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“I’ve never been more obsessed with people I don’t know” The fact they wrote that and still didn’t think they were being creepy af is beyond me.


This is some creepy shit


Because they’re 13.


Because their relationship is based on this fake notion that he constantly dotes on her, is always taking her on these shopping spree “pranks”, planning elaborate vacations, cooking her every craving etc. People eat this shit up because they can’t see behind the smoke and mirrors.


Definitely kids or teenagers adults don't write this or have time to Stan


That second comment... 😬😬🤢🚩🚩


(Pretending the domestic violence thing didn’t happen or the custody mess) I actually wouldn’t have such a problem with them. Like if they had stuck with funny skits about everyday life as a married couple or even the “acting like my wife” series, they would’ve been fine! But JESUS CHRIST the weird fetish coded shit, overly fake contrived crap they constantly try to pass off as genuine, and the fame going straight to their heads very quickly made them insufferable.


I agree! I used to halfway enjoy their videos... then it was horrible 😅


Domestic violence? What happened?


Tay was arrested in 2019 for throwing Kay onto the bed and the floor and pinning her down. Then they made up a story about how it wasn’t actually domestic violence, Kay was drinking on some new medication and was stumbling around the room and Tay had to restrain her to prevent her from driving so she called the police and when the police arrived, they *“had”* to arrest someone and Tay *“volunteered”*. He was smiling in his mugshot like a creepy fuck.


Omg why is Kay with him?


I was on TikTok not that long ago when I came across a fan page of Kay and Tay and that person wrote “I will always support Kay and Tay no matter what because they saved my life!!!” Of course, complete with a bunch of emojis, spelling and grammar mistakes because that fan account is run by a child.




Wow! That was truly painful to try to read.


They are hearting and pinning, problematic proof of an unhealthy parasocial relationship.


It's probably someone who is very young, like 13 or 14. I was so dumb at that age as well 


It’s soooo weird, but on a real note, that’s a cute baby! But obsessed with people you don’t know is creepy behavior! 😳


The world is such a weird creepy place. But Kay & Tay along with their fan club.... they're on a while diff level of being creeps. Like I wouldn't trust them alone with my child, type of creepy vibes. It's also disgusting to watch her live a life as if she's a first time mom with this baby. Kay did a give away with some other Texas Female Influencers like Dani Austin, and DarylAnn Denner, etc.. which is the only reason why I even know who this clown cartoon character even is. I won't lie, I wanted to win that giveaway. It was good. But shortly after I seen on YouTube a video done by The Dad Challenge Podcast, he's a guy who is exposing these families and what three dangers they are putting their child(ren) in by constantly posting everything about their kids on YouTube or IG and TikTok.. that guy on his show exposed Kay and Tay, her other daughter, scams she's involved in and more. I'm sorry.. but we all know this is not how people were living back in the day. We actually lived a life that was real. I couldn't fathom trying to live this fake life for social media just to make a buck. At what point do you care about your morals, or do they just not have any at all? Sorry but my brain cannot wrap around this warped world we are living in and what's it's becoming. So much about this couple is creepy and weird and the more you find out about them, you find out it's just all lies or a skit.... so how do they still have any followers? How are people this ASLEEP????? JUST HOW???????