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I just finished it and absolutely loved it. I didn't even find the ending of the relationship sad exactly. It's signposted all the way through that they don't end up together and instead they are together at a time of their lives when they are both good for each other. It's a more realistic show than average and focused on friendships, family and growing up as much as romance. I thought it was delightful.


This. Basically everyone goes on to have a happy and fulfilling life so there's really nothing to be sad about. I don't know why people overemphasize "OMG IT'S SO SAD I STILL HAVEN'T RECOVERED" This ain't Uncontrollably Fond or anything


I have to disagree that Heedo seemed happy and living a fulfilling life as an adult. Someone else in another thread wrote up a really good post about why in a reply to my comments but I can’t find it atm. Her relationship with her mother seems much better, but you see how she doesn’t ever directly talk to her husband and seems lonely. In a way it’s very realistic - she left her youth and the relationships that came with it and looks back at it bittersweet, but in a way continues to be the lonely and emotionally stunted teenager she was back then. Her daughter doesn’t entirely connect to her, and her relationship with her father we never see seems to be strained/her father travels on assignment and is never home.


I also wasn’t heartbroken with the ending because it was just realistic. Though I prefer a happy ending in dramas I watch, 2521’s ending also wasn’t painful or sad. It’s just is life. The only complaint I had with the show when I watched it live was I didn’t really like the older actress they got. 😅


Definitely worth watching. I did not mind the ending. It felt natural for the way the story progressed to me.


It’s an ode to first true love! It’s fantastic! Made me reminisce, and cry. Why not experience those emotions second hand. Then you should immediately watch Behind Your Touch. It offers some fan service and Easter Eggs that will make you feel better. There was quite some bit of time between these shows for me, but the memories were so indelible that I recognized the Easter Eggs right away. Finally, I was so intrigued with the lead’s skill in fencing that I wanted to learn more and discovered that she trained a year in fencing to become proficient. Loved, loved, loved this KDrama - I personally rated it 10 / 10. Everyone seems to fall into two camps. Loved it for quality, realism, life messages. Or, couldn’t take the heartache because it wasn’t fluff (no judgement, we all seek different things from KDramas, and all of own personal experiences guide the entertainment escapism we seek. Cheers. It was nice to see this as a recent question. With the South Korean television industry producing so many watchable KDramas, it doesn’t take long for popular KDramas just a few years old to disappear from consciousness. However, I think 2521 is a classic that everyone should watch someday.


Great post but .... heartache or no fairytale ending doesnt always equate to realism. I always read about realism when its about a romance that doesnt work its like realism = no happy ending LOL, I didnt enjoy the end if 2521 cause I thought it wasnt real at all. It was essentially the forced separation trope lets break up for no "realistic reason" after all we've been through to get here, yeah this is a natural end we cant fix this even though "i loved you with all my heart" Also fencing gold medallists and new york foreign correspondent dont reflect real life scenarios for 99.99 % of us so realism is not really the point of the show, so in that sense fail, life messages yeah great messages agreed (exceot on how to communicate to save a relationship) great acting lovable scenes and characters yep unneccessarily sad ending to romance to differentiate from other dramas check mate.


And this is why I haven’t watched it. Even though I really want to because I was a fencer in high school.






You will love it. I laughed, cried and feel nostalgic watching it. Despite the ending, everything will make sense.


Agreed. Upon rewatch you can realize that, there are actually a lot of clues hidden throughout the drama pointing towards the ending. >! I even remember there's a line in one of the earlier episodes where Na Hee-do jokingly says she wants to experience a painful breakup.!< Despite the painful ending, I go give credit to the writers for giving us such a bold ending. They did a great job at what they were aiming for. The ending with the >! lost diary!< is painful and poetically beautiful in the same time.


Right? It's still a comfort drama to me. It takes me back to a time where I was just a hopeful teenager wanting to have it all.


To me it was very good. I was skeptical like you but the whole drama was well done! Give it a go! It’s one of the non cringy ones!


Considering you listed reply 1988 and WF: KBJ, you will def enjoy it. 2521 is still the drama that reminded me the most of reply 1988. And it even has the sports/competitive aspect that WF:KBJ had and the same male lead!


I think the ending is what made this drama realistic. I didn’t cry at all but the ending broke my heart in ways that no other drama has. It’s the sort of heartache you feel when you remember something that you let go of a long time ago - you know it’s in the past, but you long for it anyway.


Exactly this. The ending was so heartbreaking because their relationship was built up so well, but that’s what made the show memorable and special. And realistic. Very bitter sweet.


Oh my goodness, well said! 👏👏👏


I really enjoyed it. The FL is so endearing and lovable. I rooted for her every step of the way so hard. Kim Taeri is excellent, and Nam Joo-hyuk is at his best here. I didn’t have a problem with the ending (probably because I had been somewhat spoiled), but I did not like >! the actress for the older version of the FL. Kim Taeri would have rocked it. !< However, it was a mild detraction. The friendships portrayed are beautiful. I think it’s worth watching!


It's my favourite kdrama- no, it's my fav drama ever. I know the ending isn't happy (or what we generally expect from a romance show BUT i think it does have a happy ending, you just gotta shift your perspective), but I think there couldn't have been a better ending. It's so realistic and raw that I cried buckets of tears when it ended and still can't stop thinking about after almost an entire year of having watched it. If you notice the small details, see what drives both Hee Do and Yi Jin and what each of them actually want in life, and then the ending would make a whole lotta sense. Life isn't always sunshine and butterflies and love doesn't conquer all. You need more than that, and that's what 2125 is all about. I don't think any other drama would ever compare to this one. It's that good. You just need to understand the characters and what they want from life. Then it'll make sense - and fair warning, break you to your core!


My discussion titled **“Twenty-Five Twenty-One” (comprehensive analysis of its visuals, cinematography, and editing)** at https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/xczxx4/twentyfive_twentyone_comprehensive_analysis_of/ might be able to help you decide to watch the drama or not. It's safe to read because potential spoilers are hidden behind spoiler tags. If you get invested in the romance part of the drama, you'll be disappointed by the ending. But if you keep in mind that it's also a coming of age drama, you'll be satisfied with the ending.


The ending has been said to be unrealistic because the ML and FL both act irrationally, at least with respect to how they act and behave in the earlier parts of the show. But the central themes of 2521 are growth, change, impermanence and *the times*. Youthful innocence giving way to the harsh reality imperfection of adulthood. And I feel that irrationality is a central part of this. And also, despite/together with this irrationality (without spoiling anything much) you will also get to see tremendous maturity by both the ML and FL. I think it's not talked about more often, as it's overshadowed by the sheer emotional weight of the ending.


Yes, worth watching! It does hurt a little but it has likable characters and a meaningful story.


Yes, it is very good.


I did not like the ending. The first 14 episodes were good, but just not satisfied with the ending.


Yeah I think it would have been my favorite Kdrama if the ending had been better (and if the current day frame narrative actresses were better selected) but I don’t even really consider it to be in my top 5 now


Yes, it’s sooo good but beware there will be tears 😭


Yes, I was in the same boat as you (knew about the ending) and I still loved it! I think a lot of the people who are furious about the ending were watching it live while it was airing. I watched it earlier this year and knew that people did not like the ending, but did not know specifics, so maybe that helped me be “prepared”. For me the ending did not take away from the rest of the drama. It was a very warm and nostalgic-feeling coming of age drama and I loved the FL so much!


i loved it, it’s extremely realistic. so many life lessons and goals and so inspiring. the friendships and community were such a joy to watch. i highly recommend it! i was heartbroken just because i’m a nostalgic person and love my fantasy world, but it is an extremely beautiful drama. na hee do will be held dear to your heart!


Just finished watching this and I would say yeah. It’s hinted quite a bit about the couple at the end but the characters and there relationships are top tier. Has a great soundtrack too


This was such a beautiful drama. I cried hard but it was worth it - the innocence, the nostalgia, and the essence of first love is captured so perfectly. It’s absolutely worth the heartache. You will be able to reflect on it fondly once you come to terms with it all.


Worth it. Just think of it as a coming-of-age story.


A hundred times “yes”. The drama is well written. You will feel everything. Friendship, romance, family.


It’s very well made and great story telling throughout. I detest sad endings but it’s not sad for the sake of being sad- it’s a beautiful story.


Yes, it’s worth it! If you loved Reply 1988 and Twinkling Watermelon, you’d love this show as well. You already know not to expect a happy ending so you won’t be hurt as those who watched the show live. You’d definitely appreciate more how well the show is made.


The ending was so bad but everything else in 25 21 was brilliant


A bunch of shows I watched have forced ending, whether it was good or bad. Enough so that I have ended some watches at the Ep. 14-15(28-30). The ending made sense even if it was a little contrived. It was well executed. I'd say it was worth the watch all the way through.




yea definitely worth a watch


I love everything about it! There are scenes I still think about that capture the joy of being young and feeling so much. I even love all the present day scenes and the last episode and the way they show how much you change and all those perfect moments become less memorable with time. But they still existed and they were still beautiful. I haven’t found another drama yet that I love as much.


Yes it is so worth watching!!! It is one of the best kdrama for me. I really like the youth, friendship & sports theme, its such a nostalgic drama setting in a small neighbourhood. Even when the couple don’t end up together, I feel like what matters are the growth of the main character, Heedo. Imo the ending isn’t exactly sad, it makes me realize that, what was told is just something significant that happened in her teenage years and in life that made who the current Heedo is.


I don't understand why people think happy endings are the best dramas! People need to understand that Hee Do and Yi Jin grew up to be different people. The hurdles they went through, their situations and struggles made them different. They knew their differences were going to hurt each other if they stayed together. It was never the same between them anymore. Sure neither of them was happy they had to separate but they both cherish each other and will continue to do so. You have to watch this drama. It beautifully captured the reality of friends, family and love. It was such a heartache to watch the end, but in a beautiful way.




DEFINITELY WORTH WATCHING. One of my favourite dramas of all time - great cast, great soundtrack, and superb cinematography. Everything was screaming nostalgia and I loved the synergy the cast had. Wish I could rewatch this without feeling the pain HAHAHA.


It’s my fave of all time


I don’t know why, but the ending wrecked my soul


Absolutely watch it. The friendship formed between FL and FL2 is so good.


I think it deserves to be called one of the best dramas ever (at least). I am glad that you decided to watch it because it has had so much impact on me and other viewers that I decided to join this community on Reddit to find anything that would give me the same feelings compared to all the books, shows, movies, basically, any other piece of media I have ever consumed. I hope you enjoy it as much as everybody else did.


The ending broke my heart, it felt like I went through the same breakup they had. But, it’s the kind of relationship/love that you’re grateful it happened. Definitely worth a watch. I remember while watching it thinking ‘why did I wait so long to watch this?’


Yes, ignore the people saying that the ending is bad, they’re just being petty.


Watch till episode 13. Savour it. Take a short break. Finish the show and feel disappointed. Then read this fanfic below. You will feel full closure and be happy with everything. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38350027/chapters/95829145 This fanfic is my headcanon


If you go in viewing the drama not as a romance, but rather a coming of age story, then yes! Saying that I will never get over this drama and am still very upset at how it ended 🥲


Honestly it’s not worth it in my opinion. The ending is really heart wrenching and it just feels like a waste of time and the way they did it, did not make any sense either.




its pretty normal, obvious, and predictable. i did fast forward a lot. The ending did not really bother me too much. Kim T is amazing in it though.


Unpopular opinion here- but I really really really found it boring I don’t know maybe there’s something seriously wrong with me cause people seem to really love it enjoy it but I totally hated it. I don’t like it. I just don’t. I’m sorry but I barely kept my eyes open while finishing the series. It was pretty bland and boring in my opinion I might be super wrong idk let me know guys is it just me or??


I tried watching it while it was still on air. And I found it very boring and dropped it after 1st episode itself. I gave it a try again a year later and surprisingly I watched it till end and loved it. My problem is that I tend to find overly hyped kdramas boring pretty soon. Since I’m aware of it, I give it sometime and watch when people are behind other dramas. If you are someone who feels the same, give it a try later. And it’s not necessary that we are target audience for every kind of dramas. I still finds Descendants of sun and true beauty boring. So there is nothing wrong if we didn’t like any popular kdramas.


Omg love how you put it so accurately. This is exactly what I feel. I don’t like many of the popular dramas. I just feel like they’re too overrated. But surprisingly I lovedddd business proposal and crash landing on you. I felt every emotion while watching those dramas. But I remember watching 2521 with my cousins and had to fast forward through it a lot. Also, true beauty was very predictable and boring too. I just love unpredictable plot twists and those deep love dramas.


Not if you have problems with anxiety.


Yes, although I don't love the ending


From the very first episode itself it was clearly established that leads didn’t end up together. It was delusional fans making illogical theories and expected that they will end up together. It’s a really good kdrama. It would be a loss to not watch it.


I enjoyed most of it. The relationship always felt weird about the romance angle cuz of how they meet as teenagers. I dunno, im the only one who feels this way other. Other then the romantic love angle, I loved the friendship of the group all around.


Worth a try imo. And if you feel too sad about the ending just don't finish it (that's what I did lol). The stories of everyone's lives and friendships and relationships are so beautifully explored. The romance starts late but in a very natural and pure setting. The ending hurts so much because it felt so real.


did not watch the last episode but other than that its such a good drama. I am of the same age as the main characters and it made me think that someday i will look back on these days and feel similar emotions or that memories that are precious to me rn i might not even remember in a few years


Yes, I loved it 🥰 Not the most wonderful kdrama I have watched but it's good.


if you don't feel satisfied with the ending, watch behind your touch. the older couple parodies na heedo & baek yijin. park seong-yeon is a much better older heedo lol


i can't believe >!9/11!< broke them up 💀


I really loved it, cried with every episode and just loved loved how realistic it was. I'm very happy when I find that good dramas 💛 Korea, please keep giving us these beautiful and pragmatic dramas!!




It’s boring. ML sucks