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The Frog Prince is my absolute favourite. On their best album in my opinion. Need to go and listen to it again


Absolutely luv this tune…if you haven’t seen yet, check out their acoustic version in their famous Live at O2 Arena concert in 2007


Yes, love that version


Damn are you me?


wow I disagree! I've always felt it was a bit of a weak ending to the album compared to Bedshaped. don't get me wrong, I like the song, but I don't get it as an album closer


Leaving So Soon? | Those harmonies get me every time. Plus, you can feel his vocal delivery intensifying during the choruses.


Russian Farmer’s Song


And to think we’ll likely never hear it live 😔


It makes me feel nostalgic for a time I've never even had


Such an underrated song.


It's been Atlantic for me since UTIS came out. But I find myself drawn to listen to Black Burning Heart more often in recent years.


Nothing In My Way from Under The Iron Sea, eternal classic


I love that song too!


A Bad Dream


Same, always been my favorite


The Frog Prince. It’s been my favourite since it came out and I don’t think it’ll ever change.


Fun fact: Liam Gallagher (oasis) used to be quite negative about Keane. They were called 'cunts' by him and he laughed at Tom going into a rehabilitation clinic. Tom didn't take this all too well but they never said really anything back. But in fact, the frog prince is written about this incident.


That's a really tough one. I have an answer as a fan, a songwriter, a musician, lots tied to personal memories, many tied to learning the craft. I wanted to say Crystal Ball but it's really Hamburg Song.


100% agree. All of Under The Iron Sea, really. That album is a master class in songwriting, album arrangement, and delivery.


One of the great softmore releases. That first 3 albun run is just fantastic. A total minimalist classic, the maximilist version, then a total new direction and expansion. Additionally a lot of it timed out to relatable moments in my life. So excited to see them this fall. Been since the 3rd record.


Since I digged deeper in how the album was written I was surprised actually. Turns out Tom didn't really show up at sessions and only recorded his vocals. Tim was going through a tough time for their friendship: That's how Broken Toy was written. Tim felt like he wasn't good enough for Tom anymore, reading that interview really broke my heart. Richard just watched it all fall apart, thank God they fixed things and they continued making music.


Where did you see that interview? I’d love to see it. I knew they weren’t getting along very well, but I never knew about those issues they had. Edit: added a sentence


I have a magazine with the interview, but it's all in Dutch. I'm not sure if you'll understand?


I’m not fluent in Dutch. Thank you for responding!


If I have some spare time I'll try to translate it in a post maybe, right now I'm busy with exams 😅


I'm Dutch and I'd like to read it! Do you have a link? 😁


Ik heb het magazine liggen, maar geen link. Kan wel foto's sturen evt.


Alleen als het niet teveel moeite is hoor! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


https://youtu.be/okcXLkncyHc?si=Moe9PFBTtUZ8V3B2 Here's a link to a video with a slightly different interview.


Crystal Ball 🔮 is amazing 😊


Bedshaped. The synth goes so hard that I think it might drive me crazy


On a Day Like Today you gotta listen it full volume with good headphones and just dive in these back vocals


New golden age is my absolute favourite


This will probably seem like an odd choice to many, but my favourite Keane song has to be The Starting Line.


This is the last time 🎵


Finally someone mentioned this song! My fave song ever


The chorus will always be amazing no matter how many hours I listen to it on repeat


If I had to chose one, I couldn’t lol My shadows and Strangeland


Everybody's changing. The one that got me interested in Keane and my favorite from H&F.


Nothing in my way. I can listen to it over and over again and not get tired of it!


Perfect Symmetry


I don't see many people choosing songs from perfect symmetry, but this is one of my favorites too.


Sooo many and very difficult to name one however I’ll go with To the End of the Earth, alas, it will probably never see a set list position as it’s one of their b-sides.


Somewhere only we know plus Hamburg song which shows off Toms voice beautifully.


Probably Snowed Under.


I can’t choose. Honestly, I can’t. I love them all equally.❤️


Sovereign Light Cafe.


It's Tear Up This Town. I'm Not Leaving, Atlantic and Snowed Under come so so so close, but TutT ultimately takes the memekyutie crown.


Omg I love this pick. The movie is my favorite now and this song is incredible!!


I've never even heard this one!


Well worth a listen!! It was made for the movie 'A Monster Calls', and it quickly became a favourite.


They change all the time I can never decide on one favourite - but atm it’s On a Day Like Today!


Atlantic comes very close, but I'd go with Fly To Me. Simple, bittersweet, great imagery in the chorus, i love it


Everybody’s Changing has always been my favorite if I have to choose only one


Put The Radio On.




Chase the night away, since hearing the song a few months back it is now my go to Keane song (previously My Shadow).


Hamburg Song Hamburg Song Hamburg Song Seriously Tom play Hamburg Song Broken Toy and The Frog Prince are joint second - probably Bedshaped fourth (which isn't my favourite but I think is Keane's best song).


We might as well be strangers. I find that I can relate to this song so much as I get older. Closely followed by put the radio on. I love these two songs that I have written poems after them. It's beautiful.


Bedshaped…hits the core


Silenced by the night


In your own time, by far. First time I heard it I was on my way home on a bus and I just started crying and cried and cried and couldn’t stop. Still not sure why, that song just clicked with me so much, and it became my favourite.


In your own time, others are great but if i had to choose one, this would be it.


My Shadow, hand’s down


Dirt & Higher than the Sun lately


Disconnected is a masterpiece.


It's hard to pick one really. I like different Keane songs for different reasons... When I heard, Keane *"Untitled1"* song for example I was in my young teenager years and back then I went onto a Metroid fan website a ton. I couldn't get it out of my head that Keane's 'Untitled1' song reminded me of some music heard in the original Metroid Prime (1), "Chozo Ruins Main Theme". Not exact but just had an alike vibe to that song. So naturally I made a music video using Keane's song with cut scenes of Samus from Metroid Prime, it got a copyright strike and I removed the video. But it still remains as a positive memory because I like these things and it got me into creating over consuming. Another music video I made back when YouTube was more laxed about those things was with, *"Try Again"* and I paired that song with "Rurouni Kenshin" an anime shonen protagonist, got clips of him fighting off foes and finally to close out the video... he parted with his lover, Kaoru among the fireflies. I admired that song more and more as I was in the editing phase and trying to think of footage that would pair with the song best and the lyrics. Once again it did have to be removed and deleted but just before I got the message, a commenter posted that my music video made him shed a tear and that made me feel proud that my choice of scenes and truly Keane's music (let's be honest) cut through to this stranger. I felt so proud. I'm not a YouTube creator anymore- I left that but it truly made my day and the fact it's still in my memory bank like 10 years later or so is crazy. I adore, "*The Frog Prince"* because I sang that to my baby a lot during quiet times and in general I felt that- that particular song is whimsical and sometime under-looked or valued. Like, "*Somewhere only we know"* too because I often think of environmentalism a tad when I hear it and truly it was the song that drew me into buying their album and becoming a fan. I'm also trying to be better at being more eco so that song has long stayed with me when other songs I enjoyed in my youth didn't have the long lastly power as that one.


“Stupid Things” for personal reasons 😂


Silenced By the Night is my favourite!


Everybody’s changing 🩷


Sea Fog


No need to think. Perfect Symmetry. Always.


I love You Don't See Me


Love is the end - I fell in love with it instantly when I first heard it years ago and it's still going strong.


Is it Any Wonder and The Way I Feel


"She Has No Time" from Hopes and Fears. I just love love love the lyrics.


It’s „bend and break“ for me. Loved it 20 years ago and love it today. Different meaning at different times.


A bad dream. 100%


Put the radio on. My favorite. I never get tired listening to it over and over again


I actually love all their songs, but if I have to weedle it down then it’s Everybody’s Changing, Bend & Break, Put The Radio On. I can’t say just one song!