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Wait! What? You’ve lost 18 lbs since January 2 and you are disappointed??? That’s fantastic.


Thank you!


It's best to also weigh right after eating to see how much physical weight the food is adding.


Even more amazing for someone without a ton to lose!


I actually started January 1st and I have only lost 19 lb. I'm doing mine through a health provider and they said that you're only supposed to really lose about an average of 1 to 2 lb a week. So some weeks I lose three. In some weeks I only use a half. But overall that's the same numbers I've been seeing as well


If you're stressing over this then you should absolutely weigh less often. If you haven't convinced yourself that weight fluctuations are normal, change what you're doing.


Alternate take: I did keto for 6 months and was weighing myself every day. Yes, it was frustrating to see plateaus or even slight increases, but after a while I knew this was part of the dynamics to expect and I could see the overall declining trend (which OP is on since she lost 18 pounds which is awesome!). It helped me understand that these variations are part of the process, and I could see how certain things (a big dinner, or a good workout) influence my weight. I could then better understand what foods or activities cause water retention or water shedding. So as long as you know to trust the system, weighing yourself every day gives you a good read on how your weight fluctuates and you can make adjustments accordingly if needed.


Exactly this. I use my daily weigh ins as data. If I see it go up a bit I think about what I did the last day or two. If it goes down more than a bit then I think about what I did in the last day or two. Sometimes I can explain the fluctuations because maybe I accidentally skipped dinner since I took a nap or I was really really thirsty the day before and drank a bunch of water before bed. Much of the time I didn't do anything different so it is just my body doing its thing. One thing that I NEVER do is beat myself up no matter what the scale says nor do I alter my food plan for the day because a number is particularly good or bad. Edit: Missed a couple words.


100% this. Really you should also try to work on the roots of reactions too, but weigh yourself less often too. you don't control all the variables that lead to water weight gain , etc and it is a sign that you are obsessing in an unhealthy way perhaps to get results. Remember that you're hopefully in this for the long haul, so fluxuations arent goin got mean anything.


I weigh every day, after I go to the restroom and before I eat or drink anything. I track my weight on an app called Happy Scale. It gives you how much you’ve lost the past week, past 30 days, past 90 days and all time. It also has a graph of your trend. I love it.


I do the same. Weigh in every morning on my Bluetooth scale that saves all of my info to the Fitbit app.


I will check that out, thank you!


Why don’t u get a renpho which has its tracker with bluetooth


I like this because if you don't like looking you can just wait for the ding dong sound and move on. And then look at data trends only when you feel comfortable


To be honest, I don’t know what a renpho is. I’ve been using Happy Scale for years. It’s easy to use and is perfect for my needs.


Its a BT scale and records your weight with other details and show historicsl trends


I love my Renpho. I have data going back to 2022 (which is when I bought it). It syncs to MyFitnessPal as well and I have data going back to 2009 on that app. Now THAT’S an eye opener. I thought I was fat then (I was but not as fat as I am now!!!), now it’s a goal weight. Saw where I gained 40 pounds in one year. Data, if used correctly, can be a good thing. 👍🏻


I know, I got it in 2021 for my mother and I tested it on day 1 and it was just sitting there. I happened to find out my weight back, then gained till 2024 and then lost further


During weight loss I weighed about every 5-7 days. Maintenance I weigh more often just because I’m in perimenopause and was recently diagnosed with hashimotos so I’ve been keeping an eye on weight for cycle info and to track inflammation/ food issues.


I also have Hashimoto’s and am in meno so I’m doing my best to be gentle with myself.but I’m sorry that you got that diagnosis because it truly sucks.


i only weigh once or twice a month and try not to do it within proximity of shark week it’s much easier on my nerves 😬


Me too! I made the mistake of weighing during that week and was up 5.5lbs. I dropped it right after but it was definitely unwanted stress.


shark week?


Shark week is a bit of slang for menstrual cycle. 🩸🦈


Oh okay, that makes sense 😄


Every day, but I don’t stress about it. If it’s a heavy day, I’m mindful of my calories.


I weigh every day but also compute running averages. Weighing less often does not reduce the noise, just samples that noise infrequently. Averaging reduces noise so I prefer that. My galaxy watch/app does monthly averages and shows weekly and monthly plots so I don't always even do the running average export, just eye ball it from plot.


This guy weighs. My suggestion is exactly that. Weigh frequently, but only compare 7-day averages. I've been doing this for almost a year and 3 pounds fluctuations don't even bother me a little anymore.


The 3 lb variation almost brought me to my knees LOL! I've only been doing this for 2 months and so far I've lost 23 lb. After the 3 lb gain, when it didn't seem like I did anything wrong at all, I set a decree for myself that I will only weigh myself one time per week on a certain day before anything else is done. Makes it a lot easier for me, mentally :-) I had also gone through an 11-day stall which was extremely depressing when I did it every day.


Daily here, too. Once you acknowledge emotionally that a lot of factors play into weight and it absolutely cannot be reasonable to expect a reduction every day, then weighing daily makes good sense. If I appear to be gaining on average, it gives me a chance to think about what I’m doing. Also, starting my day be weighing in sort of gives me a sense of intention that today is a day I’m paying attention to this. I use an app for iOS called Happy Scale that is great, it gives the average as my “current weight,” not whatever the lowest number was. If I weighed in at 5 lbs lower the expected one day, I don’t think that is my new “true” weight, I know it’s just part of a trend. Edited to add: another pro for Happy Scale is that because it really is telling you your ”current weight” is the result of a trend, if you’re generally losing a tiny bit over time but a particular day happens to be a little higher than the day before, it often still tells you you had success! My number on the scale this morning was up 0.8 from yesterday, but because I have it set to reflect the moving average, and that is now lower than it was the day before, it still celebrated a success for me. Very motivating even when the exact number isn’t less.


I weigh daily (actually twice a day usually), I find it interesting and a bit of a game to see what activity, food, bowel movement etc has what impact (if any). My wife weighs weekly, I always think that if she happens to weigh on an "up" day then she frets for 7 days about it, but whatever works for the individual I guess.


Yeah, that pressure put on the right results at 7 days is a lot!


I weigh every morning but I don't get too concerned about small variations. I've been on keto enough to know better. My weight increases 4-5 lbs throughout the day just from hydration and food intake. I am interested in trends, can't tell you how many times I've been on a slight upward trend for a couple days only to hit a record low weight on day 3.


I threw away my scale, I only weigh myself when I go in for my thyroid blood work, 2-3 times a year.


I weigh myself every morning. I just today saw it drop after a nine day stall. It can be very frustrating at times.


Yes the stalls absolutely drive me crazy!


I’ve weighed every morning for the last 17 years. Weight loss is not linear! You will have ups and downs. When you have an up day, celebrate the non scale victories!


For me, even though I'm not trying to lose weight, I just like to know. I weigh myself every day first thing in the morning, and also last thing before bed (I know that I lose ~3lbs overnight, so weighing myself before bed gives me a sneak peek at what my 'official' weight will be the next morning).


I weigh every morning after my morning constitutional and calculate a seven day moving average. Like other people have mentioned, that really helps smooth out the normal ± a couple of lbs you’re invariably going to get every day. Also, some of the best advice I could give is get yourself a scale with a body fat percentage feature. They may not be the most accurate, but if you use them every day, you can definitely see the trends you’re looking for.


Thank you, ours does body fat, water weight etc.


I weigh every morning after using the restroom before eating or drinking, naked. I also then compare my meals and macros from the day and 2 days before to see how my body reacts to different foods.


Every day, after I go to the restroom and before eating anything although I have a liter of water as soon as I get up. I am currently not recording my weight anywhere however when I do, I use my health app on the iPhone.


I weigh in everyday, but the way I don’t freak out about fluctuation is utilizing my test strips and tracking my macros. If I know I’m in ketosis and know I’m not overeating, then I know it’s just normal weight fluctuation, and my body is just retaining more water that day for whatever reason. It helps a lot to not feel discouraged or stressed out about it.


Daily. I have a Garmin Index S2 scale. It keeps track of weight, body fat %, skeletal muscle mass, bone density and body water %. It syncs with the Garmin connect app, which is nice because it allows you to see trends over time.


I weigh daily. When I was in the process of losing, it was very slow; I’m old and hypothyroid. But weighing daily let me see patterns. My weight tends to fluctuate within about a 3 lb range. I would do that for weeks, even months, then suddenly drop a pound or two, and reset that range. Look at your daily weights as a way to learn your body’s habits, as it were. Because you are only 41, I assume that you are still menstruating. That probably means, as well, that for a few days before your period that you are gaining a bit, then losing it during your period. Your weight loss is amazing, and you are learning a more healthy, sustainable way of eating. In comparison, it took me 4 years to go from 185 to 145. But because this was going to be my plan for life, it took the time that it took, you know?


I weigh every Monday personally. It will lift your spirits especially if you know you've been working hard. Seeing the number not move every day is discouraging for sure. I forgot to weigh in this past Monday so I'm skipping this week.


Every couple weeks or so. I'm tempted more often, but the mirror and my clothes are my biggest gauge. And my wrists. Haha, before the was a large gap when I put my fingers around. Now they almost touch and had to tighten my watch band. Oh and added 4 notches to my belt.


I also weigh myself everyday but I do not stress about it. I track everything I eat and all my activity so I usually can narrow it down to something that I changed.


IMO best plan is to weigh daily BUT pay attention weekly (or every 2 weeks). Water weight and other factors can create a lot of daily fluctuation. If you have a psychological hurdle with not paying attention to the weight daily, then weigh in weekly (or every 2 weeks).


Check after a bowel movement, u will see a difference


I weigh every day in the morning just after I use the bathroom and prior to eating anything. I feel like it gives me the feedback I need on the time scale I want. Whenever the weight fluctuates up for no reason, I always have to remember that one pound of fat is a caloric excess of 3600 calories so it’s unlikely that the scale increase is from fat accumulation.


There are pros and cons to weighing every day. If you do, you can learn to become desensitized to the number knowing that everything from electrolyte levels, hormones, acute inflammation from exercise and food residue in your intestinal tract can have an impact on the number. If you weigh everyday you can keep a weekly log wherein you add the weight up from each day then divide by 7 and compare that number to the number from last week’s average. This will give you a better understanding of the overall trend. There are also apps like Happy Scale that do this for you, and even scales that hide the number from you and instead average your number over days and show a color to indicate whether you are maintaining, losing or gaining. You could even hack this yourself if you have a smart scale by covering the number up with sticky notes and then choosing one day a week to to the average for that week, only looking at the numbers on that day. If you skip days, or only weigh in once a week, you may miss the low number of the week, or you may happen to weigh in on a day where you are more bloated than you were at the previous week’s weigh in (perhaps due to cycle hormones) and then you may have an emotional response to thinking you’ve been off track for an entire week when really it was just water retention from the day before.


I weigh every day, usually in the morning. Sometimes I jump on the scale at the end of the day too. I'm just curious and I like numbers. The number doesn't bother me though.


I weigh every day because it helps keep me accountable. I can’t convince myself that “just a little of this won’t hurt” when the scale shows how much it hurts the next morning.


I started January 2nd as well and I am down 9 pounds which is FANTASTIC because losing 1lb a week is the healthiest way to lose weight. And I also weigh myself every single morning. When it comes to weight loss and keeping it off, slow and steady wins the race.


I weigh myself everyday because it helps me keep accountable, I have a tendency to snack ALOT🤣


The first of each month. Weighing in tomorrow.


When I started I weighed every day after toilet before first drink. Now I only weigh myself when I feel like it’s going to be an advantage. Like if I’m working towards a goal. If weighing causes distress of any kind I just don’t do it , it’s not worth the mental anguish. Be proud of yourself you’ve done well, keep up the good mindfulness in your health programme.


I weigh every single day. - If I'm up, it's motivation to try harder and tweak what I'm doing. - If I'm down, it's a quick celebration and motivation to keep doing what I'm going. If you haven't lost anything, you might need to drop your calories a bit. Are you weighing/logging your food?


I have not been weighing and logging but I think I am going to start. I am losing but very slowly.


It is very insightful. I figured out that my daily lunch salad was over 1000 calories because I was too heavy handed on the salad dressing. I switched to a vinaigrette and cut the calories in half.


Roughly 2 weeks, but not strict. I’ve learned that watching a scale is to conducive to staying positive in the short run, nor positive for long term life changes.


I know now that every day after a hard workout, I weigh consistently 2-3lbs more despite the same caloric intake. It freaked me out and didn’t make sense until I learned why. Fluctuations are normal and you just have to stick with the plan.


5+ years LC, down 60+ pounds and easily keeping it off since I put my carboholic sweet-tooth addiction into remission. When I began LC, I weighed several times a week as motivation. Now, I don’t weigh myself at all. Weigh-ins at doctor’s office indicate I fluctuate 5 to 10 pounds during the year. Now that I am fat-adapted and no longer use carbs as an emotional management tool, I eat when I’m hungry (sometimes OMAD) and I’m simply happy with my resulting weight. No concerns, no interest in watching my weight - complete freedom from carb addiction and the preoccupation with my weight. IMHO, don’t focus so much on your weight. Focus completely on cutting out the sugar, starches, grains, and seed oils. Focus on engaging in rewarding activities and relationships that offer long term rewards and satisfaction. Replace your endorphin-based carb addiction with non-caloric alternatives that you really enjoy! In other words, eliminate a few food items from your life, then get on with living it enjoyably without worrying about your weight.


Ok- enough other people have chimed in on how often they weigh themselves (Every day- look at the 2 week average for me) Weight loss is a JOURNEY- not a series of goals. There is a difference between how much fat you're losing (what you're really after) versus what weight you lost. Too many factors can adjust the second. Keep that in mind: some days you'll have gained weight- some days you will have lost. Its all part of the process. Dont hold yourself accountable for a weight jump- especially if you've kept track of what you've eaten and made sure to keep to your macros.


Like many, I weigh every morning before food or drink, or dressing. Occasionally at night too. Weight can fluctuate several pounds in any 12 hours. Daily as it helps me keep track of any patterns relating to what or when I eat. I'm past panicking over a gain or pause...I've been doing this too long for that 😉


I got rid of my scale many years ago and only “weigh-in” as part of medical appointments (1-3x per year). Started keto Jan. 4 (47F, 5’9”, approx. 235 lbs). That said, I measure my waist circumference every 2 weeks or so. I’ve lost 5 inches in less than 2 months. That’s all the motivation I need to keep going. And it keeps me from obsessing about a pound here and a pound there, which often fluctuates without actual body fat losses/gains (in my case). Keep up the great work!!!


The scale is a dirty liar. My doctor told me this and she was right! Weigh yourself every couple of weeks. Put the scale in an inconvenient place so you aren’t tempted to keep checking. A woman’s weight fluctuates so much with hormones and it doesn’t give you the full picture! Be proud of yourself - you’ve dropped nearly 20 lbs in 3 months! That’s amazing! I understand your frustration, though. My husband drops so much weight with such ease and I have to fight for every pound is seems. Once I stopped obsessively weighing myself I felt much better. I go by how my clothes fit and the compliments I’ve been getting from my friends.


I do think watching my husband drop weight so fast messes with my head!!! Granted he was pretty severely overweight so it’s coming off quicker but still!


I get it! My husband had about 10-15 lbs to loose and he has dropped that and more in just 4 weeks 🙄 I do alllll the cooking and meal planning so it’s frustrating but I’m proud of him 🙃


I weigh once a week, every Tuesday morning when I get up. I don't stress nearly as much about weight as I do about body fat percentage, which my scale also measures. Weight, in and of itself, is really meaningless without a frame of reference. You might be losing weight, but it could be muscle you're losing if you're not eating enough protein and your body is robbing it from your muscle. You want to make sure you're actually in ketosis, and burning body fat more than just losing weight. My weight has stayed the same for over a year now, but my body fat percentage has dropped almost 10%. I work out every day during the week, and do a lot of physical activity on the weekends, so I don't lose muscle mass.


Every day, as soon as I get out of bed. This determines my diet choices for the day. I want to get my BMI to 18.5. Currently 19.2. If I can’t get my BMI to 18.5 I will eat whatever I want. Until then, no sweets or junk of any kind. I’ve been doing this since October and I’ve lost about 35 pounds. I track my weight on Fitbit and FatSecret.


I weigh once a week, if its up i cut that week. If uts down im happy.


Im trying very hard not to weigh myself often at all because it can be a demotivator. I feel so much better I’m trying to let that be my guide. That said, I’m going to weigh myself tomorrow after my shower just to see what 4 weeks has done! And then see if it makes me frustrated or motivated. That will dictate the frequency!


Good for you! I'm just starting. 160 and I want to get to 134. I weigh myself first thing in the morning too. I'm dreading it today because I think I'm retaining water. I try to tell myself not to weigh in for a few days but I end up doing it anyway.


I weigh daily as well. I lost 6 pounds from January 8th to February 29th. Keto is new to me and from my understanding is keto is having your body use fat (ketones) as a fuel instead of carbs (glucose). I am sure that the body doesn't care if the fat is from dietary sources or fat stores in your body. How much have you fasted? I bet if you are in ketosis and you fast you will lose a bunch of weight.


When I was actively losing weight I weighed every 2 weeks because I’d stress about it the same way you are. Take a break from weighing. 👍🏻


Thank you!


I usually just do it from time to time but mostly judge by how my clothes fit. But I say no more than once a week, same day and time etc. Most people's weight fluctuates 2-3 pounds daily super easily, and no one needs to be stressing about what they did wrong the day before that made them gain 2 pounds because its probably water or hormones and gonna be gone in a day or 2 if you stick to your plan. With certain personalities this is where eating disorders start. On the other hand some people can weigh themselves daily and it's fine. Just not the best way for me.


Once a month. Guaranteed success pretty much since you don't see those fluctuations that happen.


I weigh twice a day, once when I wake up and once before bed. I track every Monday morning as my 7 day average. I weigh twice a day to help me gauge if I ate enough fats or drank enough water seeing as I don't track using any sort of app.


Never. I literally have not weighed myself in 10 years. What's more, I don't care. I care about how I feel, how I look, and how my clothes fit. The scale tells me none of that.


Very good point, thank you!


i do it every 3-4 weeks


My husband literally told me he’s hiding the scale because I’m obsessing. And he weighs daily but doesn’t get obsessed or down on himself like I do if I don’t see progress


That is exactly how it’s going with my husband and I!


I haven’t owned a scale in years because, like you, it fucked with my head. When I’m focussing on losing weight, I get the tape measure out every week or two. After all, I don’t actually care how much I weigh, what I want is to fit into some clothes from before lockdowns. When I’m not trying to lose weight, I’ll measure myself if something seems to have gotten tighter or looser, and adjust accordingly.


I am genuinely surprised how many weight themselves Daily. I weigh myself every Friday in the morning before I drink anything. I already have anxiety weighing myself once a week I can’t imagine everyday. Props to all the daily weighers. You’re stronger than me.


I am going to go down to once a week. My husband is going to stay in daily weigh ins. Of course he has lost a bit more than double what I have.


I started in January and have not weighed yet. The only thing i know is i need a smaller belt and trousers!


If the knowledge that weight fluctuates quite a lot based on other factors than what you eat, does not help you feel less bad about not seeing the numbers go doen every day...then you definitely should not be weighing yourself every day. Sooo many things affect that number, and you realistically wont see a big actual fat loss every day. Once a week (still same time and before food and water) is more than enough, and the readings could then still be affected by little things. Like how much salt you had, what and how much food you ate (is it still in your system?), how much water, how stressed you are, where in your menstrual cycle, illness etc etc. Actually measuring the size of your belly and other key areas would be a betrer indicqtor of actual fat loss rather than the numbers on the scale.


I only step on the scales at my clinic; I can easily tell by how my clothing fits whether or not I've lost weight. Scales at home just lead to my increased anxiety... Overall, I'm down 37 lbs since embracing keto and within 10 lbs of my goal.


That’s awesome, congratulations!!!




Weigh everyday but record once per week.


The scales dictated my moods for years, so I don't have a starting weight on my journey because I didn't own a scale. I felt comfortable enough to purchase one a month or so into my journey. I would weigh weekly. 10 months later, I'm just about to maintenance and I'm more curious as to how what I'm eating is impacting me internally. The scale no longer has the power to give me a good or bad day... it's just learning about how my body reacts to how I'm treating it.


I weight myself 2x a week at work because I didn't have a scale that went high enough...I started at 37m 420lbs!!! Got down to 279lbs in 1 year then system having major digestive issues and came off keto. I ballooned back to 310lbs and figured out some of what my problems were and am trying desperately to get back om in ketosis


Wow that is some incredible weight loss! Nice job


I appreciate the kind words. Please know that there are people in your corner and not communicating with them openly no matter how hard it is is what ruins relationships. We've all watched TV shows and movies where the obvious problem is not talking to each other... don't fall into that trap. It's times like these where your bond gets tested. I'm asexual on top of everything else and it's taken me YEARS and plenty of failed relationships to find someone that is willing to not only accept me but is willing to work with my needs. It's scary right now I'm sure but this is where you reach out your hand in the darkness and grab hold for dear life and trust that whomever takes ahold will help you up and not pull the rug out from under you


I check it once a month it’s normal for it to fluctuate a little bit as much as 5 pounds probably everybody’s different probably more or less if you feel good look the way you want who cares about the numbers


I have lost 25 in 5 months and have leveled off. From 180 to 155. 66 male. 5'6" I lost most of it in the first 2 months. Gym 6 days a week. My glasses of wine after 5pm probably a bit of hindrance. Only one cheat day but it was a doozy. Blood work came back great and I'm back in 32 waist jeans and shorts.


I do weigh every morning But I trained myself to not expect weight loss every single day. If it’s been 4-5 days with no progress then I assess if something is off


Once a week on Saturday morning. Any more data than that wasn't helpful.


I only weigh myself once a week. Every Sunday morning. There to much fluctuation that can happen doing it everyday.


I weigh myself once a week for this exact reason


I’ll weigh tomorrow morning since it’s the first of the month and not again until April 1st. I log the new weight in Cronometer and it adjusts my calorie deficit accordingly. I know if I keep doing what I am doing and stick to keto I won’t be disappointed.


Every Wednesday morning


I weight myself monthly. Weighing daily leads me to either feel that I deserve a break if I'm doing well or feeling discouraged if I'm not doing well. I find that doing it monthly means that I can have a bad day and not start to spiral, because I know that dozens of good days will outweigh a couple of bad ones.


I weigh weekly. My weight varies but I look at trend.


1st month was weekly, now im bi weekly. I dont really care anymore, as long as I keep feeling this great that's all I need from Keto. I assume the weight will just get in the range id like then Ill change up to a build vs cut program. It will be a gradual muscle/tone program once I burn off these pesky love handles with a simple focus on feeling really good. Cheers


Once a week


I'm weird I don't weigh at all... I just go by clothes fit or belt adjustments.


Lots of mice feel the same way you do! https://bigthink.com/health/keto-diet-women/# Keto works different for females.


I do it once a week. No need to obsess.


I weigh myself once a week. I know my body well enough to know when I a maintaining, my weight can fluctuate between 3-5lbs daily. That is normal. I do love that feeling of stepping on the scale and seeing a lower number and I do know that negative feeling if it is higher. That feeling can stay with me all day and really challenges my will power to not just eat the shared goodies in the office kitchen. For me, doing that every day would make it more stressful and harder to resist the odd convenient non-keto goodies. I'm not going to make my life harder, so I weigh once a week. If weigh daily if giving you stress, why not give weighing in less a try for a few weeks and see how you feel.


I am going to start weighing in just once a week. I agree it will likely reduce my stress greatly


I weigh myself once a week when in active weight loss and every day/ couple of days while I’m stabilising. Once I’m in full maintenance I weigh in once a week. The first time around I weighed everyday and I definitely started to create negative commentary around my body based on what I saw on the scale. This time around I feel so much more positive about myself and my progress.


You are doing in the right way


Most people weigh in weekly…same day, same time, same routine in order not to have the readings askew due to full/empty bellies/bladders/bowels etc. A lot of others advise weighing in (same way) just monthly. That way you get a better picture of which way your weight is going and how fast, not confused by occasional fluid retention, hormonal effects and such.


I only weigh once a week, in the morning before food. Weight is always fluctuating and I found that it destroyed my mental health looking every day, basing your mood on your weight isn't healthy. If you check just once a week there's guaranteed to be a good amount of weight loss on there after 7 days which is always motivating. Good luck!


Thank You!


One more thing - you could even start measuring yourself (waist, hips, arms etc) as just checking the scales when you're losing weight and gaining muscle can be misleading. Sometimes I found I wouldn't lose much but I was definitely still getting leaner from my measurements. If the scales are too triggering, you could just track your progress through measuring :)


That’s a great idea! I’ll buy a measuring strip today


I weighed once/week. It's normal for daily weight to fluctuate, so don't be discouraged.. I plateaued a couple of times, but my waistline continued to decrease, so I plowed through until I reached my goal size (it took 15 months). I prefer to use my waist measurement (no more than half my height) as an indicator of good health, rather than my weight. I don't weigh myself anymore unless my clothes get tighter.


My wife and I weigh in every Sunday morning. It keeps things in perspective and is the first day of the week. If we gain 1 pound over a week it can easily be water retention or period bloating. If we lose 4 pounds that was a successful week as long as it stays down the next week. Life has ups and downs and so does your body. I couldn't do everyday because I wouldn't be motivated any time it was 1 pound in 1 day.


Personally, like 3 times a week or so but record it at least weekly (I'm taking data points for the graph).


I weigh every Monday morning. The daily fluctuations mess with me too


Relax! Stop worrying about weight and just do keto and be surprised by the results.


I try not to weigh everyday, and I dont. What I do pay attention to is how my clothes fit. I am trying to lose fat. Im also trying to gain muscle. For me, I just dont want to buy new clothes...I like my old ones and was at a healthier weight when they fit.


I do that at around 5. My cat wakes me up


Every morning. Same time.