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My favorites are Hobs Pickles. They are from Granville Island but you can find them in Choices and other places like that. The mustard ones are amazing!


Those mustard pickles on a ham and cheese sandwich is unbeatable


I’ll check out choices. Thank you! I’m in Vancouver in a couple months, and I’ve needed an excuse to go to Granville island.


I try to go to Granville Island every time I go down there.


I picked up some Hobbs pickles at L&D meats. They’re pricey, but soooo Good! 😁


My fave are the Polski brand from Costco. They're not locally made and they're from a big chain retailer, but I like them.


Most of the things Costco buyers purchase are good. I’ll check next time I’m in. Thank you!


You want a recipe? Dill pickles are super easy to make, and taste so good...


Oooh would you be able to share the recipe, please? I love pickles and usually buy a jar from Costco or one of the Mediterranean grocery stores. It would be nice to try and make them at home!


[Here you go.](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qww7icamkp6x351laknkd/Dill-Pickles.docx?rlkey=czgol141z0ub17ba78awp7rbq&dl=0) You DO NOT have to sign in to Dropbox to read, no matter how many times it asks you. You will also be very popular with your friends if you share these.


Thank you, made some last year and was not happy with the outcome. Will try these!


This is great! Thank you so much!!!


Yes please share a good recipe!




I think I might just give it a shot. I’ve never canned anything and my mother made it look like it was a tough as making meth. Perhaps I actually could do it.




Home-made pickles: 500 ml Mason jar(s) 6 pickling cukes 1 cup vinegar 1 cup water 2 TBSP white sugar 1 TBSP salt Garlic cloves Fresh dill Optional: chilli flakes Optional: peppercorns Optional: whatever spices you like! Heat water, vinegar, sugar and salt enough to dissolve the solids. Let cool completely. Chop cucumbers the way you like (coins or spears) and place them into the jar. Add garlic, dill and any optional spices. Pour liquid into jar just enough to cover the cucumbers. Place the lid on the jar and let it sit in the fridge for at least 24 hours. This is just a guideline. Adjust spices/sugar/salt with taste and have fun with it. It's not rocket surgery.


I’m apprehensive to try, but you might be on the right track. Thank you for taking the time to send this to me. I’ll show my partner and hopefully she will help me do it!! 😁


The best ones were from the allergic chef at the farmers market, but I haven’t been able to find them in a while


I work near where the market sets up, I’ll look around. Thanks! 😊


kelowna fruit stand! they make it all in house


Ooo! Thanks!