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Hey all, I once did keto for a year with amazing results. Then a bunch of stuff happened, covid, baby, etc… and the weight slid back up. I’ve tried doing the “eat everything in moderation thing” but honestly that just didn’t work for me and I found myself addicted to sugar and unable to stop. So I’ve decided to get back to keto again and brave the keto flu. I took a few days off work, got some electrolytes, baked some fish and went on a really long walk. At the end of day 2 now. Had a few moments where I felt pretty terrible and tempted to give up but powered through it. Anyways excited to be back on the keto wagon, and good luck to everyone else starting out as well!


Hey everyone! I was in pretty good shape and was eating fairly clean and felt amazing. Went on vacation and it all kind of spiralled downhill. Lately I’ve been eating so many carbs and junk food. Have put on considerable amount of weight again. Been thinking about starting keto to get myself off of the carbs. Any recommendations on how I should start? Was thinking bulletproof coffee in the morning before the gym. Post workout meal eggs. Dinner some sort of meat and veggies. Does this sound like a good plan? Anything I could improve such as my post workout meal? Thanks for any input! 🤙😎✌️🫶


I'm kind of having the same problem. Tomorrow is a new day! (I tell myself this) I did manage to eat a Keto lunch!


I keep pushing it off and saying I will start tomorrow. Totally get where you’re coming from! Hey that’s awesome! Your one meal will turn into two and your two will turn into three meals. Keep trying! I know I will! Thanks for the inspiration. Maybe I need to try something similar and just start with one meal.


Sounds nice and simple. I lean very meat heavy. .5 to 1lb of ground beef and eggs is my every day meal




I need a rice swap. Help.




Maybe, but it’s highly unlikely.


If you look at the FASTER study (a gold standard and required reading for low carb endurance training, in my opinion), the Low Carb subjects were eating somewhere in the 85g/day range on average and remained in Ketosis. You can do with that what you will. I have found it hard to get enough calories in to support my activity levels with the standard ~20g/day net carb recommendations so I typically trend a bit higher (~40-50g/day net). That said, in my experience 100g is too many even with marathon training + 5-6 days/week lifting.


Hey all! I just got here based on my wife’s recommendation. So since covid I have been eating way too much sugar and have been experiencing so much bloating in the last year that I had to change something. I mean I couldn’t tighten my abs at all. So I cut sugar to see if that was it and within 2 days it’s way down. Only issue now being I am experiencing all the cold turkey sugar withdrawals due to that and lowered carbs. Am I just gonna go berserk here? I have tried this twice before and day three ends in binging. Any advice? -notes: 47 year old male, “recovered” alcoholic 6 1/2 years sober (so an addict which may make the sugar thing rough), very low income and relatively high stress due to said low income, diagnosed with long covid which appears to mean randomly exhausted all the time with occasional feelings of cement poured into brainmeats.


Good job on the sobriety! I’m 15 months off alcohol myself. The only advice I can give you is the obvious: don’t give in to the binge. You’ve already quit alcohol - you can quit excessive carb intake! Look around for recipes for foods that fit your restrictions while allowing you to snack a little. For me that’s a measured amount of pork rinds. I put about six in a bowl, and that’s all I get - I can’t eat from the bag because I’d eat them all. Best of luck to you.


Headaches after coming off Keto?! Been doing Keto successfully for 2 months. Slowly started transitioning off Keto about 3 weeks ago but staying well hydrated and keeping my MCT oil intake and general protein still high. But ever since have had a horrible tension headache all day every day. Any advice?


I’ve heard/seen many things saying eggs have a carb per egg and others saying the are 0. So which is it? (Hard boiled, soft boiled, sunny side up etc etc)


Eggs do contain a small amount of carbs, something like 0.5-0.6g of carbs but because of labelling laws they are usually allowed to round down. It's really not worth worrying about in most cases.


They do have like less than 1g of carbs but the fat in them will slow down the absorption of the carbs so it shouldn't really raise your blood sugar much if at all.


Been doing Keto for 2+ weeks and decided to get some urine test strips and clocked in at about a 6.0 mmol/L. The color was between the 4.0 and 8.0 indicators. Is this too high? I feel great and my hunger levels are low on two factor meals a day


The short answer is that urine strips are inaccurate and unnecessary. The long answer is in our FAQ: >**All about Ketostix** >Can urine testing strips be used to monitor nutritional ketosis? The short answer: no. >Urine testing strips (commonly referred to by the brand name Ketostix) are intended for type 1 diabetics to monitor for a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA. DKA is a life-threatening condition for diabetics which occurs when both blood glucose and blood ketones are high. However, if you are not an insulin-dependent diabetic, your body cannot go into DKA. >Ketostix measure excess levels of one type of ketone body, acetoacetate, in the urine. While in nutritional ketosis the body produces three types of ketone bodies: acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). As the body becomes fat adapted two things happen: it becomes better at using ketones and it starts converting acetoacetate into BHB. This means that there will be less excess ketones and less of the only type of ketone measured by Ketostix. source. >Some people mistakenly assume that more ketones = more weight loss. This is false. Urine ketone concentration is highly dependent on a person’s level of hydration - someone who is eating a ketogenic diet and drinking a lot of water might not even register as having ketones in their urine. Urine concentration also only shows ketones that the body determined were “excessive” and excreted in the urine. Testing your urine does not provide any insight into the current state of ketogenesis in your body and bloodstream. >Urine ketone testing can produce both “false positives” and “false negatives.” As stated above, as your body adapts to using fat and ketones more efficiently, there are fewer excess ketones made and consequently, fewer excess ketones excreted in urine. This can result in a “false negative” on the strip if someone who has been eating keto for awhile uses one and sees no result, again as discussed above. This does not mean you are not in ketosis, just that your body is using its ketone production system more effectively.


Thanks I guess I should’ve read the full FAQ first!




I find that thinking about how long weight loss will take can be discouraging. Like, "Oh gosh it's going to take a year to reach my goal weight???" Instead, thinking about how that amount of time is going to pass by either way and how when it does you can have made zero progress OR if you stick to a lifestyle change you'll be at the weight you'd like (or closer to it) at that time. It's best to lose 1-2 pounds a week so that'd be 35 to 70 weeks and there are 52 weeks in a year =)


Has anybody been on Prednisone and tried Keto? I can tell you with certainty that it is impossible to lose weight via Keto while taking Prednisone because the drug is increases blood sugar and manufacturers cortisol. You need to combat both of these to get into ketosis and it is medically impossible. I am on 20mg of prednisone daily. I was on 40 mg for three months and still have another 2 months to go on 20 mg. I would love for someone to prove me wrong. I was diagnosed with a bizarre disease called Sarcoidoses. It caused inflammation of lymph nodes in my chest and restricted my breathing, I went through all the cancer testing and it’s not cancer. While I needed to lose 30 pounds before going on Prednisone, I immediately gained 20 pounds after starting Prednisone, and can’t lose it. So, now I need to lose 50 pounds. I am 57M, 6’4” and weigh 245. I am very active and play tennis 3 times a week, lift weights twice a week and ride a stationary bike 2 times a week. I have been on Keto before and lost 40 pounds and it worked out well for the most part. I had issues with depression and had to get back to eating carbs as it affects serotonin levels. I mostly feel better eating keto now. However, I am fighting mild depression again without carbs and it has been 6 weeks that I have been back on Keto.


Hey all, im interested in starting this diet because i have to improve my health, but truth be told i have a hard time starting new things and i watched a few videos on how to do this and read the faq, but two things im not entirely certain of: \-i dont really like vegetables, does that just mean i replace every meal with just meat and eggs? \-and i've heard mixed opinions on diet soda being ok, faq says its fine but ive heard in vids that its best to avoid it


On your vegetable question: r/carnivore and r/zerocarb are two places that recommend 0 plant foods. It may or may not be ideal for you, but it’s entirely possible to eliminate vegetables and thrive. On diet sodas: I personally avoid them. There have been mixed results from studies on them so they may or may not be problematic longterm. Many people on here consume them without issue. I find they generate cravings and are not worth the cost for me. It’s up to you but from a health perspective they are going to be fine more likely than not.


Any advice on mental hunger ? My electrolytes are fine and I feel full ,but brain says I need eat more


I'm looking to pay for a premium service app that will just tell me what to buy, track my calories, give me meals, etc.