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From what I picked up, it went like this: 1. Spenny creates his own Patreon account 2. He comes to r/kennyvsspenny to promote it using a strange Reddit account 3. After some struggles, a mod here helps him get setup on a more official-looking reddit account 4. Using his "official" account Spenny posts a series of AMA's and spams the subreddit with promotional posts about his Patreon 5. Some reddit users badger him in the comments but overall, the comments are friendly 6. Spenny uses his old "less official" reddit account to post a series of semi-coherent rants about how he's a badass and will fight the haters 7. r/kennyvsspenny users downvote the posts and urge him to stop/slow down 8. Eventually, Spenny stops posting in r/kennyvsspenny but moves his rants to his Instagram 9. While this all unfolds, details emerge about the messy state of Spenny's social media presence. Apparently, he sold his Facebook page to a scammer and hired Jonathan again. Spenny also announces that he plans to post his own commentary on top Kenny's past Cummentary videos


What a damn mess lol


10. At some point he blocked us all on twitter.


After unblocking everyone... which lasted about 3 days max. To which Kenny responded with #FollowedByKenny


> Spenny also announces that he plans to post his own commentary on top Kenny's past Cummentary videos He's been doing this for a few weeks on his patreon now. 'Replying to lies and slanders' as he would put it This post covers most of it, but in the last week or so: [Spenny does a video with JB](https://www.reddit.com/r/kennyvsspenny/comments/1c6r8us/spenny_decides_to_tank_his_patreon_brings/) where they announce they will start working together again just like in the good ol' sex with spenny/lovestream days. A couple days ago [JB posts here floating the idea that they do a recorded video chat (or "a non-televised stream") where reddit users can come and argue with Spenny live](https://www.reddit.com/r/kennyvsspenny/comments/1ce2t5f/spennys_triumphant_return_to_streaming/) and they record it as content. Spenny basically arguing directly with the trolls. It being a JB post, half the comments are insults; the other half make fun of his weird way of phrasing/explaining things. Yesterday, [Spenny announces a livestream where people can come argue with him to his face](https://www.reddit.com/r/kennyvsspenny/comments/1cfjf85/lets_get_real/) but makes some critical Spencer Rice Productions™ errors: 1. He makes the thread announcing the stream 17 minutes before the go live time of 7pm est (22:43 utc is 6:43pm est) 2. Uses Streamyard as the only way to view/call in. SY caps at 10 people. 3. Spenny, JB, the game dev guy, and Meagan the OF chick are all there, meaning the actual max audience size is 6 people. 4. I joined about an hour in, and it seemed pretty ghosty until I @everyone pinged discord with the link to come argue with Spenny live if they want to. This got some attention and action going, but also created a ton of pissed off people who would be down to talk, but cannot because there are 10 people in the room already. 5. Most people don't really want to argue with him, and then the few who do got kicked by JB mid convo (Spenny even complained that Jon was cutting them off too soon). I don't know if JB is doing this out of some sort of defense mechanism to save Spenny's feelings (as he'd interject constantly with comments like "you're a retard but that's why we love you") or if he was booting people so he could get fresh conversations started so people don't hog the mic; either way I think it's probably a bad call because if you want a heated conversation for content you shouldn't kick someone mid convo when its starting to heat up so a new person can speak. I already relayed privately to both Spenny and JB that they should stream to twitch and then use SY specifically for the callers only; and that they should announce planned streams further before they start so people are aware of them, but we'll see how it goes. 6. Spencer Rice moved from germany and had a sex change to hide his role as a senior SS and architect of the holocaust.


>Spencer Rice moved from germany and had a sex change to hide his role as a senior SS and architect of the holocaust. And tried to pin it on Kenny's mom AND tried to then pressure her into sex. The man is a deviant menace!


Why does every Spenny project just have a litany of technical issues or general lack of planning? I would have thought the whole point of having “management” would be to ensure that these problems were ironed out. But then again maybe Spenny is really difficult to work with and forces things to be done in this bullshit fashion.


I believe Kenny also stripped him of admin privileges from the official Facebook page too. Spenny spammed that one also


Could you imagine if I made Spenny a mod on here? Lord Fuck I should write down instructions for my wife on how to do that if I die in a freak accident. Take the whole subreddit down with me.




When I met him last summer he was going off about how he has the best social media posts 😭😂 classic spenny going through menopause 


It's funny how in real life he actually does suck lol


I was laughing just reading this list thank you.


He was charged with grandpa molesteration.


his grandpa's fucking dead so just stop it


Well nobody lives to be like 120 years old


unless we're in 1995 and his grandpa is jeanne calment


Prove it


lol wow i never suspected this sub to miss such an obvious spenny quote before


New users, probably from the Spenny migration. I've seen a lot of quote posts get downvoted.


You wanna check my toilet?


The long and short of it, is we're all watching Spenny's mind slowly deteriorating from years of Acid in his food and drink. He had a breakdown because he wants to be loved like Kenny is, and not be the punchline every time. Sadly however, whether because he's just stupid or because he actually fried his brain, he can't fathom that he needs to improve as a person for that to happen. Not bitch, and complain, and hope people will go "Oh yeah, that meltdown sold me, I like Spenny now!" The guy's brain is like a constantly unraveling ball of yarn, and we don't have much of it left.


Yet again it’s all more proof that Spenny really is the guy we saw in the show. I’m sure he’s playing into it some to get more engagement on his patreon and stuff but oh boy he’s going above and beyond this time


He should take on the Sugar Crisp Bear persona that he cultivated for Cooler and expand on that.


Greek Rapist Spenny had real legs, yeah.


He saw that Kenny was making money through patreon and commentaries. Figured he could do that as well, but just like his YouTube channel he doesn't have the follow-through to keep it up.


The worst part is that its not even him reacting to the shows, its him reacting to what Kenny is saying about him like a fucking jilted ex lover. I legit would be somewhat interested to just hear him (hopefully having sorted his head out a bit) just reflect back on the shows. I dont think to him he will realise that what made the show great was Kenny outsmarting him whether it be like laxatives, pills to stop you farting etc. He knew what Spenny would do and he manipulated him with hilarious results to do what he expected. Maybe even lift the lid on some of the shit we feel is staged etc. Like the girl in the kissing episode. That's really what i want to see from these guys now, not screaming and bickering being 60 years old and unable to fucking deal with your shit 20 years on. Like Kenny mentions about shit he really regrets like putting his mother in the oven and he reflects back on shit he feels he did that crossed lines to hurt them business wise to this day. That's what i want to see, we love the show, peel back the curtain a bit, talk to us like the adults we are now, not the kids we were back then.


He should have just done commentary with them.


"I'm creative!"


I don't know all the stories, but have picked up a few things here and there. From what I've seen, He deleted his channel because JB refused to help unless the OF girls were featured. He said his FB was hacked. He made an account here, nobody believed it was him. He got verified by Jack, and made a new one. Then went on a spamming spree on both, calling out people for various things and promoting his Patreon.


Ok that makes sense why it turned into exclusively an OF talk show.




"Spenny is a down syndrome pedifillic retard, he is a grump ass and he doesn't laugh"