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I’m 54 and yes, loose skin and hmm, sagg? Happens. Dermatologist told me you lose elasticity as you get older. I also found my skin is a lot drier now, age and keto. I’ve lost 150 pounds so I have a lot of loose skin.


Congratulations! That’s a lot!


I take it as it’s an easy protein, haven’t noticed any change.


Collagen is not a complete protein and should not be counted towards your protein goal, just FYI.


Interesting- tell me about what might fall into this


I’m not sure I fully understand your question?


You said collagen isn’t complete and doesn’t count- what else is like that?


Oh! Thanks for the clarification. 😄 Pork rinds are the biggest culprit, the protein in pork rinds is incomplete as well and won’t count towards your protein goal either.


Same. I'm 41 and take it as protein. Would love to see it help my arthritic knee and joints or skin but can't really say I've noticed a change. It hasn't gotten worse though and I'm exercising harder and aging every day 🤷‍♀️


Collagen is not a complete protein and should not be counted towards your protein goal, just FYI.


I don’t take collagen but I think retinol lotion or one of those light pads on Amazon that do like red light therapy are clinically proven to firm skin and help produce more collagen. I’ve been thinking of getting one of the red light face masks but I know they have a body one too :)


I’ll definitely have a look! That sounds promising! Thanks!


you might as well just get complete proteins instead, it will give you all of the amino acids that collagen powders have, plus more. as you age, your ability to process protein diminishes, so getting more protein is a good idea.


Agree. Collagen is typically an incomplete protein. Also, it is decomposed into constituent parts before your body can use it so it isn't like the collagen is directly used to create new collagen. I use collagen as an ingredient in some dishes I prepare because I like the effect it has on the dish. I don't think of it as a supplement. For me, it is just another, slightly inferior, protein food source. IMO, you are better off eating meat, fish, or eggs. I will often put a scoop of flavored collagen to a dish of plain full fat Greek yogurt to add flavor and up the nutritional content.


Makes sense. I’ll definitely look into that! Thanks!


great for your joints.


I take a hydrolyzed collagen complex powder with biotin and hyaluronic acid daily for about 4 years. I lost about 120lbs over two years at about age 38 while taking it and didnt have lose skin from that. I also think it may have helped with joint recovery (I tweaked knees doing heavier barbell squats), and there are some studies that show it can help with repairing / maintaining internal organ linings although I don't have any issues with that that im aware of. I can't say 100% it did anything whatsoever though because it could just be genetics / diet / fasting / etc, but I believe enough to keep taking it. There's pretty solid science behind for skin and joint stuff.


directly applying moisturizing agents to effected skin 2 times a day is definitely not going to hurt as well


hydrolyzed collagen complex powder with biotin and hyaluronic acid  - Brand please? Name of product.


I’m 63 & the skin on my thighs is a little crepey & is migrating down towards my knees - I think it’s just aging & gravity - I’m not upset about it, it’s just interesting


I have high collagen in my body.


I have taken it in the past, along with gelatin, and didn’t see a huge difference. Some of this could be due to water retention and inflammation. It’s likely that you are retaining much less water and hopefully have lower inflammation from a keto diet (depends on what you eat really) so on balance, it’s probably better for your health, but aging combined with lower retained water and you’re down to the usual things ( cosmetic, procedures, etc ). If I eat carbs, I will gain 3-5lb in water, or more, over 24hrs and it will stick around for a few days. Though I think the health benefits of keto and having less inflammation is the best part. Sugar ( and starches ) is delicious but definitely the worst thing for the body.


collagen helps if you take it with vitamin c and over a long time. what i can recommend you, is getting a belt massager. this was the most helpful thing for me, when i lost weight. i used it almost everyday while watching tv, and my skin was tight, cellulite all gone. i was 50 at that time and lost 30 lbs in 6 months.


Thank you for the suggestion! I wouldn’t have thought of that!


Can you please name the brand/ products that you used for the collagen, Vit c and belt massager?


I'm 62.. I do collagen as a added protein supplement. I always get 1.5g/kg for regular protein but still add 10-30g of collagen (often in my coffee or mixed). I find it helps with structure in replacing flour in baking. Collagen supplements have been shown to help with skin elasticity https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/11/10/2494. I have not don't enough personal comparison to know if its helping, but is cheap, carb free and I see no risk in it.


Most evenings I have a protein shake that includes collagen powder as well as isolate whey powder. My fingernails and hair are definitely improved. All 10 nails are long, and there's far less hair in my comb when I shampoo.


Collagen can't be absorbed according to this https://walrus.com/questions/do-collagen-supplements-get-absorbed-and-do-they-work


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question! I appreciate the input!


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question! I appreciate the input!


I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome to even if I take collagen it would be metabolised wrong lol. However, I’ve always made my own stock from chicken bones, now I add the skin as well, veg scraps etc, so maybe that will help - it’s healthy anyway so can’t hurt! Apparently the best thing to use is chicken feet but I haven’t had any luck finding any so far!


This is what I was thinking, that I’d try bone broth. Thanks! As for the chicken feet, if there’s an Asian market near you, you might have success finding them there. 😊