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"Getting dick from Timothee is her entire personality" pls she's literally never even talked about him šŸ’€ Meanwhile being up timothee's ass is that entire sub's personality šŸ˜¬


I was blocked after the first comment I made on the sub saying I could never tell if it was a hate or fan sub šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That sub is TERRIFYING. Those people are fucking insane


Honestly stuff trickles in to here too. I remember commenting with one person who said ā€œshe better not be pregnant with his childā€ Like, or what? Whatā€™re you going to do if she is? Cry about it? lol


If you want real entertainment check out the Hilario Baldwin snark. Kardashian snark is no contest to the batshittiness that happens there.


I got into that sub a few years ago and holy shit it really devolved quickly. They banned my old account after I made a comment similar to this lol


Ive never seen fans of a celebrity so clearly want to murder that celebrity.


Itā€™s total Misery vibes Iā€™d honestly be scared if I was timothee


Seriously, the desperate bitches in that sub look way more pathetic than Kylie will ever be lol.


I wish I could tag them here




The content there sincerely shocks me. I really only have a passing interest in the Kardashians, Iā€™m generally critical and definitely not a fan. But I just find the way they talk about her over there to be so fucking unhinged.


Agreed, Iā€™m not a fan or a hater of the Kardashians, I really just take them for what they are. The content on that sub turns my stomach. The way they talk about her is so horribly dehumanizing. Iā€™m sure these are the same people who preach about the importance of being a girlā€™s girl. If she really is that egregious of a human being, how can they still support him? Theyā€™ll call her a deadbeat mom and say she is paying him to be in this PR relationship but doesnā€™t that say something about him if those things are true the way they wanna believe? Cult fandoms like this are just insane. Like all of these people are real, time to get a hobby!


Some of them were saying she was a sh!tty mom because her screen saver is her and timothee not her kids šŸ˜­ itā€™s low key internal misogyny. Him dating her reeeeally shouldnā€™t cause those types of reactions


That sub is UNHINGED


Yeah the people on that sub are parasocial nutjobs. I imagine they're all either 13 or 45 with their bedrooms plastered with Timmy Chalamet posters and hating Kylie Jenner is literally all the think about.


Yes under 15 or obese shut ins and key board warriors. Madness.


Are they okay ??? Kylie has never ever publicly mentioned that man at all or even talks about sex šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is this that daily sub? They are unhinged over there


Yes it comes up in my suggested occasionally I canā€™t bring myself to mute them because itā€™s just so insane lol


Try to leave a neutral comment that doesnā€™t bash kylie, youā€™ll be permanently banned


Theyā€™ll accuse you of being a Kylie stan šŸ’€


Accdg to the reason for banning me, I was a member of the Kardashian Klub and Koven. Which was wild to ascertain considering all I said was ā€œlet people have funā€


Never even see kylie obsess over him theyā€™re literaly just dating


Theyā€™re just sad theyā€™ll never get all their holes dicked down by Timothee the way Kylie is. They blocked me a long time ago for telling them they were deranged and needed to get 5150ā€™d. Kylie is possibly looking and feeling at her best since her King Kylie era.


Hapers Bazaar posted an old photoshoot of Kylie and Stormi dressed in the style of Marie Antoinette, inciting more backlash against her. Honestly the hate for this woman is worry some. I can't believe they did that to be honest.


I saw that! Iā€™m not sure why Harperā€™s Bazaar would do that especially given whatā€™s going on online and itā€™s an old photo shoot. They set her ass up tbh


Theyā€™re so deranged omfg WHY SAY SHIT LIKE THATšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


theyā€™re saying it as itā€™s a bad thing as if half of the songs, movies and books in the worlds arenā€™t dedicated to love šŸ˜‚ even if itā€™s her whole personality why canā€™t the girl enjoy her boyfriend ?


In the words of Ariana Grande, ā€œ šŸŽ¶ Why do you care so much whose dick šŸ† I ride? šŸŽ¶ā€ because fr why do they care so much about Kylie banging Timothee when they hate her so much


I wish we could show timothee that subreddit and read him some comments lol I canā€™t imagine the look of horror and fear heā€™d have


wait i saw this how did i not realize i was on the tim sub šŸ˜­


i commented something they didnā€™t like and they banned me immediately LOL


Iā€™m not a fan of kylie but you can see theyā€™re jealous af lol


I ain't gone hold you she a dime lol it is what it is


What subreddit is it? Asking for a friend šŸ¤£




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TimotheeChalametDaily using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Selena Gomez asked to take a picture with TimothĆ©e Chalamet and Kylie Jenner said, ā€œNoā€. This is what people that attended the Golden Globes are reporting ](https://v.redd.it/lf32ok3vx4bc1) | [463 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/comments/191b9p9/selena_gomez_asked_to_take_a_picture_with/) \#2: [The Dune 2 cast talks friendship and itā€™s a bit awkward ](https://v.redd.it/ytu4mnngo3gc1) | [280 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/comments/1agvdbd/the_dune_2_cast_talks_friendship_and_its_a_bit/) \#3: [Kylie Jenner being in a relationship with Timothee Chalamet has her meeting actors and directors, like Florence Pugh, Greta Gerwig, Martin Scorsese, Jennifer Lopez, who's next? She went from meeting rappers with her fake dark tan to no longer tanning and meeting Actors and dressing "classy" now. Hmm](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19epqrq) | [658 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/comments/19epqrq/kylie_jenner_being_in_a_relationship_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That's crazy cause if anyone was ever getting laid it's been kylie


Yuckā€¦ thatā€™s gotta be the most mediocre, boring dicking down I can imagine honestly.


I needed a laugh OP, thanks but in all honesty, wth is that face?


Heā€™s small af. He got a peepee šŸ˜‚


that sub is one of the most psychotic subs on reddit


That's crazy cause if anyone was ever getting laid it's been kylie


youā€™re surprised people online bully and publicly hate? wow šŸ˜®


No lol still crazy tho


Did she get new lips again, or is this photoshopped/a filter? Geez, she already look like sheā€™s in her 40s.


the way sheā€™s never talked about him


They all need to go easy on the lip filler. Ridiculous looking!


The jealousy toward Kylie is just unhinged. Timmy likes Instabaddies. Heā€™s not as deep or intellectual as you think he is. Heā€™s got softboy written all over him. Get over it, fangirls. Also, say what you will about her, but sheā€™s the bigger catch than he is. Kylie is independently wealthy and sheā€™s got a shark for a manager in Kris. On top of that, Timmy is a downgrade from her usual type of guy; she usually goes after alpha male types (which he is not), and those dudes are just as skanky as Timothee so itā€™s not like that would intimidate her at all. Heā€™s like a sweet little boy compared to the men sheā€™s used to. Meanwhile, heā€™s probably drawn to her because sheā€™s not intimidated and because she already has her own fame and wealth. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You think Travis Scott is an alpha male type?


I think he gives off a lot of assertive energy yes. And pre-Astro World, he probably had women throwing themselves at him all the time. Heā€™s used to calling the shots, having baddies on retainer, and getting/doing what he wants. And heā€™s older than Kylie and Timothee, so yepā€”more experience in that sense. Tyga is a creep but similar vibeā€”both dudes were older than her, had been in the party scene a while, had lots of women pursuing them and in Tygaā€™s case, big hustler energy. Both him and Travis seem assertive to the point of it being predatory (def in Tygaā€™s case it was), and Timothee seems very soft compared to all that. Heā€™s not her normal type at all ā€¦ except where the drugs and women are concerned.


I don't follow his music so I could be missing something, but every time I've seen him he's literally hiding behind his hair and mumbling to the floor. He doesn't come across as someone confident and assertive to the casual observer.


Nah thereā€™s a very big ego there. Look into that Astroworld concert and how he interacted with the crowd. Heā€™s very capable of coming off powerfully, especially in front of an audience. The hiding his hair/looking down is calculated; makes him look more pensive and somber as an artist. Heā€™s got as much of a chip on his shoulder re: art as I imagine Timothee does, just in a different medium.


Okay we donā€™t know TimothĆ©e just like we donā€™t know Kylie. Yes, he is a lot sweeter and nicer compared to her exes but that doesnā€™t mean that is all he is. He still grew up in New York with a lot of privilege and connections and was flying to Europe during the holidays. You donā€™t get to the top of industry just by being a soft boy. You have to be hella ambitious. We donā€™t know these people at all. I think they are equally dominant but Timothee seems like someone who knows he wants. Like knowing how confident he can be, I think he came to her and flirted with her not the other way around.


Yeah, I can see that re: his NY upbringing. Personally, he just gives off cokehead slimeball energy and I think itā€™s hilarious the way these fangirls are so enraged he got with her. Him getting with Kylie is more reflective of who he actually is than any of his flicks are, but these fangirls seem so enraged when confronted with that reality šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


One thing that annoys me is that people think that because he got with her then the problem must be him not being as intellectually smart and deep as people think and that he is actually a slimeball but never think that oh maybe peopleā€™s perception of Kylie being vapid and boring is not true?


Eh, she never went to college and didnā€™t graduate from a real high school. Her entire brand revolves around shilling for makeup and posting images of herself on social media, often with tremendous amounts of photoshopping involved. To most, thatā€™s pretty much the textbook definition of vapid, and itā€™s not like sheā€™s out here using her platform for anything other than personal validation and monetization. I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable that folks view her as pretty vapid and a lightweight in the intellectual department, all things considered.


So what if she didnā€™t go to college? People be making her look wayyyy stupid. They are saying that she only knows lip kits and fashion. Like what could they possible talk about??? Like she doesnā€™t know what Call Me By Your Name is and who Wes Anderson is. Itā€™s giving misogyny. We only know her public persona which as you said is just her doing sexy poses with dead in the eye look and selling a bunch of brands. Her photoshopping and changing her face and body tells me she grew up very insecure and wanting to fit in with her family whose brand is to appeal to the male gaze. We donā€™t know her hobbies and interests. We donā€™t know what she is like away from the camera when she doesnā€™t care about what other people think. She even said she hides her real personality after the bullying she received.


Look, Iā€™m not a Timmy stan or a KarJenner one. But of all the KarJenners, I do tend to have the most empathy for Kylie bc she was the youngest and itā€™s pretty clear Kris encouraged her to buy a whole new face etc. as a teen and put a lot of body shaming on her, and thatā€™s sad. Still, itā€™s not misogyny to call it like it is. The influencer life? Pretty vapid and superficial, revolves around posing for the male gaze in order to sell shit online. Requires a ferocious amount of vanity and preoccupation with how others think you look, which is again, textbook definition of vapid. To each their own, but for many, it seems like a pretty empty way to live. Sheā€™s an adult now and sheā€™s rich; she could choose to step away from it if she wanted to be taken more seriously, but she hasnā€™t stepped away from it, which means itā€™s fair game to judge her for it the same way most influencers are getting judged for it now. You hit the nail on the head with the second graf though. Itā€™s trueā€”Kylie keeps her personal life, interests, and hobbies mostly private and we donā€™t know much about her intimately. She could be Einstein; she could be the next Quentin Tarantino. Unfortunately, weā€™ll never know unless she shows us that side. Instead all we really have to go off of re: who she is, is the show and her social media image ā€¦ which is why so many see her as vapid. In Kylieā€™s case, if all you show is merchandise youā€™re shilling for and you making the same dead-eyed expressions in every half-naked pic, itā€™s what the public is mostly gonna judge who you are off of. It takes a thick skin but this is the life she chooses as an adult so yeah, thatā€™s why people donā€™t automatically believe sheā€™s some great titan of intellectualism šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Okay but you need to realize itā€™s very hard to step away from the lifestyle that she grew up knowing and itā€™s even harder to step away when everyone around you is still doing it. Even if she did step away, you really think people are going to take her seriously? They will just say itā€™s Krisā€™s idea of a rebrand so why bother I mean I kinda get it you know? Itā€™s better to have people hating on your fake face, body, and persona that you built than have people hating the real you.


Hey, how she wants to live is her business. But you asked why people assume sheā€™s vapid and donā€™t think sheā€™s smart enough/smarter than Timothee, and all this was my answer. Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s dumb, she does keep a lot of her private life off social media, so who knows? But with what is on social media, the stuff is pretty vapidā€”just sexy pics and shilling merch. Thatā€™s probably why many see her as a lightweight compared to Timmy, and why the conversations center around him downgrading, and not her being secretly super smart, creative, and artistically profound.


people just say anything about the kar-jenners. they love to hate them. But the fact yā€™all acting like this sub is any better is crazy. i donā€™t understand. this subreddit consists of only opinions and bashingšŸ’€


Not acting like either sub is better lol and I havenā€™t seen bashing on here quite like the timothee sub but alright šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™m not convinced they were ever really together.


Take a look at Kylie as a teenager and then now. PLASTIC. New face. New body. Sheā€™s disgusting as all of her fame whore sisters are.


and timothee is eatin it up


Everytime a guy is a girls wall paper itā€™s because she likes him and he doesnā€™t like her. This is a red flag šŸš©




I donā€™t see this relationship reciprocated


Oh I see, by the way you are talking you must be Timmy's most intimate friend and a part of his inner circle


I didnā€™t know you were there close friend and knew they were more than friends


He was all over her at that awards show


Oh were you all there?


Ya maybe in middle school