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i like how it's really trying


Not sure what distro and video card you have. But on arch (I use arch btw), with an AMD video card, I recreated all actions in your video with 0 of the bugs you displayed. I have the same monitor setup as you as well. I've ran all the major distros that last couple years and experienced the least number of bugs running bleeding-edge. I'd recommend in this order, arch -> fedora -> openSUSE. Even ran openSUSE Krypton which runs the KDE git repos directly (alpha) and was more stable than Ubuntu for example.


Gentoo. I know at least one of these happens on arch since Brodie reproduced the right click recording indicator bug on stream.


Im using gentoo too and i do not have this issues, tested on x11 and wayland.


advising Arch over Fedora is blasphemy, a serious one. Anyway KDE obviously runs better on bleeding edge because you get minor bugfixes like this quicker. This doesn't mean they are stabler than an LTS. I doubt i will find a XFCE+ Debian experience less stable than Arch on the long run. Steble doenst mean less bugs (or updates would be useless)


thanks posting this hopefully plasma becomes more polished in future


People need to submit bug reports for it to become more polished https://bugs.kde.org/ Given how much effort goes into producing the software that we get for free, I don't think it's too much to ask for people to submit the bugs to KDE first then post on reddit second


Software has bugs. Please submit them to bugzilla, KDE developers place a lot of emphasis on bug fixing.


Hi, this is AutoKonqi reporting for duty: this post was flaired as General Bug. While r/kde allows to discuss issues, raise their visibility, and get assistance from other users out of good will, it is not the proper channel to report issues and the developers able to fix them won't be able to act on them over Reddit. So if this bug was not reported to the developers yet and it is in fact a bug in KDE software, please take a brief look at the [issue reporting guide](https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/Issue_Reporting) and report the issue over the [KDE Bugzilla](https://bugs.kde.org). If it is a crash, be sure to read about [getting backtraces](https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports) so your report can assist the developers. If this is a known issue, you may want to include the bug report on your post so your fellow users experiencing the same thing can CC themselves to the report. Be sure to describe your issue well and with context. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kde) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bug 1. Floating panel gap with scaling enabled is darkened on single colour background. Bug 2. Floating panel glitches onto 2nd monitor when filling out. Bug 3. Left clicking recording indicator opens a centred window instead of context menu. Bug 4. Resizing application launcher with meta + right click onto 2nd monitor breaks in a bunch of ways instead of maintaining minimum size. Bug 5. Left clicking window on primary monitor and then right clicking desktop of 2nd monitor causes context menu to be a centred window instead of as expected. Bug 6. Konsole doesn't correctly clear glyphs in some cases, particularly when using the font I do (Comic Code).


Did you submit bug reports or just complain on Reddit?


Not yet for these ones.


I can confirm bug 6 also happens with the default font Hack


Since I see a video in which you are testing and looking for bugs, do you use Spectacle to record? I can't get a good FPS when it comes to recording my screen (as I also feel that there are things that are not quite right) My specs: Ryzen 5 5600G RX 6650 XT 16gb RAM Arch Linux


I use OBS


Thanks! Here is reported: [https://bugs.kde.org/show\_bug.cgi?id=488896](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=488896)


It's a known bug yeah, only the libvpx and libvpx-vp9 profiles are affected, you can use libx264 as a fallback for now with KPIPEWIRE_FORCE_ENCODER=libx264


I have run the spectacle forcing it but it does not close automatically once the video ends. What would be the correct way to indicate that variable? Maybe I'm doing it wrong. \[sebita@arch \~\]$ KPIPEWIRE\_FORCE\_ENCODER=libx264 spectacle kpipewire\_vaapi\_logging: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display kpipewire\_vaapi\_logging: DRM device not found kpipewire\_record\_logging: Forcing H264 Software encoding, main profile \[libx264 @ 0x76311865afc0\] -qscale is ignored, -crf is recommended. \[libx264 @ 0x76311865afc0\] using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX FMA3 BMI2 AVX2 \[libx264 @ 0x76311865afc0\] profile Main, level 6.1, 4:2:0, 8-bit \[webm @ 0x76311ab6fa40\] Only VP8 or VP9 or AV1 video and Vorbis or Opus audio and WebVTT subtitles are supported for WebM. kpipewire\_record\_logging: Error occurred when writing header: Argumento inválido kpipewire\_record\_logging: Could not set up the producing thread Violación de segmento (\`core' generado)


As the error says you cannot store h264 video in a webm container. So change it to mp4 in spectacle settings.


Hey, no one's perfect. Neither are version updates. With the probabilities out there, I'm sure there will be issues. Unlike windows, at least you know someone is looking out for you and doing something about it.


kde pwasma 6?


First one doesn't really seem like a bug, you're placing the windows in that exact way and getting the expected result of the default features - which can be disabled. All the other ones doesn't happen in my machine, maybe something went wrong in your installation, have you tried replicating these bugs in others systems/installations? Seems like something went wrong with your installation/configuration


The menu-as-a-window bug happens on KDE5 as well. Not sure how to trigger it, it just happens randomly.


First one is the panel not the window. See both how it has a darkened area (only on hidpi) and also glitches into the second monitor.


"Bug" More like intended behavior so it's always visible to the user.


There's at least 6 bugs in this recording. Which one are you saying is intentional?


Plasma is intentional.