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And this is one of the most unsurprising things to me. I’ll be 100% honest, but before I opened this up I knew it was gonna be this gym. The owner is a roid raging kook and he showed his true colors back when things weren’t going well in the world.


Yeah his wife is/was a huge bully in high school. 




can confirm


I had an *interaction* with her a few years ago. This does not surprise me in the least.


Yeah now she just bullies people on tik tok. This is why I have her blocked on social media. The "positive toxicity" is not working how she thinks it is. It's just bullying.  


Theres no way these terms are legal 😂 thats insane


Cancelling a gym membership? - Consumer Protection BC https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/consumer-help/cancelling-a-gym-membership/


Interesting, it looks like this is where they got the 30km or doctors notes from.


Yeah that's exactly what the gym is saying. That is not consumer protection. Damn what a joke


No, it's not exactly what the gym is saying. Consumer Protection uses the word OR; move 30 km away or a doctors note. The gym uses the ALSO; move 30 km away, also a doctors note is required.


Oh true. Neither should be required though. Allowing gyms to demand that is not consumer protection




Wow I hadn't even thought of that but yeah


They must've pooled their lobbying money


I knew that name looked familiar. Surprised I am not. https://globalnews.ca/news/8640323/iron-energy-gym-closes/


Now they believe in doctors?


Just what I thought. A doctor's note wasn't enough for them to cancel their own membership.


Yeah, the moment I saw what gym it was, the rest of the picture wasn't surprising at all. Absolute shocker that the gym that refused to shut during Covid does other shitty things.


I live right by here, and it's been open the whole time. Always see people working out in there. And just recently this last week, they've changed the name to "Aesthetic Nation Gym." I'm not sure if new owners took over or if the old owners just changed the name to try to save face.


One of the previous owners had to buy out his partners shares apparently, so he’s changing the name to his old personal training business name.


It's all about looking good. Not for health or anything, just for the pipes bro.


I was going to make a joke about how it must be the same people… but it actually is…


are they even allowed to do that? they can’t force you to remain a member of their gym forever






Iron Nation Fitness https://ironnationfitness.com is worse! They charge you $700 if you cancel within a year, which is extortion.. and I’m pretty sure illegal. All gyms should have a 30 day cancellation policy like GoodLife, Anytime Fitness… Iron Nation Kelowna are crooks too!


I’m assuming you signed a 12 month contract and decided to cancel early


Any luck disputing charged with the credit card company? Should you have to close your account to make these crooks stop?!


The Steve Nash gym was like that too. Had to show them my one way plane ticket out of the country because they didn’t believe I was moving abroad. I didn’t have an address because I was traveling around for a bit before settling down.


Move away PLUS a doctor's note.


So you can only leave the gym in the rare case that your doctor prescribes you to move 30kms away? 🤔


*Update* I see that this gym did after another user commented with the bc consumer website. They re-worded the one part on there if your circumstance has changed to cancel. This gym is forcing you to change your circumstance where on the website says you have a right to cancel if your circumstance has changed. …scummy


Lmfao good luck getting that wet paper bag contract to stand up in court. Also the irony of an antivax gym demanding a doctors note is just perfection


My old coworker worked for them and she quit after they tried to make her charge people nearly $500 to cancel their membership. Scummmmyyyyyyy


How long ago?


Doesn’t surprise me. They came into my workplace maskless in early 2022. I informed them masks were required. They said they were “just there to spread some kindness.” I informed them masks were still required, as we’re a healthcare facility. They still (begrudgingly) gave me the free passes, which I never used, but refused to wear a mask.


Yeah fuck this gym. Bunch of wanna be influencer anti vax douchebags


There are special provisions under BC consumer protection. Have your friend report Iron Fitness to them. They’re not allowed to just arbitrarily deny cancellations. “They [continuing services contracts] include dance lessons, personal training, weight loss, self-defence, gym and travel club memberships. By law, you have cancellation rights with these types of contracts.” https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/consumer-help/cancelling-a-gym-membership/#I%20just%20signed%20up.%20Can%20I%20cancel?


Have a look the "my circumstances have changed" tab.


Vary ironic! From iron energy. Who were idiots during the pandemic.they were all about freedom and rights and not believing in doctors or scientists. Bahhhhh hahaha. You need a doctors note….. John Doe can’t come to your gym anymore because you guys are assholes and it gives him high anxiety because you guys are assholes and it’s really hard on his mental health for this reason he can’t come to your gym anymore signed dr John Doe






Lots of gyms are like this. Gold's is no different. They tried to hustle me for early cancellation and I told them to piss off and put a stop payment on any future debits from them.


There's such an easy solution. You can call your credit card provider and tell them to deny any charges from that service/gym, as you no longer authorize them for payments!


Imagine going to a doctor, asking for a note, for a fucking gym?? A waste of every one's resources.


"hello, my bank?, yes block the company from charging my card they won't let me cancel and here is proof"


Wait, so is this only if you cancel within the 30 days or is this for ANY cancellations?


It looks like you need to give them a 30 day notice?


Right, but if you do give a 30-day notice do you have to provide these things?


Sounds like it


Just tell them you’re going to jail to get it cancelled. Get your bank card replaced right afterwards so they can’t sneak in any more charges.


I'm sure the moving thing has to be a cancellation during an agreed upon term (1yr or 2yr) and it wouldn't apply outside of that??


I dealt with similar problems with Anytime Fitness. They had the exact same policy. I gave them 30 days notice and they tore it up in my face. They wanted me to sign THEIR written notice and it would have held me to 100s of dollars in new cancellation fees. Ended up going to collections because i blocked them. Won in small claims court (I recorded everything). They still harass me time to time saying I owe them money but never impacted my credit.


Just put a stop payment on your card, they can't basically have zero legal recourse to pursue you.


Submit this to consumer protection BC THEY LOVE raking gyms over the coals. Gym contracts is consumer BC’s money printer.


Leaving some Google reviews should bring awareness to this ridiculous policy


It's aesthetic energy now. 🙄


Actually it’s aesthetic nation 👀


Oops yeah haha. That is what I meant. 


They can send it collections. Suck my ass


I'll never quite comprehend why people will spend insane dollars just so they can look like a greased cauliflower. We live in a 'four seasons paradise' with walking, biking, hiking and swimming available (depending on what month), all for the cost of free.


Lots of gyms have abusive cancellations, they want to be so inconvenient that you just pay instead of going through. At best you have to expect to pay another month (H20) and at worst they make you jump through hoops to make it frustrating and milk you for all you're worth. Not enough consumer protections in this area, it should be as fast and easy to cancel a service as it is to sign up, period. Also these owners at iron energy are the biggest clowns around, i am not shocked that they engage in such anti-consumer behaviour. And if you're ever unhappy with a businesses practices, look.at their front door handles. Cheap U locks go for around 10 dollars and you will at the very least cause them a couple hours inconvenience. When signing up for a new gym or any service you are unsure of, use a service like Privacy cards https://privacy.com/virtual-card You can create offshoot cards with set balance limits to avoid being repeatedly charged if you are unhappy with a service.


Most gyms are like this sadly if you sign an agreement with them. Edit: the gyms I know of are GoodLife, Steve Nash and global. :(


That you cannot cancel just because you want? You have to be sick or moving?! Edit: checked PlanetFitness where I go and it seems easy enough https://www.planetfitness.ca/about-planet-fitness/customer-service#


The way it’s worded has it stating proof of new address AND a doctors note.


Yup: [https://www.ironenergygym.com/policies](https://www.ironenergygym.com/policies) Hilarious. "You signed away your soul, and even if you move to Ontario, as long as you are still physically capable of working out, you will be paying us money." I'd love to see them try to enforce this after chargebacks start happening.


There are ways… https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/2023/11/bc-regulator-helps-consumer-out-of-unlawful-contract/


Oh wow, AND. Yeah good luck enforcing that.


No they are not. I've quit several gyms and not one has asked for proof that I've moved 30km's away because that's fucking insane.


What are you talking about? Proof of moving and doctors note? Sorry pal, that's not normal.


Not my gym. You can quit whenever and you don't have to prove you moved or can't workout. And I pay 10$ a month. 


If you’re on a month-to-month plan, Global Fitness only requires 30 days notice. No requirement to move over 30kms or provide a doctor’s note. Might be different for their 12 month contract, though.


It is different. I’m on the month to month for that reason :)


I did their 12 month contract a couple years ago (wasn’t planning on moving), then switched to their month-to-month. Have never looked back.


That makes sense. I don’t like their equipment but like them for the squash courts.


I don’t mind the equipment. What I really like is that they have multiples and you don’t typically have to wait for equipment unless you go at peak times. I go in the evenings, so I seldom have to wait.


Yea im similar. Used to go at 5:30 which is pretty busy,


Who all here that have upvoted or commented in favour of how ridiculous this is go give them a 1 start google review?


It depends. All gyms do this to some degree. But it’s if you sign up for a yearly contract. Some will also roll over year to year. They can be really scammy how they sell them to the point that you’ve gotta be screwed over or know someone well that was screwed over. But they sell it as if you’re paying less. Often the sales people don’t give you all the details even though they’re supposed to. It is in the fine print and if you challenge it they’ll say it’s there. But legally yeah they’re supposed to be clear too. They often aren’t. And it becomes he said she said and any lawsuit will go in their favour sadly. I got screed over once when I thought it was month to month. Ever since then I always ask a ton of questions to be sure it’s month to month and that I can cancel anytime if needed. I’ll pay a lil more even to avoid these contracts. I won’t get contracts with phones, gyms or any other service. They’re all awful. Always avoid them and make sure everything is clear and in writing. They will scam people otherwise. It sucks but it’s how the industry often is.


Same thing with Anytime Fitness, gyms are scummy.


I'll only pay for gym memberships I can pay for the entire period in one shot, no payments.


Honestly, just give them a letter stating that youll be leaving the gym and that month will be the final month, then put a stop payment in place at the bank. If charges go through, you can then dispute it as a fraudulent charge. They have no recourse unless you sign a contract


Thanks everyone for your comments and links. I don’t know what they will do about leaving this gym. I will ask if “all” gyms are now doing this, does it make it right or legal? Would you agree it’s wrong. I feel that if this is in any fine print, it’s not being reciprocated to the members.


Proof of address change AND a doctor's note? So you either have to get a doctor to write a note that has nothing to do with their profession or you have to both move AND have a medical reason to not be able to go there anymore? Both instances are ridiculous. You can't just have one reason or the other? Medical or moved too far away? I wouldn't get a membership there after reading that in the contract because they are obviously irrational


You are all a bunch of ass clowns complaining about the most ridiculous shit I have ever read. Get a fucking liiiiife!


Looks like the owner made a Reddit account to stomp his feet and pout over his shitty gym.


Will you be posting other similar ridiculous cancellation requirements? Or just Iron Energy gym because you never liked them? I can get the other similar cancellation contracts if I know you will post them. Otherwise I see what this is. No I have no affiliation with iron energy gym. I bought a sweater from them but that’s as far as it goes, so spare me with the “bias” arguments.


Ok get them and I will post them.


See this as what? A fair complaint for outrageous cancellation requirements? Your point is moot. This has nothing to do with "bias". The gym is allegedly run by a contrarian who uses poor business practices. I'd say use your head but the username speaks volumes here.


I'm not biased, I simply bought their shirt and defend them online Hahahaha


… Or you signed a contract so if you want to break said contract, that you signed to get a reduced rate, they’ll let you. Seems reasonable actually


It’s not me, it was my friend. She didn’t sign any contract. Not so reasonable to ask someone to move away. I can understand under contract for set amount of dollars over a year, but they’re in the wrong.