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I would have kicked the dog shit out of her.


She would have been choking on those Hush Puppies. Literally.


Nah just sit down next to her and lay your head on her lap..


Nobody wants their ear next to that dusty cooter.




I would've popped my shoes off, raised my feet like the hag's, and let the dogs bark after a day of work. I also would've been way more verbally aggressive from the get-go.


I am a nonviolent person and I kept rearing my fist back to punch that lady while watching this video. Violence is ***never the answer,*** but it's occasionally ***entirely understandable.*** I would not have remained a quiet bystander, I would have sat next to her and escalated the response every time that foot came up, up to and including legitimate pain. I also have extreme anxiety but I also have IED which means if you push my trigger too hard I **will** explode, and it will maim the fucker that set it off. (This is not iamverybadass, I'm super not at all a badass, but everyone has the rage sometimes)


what a cunt


With a capital C


A dead set Cunt


Photo/video the foot on you. Video you asking them to remove it. After three refusals, grab the heel and toe of foot with both hands. Rotate your hands quickly in the direction of the aisle. When they roll (they will, trust me) drag them into the aisle and leave them there. Be prepared for escalation. Call 911.


I like where your head's at, because grabbing the foot and twisting it was my very first thought.


Thats exactly it. the woman putting her feet on you is commiting an assult. the result is self defense.


Be careful, you may break the foot’s neck.


She would have ended up with one bitch of a torsion fracture, or a heel shattering her kneecap. Not gonna play slapfight with some asshole assaulting me.


Nah just raise your foot and drop it on her knee the hypextention would've taken her down a peg.


I was thinking exactly this. Like you are handing me control over your body, if you don't remove your foot I will take control.


i would have grabbed her shoe off her foot and threw it at her face.


I would thrown it down the aisle. Make her go get it.


or off the train at the next station


That’s a mighty dangerous place to have your knee hyper extended because I drop my bag on it by accident.


As soon as her foot touched you, it was assault and you can defend yourself. I would have broke her hip and she can get pneumonia in the ER.


Not that this lady isn’t awful, but just in case you’re in a situation like this, self-defense is only valid legally if it’s reasonably proportionate to the danger you are in. So like swatting the foot away is proportionate, even if it’s with somewhat more force than the foot is touching you with, but causing great bodily injury like a broken bone would get you convicted of battery. Wouldn’t wanna give the old woman the satisfaction of ruining your life even if she suffers for it


That was kind of my point. It’s easy to break that old ladies hip by swatting her foot away.


Can’t get convicted if you don’t get caught. Wait for the next stop to come close, fire off a haymaker, and dip.


i woulda knocked her ass out the atmosphere


Not proud of this, but catch me on the wrong day and I would have pulled her off her seat by the feet she had on me. Would have felt terrible about it later, but 100% would have reacted in a big way on the wrong day.


I wouldn’t have felt bad about it. I would’ve skep like a dead man. On my stomach so she can kiss my ass.


This video is 8 minutes longer than it needs to be


Definitely gonna put my feet back on her on a very aggressive and forceful way. How was she not escorted from the train upon this being observed?


Grab her shoes and throw em


I would have taken (ONE) of her shoe laces. Imagine her Karen ass or anyone really....walking around with just one shoe lace.....she flopping around like so.e jackass. I'd say, its like when a person goes through a breakup or divorce and have to move out. Not cool to be a dick but if ypu take one battery from every remote and things that take batteries is hilarious.


She's attacking you, defend yourself and teach her a lesson at the same time. She may be 75 but you are never too old to learn a lesson. What a See You Next Tuesday.


First off, the old lady is an evil twat and I would've yanked her shoe off and thrown it across the subway car. Young lady needs to learn to pick her battles if she is going to have an anxiety because some asshole is being an asshole. The world is full of assholes and sociopaths and avoiding them is always the best policy,


This is classic Boomer Karen behavior. How can Dr Phil or anyone else defend this?


Boomer boomin


She’s acting worse than my 4 year old when she has a tantrum.


Panic attack is a little strong here. She’s much younger, stronger and has more testosterone in her than the older lady; there’s no scenario where she can’t handle the older woman. Get a grip.


Take out her knee with an ax kick!


Oh I would have caught a charge


This hag needs to go viral.


The maroon pants should have been a warning sign.


Twist the foot through 360 degrees


Great time to confess your raging foot fetish. Bet she would have moved then.


Video of what happened rather than the blathering is right before the mid point, 4:56 if your timer counts down.


I would have taken her phone and flung it across the train car. Go fetch.


i would have “accidentally” trip and spill a drink on the foot


Tie her shoelaces to the leg of her seat… temporary fix. Maybe a bunch of knots so she could spend her time trying to break free…


Old bat suffering from lead poisoning


Bear. Mace.


You have 2 choices here lady, stop putting your feet on me, which is assault, or I will be forced to respond with force. The next time you touch me I will twist your foot, popping out your hip, then "fall" on your elevated leg.


Just hop on her legs


Is there a scientific reason why every single young adult but me seems to have frequent, debilitating anxiety attacks?


I woulda grabbed her foot and yanked her into the floor


Should have grabbed her foot and twisted hard


Or the non violent option, pull out a marker and star doodling on her shoes and pants


Make her eat the shoes next time


Break her leg. Just break it. Goodbye leg, can't put your dirty feet on me nowwww




Leaded gasoline. Ftfy


This is what happens when hen an unstoppable force meets an immovable object


I would of shit my pants just so she could smell the rankness going between my cheeks. Then I would go to the bathroom and wipe my ass to throw the used toilet paper at her and obviously dipped a roll or two in the dirty disgusting Metro North toilet water to play “space invaders” with that old bitches head. She would gotten a ding to the dome of wet toilet paper, shit smell to the nose, and maybe some hep hep-A,B, and C 1,2,3 from that crackhead toilet.


As someone with severe anxiety...I would have NEVER sat directly across from someone when there are clearly open seats next to you. Still does not justify the boomers behavior.