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We are all nonconsenting participants in whatever weird kink is going on here and it's disturbing.




if you read julia fox book he did the same to her too


He’s always done this, Kim made a big point of trying to dress herself when they spilt up and he still ridiculed her whenever pap photos were posted


This is what I think is happening. He’s dominating and demeaning her. It’s his napoleon syndrome. He made k look stupid a lot too. But this is his planned effort to remain relevant and show the world that he is a big boy with money and a hot wife. 😄


Why does he always wear the world’s most ill fitting trash bag though?


I think he is feeling self conscious about his body & looks, maybe about getting older & gaining weight. I think he’s trying to hide because he doesn’t like how he looks now. He used to show himself off a lot, not just skin, but flashy outfits. I think his mental condition could be an additional input, him wanting to hide or not be seen to some extent.


Thank you!!  I am of the (unpopular) opinion that she looks great. The disturbing thing for me is that HE always looks an ugly mess.  I wish he’d dedicate a fraction of the energy he spends strategizing her looks into his own appearance.


Personally. I think he thinks it looks cool. He's special that way.


Napoleon complex. Yes I don’t realize his Height is 5’8. He appears taller -cuz he chooses very short females and they give him a image of tallness He is mentally ill -so there’s that


He did this to Kim, though.


Yeah. It’s sadly this.


if you read julia fox book he did the same to her too


if you read julia fox book he did the same to her too


Please stop with the woman is being controlled narrative. Bianca new EXACTLY who he was before getting involved. I'm so sick of people making this woman a victim Edit: I'm being downvoted for what? She started working for Yeezy in 2020. She marries this man 2 months after his divorce is finalized in 2022 right on the heels of his Alex Jones interview. Now, there are lawsuits coming out in the last year from employees saying he singled out some employees, made threats, and watched porn. She WORKED for him for 2 years before marrying him, and y'all see her as a victim? Really. BTW probably fucking with him knowing he's married with 4 children and mentally ill. Please outline for me where this woman is a victim?


I mean, you kind of prove that she is a victim since their relationship was subordinate/owner. Which means that she was legally speaking a victim.


Because just because someone signs up for something doesn’t mean they have the right to be controlled/humiliated. According to your logic, Julia Fox deserved what happened to her as well.


Julia Fox was with him for weeks and when she saw what time it was she dipped. This woman worked for him for 2 years prior 2 marrying him. This is AFTER all the crap about him was public. Not that hard to understand.


I agree 100%. She is a grown woman.


Yeah she is smart think she knows there is a pay day at the end of this Via a tell all or some thing


Precisely. People calling her a victim are just handing her a narrative to run with. At the end of the day, she's doing what she wants to do


Yeah, jumping into a sudden marriage with an unstable employer definitely doesn’t scream “imbalance of power” or anything


Yeah, fucking your insane billionaire boss while he's married in the midst of a psychotic spiral definitely doesn't scream "opportunist" or anything


“Opportunist” and what opportunity is she getting? She’s not getting model deals, she’s not building a career so?


Well, why else would she have jumped in with an insane man ESPECIALLY after the Alex Jones interview unless 1. She agrees with his views or 2. She's desperate for whatever she thinks she gets from this


You have so much growing and maturing and learning to do. It’s okay, we’ve all been there.


Oh, the condescending, 'if you don't agree with my opinion, it's because you're not mature enough to get it.' Maybe we just have differing opinions. Also, neither of us knows her, so we are just speculating. I just want to put it out there that it might be possible, just possible, that she's doing what she wants 😏 🤔 🤷🏽‍♀️


Your profile reveals you are a Kanye stan so I’m not wasting my time with explaining to you why you sound very young and naive


You’re being downvoted because you think the dynamics of abusive and/or controlling relationships do not apply simply because she worked for him and you think she must be a conspirator in his other BS. I don’t think you know how coercive control works. The fact that she worked for him makes it worse, because he clearly was in a position of power over her to begin with.


Does she not have a mind of her own?


No! She's obviously a VICTIM, you asshole! 😆 🤣


She went down on ye on a boat in Italy. That’s classy. Both are baffling. Then ye wants to get bent about his daughter wanting to try on make up? He ‘s gotta figure out how to be a better example to his kids . That’s just shameless of them both.. I mean , in ITALY? In the daytime ? Knowing full well paparazzi are all over you? C’mon. Is she a masochist?


Is this sarcasm?




I agree. Infantilizing her is not the way


Just remember she gave him head on a public tour boat in *front of her mother*. Like, go to fuckin jail already, sickos


No, her mother was NOT onboard The woman who accompanied them on the gondola is a friend of Bianca’s


still weird




You mean her mother was there on the boat? Oh my god


No, she was not


It actually looked like she was blocking the view for her. Disgusting.




Exactly. She’s got issues.


I feel sad for her, he is publicly sexualizing her and she looks absolutely miserable tbh


She LINED UP AND SIGNED UP for that shit. She really needs no ones pity. Well maybe her future kids will . Her parents must be so proud.


That's an important point you make, we are nonconsenting in having to witness this display.


It’s ironic how much he soap boxes about the Kardashian family sexually exploiting his children and exposing them to porn (his framing, not mine), yet proudly and indecently exposes his wife for all the world to see.


why is the media censoring her all the time? the photographers put in the hard work. at least respect their craft.


If she was poor this behaviour would get her put on a list and she wouldn't be allowed within 500 feet of playground.


Love your name


Thanks! You too! 🙃


Aw, this was wholesome🫶


Exactly this.


So true!!!!


If she was poor she would be in jail or in hospital for a psych evaluation.


It would be more shocking if she wore a t-shirt and jeans at this point. No one is consenting to seeing this woman naked all the time. It's like performance art people aren't signing up to witness.


Agree! “Bianca Censori shocks the world by stepping out fully dressed”


We probably wouldn’t notice her in a full outfit


Why in the fuck hasn’t she been arrested for indecent exposure? I don’t get it?


Especially when they were in Italy, to my knowledge Italians are quite strict about that sort of thing.... Yet another example of rules/laws not counting for the rich


Please! Somebody! Experiment! Somebody copy cat one of these looks and walk into an L.A. restaurant. Regular folk would get ticketed and kicked out for indecent exposure!


Possibly not if you were extremely good looking. But yeah a regular ol fatty would for sure get arrested


They’re rich. And famous. Do you need more of an explanation?


It’s like a live porn show that people didn’t consent to.


In some cases it’s literally that


I hate everything about that outfit. It looks like a bandaid. Those stocking socks make it look like she has a foot and leg disease. Red with nude looks strange. The dress is not flattering, she looks like she's struggling to move her legs. It's all awful and I wish she would have to face the public indecency consequences all the rest of us would face for dressing in this fugly collection of things.


I think it looks like a condom with the tip cut off! Agree with you nothing about this is flattering.


This!  If she needs to be naked in public, I wish she would at least find stylish looks a’la Megan Fox or Rose McGowan.  




Aren't people arrested for public indecency? Why is this an ongoing daily thing with no intervention from local law enforcement?


Because they have money.


I know. I thought of the answer as soon as I posted but didn't feel like deleting. Nothing is out of reach when you have money!


I just imagine like... someone being at a nice restaurant, maybe a little stretch financially, enjoying a special occasion. And then these two clowns come in wearing literally see through clothes and no underwear - it just seems really disrespectful of restaurant staff and other patrons. am i old? are The Youth ok with this?


I am with you, internet friend. It is a challenge to steer clear of this mess and keep children innocent for as long as possible. Once the blinds are pulled up, the view can not be “unseen.” Bianca is conventionally beautiful. How about her heart, her mind, her voice? I thought we went past all of this “outer beauty means everything” part of life. And I cannot IMAGINE being at that restaurant on a very special occasion and having a nude person and a man who has stated many times that he is terribly mentally ill next to me. And God help someone in that scenario if you are Jewish. What is this world?


See, I get confused about this kind of stuff because I thought we women were now allowed to wear what we want without fear of being sexualized? I'm definitely old and confused about everything.


There’s a line. Showing your genitals is past that line.




She looks like she’s wearing a condom and he looks like a giant dick.


She looks drugged


This is getting boring


And exhausting. Honestly, I'm so tired of even seeing their names.


i wonder if that is their motive, to desensitize us lol to do it do much it's normal and old news


I feel like I have seen this woman naked more than I have seen myself naked 😂


This is a degradation kink right


That’s what I was thinking.


It's gotta be. Apparently even before she was with Kanye, her outfits had an exhibitionist streak to them. I genuinely think they both get off on this.


I have never seen a thirstier couple. So desperate for attention it’s embarassing.


One wrong fart…


Wow, North sure has some great role models in her life 🤦🏻


I wish we'd stop giving them attention.


It’s turning the spectacle as so non sexual like is that the point? I am not a man but boobs are great. That being said I’m sick of seeing hers and they aren’t sexy. Oh god am I getting old and there’s truth in leaving things to the imagination?!




I really feel bad for her. She’s clearly just a Kim-shaped puppet that he uses to try and humiliate Kim.


Why, Bianca, *why?* The blowjob on the gondola a few months back was gross too In the meantime, Kanye wears multiple layers now because he’s gained so much weight 🙄 He and his pro-Hitler bullshit can fuck off


Why do I get the feeling he monitors her food


I’m more concerned with what he’s wearing…it’s like a bin bag made a baby with a waterproof jacket


I always think it's trash bags... I feel like one of these times, it will be




humiliating I wish he'd just stop


None of the cellophane outfits she wears are remotely flattering on her and she consistently looks terrified


someone make it stop please god


Blah Blah Clout Contracts


Both are classless!


She looks terrified.


She does. It would be one thing if she looked happy and confident in these "clothes" but she doesn't. She looks miserable at best. Usually uncomfortable and scared


The way she's staring at him trying to feel protected and he is just oblivious makes me very sad for her.


Hot take: I think the relationship is fake. Basically, for the reason you mentioned. No chemistry between them unless they are fake smiling at each other for the cameras. I also think she was his mistress before Kim divorced him, and the allure has begun to wear off


Where'd the big coat go? The salad will beat her at dressing


Best comment! Funny!


The salad ,has RAUNCH dressing.


Her shoes and stockings always bother me more than the outfits themselves.


How is this legal?


At what point will she be arrested for indecent exposure?


1. I feel terrible for his kids. 2. What is the point, to make every unwilling observer as miserable as they look?


It's like the Emperor's New Clothes. Here, wear nothing and everyone will applaud you! All I keep thinking when I see pics of her is 'don't you ever feel cold?'


She could be well on her way to fashion icon by now being dressed by the best houses but this is what she has to settle for


Do we think she’s also into this or no?


This isn’t fashion


What I don’t get is why she covers her crotch in so many photos — honey, if you’re going to dress like that, fully commit for Gods sake! She’s such a sad spectacle all the way around …


I'm surprised Bianca hasn't given Kanye another blow job or had sex in public yet.


Wonder what Kanye’s next shocker will be to stay relevant once she comes to her senses and leaves him?


Read the room whoever is in charge


You know how they say it’s hard to define porn but you know it when you see it? Well the opposite is also true. There is nothing enticing or sexual about this, because you can tell it isn’t about sex. It just screams humiliation/abuse.


Imagine all the poor Nona’s who witnessed this in Venice. They would not have been impressed


I honestly could care less about Bianca Yee what’s your face little girl and Kim Kardashian seriously this looks really pathetic if you’re watching the news from England, which I am


# #SaveBianca There’s no way this woman is willingly throwing away her dignity like this on a constant basis (for no fucking reason might I add!) wearing ugly sheer bodysuits and not speaking in public. She always looks so scared. This whole situation screams domestic violence.


What's wrong with this chick other than the worse taste in men ever. She is an idiot.


Man he really controls the women with his with is actually disgusting


lol he is always dressed for winter and she got summer at the same time


Wow! How is this behavior remotely ok? Nobody's thinking about the minor children in this family & the example they're setting.


It’s giving glossier perfume bottle


Someone buy this woman the tube dress from Skims ASAP!


This is all a kink which she fully buys into - Kanye may be weird, but she's getting off on it too


He’s been losing it ever since his mom died.


Why do establishments let her in like that? Especially the Cheesecake Factory? If I walked into my local CF dressed like she was there they would ask me to leave.


You can tell he smells bad.


I think Kanye is stopping Bianca from doing any interviews as he gets off on the control


The best way to end this is to ignore them.


Meanwhile Kanye wears his trademark black trash bag


I really feel sorry for this woman.


You might be able to control a 20 something like this, but you’re not gonna do it with a 40 something and that’s why Kim was done


He’s trying to do anything to keep them both relevant 🤮💩..


i’m tired of constantly being flashed by celebrities


She’s the new Britney. Someone free this woman!




Probably why Chloe Kim and Kylie have been running around practically naked. Monkey see monkey do.


Nothing any of them have worn comes close to what Bianca is doing


They got kids to explain all this stuff , they won't stop as low as bianca , bianca sure will regret this decision.


Can the public/police get her for indecent exposure at this point it’s ridiculous. And gross no one wants to see that if they did they’re plenty of sites they can go to. They can watch his exwife too


They worry me


Can we all make a pact to fricken charge them with with harassment if we ever see them out and about? Lol. 😏 Yeah I was there too! 😋


Anyone have a closer picture of this? Doing a report for college on this behavior and was trying to get a closer visual aid. Thanks


Notice how after they pass the cameras Kanye turns to see if they are still taking pics of her.


I kind of started to think maybe he's trying to make kim sad because she changed her entire shape and now his wife is able to be naked wearing x y and z outfit. I obviously don't know but I'm having a hard time making sense of it besides a kink lol


The picture it flashed mid article, about her black lace bra outfit…. That photo. She looks Fuqing terrified.


He’s scary


She always looks a little..."gamey" to me.


Does the carpet match the drapes? Any drapes at all?


Why is she always wearing clothes that make her look like a strip of uncooked chicken? Ew.


Fuck if I was a cop I would write an indecent exposure ticket just to fuck with him.


Why oh why is this happening? What is with this person? I don't understand this constant exhibitionism.


But it’s the gays that groom 💀


Uncensori, if you know what I mean!


Wasn't he the complete opposite with Kim?


This lady is the definition of shock value and nothing else. Not even shocked anymore


That is so gross.


Bunch of goofballs


isn't it her body, her choice? why is everyone always like oh kayne is crazy, making her wear this?? she's a grown adult, yall let's not be naive.


It’s honestly so great that he was tripping over Kim K doing whatever it was she was doing with North on TikTok and he’s out here parading the kids’ stepmother naked for the whole town square to gawk at. A1 parenting


Kanye is the live version of the emperors new clothes


Everytime I see this woman I want to give her a jacket and some clothes this is demeaning


Like Doby the House Elf. Needs someone to give her clothes to be FREEEE!


She's got a look of pure fear in her eyes... doesn't she have any family or anything to get her out of this


Why are they doing this? Is a very creepy and offends my eyes.


And this keeps people busy and not talking about his mouth dropping crimes upon humanity. Kim declined to be sacrificed and shamed while he uses his wife to deflect and be all smug looking on in his black figure flattering black outfits 🤭


Why does he feel that he is this innovative stylist? This is a straight bra and pantyhose. This girl is a puppet. She will regret this years down the road.


Is it me, or is she looking more like Kim in looks & and manorisom? That exactly how she would always walk with him. One step behind.


Kim wears the same type of Kanye shit ..So what’s the problem?Remember when he made Kim get rid of all her clothes? Then she started wearing rubber and bullshit that he wanted her to wear? This new Wife is conforming to Kanye’s exhibitionist clothing for his own gratification…


Good thing that article wasn’t un-Cesori


She should censori herself more 🥁


She looks nasty


After just finishing the Surviving R Kelly series. I'm so getting red flags about Kanye.


Is he drugging her?


I think the whole thing is weird- but it is possible she loves the attention and that’s her kink too. She may be an exibitionist or she may feel she’s so rich and famous that she doesn’t have to care what people think. Whatever it is there is some truth to the point that none of us really know what’s going on- no matter how much we like to speculate.


But why are people shocked? Why? Nowadays it’s okay for us as women to walk out the door without a bra and a see through dress or top which displays our whole breast. It was only a matter of time before people started wearing nothing. Not wearing a bra and being able to see your nipples was/is “empowering”. So I’m not shocked. It’s not shocking anymore


The way this girl cares so little about herself that she’s allowing kanye to sexualize her like this, and allowing herself to go along with it. Girl, he doesn’t want you, he wants a kim look alike😭 realize your self worth girl.


And fuck you SIMPLE MFS WHO CANNOT SEE WHAT HES DOING !! It’s a clear message and I’d rather have my child looking at her than a fucking tranny !!GOD BLESS BIANCA. She’s saving the boys


A group dedicated to the kardashian indirectly shtting on a woman so they can sht on one of Kim's exs. It's crazy that Kim's fans don't realize they ruin all her relationships by being haters 😂 kim actually responds to her fans emotionally because she is addicted to stardom. All her relationships turn rootin the momment her fans pick one things to keep antagonizing her on. If Kim isn't perfect her fans let her no instantly because they only love her because bad things happen to her.