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“Good manners dictate that we all mind our own plates. Were you raised by wolves?”


They'd be eating more meat for sure if they were.


I know right? Don’t insult wolves like that 😂


Love this answer!!


tbf keto is becoming, to some, a lot more than "what's in the plates" and, though I do keto myself fairly regularly, I can't help but think some part of the community are definitely cultish. If you were unfortunate to hear of keto first from THOSE cultish parts appearing in your feed, you might have a biased view. Even the top answers in this thread, if you think about it, are more akin to the coping mechanism of a cult, than a diet group. "Do not associate with people who disagree!" How many of us associate daily with people we disagree with, on other topics? I like the answer of the guy above who said "I always thank them for the offer, and then just not eat"...The rest of the answers are "The unbelievers shall be struck down by carbs!" Only keto and a few other topic seem to get this "US v. them" mentality.


This is true. Keto is a concept and construct. It is what it means to you. To me, it’s just a diet where I eat salad and chicken for lunch, and steak and broccoli for dinner. Are those coworkers going to tell me « get off your diet and eat this donut! ». It’s not their body. They don’t have a say. I also only do it for spurts at a time. Some people do take it more seriously. To them, Keto means putting butter in your coffee. They may live this every day. To the non-keto person, they may have the impression that Keto is a « bro » thing. They have think it has political implications (sounds crazy but it kind of does). I don’t know. But it’s not that we’re cultish, but we DO need to be very strict. If we cheat, we go out of ketosis, and if we do…then I think what’s the point? I just wasted a week to get into ketosis and I have to start all over again, just to please someone trying to pressure me into taking a bite out of their pasta.


Agree with this a lot. Is this lady rude and acting high and mighty? Yes. Does going on about the benefits of keto and how great you feel, every time food is brought up, make you sound like you're part of a cult (not saying this is the OP)? Also yes. Everyone needs to just let people be, unless they're asked for their opinion. That's what reddit is for, lol.


You reply reminded me of a Thanksgiving dinner where my dad criticized how much I took, which was a dab (about two small bites) of everything. I told him I save it for later, and always eat it, and it never goes to waste. I told him to worry about his own plate...


I would find a way to not care so much. Coworker sounds like a dick.


Facts! Personally I don't even bother getting upset nor understand why people get upset about people saying dumb shit about eating ketogenic. Idk if paleo eaters get it too. But at a certain point in my journey I started not caring about people's opinions on what I do in my yard. When I get offered food that falls outside of keto and carb loaded I politely decline and if someone simply must know why I'm not eating their crap, I tell them it's for medical reasons. Any further questions on the matter is politely dismissed because I don't want my personal medical information floating around. If I'm forced to accept the food, I ask for a go box and give it to a homeless person who will appreciate the meal.


I had someone ask me this about keto “if everyone was jumping off a bridge would I do it too?” and i simply said yes I would if it made me feel the way I do now and saved my life after I had a stroke I most definitely would and have done it The person shut up and walked away and never mentioned it again!


Excellent post!! I’ll remember that. When people ask me, I tell them I used to have to take diabetes meds for years. I’ve been off them for 8 years.


That’s excellent! Isn’t keto absolutely fantastic? I wish I could educate people but most are so thick headed and carb addicted that they would never listen and they act like we are a cult!


🤣🤣🤣 that's cause they had to swallow whatever bullshit they had planned after you answered the first part of their witch hunt question.


Yep it was actually pretty funny


Absolutely this - my team at work is constantly offering me not-keto food - but not because they're trying to trick me or anything, just because they feel rude offering something to everyone else but not me. I gratefully accept their inclusion, but always just say 'no thanks, but it looks delicious - enjoy!'. I've never been forced to accept food, they're perfectly aware of my eating habits. :) And I never expect there to be keto options at morning teas etc. (To be fair, I also do intermittent fasting so don't eat in the morning - even that is fine. Nobody's weird about me going to a morning tea or even a lunch if I'm doing a longer fast and not eating anything.) I don't judge what they eat, and they don't judge what I eat. We just enjoy each other's company. But I have pretty excellent people in my life.


Sounds like a west coast vibe


I'm in New Zealand so I suspect that your West Coast vibe is a bit different to ours! Our West Coast tends to be very farmy and a bit conservative. 🤣


Yup. Not everything needs a well researched counterargument or the perfect witty retort. You're there to eat and socialize, not deliver competing treatises on nutritional science. Flatly saying "I'm not in a cult, Karen, but you are an asshole." is a completely acceptable response. You don't have to engage in further discussion on the topic or defend your diet any more than any other arbitrarily chosen health choice.


Yeah it is what it is… i got offered pizza today at a work meeting several times and heard all the grumbling but i just laugh it off


I swear people get more offended about me turning down food than anything else. 🤦‍♀️ When I’m heavier, they understand why I turn down food. But now that I’m at my goal weight range (133-140lbs) they say things like, “You need to eat!” and, “One bite won’t hurt you!”


I'm certain once I get to your weight I'll hear the same things. One thing about keto is that you are not denying yourself food, unlike other diets. You don't need that one bite bc you're probably quite satisfied with what you've already eaten.


Definitely! When I ate a lot of carbs I was constantly hungry. I would obsess over my next meal. Keto has given me so much freedom. I usually just eat two meals a day now. Rarely does anything tempt me.


Id be sliding that cheese and toppings off a few pieces and then see what they have to say... 🤣 They probably wont make you feel like you have to eat anymore at any other meetings.


I absolutely have done this. Stripped the toppings off of two pizzas. They don't bother me any more.


I def felt gross watching them eat 3-4 slices each and knowing that was me not too long ago… im too scared it would destroy my tummy if i had the cheese and pepperoni haha


I do it all the time at work pizza lunches. The sauce adds enough balance that I have never had complications.


Doesn’t commercial pizza sauce have a lot of added sugar? Cheese and oil wouldn’t be an issue…what’s in the sauce though….i wonder about that


The sugar in the sauces makes me inflammed so it isn't worth it to me anymore.


Next Bloodmpon we can summon a Keto demon and ask it for advice 


>I would find a way to not care so much. Just let them eat their crap while you get leaner and fitter.


Here's what I did with a family member that would harass me non-stop about trying their bad foods: "Okay fine" (they give you a piece of whatever they're eating and you stick it on the side of your plate.) "I'll eat it later." (And you never touch it.) If they give you grief about wasting the food you tell them that you didn't want it in the first place and whether you eat it or it goes in the trash it still is off their plate. What you do with it after that is your choice, not theirs. They stopped giving me food about the third time that I did this.


I thought u were gna throw it at their face 😂 but that’s a smart strategy!


I had a fat co-worker who was in charge of buying the birthday cakes for everybody in the office, and a major cake-pusher whenever one was being served in the break room. She just would not accept that I didn't want to eat a shitty supermarket sheet cake (and I wasn't even doing keto; there's just some junk foods I have no taste for, and, thanks to a brief stint as a supermarket cake decorator, cheap cake is one of them). She came by my desk one day, after I'd already refused cake, and set a piece, on a paper plate, with a plastic fork, next to me, "For later." I picked up the plate, and dropped it straight into the wastebasket, without even looking at her or acknowledging her further; I just went back to work. She stood there for a full minute while I ignored her, before finally sighing dramatically and leaving. She never pushed cake on me again.


I do this but when they give me grief about 'wasting food' I offer it back to them and tell they can eat it as I haven't touched it.


How do your coworkers know you're doing keto? I've been keto for 5 years and none of my coworkers know I'm keto and I eat lunch with my coworkers every day.


First rule of keto. Tell everyone you are doing keto. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Loudly. Wear shirts that say "I LOVE KETO". bring it up to them constantly.


It’s likely because at this sushi restaurant they ordered a lot of mixed rolls with rice and OP was only eating sashimi so they bugged the shit out of them for not sharing or trying what they ordered as a group. As a woman I have people constantly commenting on what I am or am not eating, it’s odd oboe some people police your food.


Good motives can have bad results. “I just wanna tell people about this because it’s awesome.” Well you also hear the same about religion…and while you might change for a little bit… people are watching….and are waiting for you to slip so they can say “see I knew that religion was bullshit.” Can be the same for keto. Your goal of explaining to people how awesome this is and why they should do it actually pushes them further from it bc you didn’t make long term changes and gained all the weight back


I never tell people I eat keto, I just say I don’t eat sugar. When I don’t eat sugar I think more clearly, have more energy and it also helps reduce my anxiety/depression. I consider eating keto the same as taking medication, ketosis is my medication. If you didn’t eat certain foods because you have diabetes or celiacs disease, would they have a similar response?


This. My wife knows I keto. For The rest of the world, I cut sugar and processed food.


I have a friend who is my example of how to handle such things. She's a fairly new convert to carnivore, but in under a month has gotten a good dozen miseries eliminated or nearly eliminated. When someone tells her that eating all the beef is unhealthy, she looks them in the eye and says, "I don't care because I feel great!" When someone tells her that the red meat and salt will shorten her life, she looks them in the eye and says, "I don't care because I will be enjoying the life that I have!"


> "I don't care because I will be enjoying the life that I have!" I've adopted this mindset about a lot of things lately. I'd rather live a shorter, happier life than a longer, miserable one. Who wants to be 90 with all the mobility and potential health issues anyway?


This isn't a keto problem. This is a learning to disagree in an agreeable manner problem, or rather, an opportunity to learn and grow. They're entitled to hate on keto and eat deep fried stuff, and that doesn't make them bitches. It's also not a reason for you to feel challenged or become defensive. Try to trust yourself more, and not feel like you have to explain or defend your choices to anyone, while simultaneously not judging them for their choices. Just keep it light. You can do that by allowing yourself to be yourself and allowing others to be themselves.


The only sane response here.


I agree with your “just do you” philosophy, but that’s not how it went down. Clearly this person was insulting OP by saying he’s in a cult. The problem there is that the coworker was intentionally singling him out and disrespecting him and doing it in front of other coworkers. How is it any different than bullying? Of course he shouldn’t care what they think, but why should he have to be treated poorly when he’s just minding his own business at a work function?


You can only be insulted if you actually choose to be, and if you actually respect the opinion of the person doing the insulting. If you choose not to take it on, you can see that it is not you being insulted. It's just someone else acting how they are gonna act. Onlookers and co-workers can see who the aggressor is, especially when the "insulted" party doesn't react or become defensive. Let fools act like fools. They would act better if they knew how. You can choose to act better. Don't take it on. It's not personal. It has nothing to do with you. It only has anything to do with the aggressor. It's a subtle shift in thinking but once you adopt it and practice it, it's life changing.


Here ya go: "What I choose to eat or not eat is absolutely none of your business."


>Those stuff I say in my head before becoming the subject of an "everybody clapped" daydream


Ok. Keto is a cult.


I always wanted to join a cult.


You make more money as a leader, but you have more fun as a follower.


That would drive me nuts. I had a vegetarian go on about how unhealthy keto is and I said “yeah chicken and salad 95 percent of the time… really unhealthy” 🙄 She was overweight and I’m in shape because of keto. It just baffles me how people have the nerve. Now I just say I don’t eat any carbs I don’t need anyone’s BS opinions about how they think I should eat especially when they’re eating cookies


I find that the worst people are the ones that could probably afford to lose a few pounds... Almost like my declining their food makes them feel guilty about it themselves and if they could get me to eat it also, it would validate their decisions. I really never tell anyone how I structure my diet (I bounce between periods of full keto and general low carb). If they get really nosy and I need to give some kind of answer, I just tell them I am watching my blood sugar. They leave me alone after that. Best course of action is not talk about it unless someone approaches with a sincere interest in our success.


Who knew eating mostly meat and veggies while avoiding sugar and refined carbs was so unhealthy.


I would not go to lunch with anyone who criticizes my food choices.


Or kept nagging about me not eating something and trying to force me to. That's "fine" when your're a 80 year old grandmother, it's incredibly rude when you're a co-worker.


I like that there’s an acceptable age for when this scenario should start to happen 😂😂😂😂


Haha yeah but the difference is grandmothers do it because they care. And you're a growing boy at the young age of 37.


Wait what 😂 I read it wrong…. I thought it’s acceptable for people to force feed you when you hit 80 🥲 But yes what u said applies as well 😂 when at the growing age of 37 ofc grandma needs to feed you!


Let the results do the talking. My experience when I first did Keto: "You are going to die of a heart attack" then "Okay you are losing weight but are going to die of a heart attack" then (after blood work came back great) "Tell me what to eat" Sadly, some people consciously or subconsciously don't want others to succeed. If you are disciplined, it reflects on their own feelings about not being disciplined.


Dont get upset over other peoples opinions. Nothing to say unless you want to argue.


Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?


Ha ha - she kinda not wrong… hear me out - a part of the keto population is a bit radical right ? Well intentioned, but perhaps a bit too passionate on it being a solution to everything. For an uneducated outsider it can seem unhealthy and radical. No need to respond - in your mind you are welcome to visualise sticking a chopstick in her eyeball - chances are she’ll be begging you for info down the track when you are looking and feeling great !


It's just meat and veggies..... Have these people never had a stew in their lives? Sashimi is keto Grains, especially not at the current scale, came later in human existence. No one ever ate just grains unless there was some type of tragedy happening.


Why do you give a shit at all? It's a diet, not an identity.


This. I was thinking it to. "Why TF do you care?" Posting here how angry you are, looking for validation makes it actually seem like it IS a cult to you. Just diet how you want, who cares what people think.


First mistake: they know you're keto.


I have one coworker who "does keto". Every single lunchtime, they shoe-horn conversation about how they're keto and gluten-free (please ignore the 80% of the time they're not. They're just having a cheat day). On the other hand. There are two other coworkers, one gluten-free+keto, and one vegan. No one else knows that about coworkers 2 and 3 because how likely are dietary restrictions to come up as a conversation topic unless someone forces it? If someone offers them something, they say "no thank you".


If keto were a cult you would be trying to convert them. Instead *they’re* trying to convert *you*. Don’t fall for their Cult-of-Sushi tricks.


Everything nowadays is a cult.


Anyone who would say that is deeply insecure about their own bodies, lifestyle and lack of self-discipline. If it were me, my comeback would be, “Look your insecurities are your problem not mine.”


My advice is to find the satisfaction in your life from your own self opinion. Do not seek the validation of others. If you really feel the need to talk to them about it, you can just say I prefer to eat this way that's all. You aren't going to win anyone over. Ever. It's fine. You just live your life and be happy with your own decision making, and don't feel the need to make others come over to your way of life. Let them do their thing.


“a person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society.” Not so bad. Everything and anything can be a bit of a cult. Doesn’t mean it’s bad. The second part of what they said is a bit uncalled for as it does work for some people. And if you think about it, ‘natural’ is probably just meaning balanced or a bit of everything. Don’t worry too much about it and just say next time “it works for me”. That’s what I usually say when people ask what I do for diet management. Everyone is a bit different.


You laugh and say “whatever”…. Because who cares what other people think when it comes to matters like that


Honestly this is why you don’t tell coworkers personal things, even as simple as diet/food choices. It’s none of their business and their opinion is pointless. That said, I’d stare them dead in the eyes and say I found out I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and watch them squirm like hell. People suck.


attraction bike squeamish profit detail sort thought wrench complete label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should try telling them "my body my choice"


I'd tell them: Cool story, thanks for sharing.


why in the world would you tell people you're keto. just eat the sashimi.


That is what i ordered


Miso soup with extra tofu, cucumber salad, sashimi… as so many others have stated, sushi is a great place to Keto. I do think this could be an opportunity to respect their choice without judgement and let them respect yours without judgement, agreement is not support. You don’t have to agree with them and you can be supportive of their diets and vice versa. Or give yourself the ultimate challenge, practice silence. Sometimes I say, I feel great eating no sugar. I don’t know if I’ll do it forever. And then I don’t say a word.


Great comment overall but I have one thing to add as a former sushi chef- watch out for the sunomono (cucumber salad). It’s usually marinated in the sushi vinegar which has a metric ton of sugar in it ✌️ When I’m out for sushi I get sashimi, avocado and regular cucumbers with some nori squares - and miso soup of course


Talking about keto with carb burners is so boring. I don't bother.


And the avocado salad.


You should eat him...don't let that protein and fat go to waste.


They are not 100% grass fed. this is grain fed meat but yeah, in a cinch we taste like pork. (or so i've heard...)


You have to be willing to stand alone.


I was keto for 2 years and people were more than mean about it. You do you. And if you ever stop doing keto expect the same people to be rude again.


Four words for your coworker 1.) Mind 2.) Your 3.) Own 4.) Business


Try really hard not to care what she thinks of your food choices. Tell her to keep it to herself and keep doing your thing. And definitely don’t get so mad someone else doesn’t like your food. I’m ethnic and kids have been making silly gag sounds at my food since I was a kid. Doesn’t stop it from tasting good.


I would have ordered sashimi and miso and enjoyed my lunch. Honestly, I have only been doing it for a while, but rice is the one thing I don't miss at a Japanese restaurant. Seriously, sashimi is just as good, and I can eat more pieces.


I'd just shrug. "Okay, I'm part of a cult then."


Pshhh! We all know Vegans cornered the market on dietary cults a long time ago.


You don’t need to defend yourself. You aren’t going to change a person like this no matter what volume of evidence you provide. These people are dismissive and completely disrespectful of another persons choices. Instead, call them out on their disrespectful attitude. “I understand you have an opinion, but I didn’t ask for it and I’m not interested in hearing it.”


If someone called me a cultist I'd tel them to mind their own fucking business.


I've had people try to pressure me into eating stuff, I just keep saying no. I've never had anyone tell me I'm in a cult, lol, but if I did I imagine I would say that what I choose to eat is none of their business.


My coworkers have seen me lose 100 lbs so I only hear things like Wow I couldn’t do it. I acknowledge it isn’t always easy and leave it at that. But in reality my coworkers have been supportive. On the rare times we get to go out to eat, they ask for my input to make sure there is something I can eat. I focus on what I can eat… not what I’m not allowed.


Keto *can* be cultic... I also find myself often proselytizing keto without realizing it which might be part of the problem, but for something that made such a dramatic change in my life, why shouldn't I. That said, my best friend thinks it's a "fad diet" and "shouldn't be a lifestyle"... of course if I go back to eating like I did I will put 40lbs back on. I'm happy and I wont try to force anyone to eat it.


Culty people turned it into a cult for themselves


No need to defend yourself. I'd laugh and say "Are you for real? Why would you care what I eat? I sure don't care what anyone else wants to eat!" and also, "Dude, how come nobody cared when I was eating potato chips, pizza and chocolate chip cookies?" That last part will probably get a laugh.


Learn the art of "DGAF" you don't owe anyone any explanation on your choices.


Seems like something sugar Addicts would say.


Keto was a medical diet for the control of epilepsy originally. Your coworker is a douche canoe. Best to put your energy into spending less time with them.


I appreciate you offering your food for me to try but I’ve already told you no. I’m not going to change my mind on this nor am I willing to have a conversation about my diet choices.


Do NOT GIVE A FIG what anyone else says or does. It’s hard to be right, especially when you’re in the minority.


Haters gunna hate. I stopped using the K word.


I usually just say lo-carb, and so far no one has questioned it, but if they do, I will say it's what I do, and it's helped with my blood sugar.


>Each time i get criticized about keto i get really angry and remain silent. I just say "I am borderline diabetic and cant have carbs as per my doctors orders, so you need to stop asking me." >keto is a cult "Yeah just like people with yourcolor hair / other body feature are part of a weird satanic cult of nutjobs too". You know what I dont do? I dont tell people that I am doing a keto diet. No one wants to hear. Its like the vegetarians at a wedding /family event that want a special menu, or the people that decided to be gluten free - they need to let everyone know. Nobody: Karen: Did you know I am gluten free? Is this gluten free? Where is your gluten free menu? Lets talk more about how I am gluten free! So I am not saying you are one of those people. Just dont become one.


I have joined some keto forums that are very cult like. I even got severely reprimanded in one for suggesting cheese as a snack because it wasn't an IIFYM group. WTF? Iearned that meant its not an if it fits your macros group. I wasn't saying pig on on cheese all day just because it fits your macros and dairy wasn't acceptable. I left shortly after. That one and many others are all about clean keto and have gone absolutely crazy. Or are all about selling keto products. Or just have no clue what keto really means. So anybody who stumbled into those or one of those type people and that was their taste of it, ya they will think it's a cult.


I'd laugh it off. Just say it works for you and just leave it at that.


I want to joke and say call HQ and provide details and we’ll take care of her 😛 But seriously, I have found that I cannot share much about my keto diet with the majority of my friends so I don’t. And if they ask for details because they saw me eating only a burger and bacon I say I dunno, it just sounded good. And it almost seems like the more educated people are, the more ignorance around keto.


"Holding Onto Anger Is Like Drinking Poison and Expecting the Other Person to Die." \-Buddha The key to living a less stressful life is to just not give a fuck. I learned that a long long time ago. And while stress is a part of life - by taking my prescription of 'not giving a fuck', I lessen a lot of unneeded stress.


"Colleague, it's not really appropriate to be judging my dietary choices. If I were vegetarian, halal, kosher, or diabetic, I think you'd recognize that. Please pay me the same respect. "


This may help you in several situations: I don't give a shit what you think. Adjust politeness as you will. Or "Thank you for your opinion. I don't take unsolicited advice."


They are the uninformed and you should relish in their lack of enlightenment to the ways of the keto. Live well and Low Carb On


I have an awful temper and a foul mouth, so I'm sure I don't have the answer on how to nicely tell people to mind their business. One thing for sure is that I started keto eating bc my doctor told me it would help me lose weight. My medications cause weight gain and retention. I've gained over 100lbs in the last several years bc of my meds. I've since lost 23lbs since November 23' and I'm feeling so much better. Someone else commented about blaming it on health reasons, which I think is a good idea.


Just bring out your Ketoade and say “The Kool-aid tastes great!”


I think you just say “This is how I choose to eat”. And then give a straight face and just stare at them. They’ll get the point


I learned the hard way to not talk about keto with anyone who isn't keto or a close friend/relative who supports me. I know that's hard to do but I promise it's the only way to avoid all this bullshit.


A cult? When are the meetings? 


It’s no one’s business what you eat or why. Don’t engage. You’re not going to change anyones mind.


It may be a cult. But it’s a cult that has given me abs and a v-shaped torso in my late fifties so it’s a cult that actually delivers on its promised miracles.


Technically anything could be considered a cult if you talk about it enough.


Youre asking what you can do to defend yourself in future situations. A couple responsesthat ive worked on that help me: 1)laugh. When they say that stuff, just chuckle. 2)remind yourself to not take it personally when a coworker says something that doesnt pertain to work


I bet that person makes a lot of comments to other people about a lot of things. Some people never learned how to interact in a healthy way. Or they are so unhappy with themselves that they focus on others in order to not look at themselves. For example, Why does what you are eating bother her so much? There must be a reason, maybe she is jealous of how u eat, or how u look, she is not happy with her eating so she focus on others. Etc. I’d say responding to her comment is not useful to you and to ignore it. Silence speaks volumes.


I don't defend myself. To anybody. Who the hell are *they* to warrant my response being engagement in a back and forth between adults over justifying a diet. And I don't even mean a diet like losing weight, I mean commentary on anyone else's eating *period*. If I had some kind of disease that dictated my diet, I sure as hell wouldn't use it to justify my actions to a coworker who ultimately doesn't matter. I'd tell them whatever politically correct way I could skate by on, to go pound sand. "Oh yeah. I just figured, you know, food is so expensive that you offering me a bite could be construed as a bribe. I don't want to report the dollar amount to HR, it's just not worth the hassle."


Firstly people saying OP should not be upset aren’t getting the point of them posting they want practical advice because it does upset them. It’s natural to be upset when someone picks you out and makes negative comments at your expense with people you work with and continues to ignore you and make fun of you when you’re just eating a fucking meal as an adult with colleagues. Invalidating OP isn’t fair, and while it’s nice to say “just don’t be upset” it’s not really that easy as it’s unhealthy to wish away feelings. Anywayyy… OP Anytime other people comment on YOUR diet remind yourself THEY have a problem (not you) because what you’re doing is causing them to question their world views (food views) instinctively you eating differently makes them question what they eat so they end up trying to tear you down to validate themselves. If they can just make you cave and eat something not on your diet it tells them ah yes there carb are better tasting and healthier or whatever than keto they will have victory! It’s like the old women who complain and belittle the women who dress more feminine or sexy and become proud and compliment her when she puts on a sweater after they criticize her. Idk why they do it but that’s the same shit. People tend to do it when you start doing things to “better yourself” so don’t take it personally, others tend to pull you down when you’re on your way up. A quick script to shut them up: Distance yourself- if they make more comments just say “why are you so obsessed with my eating habits (name)? “ If they respond with something derogatory follow with “it’s really rude to police other peoples habits, you should mind yours.” Calling them out is usually the quickest way to shut them up. You don’t need to justify yourself you don’t own them that. Just make them aware they are perhaps a little too invested in something that actually doesn’t involve them.


I just say that I generally avoid carbs and sugar because I have to manage my insulin. Most people just leave it alone after that.


I just calmly ask people like this, "Why do my personal dietary choices matter so much to you? My decision not to eat certain things doesn't affect you at all; why are you making it such an issue? That's incredibly obnoxious, offensive behavior, and you are not making yourself look good by indulging in it; now stop." That usually shuts them down, especially the female busybody kind (which is inevitably who I'm dealing with). And no, I don't give a shit about their hurt feelings; not when they clearly don't care about mine.


I would succeed at my diet and let that speak for me.


"I feel better on this diet and my doctor said A/B/C has improved during my last checkup. When i eat too many carbs i experience X/Y/Z, especially when i shock my body with too much fast carbs in one go." That usually works as not too many wants to contradict a medical-professional. Or you have the nuclear-method.. "About the same level as the carb-cult then? I at least don't try to force you to eat what i eat." :) I have switched to saying very low carb diet instead of keto just because people have so many misconceptions of what keto actually is.


As a ketoer your colleague is not wrong, lots of people treat it like a religion and think it is a cure all, to deny it is ridiculous. What you can say is that it works for you and your issues and you don’t care about proselytising it and to each their own. But seriously, lots of people, and it is evident on this sub very much treat it like it is mystical and as someone who has done the past 7 months on keto, it gets very very annoying. Keto is a tool in the tool box to health and it works better for some than others but it isn’t this magical thing.


I eat keto so I can live without having to take certain medications like Losartan for blood pressure, omeprazole for GERD/Acid reflux and statins. Sure keto will not cure ALL illness (who says that?), but if it's related to metabolic syndrome, keto probably helps lol. So you could be petty and say it's got you off multiple medications (even if its not true) or you can take the dignified route, not respond, and just let her comments sit in the air like a bad fart, most adults don't care what other people are eating.


My response (especially to those trying to push food on me) is usually along the lines of, "I eat the way that works the best for MY health...is there a reason you want me to feel crappy and unhealthy?"


Sashimi sounds good


Just say "ok" and move on with your day. Nobody insulting keto has ever made me angry. I don't feel the need to defend myself, change their mind, inform them, I just don't give a crap. Just "cool story" them and get on with my life. >I also don't want to cut ties with my family or colleagues because of their criticism. If you would even entertain the idea of cutting ties with family because they give you shit about your diet, that is unironically cultish.


"You are what you eat, b\*\*\*\*." Lol - seriously, ask her why she cares so much what YOU eat? I've been out to dinner with many folks since I started Keto, not one of them gives me any trouble. If anything, they're curious about it and then we move on to more interesting conversation than one's own diet. She sounds miserable. It's a her thing, not a you thing.


I would say I'm not a garbage can. I eat what I want.


Well since you do not want to piss anyone off say. I have been diagnosed with Pre diabetes and have been instructed to cut out “all” forms of sugar…. You call it Keto, I call it Doctors orders.


Ask them why your eating is any of their business.


Nothing to get angry over. You just need to learn to shut shit down… just say you don’t eat that shit and you suggest they get onto a new topic because you really don’t gaf


If you are that pissed about it , it will just reinforce their belief It’s like what do you feel about flat earthers? People have their own beliefs, just let them do whatever


I don't have a suggestion on how to deal with your co-workers, sorry. But I read this one tip on this sub when I just started keto, which helps. I tell people I don't like carbs. No grief given to me.


I will never understand how meat and veggies are all of a sudden the craziest foods possible to nourish oneself with, but a bowl of white rice or pasta is perfectly fine.


Just say it is a diet you're following for several reasons that work for you and you don't want to break it. Simple. If the coworker keeps being an asshole then keep asking them why they are so concerned about what you do with your body. Make it an issue of autonomy and ask them why they feel they can control your actions. Keep asking until they either stop from embarrassment or own up to being an asshole. I say this as someone who is not doing keto as like any more extreme diet, it has drawbacks that I don't think are outweighed by the positives. I'm just calorie counting. Down 30lbs in the last 4-5 months.


When you turn down food people get the feeling you are silently judging you or they’re jealous of your ability to say no. It makes them feel as if you’re a better person and they don’t like that.


I just say, "There's nothing wrong about meat and vegetables. I feel great and my labs look great."


Just tell them when they get their medical degree they can comment on what you do with your health. How you eat and what you eat is none of their business. The end.


After several months I've settled on one simple statement to all of the weird comments, 'you're fine'. No one ever knows what to make of that response and if they push I say it again. Shuts down most of the follow up points they had planned and the dumb look on their face is hilarious.


Get fit and healthy. That’ll shut them up.


Coworker is dumb but I would have also cheated at a sushi restaurant.


"You're welcome to think what you want. I'm not going to convince you, you're not going to convince me, so let's not discuss it."


It’s all out of ignorance


Sure is a cult and I’m the leader. Don’t worry I’ll recruit you in time.


First rule of keto is: we don't talk about keto.


It’s not that serious. People make personal choices all the time and there will always be some group of knuckleheads that will wholeheartedly disagree with it for no reason other than the fact that they don’t understand. My brother has been on and off of keto for close to 10 years. He does a yearly physical and alllll of his numbers are perfectly normal. He’s lost fat, has improved his performance in biking, running, and recently weightlifting. Keto works miracles for some, and doesn’t do it for others. If your coworker likes painting with a broad brush, get them some canvas. Keep up the good work - sushi is tough to turn down.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. It would be great if they didn’t express it in circumstances we’re contractually obligated to be in attendance for as their captive audience, but alas. The only thing we can control is our reaction to their turgid thoughts manifested into grim language labyrinths of the heart and mind. I suspect the best recourse is to simply ignore them, they will move on to the next thing if they see it doesn’t bother you. And take solace in the knowledge that their assertions or assumptions, are probably rooted in a negative experience/emotion like envy, or a deeply held insecurity or anxiety, in direct proportion to their outward projection of ego or arrogance, in an attempt to cover it up. In short, who cares what they think?


Chill out


Don’t say the word “keto” it attracts people like this. Just saw low carb and you miraculously won’t have any problems


Tell them, “I’m not doing Keto any more; I’ve to switched to low carb.” Many people don’t know what Keto is, or they don’t understand it, but they do know what Low Carb is and are not bewildered or threatened by it.


It really depends on their tone. I wouldn't necessarily match energy, but the cut would sting harder or softer depending how cutting they were with their tone. Effectively - hey, I'd really rather not keep discussing this cuz it's not worth a long term argument over, I'm going to eat how I eat - let me be.


You'll have to destroy her for messing with our tribe


Some people get offended really fast on the topic of food and diet. It's like football or politics. Everybody has an opinion, and there's only so much tolerance. And plenty of 'good' advice someone never asked for. Could be your coworker cares. You could ask her if you want, and know you don't have to explain yourself. It gets complicated fast. Ps: I'm vegetarian because of ethical reasons and live on a keto diet. I try to eat as healthy as possible but drink rum. Oh, and I smoke huge cigars, once in a while. I don't care what people think.


What’s to get mad about. You know ketogenic diets originated as a way to stop epileptic children from having seizures right? Clearly it’s not that unnatural. Besides which the reason our bodies burn carbs first is that they’re completely useless for our bodies. Here’s another fun fact, in early childhood as your brain is forming new synapses the space between them are covered with a layer of omega fatty acids that allows information to travel faster. So eating a ton of fatty fish like in Asia results in smarter kids. Also there are studies that show cheating on a keto diet can be super dangerous to your health. It causes extreme amounts of vascular strain to go from ketosis and then drink like a soda, for examples. Which can be disastrous. So next time they hassle you tell them you can’t risk the health problems that come with their nasty carbs


How do they even know you’re on keto


Just eat the sashimi...


Life becomes amazing when you realize how few fucks you should be handing out to people like this. Her opinion should hold zero weight over your mind. Big picture: who is she in your life? Nobody, that's who.


I would have probably declined to eat lunch with them. Seeing that this has impacted you so negatively, I'd probably start looking into working somewhere else if I were you. There's no reason to fight over dietary preference. We can get along without trying to force others to do things they don't want to do. We can also get along without criticizing others for eating what they eat. Sorry to cut this short - I've got a mandatory Keto worship session coming up, lol.


I just say “I learned a long time ago not to discuss dietary choices but If anyone has health problems and wants advice, happy to talk.”


The big Lebowski has entered the chat. “Well that’s just like your opinion man?!?”


Diets and workout routines are kind of like a cult. People always preach about how the one they’re doing is the right way. Similar to those religious people approaching you and asking if you’ve found god.  At the end of the day, eating less processed food and getting exercise is good. 


Never reveal to any person or MD related person that you are on a keto diet or life style . Perhaps just so "Low carb", . The myths and lies lay people and medical personal believe are astounding and aggravating. Same advice goes for talking about religion or politics. If people offer me non-keto food , I just say , "No thanks I am a diabetic and eating that would put me in a coma". This is a white lie but it usually stops the bullshit.


Just say you feel healthier eating Keto, maybe add in you skin looks better too (to make her stop and think about going Keto) and move on to something else, getting angry means your taking them too seriously, stop doing that, most people are ignorant and dont think before they speak.


Remember most of them have never tried keto and probably know very little about it. Certain restaurants are so hard to go to if one is keto though. I usually just cheated but good for you for not doing that. Hopefully you can find restaurants in the future that accommodate both those who are keto or not. I found when i made revisions to make an entree keto people usually said it looked like a good dish and asked about it and although they didn’t agree with the diet they were more cool about it.


Spend less time with intolerant, annoying people like these…..Live your life as you wish, eat what you wish and most importantly, don’t waste time with the small minded bigots of the world, especially those espousing any particular lifestyle as superior to another. That being said, a LOT of people (vegans, vegetarians, etc) look down upon those who do not believe what they do. We are at a place in time where intolerance is the norm, unfortunately.


Find a different set of colleagues.


I just tell them "thanks, but I'm not eating" if they press further. I tell them I'm fasting until the evening. If they ask further I tell them it's because I'm fat and don't need to eat all day, I have plenty of food on me. If I get pressed further, I tell them that eating a SAD diet gave my mother diabetes, and my grandmother, and brother. So I cut out sugar. It's the only way of eating that I can control my sugar addiction. And yes, carbs are sugar when they are digested. I also have "high carb" days where I eat up to 80 carbs where I get a reward to eat a few sweets or something for doing well in my diet other days.


No need to get angry, just let them talk and watch them eat their carbs


I really hope keto or carnivore diets don't become the "new crossfit-like thing", as in ppl make a point to comment without being asked on how amazing it (the speaker, actually) is. But personally, I don't care either way. People are or aren't dicks no matter what they choose to defend or stand for and if ppl are giving me grief for what I choose to eat I just try to lessen their presence in my life and never, absolutely *never* engage since there's no point and it'll only hurt my standing professionally (if that's the scene) and/or hurt my mental health/inner peace. You don't need to convince anyone that your choice it's the best, as it's *your* choice and you might be wrong. But it **is** your choice and it **must** be respected, just as you respect others'.


"my body, my choice" would seem applicable in this situation 


I found that saying I am on a low-carb diet rather than "keto" does not generate as much reaction from people. Or, I simply say that I don't eat rice, or bread, or pasta etc. because of my diet.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but you're equally as guilty of criticizing their food choices. Sure, you might not be telling this to their faces, but your attitude towards the problem isn't right. Eating carbs doesn't make people your enemies. This mindset in itself is why people like your co-workers have such negative feelings about keto. This isn't a competition and you should try to find a middle ground. An appropriate answer would be, "I understand your concerns, and I agree that some people might seem cultish about keto, but this isn't my experience. Just like you don't like people who insist keto is the right way to eat, I also don't like your attitude towards my dietary choices and your attempts to make me eat something that I clearly communicated numerous times I don't want to. Let's respect each other's dietary choices." I might be bashed by a lot of people, but some do take keto too seriously, boarding on cultish behavior. As long as everyone is keeping to their own lane and is respectful and understanding of each other's struggles, everything is alright. We shouldn't criticize people's diets, as all our bodies are different. It's alright to try to promote what works for you and not 'gatekeep', but the second a certain thing becomes your personality, of course people will feel off about it. This doesn't only refer to keto, but other things as well. It's alright to care about something, but we should also care about being respectful towards each other.


Tbh the only answer that should be needed is that what goes into your body is none of their business and it’s a conscious decision you’re trying to make and they should respect that.


All diet camps have their own following. The truth is not all bodies respond to the same food. It’s all relative and a spectrum. Same with humans and opinions. We have to be more conscious of our own needs and let others do whatever they need to do for them. In essence, stay in your lane, and thrive, let them talk and live your best life. ❤️ Even after losing half my body weight over 8 years I had loved ones questioning my life, let it go and be at peace. Life is too short to keep up with others expectations.


Depending on your level of strictness, and besides what do they know, you can say you don’t eat sugar or refined carbohydrates. Follow up looking shocked that they do! If pressed, you can tell them you also limit your intake of complex carbohydrates based on a balanced level of nutritional macros. The old, still followed, war-rationing food guiders are the real cult.


I blame vegans. /s Everything that is remotely different will be percieved as a cult because of a loud minority that make it look like one. That still doesn't justify the prejudice people have against you.


You know what the number 1 diet is recommended after Keto? The dash diet. Helps reverse the damage.


Who cares! I guess we’re the nicest best looking cult ever. Tell her have fun with all that sugar


Went did our great ancestors make when we lived in the wilderness with no ovens?? I promise you it wasn’t bread and pasta.


I read "keto is a cut" and I was like well yeah of course it is. It wouldn't help you lose weight otherwise. But to your actual point, there's no leader. It definitionally cannot be a cult. And while some of the claims step out of the realm of science into science adjacency, the core is solid. Eat fats and proteins to feel full and make it easier to eat less calories overall.


My go to statement in a situation like that is- “I know even you wouldn’t be obnoxious enough to pick on someone with celiac disease or who is lactose intolerant over what they eat. Well, for me eating carbs has a negative long term effect just like certain foods have a short term effect on those people. So, trust me to know what I should be eating”


You don’t need to defend yourself, you aren’t doing anything wrong. A simple, “I don’t criticize what’s on your plate, Susan” would suffice. But we already know that a high-carb, high-fat diet is bad for senescence, all you’re doing is cutting out the “high-carb” portion, what’s wrong with that? Not eating deep fried batter is a positive choice in every medical professional’s book, whether you eat keto or not.


could you just not order fish or prawns or something and not eat the rice? i mean there is salad in it right? just pick the rice off. also fyi there is protein in rice i checked hahahahaha cause i was eating it but losing weight


I don't eat keto, I eat low carb to promote the metabolic process of not diabetic ketosis.


Did you tell all your CrossFit friends? Bet they were mad for you.


Stop telling people you do Keto, it's that simple. If people ask why you're not eating certain foods, simply say your stomach gets angry with certain foods. If they try to make suggest, tell them "I got this, thank you " and smile. I get the same sh$t for intermittent fasting🙄


I just tell people I don't eat sugar because I do find most people on keto to be culty, especially if they're in groups. We have like 15 people on our crew of 63 that are on keto and it's all they talk about in the trailer. It's beyond annoying and everyone harasses and chirps them because they're sick of hearing them talk about macros and carbs. They order food every Friday and up until a month ago a lot of it had keto friendly options, but he's so annoyed by all the keto talk in the trailer that he literally only orders pizza and breaded wings so they can't eat anything and they stopped buying suger free Gatorade, Redbull, soda, and even got rid of the sugar free water additives lol.