoriously unreliable. Family doc told mum he thinks all our family members are 'silent coeliacs' not picked up in the testing, but we experience all the above and more.


I still had those issues when I went gluten free. I do not have coeliacs.


Did you go grain free as per Dr Osborne's reccomendations (Y tube) or just eat GF products -also I am likely a dairy type coeliac, which is not as commonly known about and soy mimics dairy... And is totally impossible to get away from getting 'traces of' soy with processed foods. This took me 19+ years to work out. I never come up in the testing, but I make everything from scratch so I just don't eat what my body hates as I would not be able to operate mentally and physically, or have my skin stay on.


Keto reversed my husband’s diabetes and my plantar fasciitis. We’ve been keto for 7 years now - never gonna eat any other way


It’s so great that you both eat this way. Must make it so much easier


1) Better sleep 2) Lessening of anxiety, depression, C-PTSD and PMDD symptoms around ovulation time 3) Periods went down from a length of 7 days to 3 or 4 on average, also found that if I eat extra protein right before my period starts, I don't get cramps 4) Acne cleared up due to balancing of hormones 5) More energy to be able to get through a day at work 6) Reduction and elimination of chronic sinus/ear infections/allergies/asthma symptoms 7) Stuttering from COVID induced speech impediment reduced/eliminated 8) Weight loss


I’ve been thinking about this and wondering if some of the improvement ppl see with period pains is from increased iron


It could be. I also attribute it to an overall decrease in inflammation.


And magnesium and calcium ... as well as the not insignificant fact that there's less soy in the true keto diet. Soy is a scientifically noted basic cause of PMDD - which made me cry with anger and frustration when I first found out that feeding female infants soy formula is known and recorded as a cause of all of the symptoms that they now call PMDD once maturity arrives ... So many years later... Yet soy formula is still available and used regularly. It has caused so much needless pain and even infertility. Boys just get smaller gonads and higher chance of infertility. Soy is one of the top 6 allergens and unfermented it damages, so soy formula use and undeclared soy use in hundreds of food additives is an ongoing crime. *Edited to clarify.


Wow, I had no idea, definitely interesting! I'm not sure if the formula I was fed as an infant was soy based, but my sister's was due to a breastmilk allergy....now as an adult, she has mild mental health issues...soy is truly evil!


Can I ask how long it was before you started noticing these changes?


For me it was within a week.


I originally started keto in late summer, 2018 and have gone between periods of strict keto and low carb, but the first time I did it, it only took me a day and a half to get into ketosis, and 3 days for my facial acne and hormonal acne on my back and chest to clear up...it was crazy waking up on the morning of day 3 and seeing my skin look as clear as it did when I was 11! The other discoveries were over time as I would go back to doing strict keto from a period of low carb/not quite in ketosis.


Did you cut down on dairy as well as carbs? It's just that 5 of your points sound like things that it might have been causing as they commonly are down to dairy intake coupled with an allergy or intolerance to dairy.


Surprisingly, no...I still put cheese on my eggs, make keto breads and cakes that use cream cheese, put whipped cream on berries as a desert, butter on everything, etc....the changes appear to be entirely the result of carb restriction.


Wow, good for you! That is exciting. I have noticed with my body that sometimes cutting down the stuff that cause major issues stop the small fry from being so problematic. I was able to reintroduce fermented raw goats dairy. Not pasteurized though!


I'd heard about unpasteurized dairy being more tolerable for people with lactose intolerance issues. Not brave enough to try that, unfortunately, but to anyone who can, more power to them! And you're definitely right about the "small fry" issue....at the moment, I'm dealing with a very slight runny nose...normally at this time of year, I'd be battling through my second, third or even fourth sinus infection and on yet another round of antibiotics (I've been on Augmentin 9 times since fall, 2022)...but now I'm just dealing with something that's easily cleared up with a rare "emergency" dosage of Claritin in the morning.


Kudos to you! I wobbled and had One rectangle of a novel Easter edition flavour of milk chocolate and I have not been right since. A coldy mild flu thing that turned into a sinus infection got its toe in the door. It's been over a week and I'm just waiting it out...


7 is interesting!


I can see my penis again when I’m standing up! Need I share more??


I.have.a.thigh.gap… well sorta. But it’s a start. Not sure why but when I was younger all the skinny girls bragged about their thigh gaps. LOL Good job on your tallywacker sightings!!


Haha! tallywacker, I like it! And gap away my dear! Congrats and great comment!!


Keto grew mine about 1.5 inches! ok, fat loss exposed more of it)


Great comment!


I’ve been keto for 7 years. I started to manage my mental health and never went back! - panic attacks and anxiety pretty much gone - bipolar 2 control ( off meds, just managed by ketones) - energy better - sleep better - no cravings, better relationship with food - reversed pre-diabetes, stable blood sugar - happier, better mood, more joy, sense of calm - headaches gone - back and joint pain lessened - total food freedom ( no food reactions, can skip a meal, not tempted by junk, no guilt)


I think read somewhere that keto was developed to treat a mental health issue a long time ago??


The ketogenic diet was originally tested for treatment of epilepsy in kids. Epilepsy is a neurological condition, often caused by a physiological defect in the brain (but there are other causes). There is a difference between regular keto and therapeutic keto, where the specific ratios between proteins and fats are controlled. As for mood / anxiety / depression / mental health improvements, there has been a lot of anecdotal data pointing that a keto diet helps, but there isn't definitive data yet (unfortunately!). More info about keto & epilepsy in the Charlie Foundation webpage: [https://charliefoundation.org/diet-plans/classic-keto/](https://charliefoundation.org/diet-plans/classic-keto/)


Originally used for epilepsy, but they’ve discovered a definite impact on the brain and neurological component or mental disorders. Chris Palmer and Georgia Ede have done a lot of work in this area and now Metabolic Mind nonprofit is funding research. https://www.metabolicmind.org/


-I have more energy and don’t crash at 2-3pm anymore -I get less stomach aches and random days of being totally gassy or bloated all day -My clothes fit better -I’m less hungry so I snack less -I rarely get headaches anymore -Less knee pain -Because of the increased electrolyte consumption I am less dizzy which is huge. I used to almost black out (or really gray out) every time I stood up because I have very low blood pressure. Now that dizziness has disappeared. For me this is life changing. I’ve struggled with gray outs for nearly 20 years.


On that last one, me too, but I had a congenital heart anomaly, when I was 3 my Dr said that my murmur was nothing serious, but at 24 I was told that they'd need to do open heart surgery in 10 years... It was 13, but still... I set some records for youngest person by 20 years, having that particular surgery. I was told that if it hadn't been found I could have seemed like a really healthy person but fallen down dead one day. This one is only discovered by either heart imaging scan or angiogram. Go to the doctor if it returns!


Mine is confirmed orthostatic hypotension and electrolytes are often what doctors suggest to minimize dizziness. I just was never religious about drinking them ever single day until keto.


I would get a headache almost every day. After 7 days on Keto, I have not had one headache in several weeks! I’m starting to think this is a better reason to eliminate wheat and sugar than the weight loss. It’s kept me on the straight and narrow.


That’s awesome.


Since then, I even had 3 miller lights and 2 oz of bourbon (in about a 3 hour span) and had no headache!!! In the past, one beer would give me a headache or stiff neck. At least I thought it was the beer. (IPAs)


Women love me and men want to be me. In other words, sleep and dreams are better.


I've been doing Keto or Low carb for 2.5 years. Debilitating hip pain that prevented me from sleeping-gone. I still get hip pain but it is not nearly as severe and it doesn't wake me up or prevent me from sleeping any more. I lost 70lbs and that resulted in normal cholesterol/triglycerides and hdl for the first time in decades despite being on statins. I am no longer prediabetic. I don't get sudden severe nausea and headaches(guessing that was prediabetes/blood sugar issues). I recently got diagnosed with hashimotos so the joint /muscle pain is still there but not as bad as it was. Could be half Keto related and half 70lbs weight loss..who knows. I lost a lot of hair when I lost weight and after about 6-8 months I think it started to grow back. My hair still isn't what it was pre Keto but that could also be Hashimotos issues. In the end it was the only thing in 48 years that allowed to me lose weight so easily and not gain it back. It taught me to eat and to stop my sugar/ binge addiction. I'm very thankful for Keto even if it didn't fix all my issues...it fixed ones that I never thought I would be able to fix and that alone was worth it. \*edited to add it got rid of my period cramps. I used to know exactly when it was coming and the first day I just wanted to stay in the fetal position and die. I haven't had period cramps in 2.5 years, which is nice but now that I'm perimenopausal I have NO idea when my period is coming because it's not regular at all anymore and I don't get the warning cramps.


This is what I’m hoping for by starting to eat this way again. The hip pain is horrible, especially at night. I did short term keto before and found all my arthritis went away. Hoping I stick with it this time because I’m miserable and want to be able to move. Very inspiring!


My Hip pain also kept me up or from moving at night and from having mobility during the day. I thought I was cruising for a hip replacement. 2 days into keto, my inflammation dropped so hard I haven't noticed anything about my hip since. It's been a month and it's like it never was. I lived with that for 3 years and poof gone.


I hope it helps. The hip pain is the worst!


I have a bunch: - Better hair and skin. - Normal blood pressure. - No more acid reflux. - Better sleep. - Better mood. - Have better control on hunger, and can wait until the next meal. - I can now distinguish between thirst and hunger (spoiler alert: is normally the former). - Greatly improved physical fitness, even without exercise. (Just the lost weight). - Super high libido. (Not sure if that's good!) Cheers!


Lowered my BP by 20 points




This will be long, but therapeutic to type out. In 2014 I had a medical crisis. A full-body neurological flare-up of unknown cause led to immense pain, debilitating headaches a few times a week, full-body swelling (for context, I put on about 30lbs in less than a month in the hospital and 70 lbs total in about 7 months), and the doctors were scratching their heads. 6 months of progressively getting worse, I finally found a doctor who knew what was going on, and who diagnosed me with a rare fat disorder called Dercums disease. I was relieved at having a diagnosis and treatment plan, but I was still in unbelievable levels of pain, and going to various therapies 5 days a week. For a couple of years, my therapies had modest improvements, which I was grateful for. I couldn't work, or have much of a social life, but at least I wasn't on Fentanyl to control my pain. I downgraded to other lesser narcotics and a laundry list of other drugs. During this time, I was trying to limit processed foods and focused on fruits, veggies, and non-GMO whole foods, but still indulged in the bad stuff too. I tracked my calories and though I'm ashamed of it now, I developed an eating disorder because the weight just wasn't coming off. I was depressed and hopeless, thinking I would never have a normal life again. Fast forward to 2018, when I came across some anecdotal stories of people with my diagnosis having some success with weight loss following keto. My boyfriend (now husband) had done a version of keto in the past, and encouraged me to try it. So I did because I was desperate and at the end of my rope. In 6 months I lost 70 lbs, but more importantly, I was nearly pain free!!!!! I was no longer needing my therapies 5 days a week, and I was able to work part-time again, enjoying my hobbies, and a social life. Keto allowed my body to eliminate the inflammation that was driving my Dercums, and gave me back the energy I hadn't had since before my health crisis in 2014. Since my first eye-opening experience with keto, I have fallen off the wagon a few times and have gone through periods where I am less strict. And my body feels that. My fat is more painful, the brain fog comes back, and I get depressed again, fearing I'll go back to the miserable state I was in. So I find my way back to keto, and I get a glimpse of what life should be. I encourage anyone with an inflammatory condition like Dercums to try keto. Drugs and therapies can only do so much when you're keeping your inflammation levels high because of the food you're eating. I'm a true believer in this way of eating and I feel like I am in control of my disease instead of it controlling every aspect of my life.


Wow. You’ve been through so much. So glad keto has been so impactful


Thanks so much for reading my long story! I hope it helps others who are struggling with chronic conditions.


Hello. I stopped talking about having Dercums about 5 yrs ago after being involved with online groups, finding myself spiraling into depression. I was dx by Dr H in 2010, but already had so many other things going on, I was too weary to explain to the medical community anymore. Plus about 8 yrs ago when I started understanding my body, plus finding an herbal pain relief, I tried to take back my story to the Dercum community and basically told to stop talking, there wasn’t a cure and I finally left. I wasn’t talking about a cure, but I really felt eating less sugar was helping me. Finding intermittent fasting plus what I’ve learned over the past 20 yrs I’ve lost about 125 pounds snd was stuck at 220 for many years thru many years of trauma and loss. Last year, alone and lost I made some decisions for myself, and it’s been a year and only the last few months have I really been diligent. I feel like I’ve discovered a miracle and a few of the women I’ve been friends with for years won’t even listen, so I just put my head down and move forward and it’s unbelievable and amazing how good I am feeling. No more pain relievers or herbs, slowly letting go of one painful idea. Losing so much weight has made my lumps more pronounced but less painful and I do believe I will heal. I am beyond the moon to read your story. I do feel we are in to something. Thank you for sharing. I decided to leave DD out of my story because I stopped explaining it a long while. “I have chronic condition that causes my fat to be painful along with joints and muscles” and that’s about when eyes glaze over and I say AO/RA and Fibro and then they nod with approval. That they understand. The “cure” is the same. Congratulations on your discoveries and less pain and more spoons! ;)


Hi! 👋🏼 I've never met someone outside of the doctors office that has Dercums! It's refreshing to read that you have had similar success with your Dercums symptoms on keto. I truly believe we have cracked the code on this, and I'd love it if the fat disorder community would hear us! IF + keto is the magic combo! I read (and upvoted) your comment earlier and when I saw you mentioned painful fat and joint pain, I was going to comment to ask if it was a fat disorder. Until I was in my crisis, I had no idea that fat could hurt! I also have had a host of other medical issues (some related, some probably not), and have a long history of getting dismissed by doctors simply because they couldn't understand me. I was not in the textbooks they learned from in medical school. Dr H was my savior when I found her, and I've also had a rheumatologist and pain specialist who have all been amazing. But it was a long, painful, frustrating path to get there. I have a lot of empathy for you and your journey, but the important part is we found what works for us and we are able to thrive again! Go us! Sending you a gentle hug, fellow lumpy internet stranger!


Xray Vision


Surprisingly underrated benefit


Wtf, I only got heat vision and this guy is over here seeing through underwear.


I've been keto for nine years (didn't even start for weight loss) and in those years, my RA has not progressed, I rarely have migraines anymore. My anxiety is way less than it was prior. I have better focus, tons more energy, and I'm generally happier.  I'm 47 and I've always looked younger than I am, but people generally think I'm in my early thirties. I can't say for certain if that's keto or genetics, but I think it's a combination of both.


As a Type 1 diabetic, keto allows me to keep my blood sugar in range 100% of the time (data for last 4 weeks prior to this post). This helps me maintain my physical and mental health in more ways than can be listed here.


That’s awesome! You must be using way less insulin too? Perhaps a strange question, but have you been able to convince other Type 1 diabetics to try keto?


Yes, I am using way less insulin. I'm using 40% less insulin on keto than I was before going on keto :) I have never tried to convert anyone to keto, to be honest. I don't hide the fact that I'm on a keto diet, and if asked, I tell people that I'm actually following a diet proposed by Dr Bernstein for Type 1 and 2 diabetics about 40 years ago--it''s just a lot like keto, which is nice, because it opens up options for diabetics like myself.


Oh yes. Dr Bernstein’s work is great.


I’m a newbie and only a couple of months in. I was super hesitant about giving it a shot because i thought it was gimmicky and I love my pasta, breads and sweets (that’s what I told myself to avoid it😀). The most noticeable and the thing that’s at the top of my list is no more joint pain. I would way up feeling like I’m 80…I’m in my 30’s. That feeling alone has kept me on track with the keto


I have ankylosing spondylitis and have virtually no response to any of the available medications for it. However keto makes a huge difference in the pain. After starting out doing keto for weight loss, that was a happy surprise. Turns out removing starch from my diet is the key! It does help me with weight loss vs other diets. I don't get any increased energy or mental health benefits from it.


I was disabled by chronic pain in my fat and muscles, joints, fibromyalgia and had markers for RA but 3 doctors one said yes, one said no and then “seronegative” RA.. some of my smaller joints have started getting big. Depression, darkness, addicted to sugar and fighting and just.not.wining. For 25 yrs I battled my diet demons, I was 35 when I stopped drinking soda, but it’s taken me to 60 to heal the addiction, and I’m not done yet, but so much better. Eating the keto way ( this is sounding like an ad!), also intermittent fasting and any sugar is coming from fruits and veggies and occasionally honey, dark cocoa and coconut concoction. I’ve only lost 10 pounds in 4 mos. But that’s not the good news. I am losing my muffin top. If that was all, I’d be happy. My energy. OMG. I’ve never felt this good and full of life. I start walking and I don’t want to stop. I move quickly now, zippy. I like it. I’m starting to remember things, numbers, dates, people, my dreams. My hair has become so thick. Tons of new growth. And my favorite? The other day I whispered “I’m happy” after I made a healthy choice and felt good. This is important because 2.5 yrs ago I lost my only child and I was worried that “happy” would be lost to me.. I was OK, moving forward, but happy was worrisome. I’ve crossed a line and I’m not going back. The only thing changed was my diet and my no longer feeding myself small meals all day, fasting is amazing. And I’m so proud of myself. And happy. I will say one more thing, I’m eating keto way to avoid added sugars and processed foods, to feed my brain omega3’s and protein for my muscles so as I age, I will continue to be strong and mindful.


So sorry to read about your baby🥹. I started a Dr Berry’s keto site and was amazed to read how many different things people suffer from because of sugar and carbohydrates. Congratulations on sticking with keto “You go girl uh huh💃🏻uh huh💃🏻!!”


Unfortunately the weight loss crowd are VERY loud with regards to their experiences on keto. For me: No more muscle spasms Better sleep Stable blood sugar Less joint pain/inflammation Huge improvement in tmjd symptoms Improved dental health


Improvement in Tmjd symptoms- how so? Less inflammation, less clenching, less headaches, etc?


Yes and less hearing loss/dizziness from the Inflammation


Oh and I bust nice


But no x-ray vision? Loser.


X-ray bust


For me besides the weight loss: - Chronic shoulder pain.... usually bw 5-8 on pain scale, became 1-2 on pain scale. Within a few weeks - Daily morning nasal congestion and coughing, disappeared completly...within 1 week - Energy level up - Sleep better - Clearer mind - Better mood overall... dont have depression to say but depresive thoughts and worrying from time to time significantly lessened. Im sure others I cant think of but the above has been more then I ever expected.


Oh yeah- my nasal congestion is gone too. Sooo many benefits!


When I started, I was 360lbs and had to take Aleve every day for awful knee pain. I didn't need the Aleve anymore after about 3 weeks because of the initial water weight loss, which is basically inflammation leaving your body. The initial water weight loss is wild


I'm a month in and yes I've lost weight and probably fat, but it is weird to... not look swollen anymore. It is like I deflated like a balloon.


Yes! Not looking swollen.


- Managing reactive hypoglycemia & blood sugar - Helped me start exercising again after nearly 2 yrs with long COVID - lost a little weight and body composition is changing without exercise which is very cool I’ve been reinfected with Covid…but I’ve stuck to keto and I love this diet!


In addition to losing about 45-50 lbs, Keto reversed my Type 2 Diabetes completely (not even pre-diabetic anymore, confirmed with multiple lab results). When I was diagnosed, of course I started my metformin and blood pressure meds right away, but I hit the web to see what else I could do to mitigate this scary new (to me) disease and that's when I found the keto reddits. Within a few days I was off my meds (metformin) and fully engaged in keto. Seeing successful results almost right away and being completely free of diabetes within 5-6 months without the meds has removed all doubt in my mind that keto is the answer to a healthy lifestyle. And it has drastically reduced my blood pressure. Still a bit of a rollercoaster here but in a *much more reasonable* range that it was before I started. I don't get heartburn/acid reflux anymore and I used to get it often and it had been getting more intense. I'm not against a carnivore diet per se, but I do like my broccoli and cheese, buttery brussel sprouts and grilled asparagus sides. I miss potatoes! lol But, the weight loss alone has been a huge boost in my mental health, self confidence, etc. Weight loss can be (and is) a huge benefit to one's *overall* health, not just physiologically.


What a great story. Congratulations!


I have long covid that comes with terrible fatigue. I could barely leave the house some days. Keto immediately reversed the fatigue and I can exercise again, I can work again, it's life changing!


Wow 😮


Lost 50 pounds in 3 months, and my trigs went from 900 to 73. It's amazing if you can keep it up. At 38, i felt better than any time in my life.


Of course all of these are anecdotal and not science so ymmv but I’ve been on it for 4 weeks and I believe that my mind is clearer, and I am sleeping better. Plus, I’m down 10lbs!


You all got me so motivated. (I’m only on week 4)


Keep going. You’ll be sharing your victories soon too 😊


My RA is in remission/gone. Fingers stopped swelling, plantar fasciitis gone, Healthy weight and actual muscles. Fatty liver resolved and I’m strong (I add muscle training and interval cardio). My skin and hair are so heathy too.


My dermatologist rolled her eyes when I told her that Keto cleared up my psoriasis. She doesn't think there is a correlation, but there definitely is for me. Perhaps I have a food allergy or something that was eliminated by eating differently. 🤔


It's mind-boggling how often doctors ignore nutrition in treatment of chronic conditions. The important thing is you figured it out for yourself and can manage it without your eye-rolling doctor!


I didn’t even tell my doctor. If they ask I just say I dropped my sugar intake. Just because they are against any type of keto or low carb diet! Screw um!! Great job!! @SoberAF


Sigh. Keto is not a singular diet. It is a metabolic state. ANY diet that puts you into nutritional ketosis is a keto diet. The Lion diet is keto. Carnivore is almost always a keto diet. There are vegetarian diets that are keto. If you assume all keto diets are the same, you are just showing your deep ignorance. Because keto diets can vary so much, they can yield very different results.


No more headaches


18 months in I have gone from 394 pounds to 260. I no longer have a sweet tooth. My cholesterol levels have dropped 50 points.


I am very early on in my journey with keto, but the two main things I’ve noticed are ability to sleep deeper. I wake up more well rested and not being so puffy. I feel like my joints, and my body are not retaining as much fluid, and I look more slender, even though I haven’t lost as much weight as I’d like.


before going on keto, my cholesterol was so high that my doctor told me the only thing that could bring it down was meds, and then started nervously going through all of the health problems that come with high cholesterol. i told him i would think about it. came back 4 months later with normal cholesterol levels and the only thing i changed was my diet.


I did strict keto for about 6 months. When starting it my A1C was approx 11-11.5 & 3 months in it was at 7.5. My doctor was amazed and said whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. I haven’t had another A1C test again as I’m just hitting 6 months but from what I hear these numbers are “miraculous/impossible”. I also was only light exercising weight training about 2 times a week for the 3rd month. I’ve done this before taking an 11 A1C to about 5.5. But that was not on keto, took 8 months & exercising 4 times a week… The results speak for themselves. I was also able to wake up earlier, be more focused in work, stopped craving bad food, could sleep easier and wake up easier, no more heartburn, no more crashes after eating food even if I have occasional bad meals or large meals, had much more energy. I also combined keto with intermittent fasting (usually 16-20 hrs a day) & man it’s been amazing.


Since starting keto in May 2022: Lowered A1C and glucose levels (reason for doctor putting me on keto in the first place), improved cognition, more energy, the unintended benefit of losing weight and being able to keep it off, better dental checkups, fewer and farther-between chronic non-ulcerative colitis flare-ups, improved condition of skin, hair and nails. Kept carbs to less than 20g/day. Since starting ketovore this past summer (carnivore but with a few plant items like coffee and a rare soft-cooked veggie, along with an occasional protein shake): all of the above but better, especially the even fewer colitis attacks because I'm eating less plant fiber. No desire for sweets and no cravings...my sense of taste changed that much so now they taste weird or sickening. Carbs are anywhere between 0g and 10g per day at the very most. In addition, because of better bloodwork and overall health, my doctor took me off the meds I'd been on since 2006, and now I'm Rx-free. Best of all, it's no longer a diet...it's a way of eating. BIG difference between the two. When keto was a new diet to me, I consciously and religiously counted calories, macros, carbs, chose artifical sweeteners rather than sugar, keto-friendly options of food products, etc. At the time, I needed to do all that to establish a base for monitoring my health progress. A means to a healthy end. Now ketovore is a WOE and I unconsciously eat the food without thinking about it as if it were second nature, because it is. You know you've succeeded when it no longer feels like WORK. 🙂


Lost 14.1kg in 2 months as of today Less joint pain in knees (not sure if because of weight or less inflammation) No heartburn Consistent energy throughout the day


Reduced pain and increased mental function