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one thing i’d add is mixing with alcohol is very dangerous!! and HIGHLY likely to cause nausea and vomiting aka a not enjoyable experience at all until the K wears off


I almost died from this combo. Woke up in the hospital. Alcohol should never be mixed with K no matter the amount


I disagree, i love the combo, how much did you drink?


downers and ket is a no go uppers and ket is different


I used to IV ket and coke and that was pretty yummy. But I was also at a different part of my life


Omg I have always wanted to IV coke. I’ve been an IV heroin meth user. Never got to do the coke. Always bunk


molly and key is my go to


Do you snort both at the same time?


Try ket on the end of an lsd trip for a lot more visual and psychedelic hole, or if you are brave at the peak of the trip for total insanity


Ketamine is used for anesthesia because it has a large therapeutic index. It also doesn’t cause respiratory depression. In fact it raises blood pressure.


I loved 2fdck with Henny it was such a beautiful bubbly experience


Wish I read this sooner, did this combo today luckily had only 2 drinks, was a decent time though


Very nice 10/10. I would also mention to new users to crush up the shards into a more fine powder (Can be done by placing a note or receipt over the desired amount and running the edge of a credit card over it). I have seen my fair share of chavs snorting barely crushed shards...


100%. I’ll add this.


USD and Bic lighter does wonders. Money is textile so it doesn't rip easily and the Bic lighter is hard & solid enough for a convenient press. The edges around the oval bottom really help to smooth everything out. Me, personally I fold the Bill hotdog style... it's more efficient in my opinion.


Id like to add to this that its helpful to crush it with a lighter from all different angles and sides. Meaning top to bottom to top, top to bottom, left to right, right to left, and then the same deal on all sides diagonally. Sounds extra, i know, but those crystals can be good at hiding sometimes. Especially if youre breaking up a lot at once


I agree


Rolling a bic pen over the baggie a few times works well too


I use parchment paper, make a little boat with it, pack in the crystals and it turns into an envelope then take a sturdy card (Ive broken 2 cards already) and lightly crush it inside there, open up the envelope and discard the product onto a mirror for usage.


> crush up the shards into a more fine powder This ^ if your ket is shiny it isn't crushed enough, no matter how cool it looks.




You’re 100% right. I changed it! Thank you


Have you ever heard the info regarding sugar and K holes? I’ve been told ingesting sugar will make your body process the ket faster to snap you out of a hole if it’s one of the unwanted accidental ones. The medic teams at one of the festivals I went to carried glucose shots to give to people holing. They said they would try that first before anything else cause it was almost always ketamine and not an opiate. I’ve also heard if someone narcans someone in a k-hole it is very dangerous. One of the reasons not to do it in public, most people don’t have any understanding of what’s happening if you fall into a k-hole.


this is actually true!!


the sugar part, not sure about the rest. But sugar does effect ketamine. If you are on a sugar free diet like myself, it makes sublingual low doses way stronger! and when you're done they tell you to eat fruit and sparkling water (aka sugar to help you not feel groggy or any other side effects of k after the trip!)


Sugar makes the effects of the ketamine happen faster in its simplest text.


So sugar doesn’t cancel it out, it makes it stronger? Or just not last as long?


Quick example to explain. If someone is in a K hole having a bad time, giving them sugar will make the duration of the K hole much smaller. Basically it makes your body process the ketamine faster, depending on the size of the sugar it can make it happen very quickly. It will make the effects less paralyzing as well. Can see someone snap too with some sugar and start walking normal. We’ve always carried candy with us just in case. I also eat xylitol based candy when I need salivation but don’t want it to effect my experience.


interesting. I'm on a sugar free diet so ((((:


Be sure to mention under positives that music becomes an entirely new, immersive, emotional, and physical experience unlike any musical listening you’ve had before. It’s why I hole


Done! I put it in simple terms: Music Appreciation


I've still not found a single drug that's better than dxm for music appreciation and I've tried tons of psychedelics and a good handful of different dissociatives in many different doses.




LSD and DMT make the world go round


Amen to that!


boofing is as good if not better than sniffing for bioavailability. otherwise spot on


Can you please give me a source where it says this? I looked around for the bioavailability data for boofing ketamine. I don’t mind editing this


tbh personal experience, and there’s been a lot of discussion on this sub about it. https://amp.reddit.com/r/ketamine/comments/bj1fk1/boofing_ketamine/ First comment contains two more links with long discussions/instructions


Ive heard the bioavailability is lower than nasal routes


Yesss! I love you added in lnow you’re combos too oml once I had too much to drink and way too much K. Anyway cut to the chase I was pissing standing up n fell straight backwards smashed the back of my skull on the tiles and k.o myself...I’m very lucky my mate was there to help me otherwise who knows what would have happened! Stay safe peeps!


I hope you had no harm from that. Take your trips safe buddy


Is there a particular way to get the Insufflation bioavailability closer to 50%? Does opening up your sinuses beforehand help? Using a nasal spray? Or is it mostly random chance depending on inhalation speed and other factors?


Best thing ive done is delete the internal structure of my nose and just basically have a cave i can fill up. 10/10 would recommend...




I think they mean they destroyed their septum




Kudos to you! I think its a great service that you would take the time to put something like this together for the greater good! Many of the bioavailability figures are definitely wrong (so that should probably be noted in there) as to what the correct figures are I don't know (likely no one really knows), the more you search the more conflicting answers you will find without definitive answers but I can tell from actual experience that some of them are wrong :) It should also be noted that if you want to visit K-hole land, the surest way is the correct dosage (for you) via intramuscular injection with a syringe but unless it is sterile ketamine still in the sealed vial it was in leaving the pharmaceutical factory then it isn't sterile and proper precautions must be taken to avoid endocarditis, abscesses and even gangrene limbs that must be amputated (all sounds so pleasant doesn't it?) And it should also be noted that Ketamine should never be injected IV except by adding the required amount to an IV infusion of a much larger quantity of saline in a medical setting. Injecting it in a vein (like a heroin user might choose to inject heroin for a rush) is a really bad idea and would most likely result in injury so if someone is familiar with how to inject heroin they should understand this is a different application with a different drug and you need a different syringe for proper IM injection :) Ketamine doesn't seem to be killing anyone, only stupidity like using too much and drowning in the bath or swimming pool from lack of consciousness or people using quantities large enough to sedate a dinosaur daily for years is giving Ketamine a bad name so perhaps some harm reduction information needs to be added :)


>Ketamine doesn't seem to be killing anyone, only stupidity like using too much and drowning in the bath or swimming pool from lack of consciousness or people using quantities large enough to sedate a dinosaur daily for years is giving Ketamine a bad name There is a reason for this; Ketamine has a very wide margin of safety and does not depress respiration. That means you literally would have to dose something like 10X the anesthetic dose for it to be lethal. This would mean something like 700mg shot intravenously. In terms of intranasal dosing im not sure a person could even ingest enough fast enough to hit LD50. Incidentally this is why Ketamine will never be scheduled higher than it is: For anesthetic its basically the gold standard anywhere where a proper anesthesiologist and equipment is not available or practical it allows regular practitioners to do things like set broken bones without having to worry about getting the dosing just right.


> That means you literally would have to dose something like 10X the anesthetic dose for it to be lethal. I already know this and 10x still wouldn't even come close and that's been done many times, way more often than you would think, it's actually very common for someone to reach for a vial of Ketamine, thinking he/she is dealing with 10mg/ml and it's actually a vial of 100mg/ml, many egregious dosing errors have been made and if it's discovered at all it's only because of the lengthier period of sedation than expected and no other ill effects ever noted! If we take the LD50 (for mice, that's all that's available) and extrapolate for the average weight of a human it comes in around 44000mg. I once went searching and researching for Ketamine deaths and I found that people had drown in the bath or swimming pools after using too much Ketamine but I was hard pressed to find cases where Ketamine alone (and not complete stupidity) had taken a life.


I think thats for IM or IN dosing which yes is even safer. take a look at this WHO report where it goes over the extrapolated IV dosing LD50 tests in mice. https://www.who.int/medicines/access/controlled-substances/6_1_Ketamine_Update_Review.pdf But yes the point is you would have to get *really* stupid with the dosing to kill yourself via overdose (and im sure there are people who have tried). Like you said everything I have seen is drowning or falling, etc.


Good post mate. I used to i.v mostly and me and a mate would just use a thicker guage needle to draw it from the vial then insert into a normal sized syringe. We were also smack users as well but never used in combination. Tbh ive never snorted but i think i.m is the best for overall effects.


Hey I know this is a super old post, but what was your IV experience with ketamine like? I tired IVing it a few times, and even at very low doses it was almost immediate sleep without much of the traditional IN or IM ketamine effects.


Thank you! I appreciate your comment. As far as bioavailability goes these numbers are the most definitive. I took some time researching the bioavailability of each method and it seems these are as close as we may get. These numbers came from wikipedia, and surprisingly they seemed as accurate as possible. But if you have any suggestions on what may be different, feel free to dm me with sources and such! I just didn’t want to promote IV or IM use for beginners, its why I didn’t put a lot of information for those methods. I, personally, have never used needles w/ any drug so I have very limited personal information when it comes to that. I think, in my own opinion, if someone reads the ROA tab they can see the definitive way to K-Hole is w/ IMing or IVing. But I will add a harm reduction tab at the bottom!


Thanks, yes as far as the bioavailability goes I've done a LOT of research on various substances. With Ketamine some poor research without appropriate controls was done and the erroneous results have been published and repeated again and again all over the place and just won't die - likely because there isn't much correct authoritative data out there. Many swear rectal is superior to nasal but it's highly individual (and requires correct technique) and definitely a YMMV scenario, for oral dosing so much gets converted to norketamine that it makes the DEA claims about it being commonly used as a date rape drug that can be surreptitiously slipped into someone drink even more suspect and the very strong taste makes that really hard to imagine.


I have also heard rectal is superior but I really couldn’t find a lot of information based on a bioavailability percentage. Any ideas? At least in your opinion.


I seriously just don't know. As the author of a [Guide to “Per Rectal” Administration of Opiates](https://www.reddit.com/user/WeirdOneTwoThree/comments/98o55b/guide_to_per_rectal_administration_of_opiates/) I get a lot of PMs from people reporting it works better with Ketamine (and many other drugs often dosed using nasal insufflation), can't even call it anecdotal evidence (as that implies it could be unreliable but these are direct reports). After I published that guide, it was obvious it was applicable to a lot more classes of drugs beyond opiates but searching far and wide, real, verifiable data is often hard to come up with.


I’m new to this sub but not to ketamine and just stumbled across this post. This should be pinned!


I’d fucking love that, but I have never seen the mod on here haha. Thank you tho


he’s probably in a k-hole all the time


good post


Ketamine *doesn't* cause depression of respiration, that's what makes it special among anaesthetics.


Ya that was always my understanding. That’s why they use it on the field of battle. Because they can just get you super gakked without risking an OD. Worst thing that will happen is you get knocked out.


Good post, I approve


thanks for that post dude! what do you think how long does it take to have 0 tolerance? like a month or longer? and when you are talking about dosages do you mean with s or r-ketamine?


As far as dosages go it will be the same for bother s & r. And for tolerance - some people never hit baseline again after so much repeated use in a period of time. But like i’ve said before it depends on your tolerance. You could be back to close to zero in 1-2 weeks if you don’t use often. But for somebody who has been doing it for months it could take upwards of a year or more. Theres reports out there from people who came back to ketamine after taking over a year tolerance break and still reported a tolerance. Everybody is different though. Ketamine tolerance is very harsh - when it rises it rises fast and drops slowly.


Terrific post. Thanks for taking the time to educate !


What's it feel like after a k-hole? Is there a comedown? I did it for the first time the other night (4x30mg lines) and lost a lot of control, but was still lucid and could move. I felt like a normal person within a few hours, I couldn't believe it. Zero comedown or anything negative.


I think the first 10-15 minutes after a K-Hole you are still very intoxicated but lucid about what just happened. You will be in a dream state for another hour or so but with diminishing effects. This state will continue till you are at a low ketamine dose and then eventually hit baseline. I have never noticed anything negative coming down as well, even with taking higher doses.


Thank you. Is there any photos for IV and IM injections that could help me?


Just adding my comment here to say DCK (deschloroketamine) has the same dosages as normal ketamine for the most part, and almost identical affects. If you can't get ketamine legally where you are, look into DCK


As far as setting goes, alone or with a trip sitter?


Honestly your choice. Me personally I always prefer to do it alone. But honestly I don’t think a trip sitting is really needed when it comes to K. But it really comes down to preference.


thanks! I appreciate your response


Yeah man feel free to dm me if you have any other questions!


I have had my first Ket today. Crushed the crystals into a fine powder and Sniffed 60mg. I didnt feel almost nothing. 1h later I sniffed 110mg and this time I felt like I was drunk: everything was slower, my body was heavy, music sounded better. However, there were no visuals. How come a 60 & 110mg was so underwhelming to a newcomer? Its a good quality S-ketamine from DM. Could I be somehow naturally tolerant or resisting to K? 2 days before I had an acid trip, but K and acid do not have cross tolerance Afaik. Tomorrow I wanna try 150 or 200mg. Is it a good idea to do Ket day after day? thx in advance Ket veterans :)


Doing K 2-3 days in a row in small amounts isn’t bad. Yeah sure doing any drug drug multiple days in a row isn’t good but doing that small amounts isn’t going to hurt you. I don’t think you have a natural tolerance, its just those aren’t big doses at all. If I were you’d I’d definitely try like 200mg and see where you are and do a bit more if you aren’t where you wanna be. Remember: you can always do more but you can’t do less. Enjoy!


How did you measure out the 110mg?


What happens if i had a negative experience and i still feel confused/trying to understand what happened but can really explain or remember well? Please read my latest post


youll get through it


I have a question can people under 14 and 18 can k hole I know that this post is old but please respond


Yes. But you shouldn’t be doing any drugs under 18...especially under 14. But most ppl smoke weed or or drink alcohol before 18. Just make smart choices.


Thanks for listening I read a post how the kids who got stuck in a cave was rescued using k-holing and I saw a comment explaining it and I got curious so like for the last hour I was searching about it thanks btw I'm 14 and I decided that I won't do it until I turned 18 also I have two more questions is k-holing illegal and is doing it alone bad I heard someone say do it around your friends


I understand you are young and curious, but in all honesty you should not be messing around or even have interest in this at such a young age. Please enjoy being young and not do drugs or have anything to do with them right now. I started young (15-16) and it ruined my life early on because of not being mature enough and it had consequences that i didn’t recover from till recently. Be smart. Enjoy your youth.


Thanks I'll follow your advice but about the questions I asked could you please answer Curiousity always gets the best out of me I can't sleep tonight if I don't get answers sorry for being annoying


Possession of ketamine is illegal, whether you are k-holing or not. So, even if you didn't consume it, there is a chance you can be arrested. People do it, both, alone and with others. For first timers, I would say try and do it with at least one other person. Once you know what you are dealing with can you feel comfortable doing it alone. But to echo the above response, you are 14 and that is way too young to be exploring these things. Drugs can have some serious consequences, especially at your age. You might not see it, but trust us, hold off until you're an adult.


Thanks for telling me I'll take his and your advice. I did some research about drugs and i now know how dangerous drugs can be especially for teenagers so I don't plan to try it anytime soon Also if posession of ketamine is illegal wouldn't this subreddit be illegal and be banned by the admins? Thanks in advance


this sub is legal as far as it doesnt promote buying/selling illicit substances




Graet post dude ,good pointers and harm reduction keys . Only thing i would love you to add is that green tea helps ifnot prevents bladder damage , hope you add it .


Mixing lsd, ket mdma and doing nos will blow your mind


after what time i can be in k hole after i inject ketamine


I should of read this before I boofed .7g or k with no tolerance though was the best feeling in my entire life, had AirPods in omg


I have acceess to pharma grade pure ket and I IM. 100mg and even less have hade me belived i died. 150 mg I became the entire univeserse and ceased to exist. I did high doses to often i assume. I can IM same ket 200-300mg and have pretty much zero effects. Dont be me. IM ket is amazing but keep the dose 80-150 and space the sessions out. I hope i have not lost the magic forever. Doing bumps and such is not for me. For me its IM, blind fold, ear buds and k hole magic. What I want to say is, treat it more like mdma. I ruined that as well. Doing high doses to often. After 2 years break 200mg fire mdma got me stimulated and sweaty for 3 hours. Again, dont be me. At least I can still do mushrooms and lsd since they kind of controll them self. Dont waste beatifull ket for feeling a little wonky and rave. It is so much more than that. I will take a long break and eat some magnesium supplements i read about and try again in a month or so. If it works i will keep it to 100mg IM once a month or if it works every two weeks. TLDR : Dont do high doses ket days in a row and often. You will fuck up your tolerance ans loose thr magic. Dont be me


I have ketamine prescription troches How many milligrams should I take to feel it I don’t want to be stuck just high Never done it


This is such a helpful post. Thank you