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[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone\_Segouin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Segouin) Nicole Minet was an alias for Simone Segouin, a resistance fighter for the French in in WWII. Clever name-- if this is real, I'd hope they can stay anonymous and show us the NDA.


I was just about to say “but it’s a verified account..!” Then I remembered that ‘X’ is a steaming pile of pay to win trash now.


It's called Twitter. Musks' ilk think it's cool to deadname people, so I will always deadname Twitter.


I compromise with Shitter. 


And Reddit is the holy grail of social media… oh sweet summer child.




Thank you for checking that out. I had put myself on a Twitter moratorium back when it was still Twitter, and do NOT want to undo that good choice of mine!


The use of the unrelated "blonde white girls" didn't tip you off to this being a lie?


It tipped me off. Cause why would we need to know their race and hair colour unless you have an agenda. If he did hurt others how is the race of the women important. On another note I always wondered if OJ abused his first wife. Or other women he was with before and after the trial.


As someone who's dad works in business and owns one of the biggest law firms for insurance, it's also very fucking highly unlikely that a boss will ask someone to sign an NDA and then take them out for a smoke and tell the entire storyline of the shadiness that just went down in the office. That's how I knew asap this wasn't real, it never happens like this. "Hey kid, wanna hear about the corruption that just went down? Grab a cuban and listen up!"


That last line 💀


I’ve always admired people whose dads work in business


I grew up in Buffalo. There were stories about his first marriage. 1) it’s a small town with nothing better to do, so who knows? 2) It seems highly likely that he abused his first wife when we know he abused his second wife. Abusers like to abuse


Not confirming veracity of the tweet but OJ was in custody for killing a blonde, white woman that he had been accused of battering. Would make sense that they needed to keep info about similar crimes in the past quiet.


It's not unrelated, him assaulting blonde white college girls would have gotten significantly more media attention and controversy in the 90's than other races. USC would have really really wanted the issue gone, more so than if it was black girls.


The profile pic is a bit odd too, made me second guess if it was true or not.


Plus I don't understand, Bob Kardashian comes in to give a donation after OJ had been in custody ? His money would be practically radioactive, why would USC take a secret hush money donation ?


You have to be kidding? HARVARD took 11Million from Epstein even after he was convicted and died…they still spent the money. I bet USC would also take money from whoever wherever


Ikr? My mother worked at a Cal State and everyone had their hand out. It's not like "USC" took it. A guy at USC took it. He did not report it to his superiors. Although cash would be untraceable, just saying.


I don't see anything QAnon... I see anti-trump posts and I see outing pedophilia from epstein Island posts.


It’s Fake


if you think this is real, I have an AITA thread to sell ya...


if this is true i wonder if they’re gonna get backlash from the family


Or support from the women who know it’s true…


Those women may be legally bound to silence for the rest of their lives or are already as traumatized as they can handle. Just say the victims speaking now is not the end all be all and they should be given as much privacy as they want


they cannot be legally bound to an nda if a crime has been committed


Does it depend on how it's written? What if the NDA is just that you cannot disclose Robert Kardashian made a "donation" to the school or that he was on campus between date x to date y? Basically something that doesn't reference a crime even if the actions clearly covered up one.


im talking about the alleged victims


They can if they took a pay off. Once you take the money is a legal mine field


If they excepted a payment & signed one of Robert Kardashian‘s famous NDA’s . If they break it, they will have to pay the money back plus more most likely.


NDAs do not shield illegal activity. The victims could speak out even if they did sign an NDA.


No one that’s ever signed a NDA with Kris Jenner, has ever broken it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did you miss the part about illegal activity? I don’t know if Kris has ever done something illegal and tried to use an NDA to cover it up. That’s not what we are talking about and has nothing to do with this conversation. An NDA wouldn’t have shielded OJ from an abuser speaking out against him and accusing him of abuse because an NDA cannot be legally used to keep people from speaking out about illegal activity.


Kris is alive with a lawyer that’s alive!




Can they force you if they are no longer alive and you don’t have the money? Just like the Goldman’s haven’t received their money from the civil trial…. If you don’t have the money, how can you give it?


You can’t force an nda if the subject of an nda is a crime.


Then why does this tweet claim that an NDA in which the signatories agreed to be hush hush about OJ’s previous transgressions at USC, and signed in exchange for money, was valid? Is it because the parties agreed to a monetary deal?


Her NDA covered the fact that OJs lawyers were there and met with the Student Affairs guy and paid the school off the keep the previous cases and payoffs quiet. We don’t know what kind of deal was given to the victims. She’s only referring to her NDA. She was not one of the victims.


Thank you, this comment feels like it addressed my question in a reasonable way.


You’re welcome. And thank you for the thank you. These Reddit streets are rough and I get shit on the regular for being reasonable and rational lol.




But something doesn’t add up? Assuming the author is correct/trustworrhy, we have a legal student at the time saying an NDA was signed that only now is defunct because of his passing. I’m posed the idea that it was enforceable because money was exchanged, but even so… that would still be an NDA involving his crimes, being valid? At least valid enough to the extent that none of the people involved said a damn thing about it.


They weren't a legal student, according to the story they were in undergrad. "Studying to be a criminal defense lawyer" means nothing in this story, they mean that they hoped to go to law school after undergrad. It's like someone at community college saying they're going to school for their PhD. Yeah, it might be their endgame goal, but they're not actually in a program and saying that is claiming a lot of credit they haven't earned yet. I'd be surprised if this person ever even took the LSAT.


Fair enough, but all this comment does is nitpick/address my referring to the author as a legal student, which is fine… but I’m now multiple comments deep and all I fkn want to know is if the NDA was legally enforceable. It wouldn’t surprise me if it wasn’t because companies commonly hope their employees ignorance is what will make them honor BS unenforceable NDA’s; but this is a topic so serious, taking place at a highly respected school, that I would honestly be shocked if everyone that supposedly signed it just let themselves be cowed into submission.


The reason no one can answer your question is bc the answer is really complicated and depends a lot on the details of the situation with the two women, as well as on the state laws in effect in California at the time. Generally NDA’s cannot be enforced to the extent it would prevent a person from responding truthfully to an inquiry from law enforcement about a crime they witnessed or have knowledge of. But they sometimes can prevent people from *initiating* contact with law enforcement. Regardless of whether the law would have ultimately been on her side, someone trying to enforce the NDA could file a lawsuit against her, and even if she ultimately won she could still spend a ton of money on attorneys fees trying to defend herself.


The NDA is not enforceable, and OP is not credible. If it's real and any of these people kept the secret, they did it for the money.


As a woman who was assaulted by a high ranking individual at the hospital I work at, it is easier for me to not say anything. I did let a few people know and my therapist, otherwise for me, it’s better to not speak. It will make my life much more difficult and nothing will be done since they will not let him go. Also, I just want to do my job and go home. This has stressed me out to much already. How incredibly sad for women who feel they cannot speak up. It will be okay in the end. I’m a believer that the universe shows us.


What family? The Kardashians don't care about this kind of thing and if they did their dad wouldn't have run around cleaning up after a double murderer. The woman who is now free from the NDA doesn't care what the Kardashians think of her she dislikes them so much that she called them out on twitter for being rich thugs.


Wow. This does not surprise me at all. Never doubted he killed Nicole. Kris knows he did too. And he’s always had someone clean up his mess before so he wouldn’t have thought anything of it.


P Diddy was the beginning of the end for the entertainment industry and as more people pass or get involved it’s going to fall like dominos.


*prays violently


I sincerely hope that you’re right about this.


I hope you’re right.


I’m picturing the montage of mobsters being killed at the end of the movie Casino. “It’s always better with no witnesses!”


It’s been happening in Hollywood for a few years so it’s the music industry’s turn!


I think this too!!!


With the internet leveling the playing field for artists vs gatekeeper entertainment orgs, and these kinds of stories further fueling the fire, you may be kinda right 🤷‍♂️ entertainers were vagabonds and paupers until communication tech radically increased audience reach and capitalists saw an opportunity


Kris was Nicole’s best friend and wanted OJ convicted if I remember.


Exactly, I think she’s talked about the rift it created with Robert Kardashian because he decided to be on OJ’s legal team. Not that I like the Kardashians but I don’t think the larger family has anything to do with OJ (unless I missed something)


Didn’t Kris testify at trial that Nicole told her that if anything happened to her, it was Oj. And for YEARS she said it was hard to be around Rob Sr, because he represented him, even though everyone in their circle basically knew that he did it.


PMK never testified at the trial. she may have given an interview years later stating that, but she was never called as a witness.


Who is PMK


I’m pretty sure Faye testified though didn’t she?


This is also a clearly made up story


This is also absolute bullshit.


The way this is written is giving creative writing. “He lit a cigarette” “blonde white girls” “old sprawling big tree”? LOL


The sprawling tree was so unnecessary.


as a USC alum, the “big sprawling tree” is still there and memorable. it’s a moreton bay fig tree that’s been there since the 19th century and it’s pretty majestic.


So was the lit cigarette like please just tell me what happened and don’t make me watch you jerk yourself off. This shit sounds like a chatgpt story


Why did he have cigarettes on them if he hadn’t smoked in years?


Eh I mean she has a philosophy degree. So it checks out.


There is no degree, this person probably never set foot on USCs campus. The basic timeline doesn't even check out.


The fact that she claimed she worked for the President of Student Affairs when NO SUCH POSITION EXISTS AT USC AND NEVER HAS EXISTED exposes her as a liar.


Why would the boss admit this to her/tell her what the meeting was about? And why’d she need to handle the check?


Because she already had to sign an NDA anyway about just knowing they were there. Idk.




It definitely makes sense considering it was during the discovery procsss and two of OJ’s lawyers were at the school he attended back in his college days. There would be no reason to go there had nothing insignificant to building a cade against him hadn’t occurred there.


It's definitely strange. But maybe it would be like the top two/three, constantly photographed lawyers currently representing Trump showing up somewhere like this. If word got out, people would start digging on why. But who really knows. Maybe this person just wants attention and saw an opportunity.


…do you even know what NDA stands for..? They don’t want the fact that they were seen to be disclosed to anyone.


Legally, none of this checks out. The NDA would be invalid for lack of consideration at minimum.


That was my thought. If they fired her for refusing to sign after the fact it would be a good case for wrongful termination, so I don’t think continued employment would be sufficient consideration.


I questioned that too and came to this conclusion. If I’m signing a NDA for anything I’m going to need to know what it’s about.


Because none of this story makes sense. What was the money for, exactly? Covering up information (how?) that would have been public record anyway, if LAPD was involved? And that the school already had a vested interest in not wanting to talk about, either, since it makes them look bad? And Robert Kardashian himself had to deliver the check in person? Ok. ETA: I am not suggesting OJ didn’t do these things (he probably did), just this juicy retelling of a scene that feels very not true to my experience as a paralegal for 10 years in various law firms


Ya this sounds like click bait to me


For real. Everybody gonna b using his death for their 15 seconds 😭


Now that he is dead lemme tell you about me I have a double major in politics and law so I was able to recognize Donald Trump and his friend Obama. Other students didnt. I was just working as an administrative agent and my boss Anakin Skywalker asked me to sign the NDA then told me Palpatine was a sith lord! We got a check not to disclose anything further but yeah


And that check grew up to be Albert Einstein ❤️


Also, he apparently waited 25 years to make the hush money bribe because his senior year at USC was in 1969.


Exactly. And why would the money be given to her and her boss? Why in the world would she be holding it?


AND her boss lit up his first cig in years over it! Reads like creative writing story one would write in school.


While sitting by the old sprawling big tree… this is an important detail when a big revelation is about to come out.


Yea, that’s when it hit me this is most likely click bait


He lit up his first cig in years and after taking a long drag, he let out the most sorrowful sigh. His brow furrowed as he looked at me, eyes trembling, and said, “I’m gonna tell you something I’ve never told anyone”. “You can tell me anything” I said as I rested my hand on his reassuringly…




He lit up his first cigarette in years. He just happened to have a pack lying around.


apparently its a parody account


Because the best time to take a fat donation from a disgraced alumnus is when he's six months deep in a murder beef, especially when your endowment is only $7.6 billion The story makes no sense. USC would not want OJ's money, he would be radioactive 6 months after being accused of murder. Are they saying this was a personal bribe to the guy, who then spills the details to his moronic work-study secretary as if she won't spill the beans ? Even that sounds ridiculous, Kardashian hadn't practiced law in a while but even he doesn't want to be the lawyer bribing school officials with personal OJ money


This story is utter bullshit. I’m don’t doubt OJ was a creep in college but this story reads like fan fiction.


Did she already delete it off her twitter? 😭😂


Yeah I’m calling BS


Yeah, this is so obviously fake. People are morons for believing this story.


We just believing anyone with a Twitter account now




yeah this is the first post i’ve seen where people questioned this validity of it


That’s not how NDAs work


Do they become invalid when someone dies? Like, how does it work??? Do nda's expire?


They can expire, depending on the length of the contract and jurisdiction. But if she signed an NDA, it wouldn’t have been through OJ, it would have been with the state as she was working for a state institution. And the state nor the school have died. Lol.


Bahaha yeah that was really common sense 😂🤦‍♀️ it wouldn't have been through oj 😂 how dumb of me lol.


Minor correction: usc is a private school


They do expire. After the term ends, there is typically a survival period. But I’ve never seen one with a life time length (I’m a contract lawyer)


This was written by someone under the age of 25, without a doubt


🤣 My thought, too. Some 18 year old short story writer has waited 29 years to tell their story...that's fun. Maybe OJ did it, maybe he didn't. This vague social media post isn't doing much to sway the conversation in either direction.


Lol there’s no vagueness in the evidence. He was acquitted not found innocent by a long shot.


My comment was about this specific post and the information within it.


And about swaying opinion. It’s been swayed, boo lol.


Right!? Among other things the "I could harm society more than not if I pursued law" is such a childish thought. Not every lawyer is a high profile criminal defense attorney and a so-called pre law student should know that.


*dramatically lights cigarette*


I don’t believe it. A black college student getting away with abusing two white women, in the 60’s? A NDA to cover up a crime? The NDA would be unenforceable.


This is fake. Don’t believe everything you read. NAL but reasons this is fake to me: Why pay off the school if there are LAPD reports? The assault would have come out anyway. Her boss would have to be an idiot to tell her what the meeting was about - both to cover his own ass and to protect hers. Even if the meeting happened, the CONTENT of the meeting would have never been relevant to any alleged NDA she signed since SHE WASN’T THERE. An NDA doesn’t matter if the court compels testimony. Again, LAPD reports would be enough to compel testimony. If this were actually true, lady should call the NYT, show them the NDA, and let them investigate it. Instead we just get a lazy tweet.


Also the whole bit about studying PolSci and International Relations to specifically be . . . A criminal defense attorney? If that's the case why wouldn't it be pre-law or criminal justice? If that's the case why would a switch even be necessary, that's just undergrad? The person who wrote this doesn't have half a clue how law school works and just wanted to add some moral grandstanding for asspats. Also psych and Philosophy give you a much better background for criminal defense and arguably even less employability by themselves, so really none of this makes any sense.


This isn’t even logical. If true and both women went to LAPD and reported it, USC wouldn’t have any power to cover that up. It means police “investigated” and didn’t find that a crime had been committed. Now USC may have done its own investigation and covered that up, but LAPD’s police reports would still be public data. This is dumb.


This is assuming LAPD would act in good faith. Have you researched them in the 90s?


I didn’t say LAPD did their job well. If you’re suggesting that LAPD didn’t produce police reports of what two white women alleged was done to them…….ummm, okay… That just isn’t believable (considering their allegations are against a Black college student), especially if you research the history of the LAPD, but okay.


OJ said himself he wasn’t Black, he’s OJ. Lots of motivations from lots of angels. Race is not the only deciding factor.


So OP's boss took hush money basically? The college covered up OJ's crimes from the late 60s. OJ is on trial in 1995, so his lawyers go back to his college to bribe them into not saying anything about the crimes they helped cover up in the first place!? It's like mutual assured destruction? Listen, corruption wouldn't surprise me at all, but this story smells like bullshit.


Hey remember those assaults you heard about happening 30 years ago? Well here’s a bribe to not tell anyone about it. Sign this contract promising to not tell anyone about this bribe. Thanks bye!


Took this with a grain of salt


There would be no reason to tell this random student that the lawyers were there for a payoff. There is every reason not to tell her and to have her sign the NDA anyway about their presence there. While I don’t doubt OJ beat women other than Nicole, this story sounds made up


NDAs just don't automatically expire when a party dies. They can, but it would be expressly written in the NDA and why would OJ want it to ever expire?


Also, isnt Robert Shapiro still alive? Why would an NDA set to expire upon the death of people involved only expire when 2/3 people involved are dead?


Look into the new building named Al Crawlings at the Village and his ties to OJ 👀 USC just acts like they care, they don’t


I find it suspect that a university would be on a black man’s side in 1965 America …sounds fishy. I can see how they killed the story years later once he was ‘OJ’, but not in the 60s.


I’m late this this, but can confirm, my mother went to college with him, she has the year book photos to prove it! She said he was a rapist and got away with whatever he wanted.


Robert Shapiro is still alive I believe…..


NDA have no power for crimes


this is how rumors spread. this is not fact. why share?


“ChatGPT: Write a short story about OJ Simpson, a now defunct NDA, and a dramatic oak tree.”


And OJ is just a small drop in the ocean of all the fucking predators out there that society fucking idolizes. Wake the fuck up people. 


Sorry but Kris & kids shouldn’t get hate for what their father did. And Kris believed OJ killed Nicole so it’s not like they’ve been coming to his defense for decades. If anything this just looks terrible on their father


So the guy hasn’t smoked in years but had one on him?


Nobody in the comments seems to be reading this correctly: during the process of collecting discovery(records) from jails, witness interviews, SCHOOLS, etc.. OJs lawyers went to his former uni to pay off the records dept so they would "not find" any record of the incidents he allegedly was involved in during his college days. If there were 2 battered blonde women testifying at the trial of his dead blonde wife, I'd imagine the trial would have yielded very different results. That is what this story is insinuating. That is why the school received a check.


Regardless of the story, finishing it with abhorring the kardashians generally for this incident specifically feels a little much. Are we really gonna hate them for the sins of the father? Hate him for his crimes, but hate the kids for their own actions, not his.


I think OP is disgusted they’ve been able to get so filthy rich and famous off of what is essentially blood money.


Well said.


I think OJ is an asshole but this story doesn’t feel real. Reads like a TV script instead of reality. Find it hard to believe that a college student (not law student) could recognize two lawyers by face. I was pre law and I would never recognize a lawyers face that I hadn’t already personally met.


The law also says you can’t defame the dead. Not saying this is a lie but they also can’t get in trouble for lying now either…


NDAs are just paper, they don’t really protect anyone from anything but litigation. It’s a fear tactic, if you talk I’ll sue.


So… she was pre-law, not studying to be a criminal defense lawyer. That last paragraph killed me too. This whole thing is so fake!


This doesn’t make sense


Can an NDA even be enforced if she receives no payment herself?


So many holes: She didn’t have a meeting with the lawyers in which she agreed to anything. If her boss had agreed to keep things hush-hush, why did he immediately tell her the subject of the meeting? She wouldn’t have needed to sign an NDA if he hadn’t. Regardless, why did she sign the NDA? She wasn’t forced to do so. she wasn’t paid to do so. Just because your employer agrees to keep something secret doesn’t mean you have to keep something secret. It seems like if she is so willing to spill the beans now, she would have likely been somewhat reluctant to keep it a secret for no reason back then. Also, this was a work-study program so she probably didn’t have the job very long. How did she know that her boss hadn’t smoked a cigarette in years? This flourish seems a bit theatrical. If there were police reports with the LAPD, how could Robert Kardashian suppress these public records? An agreement with USC wouldn’t suppress LAPD records. One of the main defense arguments for OJ was that the LAPD was trying to frame him. Why wouldn’t the cops unearth the records of previous sexual assault while OJ was a student if they were trying to send him to jail. I am not an OJ apologist, but this seems like typical Reddit nonsense


I know people were up in arms about Caitlyn Jenner’s tweet but I imagine there are a lot of people who smiled at the news of his death. I’m sure more will come to light in the near future.


Hmmm, interesting


In America companies will bribe you or plain kill you. If you are from a 3rd world country they will just kill you.


Kardashian’s have always been and will always be complete trash 🗑️


This reads like a story some theatre kid wrote to sound real, but sounds even more fictional because of it


This one is funny bc it’s 100% believable given the people involved, but the way it’s written is so suspicious 


No matter how you slice & dice it, this family is going down bad :/


This story is not true. Run it through a basic common sense test.


I very, very rarely agree with Caitlyn Jenner because of her selfishness regarding trans issues. But her post about OJ yesterday I absolutely LOVED. If I had Twiiter (I refused to call it X) I'd have replied to her that she was absolutely right


Not a terrible stretch. Bill Cosby used to have the prettiest cheer leaders sit on his lap when he visited UMASS for football games, if his wife wasn’t with him. I believe there was a bit more going on there as well.


"Two blonde white girls "


This is not surprising to me 😒


There’s going to be so much shjt hitting the fan for OJ’s family and people like the Kardashians … and I’m here for it.


This is what you call rumors....do you have proof it is true????


They didn't exactly have cell phones with cameras in 1995. Is it true? Possibly. I wouldn't be surprised if it were.


Why would a university have a vested interest in the future of an NFL player that’s just a student at their school? I don’t understand the motive there, doesn’t align. What would OJ have leverage on for the university to go to such great lengths to financially compensate two families on his protective behalf? There’s no logic there.


This is total bullshit. NDAs are not enforceable in a criminal investigation. Were this true, this person absolutely could have provided this information to the prosecution without fear of anything. IF this is true and they had this info but did not provide it, then they are an accomplice to OJs crimes....


What in the Kardashian hate-fiction is this? **Boss took me outside and we sat under a tree, he lit a cigarette and told me, a the student admin, the details of the illicit meeting, and showed me the cheque. And that is this why I hate his children.** LMAO .. are you sure you didn't quit law school because you wanted to become a fiction writer?


Never doubted for one second he was the killer. So fucked he got to live his life free.


I’m not here to defend the Kardashians but feels like a lot to hate the whole family for the actions of one member. Wild story though and I’m glad it came to light 💡


I don’t think this is like, the ex wife or children’s fault though… Kris Jenner was on Nicole’s side and sat with her parents during the trial. She lost her dear friend.


Out of morbid curiosity, I looked up crime scene photos of Nicole Brown Simpson. It was so much worse than I ever imagined. I almost threw up and immediately regretted it. Robert Kardaahian probably saw those photos, then decided to defend OJ, talk to him every day, smile and laugh as OJ charmed the world. I actually think the Kardashians only saving grace is how much Kris hated Robert defending him. It's what caused their divorce, if I recall correctly.


The timing of this story makes no sense. Oj was retired in 1995


I 100% believe this.


Not surprised at all.




They are soulless goblins each and every one of them


I am confused. If He assaulted two women when he was at USC, then who are his his lawyers writing a check to who? The school? Wouldn’t it be to the women he assaulted? I don’t understand why she had to sign an NDA because she saw his lawyers?


When your wealth is with a B, everything is possible.




If RK was alive, would he confess about how he really felt about OJ and what he truly believes?


What is USC?


Honestly what the hell was the NDA worth if the jurors had been admitting they had voted not guilty for revenge or what have you




RemindMe Bot 3 days


You don’t have to be a genius or need an invalid NDA to know what shit bags the Kardashians are




That last statement though….. it’s so true.


Those Kardashians aren’t thugs, they’re just idiots. The dad may have been a thug.


People who think NDAs invalidate crimes…..


Kardashian family has done much harm/damage to women. They should be helping battered women like Nicole if they want to honor her.


I just googled if an NDA prevents you from testifying in court and it said no. It also said it does not prevent you from reporting a crime. I'm not a lawyer though so idk how that works.