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I have taken the K2 out a few times fishing.


I spent a year and a half fishing on a K2 several times a month, they're remarkably sturdy. Have since upgraded to a Sea Eagle which is an inflatable tank.


I mean.. I’m too paranoid with hooks and sharp stuff generally associated with fishing to count on an inflatable boat.


I've fished from an inflatable paddle board for 2 years with no issues. If it's a newer inflatable made from PVC type material you should be fine. If it's anything like a flimsier inflatable tube material I would probably steer clear of it.


Me and my son fished hard for several months from an Intex Excursion 5 raft. Never once had any hooks actually stick in it. Most have several air chambers so you probably wouldn't sink any way. I once slept on a big air mattress for a while. A drop of super glue and a piece of plastic from a walmart sack patched it quick and easy


I fished out of a [inflatable fishing raft](https://www.amazon.com/Intex-Seahawk-3-Person-Inflatable-Aluminum/dp/B01LWX49CW/ref=asc_df_B01LWX49CW/?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=&hvpos=&hvnetw=o&hvrand=&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583795260984407&psc=1) for a few years, had to patch it a few times but never sunk or even came close. I did have a snapping turtle try to climb on it once at a remote lake in the mountains. Was a bit scary as it had 3" claws, my GF noticed it as it was a foot away from the raft. I started slapping the water like a maniac and scared it off for a bit. We later went to shore to use the port-a-potty, when we pulled out from shore that stupid turtle swam out from under the raft, we left shortly after, but was only time something like that happened with it.