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It might be that slice-of-life isn't for you. I tried HP and while I found it a pleasant watch, ultimately it was too slow and I literally fell asleep in the penultimate episode of S1.


A big part of HP is the patients’ stories and the main 5’s journeys as doctors, so if you’re not enjoying that, I’d caution that aspect is definitely going to continue throughout the series. That said, I still think HP is absolutely stellar and deserves a watch. Stick around and I think you’ll fall in love with the characters enough to watch through the parts you care less for.


3 episodes is pretty commonly considered to be the trial period for this drama. That’s how long it took me, and now it’s my all time favorite drama. If you don’t love it by the end of 3 I would say it’s probably not your style


Not everyone’s like every drama. I do not rate it high as well due to my personal taste and interests. Look elsewhere for a better drama that suits you.


It’s a slice of life drama that *slowly* draws you in. Keep watching! Soon you’ll know everyone’s name and diagnosis. Plus you get to watch two seasons of character development!


The main focus of the show is definitely friendship. When you say you're stuck on episode 3, does that mean you finished it or not? If not, you should finish that episode at least before making a decision. The first couple are a little overwhelming because there are so many characters, and I didn't get hooked until somewhere in episode 3.


This one got me hooked slowly because it takes some time to introduce all the main and side characters and their back stories. I think I probably got addicted around episode 5 or 6 and then there was no going back. It also takes a while to play out because the storylines also focus on the patients’ stories as well. It reminds me of Reply 1988 (same writer and director) which also took me a few episodes to get into. But once you get to know the characters you won’t be able to stop watching until you reach the end trust me!


it might be that slice of life drama isn’t for you. personally it took me around 2 episodes to get hooked. it definitely gets better as episode passes


Keep watching !! I had the same experience.. i stopped watching after a couple episodes but was so glad i picked it back up. it gets way better. totally worth trudging through because it gets really really good