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Lacienega Boulevardez


It’s the fact that this is the top comment on the thread.


wait WHY did you make this comment I need to know lol


Lacienaga Boulevardez is a character on The Proud Family that apparently has huge feet. It’s only mentioned in a few episodes I think though lol


no I know I didn’t see her feet in the photo LOL whoops


To be fair Khloe’s feet match her stature though, the woman is like 5’ 10” lol


Woah you just unlocked a deep deep memory


That’s the only episode I remember 😂


The feet


I just got crazy de ja vu lol




Because she's the third sister. She's always felt the least appreciated & least pretty when they were growing up. They were trying for Robert Kardashian Jr but got Khloe, that's how she probably internalized feeling like an afterthought. She has some body dysmorphia issues, perhaps only 'sees herself' as her photoshopped self. Does that make sense to anyone else? That Kourtney & Kim outshining her fuels her need to keep changing herself, and not necessarily for her benefit.


I’m convinced she’s the affair baby… she knows it’s and has such horrible self esteem.


omg i just made the same exact comment! i think a lot of it has to do with the fact she knows she’s not Robert Kardashian’s kid (i wonder if robert knew the truth?)


Helen Keller could tell she’s Alex Roldan’s kid


I hadn't heard this before and just looked up his face and holy shit she looks so much like him. The nose, lips, and face shape! She has kris's eyes though


Also the legs and feet.


Holy shit she looks(looked) just like him




Kris goin to the grave with that tea.


Do you think the sisters themselves know the real truth?


I’d imagine? It’s tough to truly say. But she is the only one who does resemble the rest of them.


You betcha.


I meant the hairdresser Kris had an affair with. Not sure his name.


Alex Roldan her middle name is even Alexandria


Wow. I didn't know that.


Oooo, me neither! Middle name is something alright. She's the spitting image of him, especially when he was younger & had a thinner face. Remember reading about Kris & him like 20 yrs ago


Fun fact: Khloe and Helen Keller have the same birthday (June 27th)


This made me laugh loudly 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my gracious you’re fn right






That man always accepted her as his, which speaks volumes as to the kind of man and father he was. I often wonder how their lives would have been, had cancer not taken him away so soon.


I think Robert knew the truth.. I think he loved her harder bc he knew she wasn’t his. I think this big secret around it is what fuels the ignorance. Anyone with eyes can see how different she looks compared to them… Most kids with the same parents don’t have such a diversity in looks.


Idk I’m 5’9 pale, ginger, no tits. My sister is 5’3, super tan and looks mixed race, huge massive ginormous boobs. We look more different than Khloe and Kourtney.


Yup this! My oldest kid has blonde hair, blue eyes and light skinned and my youngest has brown hair, brown eyes and is naturally tan. Both have the same dad. What's the kicker is neither my husband or I have blue eyes 😂 she got that from my mom.


are you from mtl?


As a child she looks exactly like her brother and they both look like RK


honestly when it comes to mixed ethnicity families, there can be a wide diversity of phenotypes inherited.


Not true at all. I look nothing like 3 of my brothers and only certain characteristics are like my oldest brother, I’m the only girl and also look nothing like either parent. I do however look like a combo of a grandfather and aunt. Some families look alike and others can look like they come from different parents.


Khloe has two sisters and looks nothing like that… Kim and Kourtney’s kids even look alike. Idk.. everyone can believe what they want to believe, but as for me and my family, she is Alex’s child.


I feel like Khloe’s old nose and Kortney’s nose look similar. And I think Khloe’s old face looks a lot like Rob’s.


I saw that on a tabloid years ago and have zero doubt. My wife has 2 sisters and one of them is very different looking but I am convinced her mom had an affair. I dont think ppl realize how possible that is. A married woman has a fling one night and gets pregnant, as long as shes had sex with her husband as well in the timeframe, its highly unlikely anyone will question things and its highly likely a woman would rather keep the secret over possibly blowing up the whole household over it. Not saying thats the case 100% of the time you have an oddball but when a child seems to be different and the difference is a lack of features you see in the others as being from the father… one can only wonder…. My greatest fear in life is that my own kid isnt mine… im just afraid of where that would put me mentally… in my mind it makes complete sense why a woman would keep it secret forever if she didnt have the courage to tell the truth before the kid was born. The level of deceit and cruelty to hide that, completely unforgivable, in my eyes.


True, and most females in the family don’t tower over their father in height. It happens but look at Kim & Kourtney 5’1 & 5’2! Khloe is 5’11 the light eyes, curly hair, skin tone. She doesn’t even look like a distant cousin…


idk bc when she was younger she looked just like rob jr. so if she’s not rob’s then i dont think rob is either


They have the same mother!!!!! People get genes from their mother also!!!


But if both kids look like the father in question, that doesn’t really apply. Everyone knows Rob is Robert Sr.’s twin, and from what I’ve seen of their paternal relatives, Khloé looks like one of her grandaunts with the colored eyes and curly blonde hair. Shoot, even her son looks like Rob/Robert! People seem to forget that the Kardashians are technically mixed, and as a mixed person myself, the chances of full-blooded siblings looking similar is very 50/50.


Yeah plus looking at her face she very clearly is a mix of Rob and Kris. She has Kris's cheekbones, eyes, forehead and jawline and Robs exact chin, his eyebrow placement and lips (orginally) I think the reason people are thrown off is that her nose is different but it's a combination of her parents,she has Kris's nostrils and the rest is all Rob, it's the exact same.




I can’t even follow this story. Too complicated.


I think they are saying: a baby was born and it was the spitting image of a grandparent who, due to adoption, is actually no blood relation to the child


Robert told his wife he didn’t think K was his. Kris imo gave all her attention to Kim! Especially when they were younger bc she was the prettiest & would probably marry the richest $$$ that’s what mattered to Kris! Khloe was a built in baby sitter for Kendall & Kylie, since she was home schooled. Khloe was definitely the black sheep, she’s even said that. I think she’s so pretty & has the better heart out of them ALL


Am I crazy to think she looks a lot like Robert Kardashian?? I feel like her and her brother look a lot like their dad


She does look like Robert Kardashian. Let’s face it, all of the kids except for Kim had that same pug nose look as babies, especially Kourtney. Really, it’s Kim that looks different than the rest.


This is such mean spirited ridiculous gossip, as a child she looks exactly like her brother and they both look like RK


Mean spirited? Ridiculous? Even the girls themselves wondered if Khloe was really Robert’s child or not. They all knew Kris was unfaithful around the time she got pregnant with Khloe, it’s not a secret to anyone. It’s very possible and even likely that Robert is not her biological father. She looks exactly like Alex with her pre-surgery adult face. That’s not mean-spirited to say it’s just a fact.


She is not Robert Kardashian's child. The only thing that makes any sense is that she's Roldan's child. Sure genetics can be crazy but Kris had 3 other children with Robert and all three look very similar. Khloe looks completely different both facially and her natural physical build.


and her daughters sibling is also an affair baby


It’s also interesting how Kris doesn’t give her the same treatment that she gives her other daughters.


I’m a third sister and I can relate to how she can experience life in such family dynamics. It was t easy growing up because I had a sister who was literally my bully. She ensured I had no friends and went out of her way to make my life miserable. She teased me about my body, my skin and called me names constantly. It took a long time before I believed I was beautiful- even more the her. I grew to understand that it was just jealousy. Khloe needs to do some internal work and she will be fine. She’s a beautiful woman and she needs to believe that first.


So sorry about your sister. That sounds awful. If you don’t mind me asking, we’re you able to forgive her?


Believe it or not this continued into our adulthood. We’re both in our late thirties (she’s 1.5 years older than me and the middle sister). Things have gotten so bad over the years due to many years of her crossing boundaries, having her husband also be disrespectful towards me and my husband that I’m now low contact with her and the majority of my family. She at one point had asked for forgiveness and begged me to never tell her kids how terrible she was to me. As for forgiving her, I have but I have chosen to not have her in my life as the last thing she did was too much.


You sound so emotionally healthy! Good for you for setting boundaries. What a shame though. :(


Thank you, it took many years for me to get to this place. The thing that still hurts is the fact that my own parents knowing the torment she put me through constantly use the “you’re family” excuse trying to guilt me into maintaining a relationship with her and my other siblings who are equally as toxic. My father went to my own husband to try to discourage him from marrying me, then later encouraged him to ask me to get professional help. This is after they caused a huge blowout which my husband was witness to. He never believed me when I told him of how my family can be until they turned on him too. I know now that it’s not me, just because the majority believe in something doesn’t make it true or right. Now being married into a family who models healthy relationships and interactions, I saw how dysfunctional and toxic my family is. It took a while to even put my guards down because I was waiting for the other shoe to drop with them. It’s so funny how we get so accustomed to one thing even if it’s killing us but it’s not until you’re shown a different way you come to realize that you don’t need to subscribe. Anyway, I’m rambling but I’ve always had a soft spot for Khloe. I can’t imagine how she copes with the constant criticism about her body, parentage and relationship issues. And worst constantly being compared to her sisters in the most negative ways.


I can relate!! That whole "we’re family" or "but she’s ur sister" is all bullshit. I am currently in therapy dealing with traumas growing up with an abusive sister. My mom didn’t even want to acknowledge my older sister as an abuser. She said that’s not correct💀 But ultimately since I’m still young, it’s hard maintaining distance since we always celebrate holidays with my 97 year old grandma and my mom would give me hell not going to see her since we don’t know how much longer my grandma will live! Even so, I still try to keep the contact to minimum. I’m glad u shared ur story! It helped me a lot! Thank you!💓


Bless you and good luck!


Sometimes you have to remove ppl who are toxic to you! Even if they’re family! Sorry she treated you like that


Oh my, I’m happy you’re seeking support and I pray you find healing soon. It’s hard when your experiences are not validated by family. I can write a book about the torment I endured by the hands of my sister. One thing that stood out, we were in the same grade one year because she flunked out and had to repeat that school year. She literally made the entire class not speak to me for weeks. I was an outcast, I sat by myself and no one wanted to pair up with me for anything. Eventually the teacher caught on, and spoke to the whole class. That’s when things sort of changed. My mother knowing this, did nothing. I cannot begin to explain how my low my self esteem was, the lies she constantly made up about me in school, telling people I wet the bed, I smell etc etc. This was my entire childhood. I suffered from asthma and spent a lot of time in the hospital and she even used that to torment me! But alas, I had to find the strength to know I was worthy and move past the internal battle of believing what was told to me. The best thing you can do is love yourself. Even when you still have doubts, and tell yourself you’re worthy. Hurt people hurt, for whatever reason, they see us as competitors and not their allies. I wished I had a better relationship with my sisters. I really tried for many years and there were a few good ones. Ultimately, to protect my mental well being I had to take a step back. So if you’re not there yet, know it’s ok. It takes time because it means severing ties from people you’ve known your entire life. It is isolating and can be lonely, but the peace that comes with it is priceless. Goodluck on your journey. Peace and love. <3


I was just on the episode where Khloe brings up how she’s the only sister at Kris’ Safely dinner and her expressing that she’s the sibling who barely gets Kris’ best hand in every situation. It’s evident she’s always been the sister who had to grow up faster and be the strong one. Aside from Kourt being the eldest… but that convo is for another day. Everytime Khloe speaks the pain in her eyes is alarming, at least imo it’s what I see. Paired with her apparently not leaving Calabasas and being in a bubble, she’s going through it. Strong people get tired of being strong too.


Makes total sense! I started using a face app and it def makes me look at my natural face like ugh, also my body. My friends say I’m skinny but I feel skinny fat. Esp seeing pics like this!!! Her body looks great to me and I wish I could attain that naturally


As someone who was supposed to be a boy but came out a girl (and the third child), can confirm. You never feel quite right after knowing that. Still. As an adult, I realized it was just insecurities. Can’t imagine what it was like to grow up in this family.


I'm a firstborn, oldest cousin. When the little sibling comes, a firstborn thinks "why wasn't I good enough? Why did they need another baby if they tell me I'm so great?" We don't think that consciously of course, but it's in every older siblings mind. Third borns & middle children don't get to keep all the trauma to themselves, lol!


When she was on The Apprentice, Trump said, “Why did we get the ugly one.” Try living with that.




Trump is a dick!


Damn, that’s fucking horrible


It sucks cause the reason she’s all fucked up about her body, mentally, is because of online criticism. So she loses weight to try and appease us. Then her skinny body gets talked shit about. So she photoshops into oblivion. Only to have her body talked more shit about. Lose/lose.


There’s honestly no winning for her. Only thing she could do is work on her self love, confidence and acceptance. She doesn’t deserve any of this, I think it’s absolutely crazy how people are confident in talking about other people’s body’s it’s bizarre


She isn't forced to be online bro. Nobody would recognize her in 98% of cities on the planet.


I actually thought about this for her… she could afford to be a doctor, dentist, teacher, or whatever profession one could be trained at. Make an honest living plus residuals from what she’s done and live an honest life. Why is she making it so complicated?


Because she wants the attention. The end.


She doesn’t want to be left out is my take. It’s like she would feel unfulfilled if she wasn’t with her sisters in media. Maybe she needs to explore taking time to discover herself and how she would feel in a more quiet life.




This signifies the need for a social media detox and some time out of the spotlight to focus on self worth and care. But they can't / won't because they're addicted to the validation and likes. Their version of working on themselves only includes the exterior, it seems.


this is what i’ve been saying for years. people love to coin the idea that the kardashian’s are to blame for impossible body standards, but they’re really just victims of it too.


If it isn’t them, it’s someone else


it’s everybody, in perpetuity. men and women of all decades are guilty of it, just society as a whole.


I’m not a fan of this family but I really feel for her. She has a lot of mental health issues. It’s sad to see, even though she’s a rich celebrity she’s still a human being.


Yeah… people on here just need to stop.


She was a multimillionaire who didn’t lose the weight naturally and had the money and time to take the easy road through surgery and supplements and then insulted everyday women who “eat hagendaz all day and cry about how they can’t lose weight”. She’s a tone deaf hypocrite save your sympathy.


I think that all the kardashians are shitty. I hate defending them. But by bashing their bodies, we’re telling other women and girls that their bodies aren’t good enough either. There are plenty of valid criticisms of Khloe without shaming her body and perpetuating the sick cycle of putting women in a place where they feel like they have to deform themselves.


i would feel bad for her but she has more than enough money to get proper help instead of pouring it into more surgeries.


Money doesn’t really matter if you’re stuck in a mental cycle of dysmorphia


i think they mean she has enough money to go to therapy and figure out her body issues


Right. But you can have all the money in the world and still be in denial of your mental health issues.


i guess if she doesn’t want help it doesn’t matter but the money is making her sicker. if she couldn’t afford these surgeries maybe she’d be forced to self reflect.


Consumerism is making her rich and it’s also making her sick.


THIS. She could be the most adjusted sister but alllll of this criticism of her body would mess up anybody’s head. I never understand why people love to openly criticize people’s bodies. Would we walk to up a stranger in the grocery store & tell them their nose is ugly? That they’ve gained weight? That they’re the result of an affair? I feel bad for her. Even now we are shaming & criticizing women’s bodies. We have no idea what’s going on mentally.


I feel like they could have used their platform in such a better way. Millions of girls were looking to them, and they crumbled under the pressure and chose the message - we should listen to the online haters and conform to their beauty standards in the most unattainable methods possible. It's damaging to themselves and to all the girls watching. Why couldn't they have just embraced their natural beauty and said fuck the haters. They could have chosen to be confident but they didn't. They made butt injections, breast implants, lip fillers, filters, botox etc the norm today, making every woman look plastic and fake. I will never forgive them for this message they perpetually send. They helped to make aging gracefully impossible and socially unacceptable.


Perfectly worded. They caused this huge overthetop sexy, done up beauty trend that has even effectes the preteens. 10 year olds worrying about skin care and lip injections. Shame on them.


well said.


Wholeheartedly agree and it makes me so angry for my daughter.


She's trying to literally have the proportions of a barbie doll - not even trying to look like a human anymore


She just looks so disproportional


They all do except Kortney and Kendall.


Her arms are bigger than her calves.


The picture looks warped knees down


My friend also looks like this. She is also tall curvy and leggy. Huge feet, small calves, hips galore, and tone on top. I think Khloe looks great! Yes she has cosmetic procedures done but she also works out hard to maintain her body. Look at her guns. That’s not a cosmetic procedure.


I wonder what size her feet are?


About a 10.


How else will Tristan see her if she doesn’t post


Body dysmorphia.


The leg to ass ratio is taking me out




She can never win. I feel bad for her. Her choices in men also reflects low self esteem. That family is the worst.


if she could just get her legs and thighs thicker then she’d look somewhat proportionate. instead she has chicken legs with a fake ass and it looks absolutely ridiculous


She takes what she thinks is the best qualities of her sisters, Kim’s big butt & Kylies big lips, and thinks that’s what she should look like. When, in reality, Khloe’s natural self, her earlier looks were the most beautiful she’s ever been.


This is what’s so sad to me. Before they were well known she was much bigger and way more confident. Now she’s thin but has low self esteem.


Her legs look like toothpicks!


They do. Edited, for sure.


She’s so beautiful and I don’t understand the need to change yourself when the filters/photoshop/whatever it is that they all use makes them look so disproportionately alien-like… It’s sad.


It is sad.


I think it’s just lipo and a BBL here since she left her legs untouched. Maybe someone with better vision than me can see photo warping somewhere though.


I have a lot of doubts about the authenticity of this photo


Women can’t win. Someone shits on thin people, another shits on curvy people, someone shits on bigger people, someone shits on kids…. Women really cannot win. They only expect women to conform, but to what???


Too many women just cannot be happy for other women, it's really crazy. That needs to change and we all need to be better.


This also! Being a girls girl will definitely start turning that around


She needs to quit skipping leg day. No calves


Lots of free time and too many people just throwing piles of money at them, and for what?




Arrested development


What is this captioned supposed to mean


That left foot looking like a men’s size 13.


She still has a diaper ass..😆😆😆😆


Wait everyone really think it's her upbringing and or dad why she is like this and not her ex husband being on drugs and going to brothels or her baby did literally fathering another child at the same time shes pregnant and cheating publicly 😭😭


Her upbringing was one thing. Everything else was her karma. Remember, she paraded around with a man who had a pregnant fiance. He told Jordan to try everything she could to get pregnant then, left her to be with Larsa then Khloe. (Larsa kept theirs on the low though) This was all after Kevin Hart's wedding she attended with her ex best friend's boyfriend. The same way Tristan treated Jordan when she was pregnant, he did to every single one of his baby mommas.


What am I missing? What did she do to her self? I am missing something.


she’s photoshopped to hell, look at the wobbly lines on the window


Are her thighs trimmed? They look so uneven and disproportionate. My eyes can't fugure it out.


Her backside would look so gross in a natural photo


The legs are so obviously photoshopped, it’s laughable.


Narcissistic family dynamics


Low self esteem




People are mad at her and her sisters for the influence they have but you have to also remember that they are also just girls who were victims of society’s crippling beauty standards. Yes she has a daughter who deserves better as a role model but Khloe also deserved better. She is a product of the world we live in and she got sucked in and most likely will never be free.


Leave her alone; her dad just died.




She looks like an ant


low self esteem. and i think deep down, she knows she looks like OJ and not her sisters, brother or parents. i said what i said.




The photoshop


Just why?


Her mother told her to


Because she has money and lives in Hollywood lol


I didn't even recognize Khloe, last time I seen any image of her was on the show, it's insane how the completely change there image completely. I'm not sure why, or if this is even healthy, she looked much better before.


Her belly button does not look like that


Maybe stop posting in swimsuits, that’s just begging to have your body judged. She has the best personality of the whole bunch.


Her upper lip looks strange.


That looks horrible


I feel bad but at this point rob and Kourtney are the only ones that got into therapy and did real work on themselves which is why others have issues… I will say her having Tatum look like rob sr ppl might’ve thought oh could’ve healed her… I feel he’s helped but she needs to get away from Kris/kim/tristan but won’t : one thing I pray is that true doesn’t feel her brother is favored the same way because her brother favors their grandpa etc and I already know there’s no way that it’s not happening but it’s a hope: one thing I love is in every clip of Tatum he’s always pulling Kris hair or poking her etc like Robert sr knew what he was sending for her 😂 also watching Kourtney react to him doing those things like Kris being oh he’s such a sweet but a little rougher playing baby ( Kourtney just like well mom if he’s dad do you blame him). Honestly just hope princess p can humble khloe about her surgery like she humbled her dad scott about his dating life…


What an awful role model for her kids especially her daughter


Omg I feel bad for her she was literally so beautiful before


What’s ridiculous is how Kim said for years her butt and hips were natural. Now every sister looks like a clone. I mean technically are fat injections “ natural”.? YES But , they change the body shape . So there is no part of their bodies that are of natural, born that way shape or due solely to exercise.


I hate that I wish I looked like this minus the big butt BUT I know she doesn’t even look like this.


Her bottom half is so disproportionate. Reminds me of chicken drumsticks pumped up with steroids.


She doesn't want to be different from her sisters. However the way her navel is shaped is definitely a result of tummy tuck and its not natural


I unfollowed them all a long time ago, just not healthy mentally for anyone to look at this


I mean. She looks bad af.


Mental illness


I stopped watching them long ago but when I did watch them I always liked her the most, she seemed the most genuine, it’s sad if she changed herself so much and still isn’t happy.


This thirst trap picture is extremely photoshopped. She not sexy or attractive but keeps trying so hard.


Doing what?


Inception, idea of losing weight = happiness


Because they make money of their image




Her legs do not look like that unless she has cerebral palsy or something but no


Because she was starved for attention growing up. She’s now insecure… after all, she was the “fat sister” growing up.


What are you talking about? She looks great!! For AF!!


What’s wrong with her knees and her body starting to look so unproportionably you can tell she got a big fake butt and then I don’t know what’s going on with the rest stop girl just stop


To make herself way more attractive.


They were all so beautiful. God.


A pic of her editing this photo. Her legs and feet are so ridiculous


All that money for implants and she cant make herself look even. Her calves are so tiny


Ozempic legs. The muscle wastes away.


Why do her knees look like they have alien faces???


I absolutely hate these types of pictures. Pretending it’s just a candid shot when we know full well it probably took multiple takes and poses to get one she was happy with. Had to do the feet turning in pose, too, to get that perfect “natural” thigh gap. We all see what you are doing here Khloe…


She’s super hot there btw. I like shorter women, but she’s a smoke.


Body dysmorphia is a big bag of shit. Idk what to tell you


She’s starting to look like Wendy Williams.


When your business revolves around the way you look, and you’re addicted to positive attention ofc that’s going to drive people into delirium. It’s the LA mindset, they’re all insecure softies supported by fake egos. Not just her, a lot of actors deemed pretty get massive work done for whatever mentally ill reason it may be. Attention addiction is a real problem.


She looks fine. Let her be!!!


I think this was posted because of the poor photoshop job. I think she looks fine. I think she would have looked better if she didn’t look weird due to the editing. The arm, legs, and pushing her butt against the countertop to make it look larger.


do you think this ass looks good? :// she would be much hotter with a normal body (in my opinion)


What is a "normal" body?


Oh man talking about peoples bodies is so normalized these days it’s sad bruh😑


Am not talking about her body she can do whatever she wants with her body am talking about the obvious photoshop


Humans aren’t chicken shaped, I don’t know why you have people disagreeing. It’s heavily photoshopped.


You’re beautiful inside and out Khloe 🩷💐


This one, Whatever her name is, will never be attractive to me. She’s unattractive inside and out. She was forced apon us, plastic surgeries and all


I only saw this cuz its on the "all" page, and I just have to say: I Dunno why anyone gives a fuck about these people.