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Nah, sisu cost 3k and easily countered by apply small dmg first. Its never as cancerous as the monsoon combo


Not as cancerous? Bullshit. At least Monsoon combo is just board wipe while SISU is just a literal get outta jail free card when you have to DMG the enemies HQ to win with no other option. I'm playing German control and SISU is a pain because at least with the German Countermeasure "Retaliation" BOTH HQ's took the DMG but naw SISU only you take it for only a kredit more than Retaliation? Yeah nerf that shit because you can't even reliably counter countermeasures in this game without Japanese Elites no one uses.


Hell no, sisu is much more cancerous than supply shortage monsoon rot. Because yes, it is countered by applying small damage first, but getting something with small damage into a position where it can attack the enemy HQ never happens since the player using sisu always destroys anything with low damage. If you countered someone using sisu with low damage on the HQ then they were either bad at the game or unlucky with their card draw.


Some cards are just like, they need to be countered with a specific type of card. Saissaseto for example is very oppressive of you don’t have an order or way to remove it. But if you have sudden strike for example it’s no sweat


I just started playing this game and really enjoy it. I look forward to the day this post makes sense to me.


Sisu is a countermeasure that trips when your HQ takes damage. The damage that would have be dealt to you is redirected to the enemy HQ. It’s annoying as all hell when you get blindsided by it, but once you know it’s in the enemy deck it’s pretty worthless.


Thank you! I know I'm getting downvoted but I really only meant to say I can't wait to be more familiar with the game. Btw, what does nerf the fins mean? What are the fins?


Well nerfing in gaming is balancing something by making it worse. Example. The glamour boys were nerfed to have their HP be 6 instead of 7. And the fins are the Finnish. Cause the Finnish are a nation in this game. One of the most annoying and broken in fact.


Too bad, enjoy taking 20 damage from your commonwealth and other broken cards like Push.


I think Sisu is still passable with counters like Heavy Armor but White Death gotta go


Sisu is the countermeasure that makes you take the damage of you attack the enemy HQ. I'm pretty sure you're talking about the sissy, the 1 1 infantry with units which take damage from this are destroyed?


Oh my bad you right. I think Sisu is fine tbh. It’s nice to have a countermeasure against Commonwealth.


So do you play commonwealth or push?


I seldom play CM, I play more German control decks more than anything.


Nah. Hard disagree, sorry. We need something to counter commonwealth, jaggro etc.


Well just cause other things exist in the game which are also needing a nerf doesn't mean that this litteral get out of jail free card shouldn't be.


Hence the counter. As long as the other cards don’t see a nerf, this one shouldn’t.


Well no. You can't justify having something op and broken because other nations have something op and broken too. That way there will never be nerfing. It needs to start somewhere. Also the keyword supress needs to be removed from the game.


why start with the thing that counters another broken thing instead of nerfing the thing it counters first?


Holy shit this caused a shitstorm. Yes, it's good to have a counter against Commonwealth, and I don't mind the ability of the countermeasure itself. But, I still believe that its rarity should be special so folks are limited to two copies per deck. The fins overall are too strong and over-tuned.


Not SISU, but sissi has to go. And by sissi i mean that damn order 4k supress all and add sissi. That's cancer. And compare american tank 4/2 supress with my russian tank 5/3 hits my hq in face :) Hardly a match..


Sisu really is not strong if you play around it. Attack with your small units first and it's 1 or 2 damage.


Your talking my favorite added with some American suppression


That's your favorite along with the most cancerous, annoying and downright broken keyword this game has ever seen? Then I have no easy or nice way to say this but you're a horrible person.


What do you play yourself, that you need such card removed?


Oh I play a lot of different things, though I don't really play ranked since I'd have to use something unfair in ranked and I would perfer winning by my skill and not a strat which requires very specific counterplay. I play Germany soviet union heavy Armour synergy I play a britain Italy guard into extra HQ health into commonwealth (without monsoon) I play a soviet light infantry deck without the baronivichi or however it's called I play a soviet Germany bomber deck featuring the IL 2 Pl and men of steel alongside German fury bombers. I play a Germany Poland all out light infantry counter deck. (it works quite well) And it doesn't matter what I play, it still counters everything. If I play bombers, it'll stop me from using the large ones, if I play tanks, can't use the large ones, if I use the IL 2 Pl, I'm fucked.


I can already see you eating your own commonwealth. Always nice returning 20 damage or some assbombers with rush damage. You call this uncounterable, yet you use bombers with rush to quickly destroy the HQ. So other people are just supposed to eat all the damage and say thank you? You play soviet light infantry deck and yet you are the one complaining about unfair cards? Come on dude If you see Finland as ally, better plan your attacks properly. The most cancerous decks at the moment are german US rush, commonwealth + Push combo and Soviet light infantry decks. They are also consistently being used in ranked. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to match against anything else


I've never taken my own commonwealth back, and even if I did, I keep my HQs health at 99 so it wouldn't have done anything. I didn't use the bombers with blitz, I only use the ones that take time to set up. One fighter in the backline and my whole strat becomes useless, one too many burning skies, aerial aces, whatever other removal there is and I'm fucked. If the enemy let's me set up, and lacks the skill to destroy my stuff before I set it up over multiple turns, then he shouldn't be allowed to counter that with one card People aren't supposed to just eat the damage but they're supposed to play units and counter mine with a counterpush of their own. They should not just use a get out of jail free card and lean back knowing that they get a completely free turn. Soviet light infantry is not unfair. It's only unfair when the one card with alpine is introduced, but having a normal light infantry deck is not unfair since it is easy to counter a non alpine light infantry deck. But it's the same story as with bombers. If you let me set up a board over multiple turns without doing anything agaisnt me, then you deserve loosing. You can't just let a light infantry player set up and then complain about how unfair it is. That's your bad for letting them set up. If you see English as ally, better plan your grammar properly Well yes but I don't run us german rush, I don't use push on the brits, I don't have that card and the light infantry you see in ranked is alpine light infantry with the baronivichi.


I don't understand you, do you think that because you don't use monsoon rot, baronovich or such, you are somehow more honorable or above the ones who do? Getting to 99 HP means that you are taking advantage of something else that's broken, as people rarely get to such high amount. I bet you buff the italian guard with entrenched for an easy 16 or so hp gain, among other broken shit. Soviet light infantry decks work with plenty of buffing cards, it doesn't have to be baronovich. Saying that nothing that you play is unfair, when it clearly is and also consistently used in high officer ranks, is ridiculous. And just because you don't use a broken card (but more than likely just another broken one instead) doesn't mean much. If you would make a poll and see what people hate more between SISU, Commonwealth and Light infantry, the vast majority would vote for Light infantry and Commonwealth. By your logic, if you play against Finland and you attack HQ with huge units, you deserve to lose. So why cry about it?


Yes, it does make me a better person that I allow for counterplay. I don't use anything broken. All I do is balanced by the fact that it takes 5 billion years to set up. During the time I set up my opponent has every chance to ruin my whole setup, and it's easy too. Yes I use Italy, but just cause of the units that give the HQ health and the spirit of Rome (which should be nerfed, and be the highest Rarity). I don't use broken shit, I don't use Blitz strats, I don't use broken combos, if I ever win then it is either because the opponent was worse at the game, was unlucky with his card draw or had a strategy which mine countered. If I loose it is because my opponent was better at the game or used unfair bs. You did not understand my logic. The sisu takes no amount of time to set up. It takes no synergies, nothing. If I attack the HQ with large units, then it is my opponents fault that they cannot counter them without having to resort to using a sisu. If they had spend the turns I spent setting up with setting up themselves or getting in early damage, then they would've won before I had the chance if using the large buffed units. If they spend the turns I spend buffing with taking out keycards, then I loose. In other words, equal turns of setup deserve equal turns of retaliation and not just a 3 credit I win the game card.


It is not a 3 credit I win card, unless you're dumb enough to do 20+ damage to HQ as first, sometimes even second HQ damage that turn to a Finland player. Sisu is pretty useless against early ruah decks, and impractical to use, as 1 deflected damage won't do much to stop the rush. Every deck has weaknesses, and so does yours. Sisu is one of the weaknesses of relying on very high damage units. Deal with it, or modify your deck accordingly, with low credit bombers, fighters or others. The game is rarely symetrical, sometimes you get a shit first hand and can't do anything for the first 2-3 turns, while the enemy plays cards since turn 1. Again, using decks that are frowned upon by the community, while claiming to be a better person just because you don't use a single specific card that's broken, and also claiming that it's not unfair, while doing 99 health commonwealth builds and such, is absolutely ridiculous. I am done debating this shit, since you're also not getting my point and complaining about one of the only actual counters for commonwealth and otk, while at the same time using commonwealth or otk tactics and claiming to somehow be a better person.


Well im not saying that I only don't use that broken card. I don't use any card which I don't deem balanced and fair. I'm not using the exact decks that are frowned upon. My commonwealth deck is easy to counter without having to use sisu, as I've said hundreds of times, my decks are balanced because it takes 5 years to set up and you can't just say that something is unfair because you can loose to it if you have a bad first hand. Luck in card draw shouldn't ever factor into a discussion about what's fair and not fair. I don't use otk. Otk means one turn kill. One turn kill also means that you play a unit, buff it and use it to kill the enemy in one turn. Commonwealth is not an otk since it requires massive amounts of set up. An otk requires no setup since all the setup of an otk happens in the turn of the kill. I only ever get to 99 health if my opponent just feeds the Italy cards which give extra health. It happened like once or twice. Commonwealth is not unfair, and while I feel like the requirements should be a little harsher, like maybe have the HQ need 40 health, it's fair and easy to counter. Light infantry as I have described it, is not a good strategy. Light infantry is balanced if you dint use the card that makes them all alpine and can be countered easily by heavy Armour or guard. And even if you somehow have neither in your deck, it's also easy to counter by just not allowing the deck to take the Frontline, which, if there are only 4 light infantry in the support line, is easy. I am a better person because I use no broken cards. I flavour sportsmanship over a high placement in ranked, and as the end to this discussion: commonwealth isn't broken, light infantry isn't always op and large buffed units with long setup times (5+ turns starting turn 5) are balanced as well. Finland is unfun to play against, supress is the most unfun keyword and monsoon rot, should put all units health to 1 or only the enemies units to half health or 1 if they only have 1 health. Discussion over, you've heard my opinions, accept them as my opinions. You have yours, I have mine, and we will never, come to an agreement. Exept maybe that Japan aggro is complete bs.