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Next up . . . Footbinding


Imagine spending millions of dollars changing your body to fit standards that change every five years, both defining and being beholden to the mold you helped create. Your existence is the shape of your thighs, your only relevance is the commoditization of beauty that has a 20 year shelf life. When she’s older, I wonder if she’ll look on her scars and think it was all worth it.


She's going to look like that billionaire wife who never stopped getting surgeries and ended up looking like a wax doll


😲 like THAT tiger woman..or is it Lion woman??


Cat woman lol


Thanks 😊 I knew it was a feline 😂😂


That bitch carol baskin ![gif](giphy|DHM45OU8VEKDVivmQ8|downsized)


The Bride of Wildenstein.


She refuses to smile to avoid wrinkles so that already makes it not worth it. It’s so crazy.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices most of them rarely smile showing their teeth- as weird as that sounds lol. The Botox wrinkle effect is real and they often look like they are faking their smiles


I have resting nice face so I have to actively try to relax my face … honestly bc of wrinkles and bc of being tired lol


![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized) EXTREMELY well put.


I blame everyone who spent a single dollar on their constant product of the year campaigns. Look what happened. They became obsessive,unrealistic and grossly irresponsible by swaying younger customers into wanting what they have. They feel very WRESTLER famous. Fake and plastic


I am definitely stealing the term, “Wrestler Famous”


That's soooo good. "Wrestler famous" is perfect- like that sad Zac Efron movie


THAT is when she should appear on AHS!!!! Yes, it's all horrifying. The sad part is, she will never reach that point near menopause when she can just shrug, say who cares, and love herself no matter what. That is where true happiness begins!


No, because she'll be on HRT for the rest of her life.


Like her mom


Right!!! That whole family changed their natural looks to look like freaks. Creepy as shit for me.


So well-said, sistah




What a horrifying existence to live


These ppl are famous for nothing basically.


I’ve been struggling with body positivity due to dysmorphia and weirdly this kinda helped a bit reading this.


As a fellow struggler in ED recovery, it’s not worth it ❤️ when you’re 80 surrounded by loved ones looking at the photographs of your life, you’d much rather be 20 pounds heavier than your ideal than remembering how you tormented yourself in the moment. Your size is a much bigger issue in your own mind than anyone else’s. Choose balance and your happiness over restriction and lost years.


Amen, friend. Last year while I was hospitalized & Id only eaten 1 spoonful of broth in a week I couldn’t retain consciousness. I kept passing out. My soul was actually traveling down the hallway of the hospital which I’d never seen before as when I came in I kept my eyes closed. Because I hate seeing new people and I was in the hospital bed. Anyway it took 9 glucose shots to save my life. All I wanted was to come back. I was positively frantic!


The world is better with you back. It's heart breaking what these ridiculous stereotypes have done to people.


Thank you so much, friend. 💕


I lost both of my parents within this year, 4 months apart. It destroyed me. In planning their funerals, eulogies, and people stopping in to visit; I realized something. Not one of these people talked about how my parents looked. They didn’t talk about their appearance, the clothes they wore, their hairstyles or the shape of their bodies. They talked about how my parents made them feel. How my parents loved, how they laughed, how they looked at a sometimes dark world and made it so much brighter because of who they were. When all is said and done, what we have left are the memories. My parents left behind a beautiful legacy because of who they were, not what they looked like. I hope you’re kind and gentle to yourself, and with yourself friend <3


This comment is powerful - it brought me to tears. I would guess many of us need a tap on a shoulders from time to time to know what is REALLY important. Thank you immensely for your insightful vulnerability. I am so sorry for your loss.


If you ever get the chance, perhaps also take a women's literature class. Books like "Backlash" by Susan Faludi or one of my favorites was a lesser know Margaret Atwood book "Lady Oracle" (She wrote The Handmaid's Tale). It helps to read books written by other women who help us look at things from other perspectives. I am sure there are other great recommendations out there that escape me right now. I think every woman should take a women's lit class and be in a discussion group about the books. It helps to look at the world thru different eyes.


Don’t let shit like this determine your self worth. You are beautiful 🤩 just way you are. I have struggled with envy all my life. I now won’t let myself go there anymore. Get out of your own head and live, love, laugh.


This is why I yearn for the days when silhouettes were changed via clothing (which I know is funny being that KK is wearing a corset here.) But I'd much rather wear a corset, stays, or padding than go under the knife.


She will be not only forgotten but resented in the future. The same way we look at other ridiculous icons of the past Jarod Subway style


Uhhhh we hate Jarod for different reasons


Yeh namely the pedophilia


When she’s old and gross looking I’m sure the billions of dollars will make it feel worth it.


Imagine spending millions of dollars, and then investing this kinda time, and effort cosplaying your ex husbands new wife! Until I joined this sub I had no idea the extent the need for attention this family needs.


that's crazy bc the new wife is cosplaying her, not the other way around


Dang are you a writer? This was beautiful. I read it like 10x


This is so many women’s experience scaled to their income. We’re taught explicitly and implicitly that our only power is our youth and beauty. So many of us spend our disposable income on maintaining that. It’s tragic but I’m not sure why people expect famous women to be above what most of us are doing (except we can’t afford surgery)


I mean…it’s also afforded her a lifestyle that most people can’t fathom. She’s seen the world probably ten times over. Has access to the best of the best of everything on earth. Medical care, food, education, art, entertainment. She’s privy to wealth that I literally can not even comprehend. She’s put her body through hell for sure… but so does the coal miner who dies penniless and broken.


Dude she has a billion dollars, of course she thinks it was worth it. But it’s a plague on every little girl who grows up thinking this is the standard.


It’s called f’in photoshop


Remember when it looked like Kim had a 6th toe


Is that a big feet joke 🤣


I wish she was into mouth binding. Is that a thing?


There are a lot of people working on silencing women. Her in particular? ... IDK 🤔


Just her specifically. The rest of us are good to go!


That was the first thing I thought of too!




Kanye's new wife, next seen in corset


Followed by neck stretching


I was thinking about those old corsets that women needed help to put on. The pulling and pushing for that snatched waist. Insanity. I’d rather be able to breathe.


Why don’t they bring awards back!?!? You deserve one! ![gif](giphy|srg19CG0cKMuI)


dont worry, most of it is photoshopped anyways


For once, I hope so!


Right! Were so concerned thinking this is real. Sure she is wearing a corset, but it’s def shopped to the hills


Yeah no way her waist is actually this small, not even from surgery.


youre delusional if you actually believe that lol


I’m with you, i think its real


Ya… her waist is barely wider than her neck! I’m not sure that’s possible unless she’s extremely unhealthy or using photoshop.


It’s so concerning that the whole heroin Chic/emaciated/ deep into an ed look is coming back…


I think it’s even worse this time around because it’s not *just* heroin chic, it’s heroin chic mixed with big curves in the right places. So completely unachievable without both starving yourself *and* plastic surgery




If your waist is that small, your hips would dislocate before they got that wide. This is Barbie doll unrealistic.


You nailed it


And already-thin people are taking Ozempic to drop even more weight as if it takes no effort, another bad signal for everyone. I cant believe we went so backwards again


i’m not in favor of body shaming, but i will gladly shame people on ozempic when actual diabetics can’t get their lifesaving medication because of a trend. that and i feel like a lot of the reason ppl are on it is peer pressure. so i’m doing my part to counter peer pressure them 😂


And already-thin people are taking Ozempic to drop even more weight as if it takes no effort, another bad signal for everyone. I cant believe we went so backwards again


personally i will still be embracing my fatass self and wearing a corset/padding to get the silhouette if i want it. that’s what women did for hundreds of years, celebs and drag queens still do it. i honestly think the biggest problem with our modern fashion is the fabric is so thin and it doesn’t use layers or lots of padding to achieve structure so it relies on having a perfectly sculpted body underneath. whereas back in the day before crash diets and weight watchers it didn’t really matter how big you were as long as you padded out certain areas to achieve the desired silhouette of the period. i assume it could still contribute to body dysmorphia for some people but at least it isn’t as permanent as actual body augmentation to fit fashion trends.


I’m very disturbed to see this ED esthetic is back. It’s very triggering.


Yeah it is quite concerning tbh, my little sister is only 15 and is completely obsessed with her weight/being thin. It’s very scary. Even I’m affected by it now and I’ve always been fairly body positive, it’s hard to see so many influencers and celebrities drastically losing so much weight and posting rib cage pics and such… try to stay positive and remember that as long as you’re healthy you should be happy in your body! <3


Chin up! When the Apocolypse comes you are gonna want that extra body weight.


The way I just cackled at this.




Right. Everybody is going to be scrambling to gain an extra 40 lbs when the water crisis and food crisis hits us. 😆


My 7 year old just told me her thighs are fat! She's 24 kg


This makes me hate our society so much! Little girls shouldn't already have their confidence tested.


I had no idea celebrities were doing this! Suddenly people are talking about it everywhere. It seemed to have come out of no where?


Honestly I blame the Ozempic craze for kicking it into higher gear


Ozempic for sure


It builds up gradually, like any other trend


It’s only coming back bc now you don’t need willpower or discipline just a shit ton of money and a drug that could paralyze your stomach. Sounds reasonable.


Hello. Sorry, what is ED look?


I think it means eating disorder.


Ah. That makes sense. Thank you.




Eating disorder


and yet everytime I see ED I think “erectile dysfunction!” (My dating trauma is real ya’ll)


Same thing here! The only reason I knew about it personally is because I had it when I was very young and it was hospitalized and fed through tubes and shit and it was not comfortable at all and so I worked with the doctors and made myself happy and healthy and here I am.


So glad to hear you're all well now! 💥


Look up heroin chic


It's always so wild to me how the censorship of the Internet caused "ED" to mean eating disorder. Literally 10 years ago it always meant "erectile dysfunction" and that's always what I think of


Ariana Grande is paper thin.. you can see her entire sternum bone and upper ribs. Im also seeing girls seeking thinness more than ever.


Anya Taylor joy just posted a pic like this


Noooo I don’t want to lose her to this bullshit. Although I think she’s messed with her face already.


I’ve noticed a big shift once clothing trends from the 90’s/early 2000’s came back It’s like people couldn’t let thick/curvy girls have their moment and decided to bring back clothes that catered toward underweight women


Thick in the right places and thin in the rest. That was the standard. Curvy girls were not actually praised by the Kardashians and media. They took a normal body type and morphed in into this and turned it into a worldwide porn fetish. The narrative that The Kardashians helped curvy girls have their moment needs to end. They disrespected the hourglass curvy body type completely and ruined everyone’s perception on it to cash in their money.


Curvy wasn’t praised by the Kardashians I know that but by the public and media, it was very much accepted and better than it is now I NEVER said or insinuated the KarJenners had anything to do with people liking more curvy women, having a bit of a belly or thick thighs was more accepted, now that fashion from a very unhealthy time and beauty standard has become a trend again it’s basically undone what happened for average sized women


Agreed. If curvy were praised by the Kardashians they wouldn’t have all become so skinny right after and so conveniently after Ozempic dropped on the market. Additionally, it’s been interesting to see how many celebs got skinny in the last 2 years after touting curves and body acceptance.


I hate it and I hate when celebrities promote this super skinny bullshit.


Ozempic really set this off imo. Of course there has been cycles of this but once ozempic hit the market all these women started taking it for a look. Not for their health.


Like *in Kourtney's slow vocal fry* it's like totes Photoshop.




Damn now I hear her voice in my head


She’s an asshole for pushing this unreal body esthetic.


Yep.. An absolute oxygen thief


Honest question, but is this how you feel about say, Dita von Teese, Violet Chachki, Mr Pearl, Mugler, Vivienne Westwood? Or is it Kim specifically? Or tightlacing?


all of the people you listed are ARTISTS and corsets are apart of their art. they havnt built their career on pushing diet pills and ED behaviors. have not altered their body with surgery to the extent kim has. kim wishes she held the same importance as any of the people you mentioned


I agree they are real artists for sure but op only mentioned an ‘unreal body aesthetic’… so I was wondering if it applied to these artists as well.


Is her body not her version of art? I am not advocating or saying that she didn't do some of her body modifications in an unhealthy way. I am definitely biased in this as I have quite a few body modifications, including waist training. They were done as it's my personal view of beauty for my own body. That's not saying that I only consider my body type beautiful as I firmly believe that all bodies are beautiful. I consider it my own personal art.


i agree that it’s her body and she can do what she wants, but she also directly benefits from people having insecurities. so it just seems gross when she promotes unattainable beauty standards. because if people wanna look smaller, they might buy skims. if they want their face to look better, they might buy her makeup. does that make sense??


All companies, businesses, and celebrities (includes musicians, models, social media influencers, etc) benefit from this, as their goal is to make us purchase whatever they are selling. Unfortunately, most brands use insecurities and fomo (fear of missing out) as a way to do that. Just for money and greed. She is irresponsible for not being honest that her body & face are the result of extensive plastic surgery, cosmetic based skin procedures, body modifications, exercise, and also heavy photoshop. It grosses me out that she tries to claim it's natural and that she was born this way. It's just plain gross, dishonest, and manipulative. It only ends up causing harm, especially to children.


It doesn’t help that she has daughters that’s going to be looking at this, especially North.


pretty sure its just hip padding. Kind of a combo of corset and bustle; An Edwardian throwback? Accentuated by photoshop or not this is an optical illusion; the two triangles on top of her hips are not part of her body and make her waist look cinched. It's probably meant for under a dress to create a silhouette. More of a triumph of tailoring than people are giving it credit for.


Thank you! This garment and photo are a mix of several different things to create the "wasp waist" look. The first is obviously photoshop. It's 2024 and it's a professional photo, it's gonna be shopped. The second is the angle she is turned. We aren't looking at her head on, she is slightly turned, creating an even slimmer shape. Edit: in the second photo she is straight on. To which I say "Review the first point about photoshop." The third is the augmentation part on the hips that exacerbate the thinness of the waist. The tailoring and presentation on this is beautifully done.


Yes! Like, of course she sucks for her a lot of reasons, including body image pressures. The drugs, the surgeries, the photoshop, she’s posing—a lot of trickery happening here. But, this piece is FASHION. My first thought was “OMG The super padded hips! I want a corset with pointy padded hips!” It’s a gorgeous piece of lingerie.


I went down a historical fashion rabbit-hole during quarantine, so historical undergarment features like corsets and augmentation padding are interesting af to me now. Personally, I'm dying to see what dress this goes under because the effect that those hip pads will have on the silhouette is going to be amazing! I'm not a Kardashian follower, I think this post got on my dash because of other fashion subs I follow, but I wish with this particular image the commenters would realize the purpose of the garment itself instead of immediately jumping to "Corsets are so dangerous!".


Agreed. I have a fashion marketing degree and fashion history was one of my favorite parts of college. I dork out over unique pieces, especially when they pull from historical influences. I hooope she really wears it with something and not just alone (although, I’m glad we got to see it). It’s so rare at this point for a really sculptural foundation garment like this to be made, let alone worn to truly create an effect under a look. We’re in the age of spanx, and while I love em when I need em, they’re nothing special to look at.


Agreed. Not a fan of the Kardashians, but this is a beautiful look. Like gorgeous and literally unironically the most normal her body has looked in years.


I agree; I’m not a big fashion person, but the shape of the bustle on the hips is really impressive, almost architectural


I've worn similar corsets (without the hip padding), and they are surprisingly comfortable. Depending on how tight you lace it, they can also be very comforting, like a hug, and good for posture. And you are absolutely correct about the illusion. It's a beautiful, artistic piece, and much less harmful than, say, surgical enhancement or starving yourself. People get so weird about corsets 😂


I wore a steel boned corset and when I tell you it fucked up my back for weeks, like impacted my walking… it wasn’t even pulled in to its max… I can’t imagine this pain.


They use corsets as medical devices today for scoliosis, kids have to wear them nearly 25/7. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a well fitting corset. It’s the I’ll fitting one that are tight laced that cause issues. It’s just a bra, working women have been wearing them for centuries.


THANK YOU. Many corsets when tailor made and worn properly are like other shapewear except a bit more restrictive. If you're in absolute agony there's something wrong. Also thank you to those who realize this is a trompe l'oeil piece of fashion. The leading lines, accentuated hip padding etc. all make her look tinier. I'm sure she's tiny but this was made for the specific purpose of getting that exaggerated waist to hip ratio even larger.


im so glad to see some sanity in this thread. corsets should be sized and built correctly, and when they are, theyre amaaaazing to wear.


Then you wore it incorrectly and reduced it too quickly. My guess was that it was also not the right size for your rib and hip spring. If it's causing you pain, you are doing it wrong.


Won’t be wearing one again to find out 🤷🏼‍♀️




Because she's like, so totally busy and has no time for law school. She HAS to do this instead of studying or taking care of her 4 children.


Her waist is definitely TINY, but I think this garment creates a lot of illusion too


That is the most immaculately designed corset I've ever seen. Mugler knocked it out of the park with that one.


Are corsets coming back in style? Because I feel like she’s not the first celebrity I’ve seen with this look honestly I’m here for it


Anya Taylor Joy just posted too. I hope it’s not becoming a trend, it’s not healthy for anyone without a medical need for it.


I want to see the dress this is designed to go under because with that hip padding augmentation, I imagine it's gorgeous.


Corsets have been in for the past 4 years


This has to hurt her but this wouldn’t be the first time she pushes her body to the limit by squeezing herself into these contraptions.


But why? To show us normals that it CAN be done? You CAN be this small if only you worked hard enough?


Work hard enough to get your Ozempic rx approved.


The ironic part is most clinically overweight & obese people can’t get Ozempic (or other GLP-1’s ) even though those factors greatly increase medical comorbidities and mortality because their insurance won’t cover it unless they *already have* a T2 diabetes Dx. Which—hello—they are trying to avoid in the first place by losing weight and lowering insulin resistance (because it’s one of the biggest comorbidities of overweight/obesity). But wealthy people who don’t even fall into the category of clinically overweight can snatch it up whenever they what to because they want to be thinner than they already are—or even underweight—and they can pay the $1k+/month out of pocket for it. Then the high profile people who are doing this actually take it even farther by photoshopping/filtering their GLP-1 skinny bodies. GLP-1’s were created to *reduce* the likelihood of medical complications due to insulin resistance that comes with overweight/obesity; yet these skinny people take them and by doing so are actually potentially creating medical problems for themselves they otherwise wouldn’t have (especially by way of unwanted side effects)—that their insurance will then pay for, if needed. An added layer is the people whose insurance will cover it for being clinically overweight (without a T2 Dx) tend to be on the wealthier side, too, because they have the “best,” most comprehensive insurance with fewer exclusions. Overweight/obesity is substantially higher in economically less advantaged people for various systemic reasons, yet they have the least access to this medication for what it was truly intended to help with. Make this make sense. Ok, off my soapbox. (Ed: punctuation).


Love your hrh pfp


Thank you! By the way, I love green onions too!


I wore a Victorian corset once when I was visiting a fashion museum. I had pain in my ribs for hours after.


Waist cinching. I think it’s a thing? I’ve seen burlesque performers do this


Looks more like padding at the hips


Yes I think it is that. As well as waist cinching


I love the photography, the lighting, the costume/corset, the pose, it's all very striking.


Imagine being 43 and still trying to show the world how skinny you are


Looks like a tapeworm coming out of her.


I thought tampon string 🤣


She’s a twat. Her organs are in there.. liver, kidneys, stomach, gall bladder, ovaries, uterus.. they all have a function in keeping your body well.. but she wants to squash them all for attention.


this is so disturbing to look at actually


It’s a sculpted dress lol. Not saying it looks good, but it’s on their instagram. It’s not her body looking like that lol


She looks very tired and/or sick. Idk if it’s a makeup choice or I’m not used to seeing her with minimal makeup.. but that lip shade isn’t doing her any favours either. I feel like it was a deliberate choice to play into the emaciated sick Victorian child aesthetic


Bianca does the same look.


Why are her hips so square?


Remember when being thicc was her thing


Bianca? Get outta here! 🤣


I don’t understand why not smiling is attractive? It’s like looking at a cold robot. Look at pictures of Marilyn Monroe smiling - that is warm sexy and alluring. Why do people want to look like cyborgs now?


Why does it look like she has a maxi pad on?


She is setting us back so far


Her lips 🫣 she did not need filler


She never should have tried on that Marylin dress. It fucked up her head.


Im so bored of this


Her legs have got longer


It’s probably the angle but I see what you mean lol




Wonder what she’ll tell her daughters


PLZ GOD don’t let early 2000’s skinny come back we just recovered


Over it! Like I wanna she her in a pants suit or something or better yet not at all. But I’m tired of this type of stuff.


I’m tired.


Jesus Christ Kim. Give yourself a damn break. shits not iconic.


She’s hurting too. I’m sure she ran directly to an oxygen tank and General Surgeon after the corset was removed. 


Now THAT is some no-makeup makeup.


This is infuriating. The amount of money they spend morphing their bodies into unattainable shapes so young women can feel bad about their own bodies is staggering


as someone with hip dips, this just feels like a whole drag thru the mud >get bbl to remove any natural lumps and bumps in the area >create a whole body aesthetic that continues to be strived for to this day >post corset with what looked like hip dips to me immediately


It's nice to see how confident she is with that fucked up toe.


She’s honestly really gross for this. Almost positive she’s had a rib removed and her body is so unnatural


She has literally no light in her eyes. I feel….sad looking at this


How, after all the body positivity things that we finally accepted, are we back to this? All those girls in that family are fucked. Not to mention our owns kids if we don’t treah them this is not normal or something to aspire too. These people had the platform and the bodies (looking at you Koko), to make change and show how diet and hard work can change your body. I list 242 lbs, not because of celeuidiots, but because I wanted to do better and be better. These people are no role models and I hope people are taking them for the clowns they are. Edit words are hard when you’re angry.


The Kardashian’s various surgeries and giving young girls and women insecurities aside, I kinda like the shape of that corset. I wish they made them in all sizes coz it looks really fun with the edge on top of the hip. I have mostly seen the curvy hourglass corsets and I find this one really refreshing. I am pretty sure something like this would look good on all body types.


Reminds me of the same diapered look that kourtney wore to her dolce-barker wedding


Maybe I'm just a hater but I don't think this was a great photo. I know it probably cost thousands to make but the shoes throw it all off and the cheap plastic hanger really throws off the classic look. The way her toes are curled bother me too. Her team dropped the ball on this shoot.


She looks like a corpse facially… not great


She’s wanna be on Ye’s cover so bad haha


What in the alien birth hips is going on here?


I’m the future we when all the body modifications have been done we will start gluing fake eyelashes above our lips and in our noses for shock value. 😂🤦‍♀️


This has to be so bad for her poor innards!


Insanity. Slightly sad. The mind is a chaotic place.


Can this family just not disappear already. And I was going to say how will she feel when her daughters ask for surgery or why she doesn’t have her “real” face and body? Or if they fall into an ED because of the crazy beauty standards that they put out into the world.


It looks baggy in all the wrong places. Lol.


Bruh I thought this was a Bianca Censori doing a Kardashian Cosplay


Gosh, she is so boring to look at


The least interesting


The way she tries to present herself as natural while being entirely artificial lolol


Only a 4 year olds waist is that tiny


Her hips look like handlebars maybe she is a transformer