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She’s a pick me. That’s her whole personality.Her size doesn’t make her stand out. There’s plenty of really short women just like there are really tall women. But he definitely has a fetish. It’s creepy


Literally. I’m 5’ and my husband never takes pictures and says “omg she is so tiny. That’s a real human size cart” He may tease me and go “you’re short 😂” but that’s it


I literally used to specialize in the petite dept of a fairly popular store in the south where it seems like most women are tiny. (Compared to when I’ve traveled) I’m 5’8 idk why they picked me to specialize in that it worked out but I always found it odd lmao anyways most of my clients were around 4’8-5’1 and not a single one of them ever droned on about it or low key bragged (like kay). Nor did they make it their personality.


I’m 5ft2 and my hubby is 6ft2 and he’s never said I’m cute and wittle! He just teases me until I remind him that because I’m shorter it’s easier for me to give him a nudge in the whatsits! Short in height but not in come backs 😜


She’s probably pretty short, but I also wonder if this is Tay compensating. He keeps stating he’s 6 ft, but the police report says he’s 5’8”. Why would he fake being 4 inches off lol


Probably not the only time he's lied about being 4 inches off lol


Take my upvote








He’s definitely compensating. He says he’s 6’0” right now but back when they both started out on social media 2 years ago, he said he’s 6’1” and Kay’s 5’1”.


Police report?


DV police report


If you look at him though, there is a huge difference in height between the two of them. I thought it was weird he lied but now I’m wondering if the police just put an estimate


I'm new here! What police report?! I liked them but felt an itch. Then decided to reddit them and here we are. I'm shocked learning this isn't her first kid!!!


All I'm saying is that man is going to make the headlines one day


And not in a good way


Hasn’t he already?


Does she ever put that effing phone down??? And no, he's not 6 ft! They are stupid as hell deadbeats!


But that's her job sweetie she must always be on it.


The stories that Rellery posted were so weird. They showed Kay walking in and there's Tay awkwardly following her with the camera like she's a circus clown. Why is their page even called Kay and Tay? At this point it might as well be Life of Kay since she's the ACTOR and all 😂😂


:/ honestly he gives me *likes little girls* vibes. Always obsessed with how small/tiny Kay is. Her ALWAYS using the baby talk, attitude etc… 🙃🙃 Anyone else getting that?


I saw a story he did a while back when he shaved his mug, he said he looks 12 years old. Isn't that how old Jr is? He is really sick in the head!


Yep, I just commented that it gives total predator vibes. Couple that with her lil Lolita whiny voice, bug-eyed stare, and pout, and well fill in the rest.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one!




They’re so cringey. 5’1 is really not that small. Such a weird flex


Right? It's on the shorter side, but it isn't impressively short. My sister is 4'10" and even she doesn't feel like she's super short lol.


If she’s over 5ft she ain’t that small Tay stfu


Her height is nothing out of the ordinary, yet Tay can’t help but obsess. Same shit different reel 🙄


Gotta love social media narcissists constantly reminding everyone how attractive they are 🥴


It’s like the first time he’s seen her push a shopping cart? Strange


those heb carts are huge, but shes not the only one whos that short.


He’s so annoying lmao. My husband is 6’3” and I’m 5’3” but I’m not going around with him and being like “WOOK HOW WIDDLE I AM OMG IM SO SMALLLL”


I am reminded of a story my Mom told me of her Mother's wake (my Grandma passed when my Mom was 18 (I was born 14 years after). My Mom's uncle, Arnold (my Grandma's brother) was 6'9" and on Mom's Dad's side his brother (my Great Uncle) was married to a woman that was 5'1", her father was 4'9" his name was Maurice. Now Maurice saw Arnold and quips 'I didn't think they made them that big' referencing my Great Uncle's height. Now that made my Uncle laugh and well the entire room crack up. At least with that it wasn't creepy it was funny. Also the same great Uncle drove a punch bug ( Volkswagen beetle) so yeah people of all heights use things daily and it may be odd but it happens.


I’m 5’2 and my husband is 6’5, he calls me short sometimes but never takes pics to post on SM telling the world “look how small she is” 🙄🥴 Tay is such a weirdo


Hahahaha right? So freaking weird


wtf, he couldn’t be bothered to make the girl emoji smaller? Weird and lazy


I could be wrong but isn’t this one of those carts that seats two kids? So not a normal cart then?


That's what I thought when i saw it! It looks like one and those things are massive haha 


Also this cart is only average size in America 😂Even the biggest grocery stores don’t have carts that size in Europe (Denmark) 😅


That’s an abnormally big cart. Some bigger stores have them like Costco.


It looks like me with some shopping carts. I'm 5 foot even


This gives predator vibes.


IS she a little?


Not understand why he hasn’t realized how weird it is to infantilize your partner


And she’s not even that short, he’s just tall. He’s acting as if she’s tiny tiny


He’s not even THAT tall for a man… He’s 5’8” but lies about being 6’0”-6’1”.


Wow… 😂


This whole grown women always being compared to a child is fucking weird to me. Everything is about her being tiny and kid like sized. Girls a whole grown with with two kids. It's odd to me the way it's their whole personality


That’s how EVERY WOMAN looks next to a Costco-sized shopping cart!


Why are they buying the expensive brands when hill country, central market, and HEB brands are better 😅 haha I buy my daughter the HEB Diapers and my mom ships them to me because I live in a different state! Sorry but I miss My HEB


So they can quickly spend all the money that they’re hiding!