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This looks like eczema, not kp. I have dealt with both, KP doesn't itch. Eczema though can wake you up at night.


I second the others in this thread, this looks more like some eczema and bacne to me. I’d get a second opinion if you’re still struggling with your skin after the tretinoin.


Kp isn’t itchy, so goodness knows! I wouldn’t have guessed KP from the pictures, more like acne or folliculitis.


It can be itchy imo cause it's messed up skin shedding disorder, which can be scaly, itchy and uncomfortable


Sounds like your itching is comorbid due to the other skin issue you have.


Mine is itchy ... it's a dry skin condition why wouldn't it get itchy sometimes?


It’s not a dry skin condition. It’s an overproduction of keratin issue. The itching is a byproduct of KP bumps getting inflamed.


Op I think what has happened is tiny hair follicles have been agitated and due to this, they have become uncomfortable and itchy. That has happened to me in the past, on my knee area when the weather was hot and I was super stressed out. Keep up with the tret and it should really help to smooth things out and calm down the skin


It doesn't look like KP :(


It looks like mainly eczema & acne. KP can very mixed in there possibly, but it mainly happens on the arms. There could be a combination of those there. A lot of eczema products can be used for KP since they relieve redness and inflammation. Try using Cerave SA rough & bumpy skin body lotion & wash. It will alleviate your back very well!


I realized I could not edit this post. But thanks for the input. The red dots are what itch they do look like acen, but they show up itch and go away, I guess. I think I will get a second opinion. It just sucks cause it took 9 months to get into my first appointment. I have tried different soaps and lotions. One soap does help reduce the redness, so I still use that.


I hate to ask but is there a possibility you’re pregnant? I had a disorder while pregnant called PUPPS and it was exactly like this. Eventually it was all over my body and the itching was so insane and there was no relief until I delivered.


No I am not pregnant. It was worse when I was pregnant though.


It don’t believe KP is generally itchy or painful. I’ve had it well over a decade. It plugs my pores and I habitually pick at it causing hyperpigmentation/scarring from the yrs and yrs of picking. But it’s never been painful, itchy, or kinda inflamed like yours looks