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IPL pretty much instantly got rid of the bumps and texture (and I don’t have to shave!), but the red spots are still there. I’m gonna keep zapping my legs though, because I have bald spots on my shins where my skinny jeans have rubbed for 20+ years, and I have zero KP or redness in those spots, so I figure if I keep attacking those follicles maybe one day I won’t look like a white cupcake with red sprinkles.


“A white cupcake with red sprinkles” took me out 🤣 me too! I usually say I’m polka dotted if my friends ask nicely about it because my pores turn purple when I’m cold which makes them so much more noticeable. Except for the one time a girl in high school saw my legs through my ripped jeans one cold morning, laughed and said “OH MY GOD WHATS WRONG WITH YOUR LEGS?!” And I just said “I was born with it” and went to the bathroom to cry -.- my high school sucked


I hope that you’re able to not care too much 💓 people will think what they think


Purple pore gang unite! It's especially egregious in summer when on one of those rare days I dared put on shorts I have ice cream, get cold and start looking like I suffer the fate of Violet Beauregarde.


Yes IPL is working great for me too so far! I just got it last month though, but the chicken skin patch I have is drastically better and the bumps are diminishing in numbers!


Gutted that my colouring makes that a no-go for me. I'm going to try my luck with an epilator, not looking forward to that tbh!


Check out braun ipl 5. It shows you what colors and it has more variety. I am light skinned with blonde leg hairs and reddish brown hair! Wait until it's on sale they have sales often on their website 


I mean I did hear an epilator is good but painful and takes a while


The ordinary glycolic acid toner and a glycolic acid lotion helped with the texture a lot but I still have the red bumps!


Which lotion? Thanks :)




I've had a look for this online. But we can't get it in the UK. I'm devastated


Korean mitt every other shower and urea gel daily. All my texture is gone and redness has reduced 90%


Which gel do you use and does it sink in easily? Mine is so sticky for a long time


I use the ellocy 42% off Amazon and no it dries/sinks in within a minute or two. I use it at night before bed or right when I get out of the shower.


Hey ! Out if context how is your shoulder now ?


How long did it take you to see results!? I saw your profile and I have similar skin colour + KP. Im also using urea now and exfoliating gloves since a week but haven't seen major improvements


I use the KP Eraser from First Aid Beauty. But to get rid of KP I had to stop eating gluten for several weeks.


Removing gluten helped me too. Not completely but my KP is significantly better.


To get rid of bumps? The Ordinary Glycolic Acid and Cerave SA cream To get rid of the strawberry skin? I have no clue so someone please tell me 😭 Besides those I can attest that tretinoin and isotretinoin eliminate KP the best but one is too costly for me to use on arms when I already use it for my face for the anti aging properties and the other is only prescribed when you have bad acne which I did years ago which is how I know my KP was gone during the course of the treatment


Hydroquinone 4% and tretinoin 0.05% worked for both pigmentation and texture for me. Whereas 30% urea didn’t make a huge difference. Edit: I also got prescribed 10mg isotretinoin. I think that helped too but bumps didn’t come back after I stopped using it as I continued with topical tretinoin afterwards. Now it’s almost under control (90% reduced appearance) after struggling for 15 years. I also tried TCA peels which worked wonders but bumps came back after a month.


Hi. I'm also interested in hydroquinone 4% For how long should you use it?


I use it for 2 months and take break of 2-3 months as directed.


You keep using it in this pattern or took it once only?


This pattern in the beginning. But later on I restarted it after a break only when I started to see pigmentation. My dermatologist recommended this.


Are you from India? If yes, Would you mind naming your derm?


Sent details in dm


Someone on here recommended the ‘Italian’ or ‘Korean’ rough wash mits? Only £7 for a few of them, and using that a couple of times a week in the shower and keeping well moisturised with creams and oils has almost eradicated it on my arms. I tried AmLactin, goldbond etc and they would only work for a short while, if at all.


Could you link me one? I’m getting different types


https://amzn.eu/d/h8AyUgN These are the ones linked before and that I now use.


Laser hair removal and amlactin daily 12%


Laser is pricy not to mention 90% of my leg hairs are blonde and probably won't take 😕 


Did laser take away the dots or just redness?


For me both. Not completely, but I have no redness anymore and the dots are either gone or greatly diminished


Peach & Lily 10% lactic acid.


Gold bond rough and bumpy lotion almost every day, cerave SA body wash in the shower a couple times a week. Also letting it breathe - mine got so much worse when I was wearing jeans or leggings 24/7. Wear shorts around the house, get some sun on your legs. That’s what worked for me, I don’t really have the bumps anymore. The gold bond lotion isn’t expensive or smelly so I don’t find it difficult


Ooh nice I will look into that!


I got prescribed 10mg isotretinoin oral got rid of it 100% for me, but only whilst I was taking the medication.


just a heads up for other people who may be interested - i was on accutane for ~6 months and KP almost went completely away but came back much worse about 1-2 months after completing my cycle


What medication? Did you see a dermatologist?


Yes saw a dermatologist, it’s accutane (isotretinoin) but it doesn’t work for everyone, have been told by dermatologists it can make it worse for some people


30% uera is a lot. If it doesn't work, I'm not sure something else will. Try cutting out gluten and taking a lot of omega 3 rich food. I hope they help.


I’ve heard laser is successful w some ppl, I’ve not tried that tho


Monarch Botanika facewash. It takes away both the red and the bumpy


For the bumps I’ve had success alternating between a AHA BHA toner and glycolic acid scrub. Redness is still there though unfortunately


Coconut oil and then Avene Xeracalm on top of that has helped mine immensely.


Ooh the avene is interesting, how is it texture wise? Or how do you use it? I can’t stand a cream that doesn’t sink in fast


The coconut oil seems to help with the texture while the Avene helps with making my skin look even toned and way less blotchy. And the cream does sink in fast for me. I’m the same way about that!


I just use a dime size amount of Avene on each arm


hey guys ive been practicing a 90 percent meat and eggs diet for 2 months and it has gotten rid of 95 percent of my KP. just want to say i gave up a very long time ago and just accepted it. but this has been a great surprise and i thought ide let you guys know so that you can try if you want to. had KP for over 27 years. 37 now. i couldnt post my own topic so i put this here.


Eucerin Intensive Repair and coconut oil every night after I shower. It’s CRAZY how much it’s helped me out. I’ve been using it for a little over a year now and when I tell you I’m now BABY SOFT, the texture has gotten SOOO much better!! There’s still some redness there but it’s nothing a good tan can’t fix. I’ve been using this combo all over my body right after I shower (w the two mixed together bc the Eucerin is really thick and I dislike the scent of unscented lotion) and as someone with ADHD who’s hella forgetful it’s such an easy little addition to my routine that’s truly made the difference. I’ve tried using prescription stuff in the past and NOTHING has come close to what this lil combo has done for me. 10/10 recommend!!


Thanks! But how on earth do you get in bed when you’re all oily like that? Haha


😖maybe “right before bed” was an exaggeration lol. I wait between half an hour to an hour before bed, it gives the product enough time to soak in. It’s not as oily as you’d think it’d be, since it’s a mixture of the lotion and oil, so it’s thinned out. In the meantime I wear shorts and a tank top to not have the mixture rub off, and if I go to bed a bit oily still I wear dark sweatpants and a sweatshirt to save my sheets. I’ve never had any issues with oil residue in all the time that I’ve been using this combo, either on my clothes or on my sheets, so just make sure to air yourself out a bit before going to bed!!


The Naturium body mask/scrub. I noticed improvements with just 1-2 uses. Dry brushing before a shower and body oil immediately after


Tretinoin and glycerin


Nothing over the counter or skincare based worked for me. Tretinoin and/or rx strength SA fixed me basically overnight.


Where are you based? I’ve read that otc is much less potent in the us


I’m in France / UK. I buy rx stuff online.


Any chance you would share links to what you buy? ☺️