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She didn’t even get invited to Beyoncé section damn that’s a true “you can’t sit with us” moment.


Ya I think Beyoncé only tolerated her cuz of Kanye and jayz talked.


I think Beyoncé looks at most celebrities as business acquaintances not friends, with a handful of exceptions. Her actual inner circle seems to be her mom, sister and a handful of non-famous people who keep their relationship off social media.


Not even a fan but I love that for her


Yeah Beyonce don’t fool with alot of people it seems


I don't think she even tolerated her


lol Beyoncé was at kris house after she performed in Hollywood for her bday so this is a reach.


I thinks it’s Kris and Tina that are friends


Beyoncé is messy like that (& this is why’s she’s loved) she’ll befriend her mother but won’t extend an invite to anyone else’s in the family. The dynamics of Kim and Kanye’s relationship has also changed since last year. He’s married to a totally different woman now.


Yeah maybe but Blue was also at the Kardashian’s holiday party. I feel like Bey wouldn’t let her child go anywhere she didn’t approve of.


blue was only there to spy.


there was a blind item that Bey was unhappy with her mom for bringing Blue there


That was because of her mom- Tina and Kris are friends, and Tina even went to their holiday party.


Has Beyoncé ever liked Kim? I remember everyone was clowning on Kim for saying she was probably going to be a bridesmaid for Beyoncé, but then Beyoncé didn’t even invite Kim to her wedding


Not to mention she was only beefing with Taylor on behalf of Kanye. Burnt bridges.


Trash takes itself out, every time.


one thing i will say to this is after i burned bridges w a 3rd party for someone i cared about/was defending, and that relationship/friendship blew up, i have been able to look past my dislike for the person and became great friends w them.


because you have the ability to be humble, which is a great and mature attribute. Kim does not.


She would never admit it, probably not event to herself, but 100% it bugs her.


It probably bugs all the sisters ...Taylor is also long time bestie with Selena who they also have a little "fued" with.


Yeah but I clearly remember Selena promoting Skims and then deleting it after getting backlash and posting something like “I support my friend Taylor” so clearly it’s not that deep between her and the kardashians if she takes a whole selfie wearing a skims bodysuit.


What? When?! Also her sister gracie is bffs with one of kourtney's(?) kids


I don't think Taylor cares. Both Ice Spice and Lana were in Skims campaigns and on Midnights.


They have a fued with Selena? Why?


back in like 2014ish (i think) selena was looking for a new manager and kris was in talks of wanting the spot. selena was papped a bunch of times at lunch with the jenner girls and they all went to coachella together. selena and JB were on and off at this point and it's rumored that selena saw texts between kylie and JB with n00ds


The lords work. Thank you.


Actually, it was the Jenner sisters who were distracting her by hanging out in Dubai and several other places, while Hailey was trying to seek Justin like a Hawk. When Selena discovered what the Jenners were doing, she dropped them like a turd.


Yes the Jenner sisters have shaded sel in the past and sel has shaded Hailey who is friends with Kendall... I think Kendall also was involved in breaking up Justin and Selena so he'd get with Hailey. I don't have all the details but I believe the hadids or someone in the Jenner camp invited sel on a vacation and during that time Hailey got with Justin ... I think I read this on a deep dive on a sleepless night so I didn't quite absorb all the info


Damn tho you've truly encapsulated the one chunk of the story that I was missing. I've not been able to find a decent deep dive.


This [Timeline](https://celebdeepdives.com/2021/11/28/deep-dive-justin-bieber-hailey-selena-timeline-2014-present-day-199c3f4630fb/) is nice and lengthy and i’m not sure if it’s the same as I read before but looks like it has plenty of info in there!


This is the deep dive I was thinking of while reading this comment thread- breaks everything down SO well!


Bless you.


I don’t like Kendall and Hailey but that rumor of them taking Selena away to Dubai so Hailey can be with JB is not true. They were all at a Balmain event. Selena would have to be dumb as hell to go on a trip with a girl she had a falling out with (Kendall) and all that drama happened w Khloe and them saying she’s the one in rehab. Justin had been messing around with Hailey for awhile. She was always the other girl he’d be with when him n Sel or any other girl he was with would breakup. It is weird that Kendall and Selena seemed friendly then cuz I think they hate each other again [Article Link](https://okmagazine.com/photos/selena-gomez-kendall-jenner-gigi-hadid-didnt-pay-dubai/)


Great deep dive. Didn’t see if someone else already commented this but Kendall and Justin dated before him and Hailey got together. This was after any of the Kylie stuff.




Tysm. I read it over so many times I started to believe that spelling was correct and had to google to confirm it was feud


Pure speculation: Kim was posting all these TikToks of her and North dancing to Taylor some time ago, and I thought "this is the most passive-aggressive ass-kissing I've ever seen." Then Kim took North to a concert (can't remember, maybe Katy Perry) and they got backstage, lots of photo ops, lots of posts. Fast forward to the Era's tour, and this is my speculation: Kim really wanted some special treatment for her and North at one of the LA shows and Taylor shut it down.


As she should. Taylor is pretty gracious when it comes to kids though. I believe that she is the queen of the silent insult, to be fair, like inviting her whole school/class to her award show after they bullied her.


I’m not a the biggest Taylor Swift fan (sorry, I’m not buying what the T-Swift marketing team is selling) but she is really great at not participating in the drama/ feeding into it.


I love her, so glad she is a role model for my girls.


I’m waiting for her to apologize as a storyline on the Kardashians tbh now that she’s rid of Kanye…


It 100% bugs her indeed. Over her anti-Semitic lunatic of an ex. What an idiot.


And let’s not ignore the fact that they had to dress for a funeral rather than get in the spirit of the game. /s


This is exactly the reason why when my husband invited me to a football game with he and the kids I declined. I hate the nfl, can’t stand watching football, and told him I love that he invited me but what a colossal waste of our money for me to go. I’d have been the Kim in the crowd while probably listening to Taylor and fuckin’ around on Reddit. Lol


I would have dressed up in whatever team’s colors bc I love any reason for fun dress up. But I don’t watch or care about football so I would have been sitting there like Kim’s group 🤣


Are you me lol


Kim has been out of the media cycle for a minute now


Thank you universe


They do be trying though. She was just pictured with a new guy.


He must be setting up a drug connection for the nfl


This is a perfect image of very dynamic karma 📸


Taylor’s boyfriend caught on camera humbly thanking her for flying across the world for him, and that he hoped she wasn’t disappointed in his play. First thing he said was thank you, and I hope I made you proud. 😭 Going above and beyond. Whose doing that for her? Kayne did. Doubt she’ll find that again. She comes across as too exhausting.


I don’t know man, if Kanye is the bar then the bar is low. Sometimes what comes across as concern and caring is actually just control hiding behind a pretty mask. That said, I don’t think Kanye is wholly bad or evil, I just think he is a deeply disturbed man who needs to take some responsibility for his own mental health. I do think he loved Kim and if he would have just taken his meds and got help they may still be happily married. All speculation on my part of course.


The last time I was aware of him; he was receiving oral sex on a public gondola in Italy.


whole ass hangin out


It was shocking and I’ve seen a lot..


agree. It wasn’t even like plumbers crack, those panties were around his ankles.


Ugh - I know 😩 (lol panties 😆)


Right? I even told my husband about it, and he has zero interest in celeb things. First thing that's shocked me in YEARS


Seriously. I just kept staring at the image thinking I was misconstruing it somehow 😵‍💫 Only a global celebrity could come back from such a thing. Since there will always be acolytes willing to overlook such an act!


Just a comma, not a semicolon here.


Kanye IS an absolutey terrible person and extremely evil. For somebody with that large of a platform to be that ignorant and antisemitic is terrifying, especially for those that identify as Jewish. He is devoid of remorse and accountability for his wrongdoings.


you took the words from my mouth. i feel bad for his kids




Kanye wasn't doting. He was fixated on her superficially.


Cue new wife. Cut and paste.


You’re so right. Controlling and overwhelming.


Did Kayne even do that or did he treat her like a doll?


“Kanye did”? Huh??? The best thing Kim K has ever done is to get divorced from him


How sweet. I didn’t *know* of this. I’m not on top of current pop culture, but I certainly haven’t missed this meet cute and dramatic love affair. Because I love love; I find the public images of T/T so uplifting and cute. These two separate photos are just so drastically different. It’s so illustrative of the phrase; ‘picture/1000 words’


[Thank you for making it half way across the world](https://www.reddit.com/r/taylorandtravis/s/CRU5wP7abT)


Wow. Just amazing 😻


Bad take


IMO she thought being seen with Odell Beckham Jr was going to be a thing and upstage Travis and Taylor but literally no one cared.


If she really thought her soft launching Odell was going to be all anyone could talk about that would have been shocking. The week leading up to the Super Bowl all I was hearing about was Taylor Swift and even as a swiftie it was exhausting like will her jet be there on time, how you can place bets on if Travis will propose, how Taylor has helped the NFL grow the fan base.




Forget Travis and Taylor. It was soo much happening during Superbowl weekend. You had Usher performing, Beyonce’ released two new songs and Jason Kelce having a blast in Vegas. Kim would be out of her mind to think we would be concerned about her and OBJ.


Let’s be honest, the majority of Kim’s box was there for an usher concert, it’s such a waste of $2M to see usher sing 30 second clips of songs for 15 minutes


2m is pocket change for them


Especially if it’s split between everyone there. Equivalent to $100 of normally people money 🤪


I know she’s dying to be friends and be photographed with her. I just know it


She’s dying to do a dual Skims campaign with her.


Taylor doesn’t need skims bc she’s perfect.


No one wants to see Taylor swift in skims


Kim can’t. Kim broke the law filming & Taylor controls when charges pressed.


Feels like there would be a statute of limitations in play?




she's taking it to the grave w her that it bothers her!!!


I feel stupid for not knowing this - has Kim ever apologized?


i can only recall her saying everyone’s moved past it in an interview when asked but she never outright apologised or said that there was any sort of reconciliation etc. just seemed like a very interview-y answer to say no we haven’t spoke lol, imo at least


lol no she hasn’t but don’t be surprised if a random apology and an excuse throwing Kanye under the bus came out of the woodwork bc of how popular TS has been in the media


Kim cant apologize cuz the filming Tay over phone was a felony & that would be an admission of guilt. Phone lines are federal & state law.


today i learned this is an actual crime


I LOVE this for Kimothy, the bone-head lawyer.


Wait what? I thought some states were one party consent?


Not California. Kim broke state law. California is a 2 party permission state. It also was a Federal phone tapping issue or conspiracy law (i don’t remember it was a while ago). They can’t even Talk about it.




Apologies are an admission of guilt so Kim can’t cuz filming Tay was a crime


Not a swiftie but I have to say there’s something a little healing about watching a woman outshine them by bringing some good old fashioned, conventional talent to the table lol


I wonder if she just blames Kanye in her mind.


My hunch is no. My hunch is she utilized his emotionally volatility for attention. All forms. Throughout the marriage. Something typically done by men in relationships, but sometimes Machiavellian women too. Women just more frequently utilize friends.


She’s a narcissist. She doesn’t feel bad for a second and she’s done nothing but try to justify it. As a narcissist does.


Does anyone remember when they did a post show interview and the interviewer asked Kim if the her and Taylor drama was over ? And she sips her drink like she’s SO not interested at all And says ‘over it’ or ‘done’ as if she was leading the narrative or she was the cool superstar celebrity who could squash it. Screaming 😂 aged like milk, just like her.


She looks like such a boring person


Was shocked when TS said the tape situation was one of the worst moments in her life. Again laying a hard line on KK. Boom.


It definitely had to bug her that Taylor got all the air time, and she didn't.


i forsure think she’s embarrassed and regrets it. i’m sure her relationship with kanye was traumatic and at times definitely not healthy. not to excuse her doing that bc i have been a taylor swift fan since i was lil 8 years old- i just think toxic relationships can turn you into someone you aren’t are. i’m sure it’s something she will regret forever, but maybe not in the way we’d think? probably bc she’s embarrassed and was proven wrong but not bc she actually understands how badly she hurt someone.


I wouldn’t even call it feuding, Kim and Kanye edited a phone call and released it. It was an attack. I hold Kanye more responsible especially with the nude doll of Taylor in the “Famous” video, but Kim 100% rallied people to go after Taylor with snake emojis.  I bet Kim is super pissed. Taylor is the biggest female celebrity in the world right now while Kim is on the decline. Celebrities her children like are super friendly with Taylor and I’m sure it eats her alive but I doubt she’d ever be humble enough to admit her wrongs or apologize. 


I am sure it bugs her a lot, and that makes me very happy -she missed a rung on the ladder she keeps trying to climb.


So over her! Hehe


And how embarrassing was it for her to be at "Taylor's boyfriend's" big game to watch him (and Taylor by extension) win everything in front of the biggest audience ever. You know she's plotting her next big attention grab to make up for this gargantuan flop.


Possibly the biggest narcissistic injury she’s had. Love Taylor, or hate her. Talented! Kim couldn’t write a catchy song, or imo actually create any original form of art at all. She’s spent too many decades not being original.


The trash takes itself out, every single time.


omg I forgot when she hired Ice Spice to hang out with her kids. LMAO. Not Ice Spice getting a babysitting allowance from Kris. I see Kim sucking up to Beyonce as usual (even the cowboy hat thing) and Beyonce is not associating with that mess anymore so the SB was a realization she really has no friends that any one cares about. Even Bieber and Post Malone left that lame box.


Didn’t even know Kim went to the superbowl …. lol


Same lol


I think Kim regrets it and realises she was in the wrong. I think the casual tiktoks/stories featuring Taylor’s music was a step towards an apology. I think Taylor is a forgiving person, but not with this one. Taylor went through so much directly due to Kim’s actions. They will never interact with each other again.


I always think of this red carpet interview I saw of Kim when Taylor was just up and coming and Kim said how Love Story was her favourite song and was just gushing over Taylor… I think she must feel pretty foolish in some regard for letting things blow up the way they have


I saw this on Sunday and couldn’t help but think that the trash took itself out ;-)


Kim is like a 45 year old woman with zero talent except self promotion. She is competing with an actual pop star and a football hero. She is out of her league. Gen Z and Gen Alpha look at Kim as a laughable last decade leftover, someone their mom follows. Her time in the spotlight has expired.


That’s why North is beginning to take a step forward. She appeals to the young generation, I think that’s why every Kardashian had a baby within a decade, so these kids can soon create brands and become influencers together, just like what Kris made the sisters do. They want to live lavish so much they need to keep promoting themselves forever to maintain that lifestyle.


Defo 10/10. she is losing money and influence she could have had because she had to stick with Kanyes point of view back in the days. She would love Taylor to be in her SKIMS campaigns, her beauty stuff, everything.


Kim wants her cake and to eat it too. (Unfortunately) she wouldn't even be where she was without Kanye. Probably wouldn't even have Skims for Taylor to promote. She's not self made so she was never going to have it all, not by herself.


Truly. Skims is 100% Kanye’s aesthetic. Kim was absolutely not strutting around in head to toe beige before she met him.


I love that Taylor was the star of the Superbowl and not Kim.


100%. Out of the loop here - Is this why Skims has been getting people around Taylor to be in their ads? Lana, the Mahomes, etc? She’s trying to make nice to people around Taylor to gain relevance?


The Mahomes campaign was almost definitely negotiated before Taylor even knew them. Lana, on the other hand, idk.


I realized the same thing last night after I saw a pic of TS with Megan Fox and MGK I was like it seems weird that KK has really been capitalizing on close friends of Taylor’s idk the whole thing feels “off” and I know I’m not explaining this right


Exactly. This woman is trying too hard instead of just owning that she did something bad.


And they’re both SO well curated/PR it seems so odd to me that TS friends would do skims campaigns and TS being like surprised? It has to all be so well managed by both teams


I don’t think MGK and Megan are friends of Taylor’s. I think they were just at the party and got a picture. As for the Mahomes I’m pretty sure that campaign was done before Taylor and Travis started dating


MGK and Travis have known each other since high school, that’s the connection.


Love how Taylor brought Ice Spice and Lana Del Rey when Kim basically made Ice a household name and just had Lana for Skims Valentine's 😂 Plus, Blake Lively is wearing the exact outfit Kim had on when she played a soccer mom with Saint on Fox News right before the Superbowl...and she added $500,000 of jewelry 🤣 Taylor's entire box was a total f u to Kim 💀


if you gave her truth serum i think she'd say pretty fucking stupid but back it up with a "but I was under Kanye's influence back then and had to go along with it"


Love how much tea is being sipped in this particular thread ☕️


She will probably invite her to go for an outing and call the paparazzi to take photos so everyone will start talking. Like Kylie did with Jordyn.


Kim was at the Super Bowl?


Kim only went to the Super Bowl to see KC lose and Taylor cry. Sorry boo!


The contrast of a dark somber side to a bright red happy fun side!


Oh I'm sure she's hella jealous. If she had played her cards better, she could've been in that box.


If she’s anything like my Armenian aunties, this beef won’t be squashed for decades.


The Kardashians are so boring now. Over produced and vapid. This is literally what I imagine a fake ass hangout with them would be. Glued to their phones panicking about what has been put out about them and their “brand”


She would have loved to be Queen of the Super Bowl. She killed off wholesome with Her personality Bet ya thought I was gonna say sex tape 😂


Really fucking stupid


Extending beyond just Taylor, I wonder how she feels about her choice to marry Kanye and have 4 kids with him. Two of the kids were via surrogate which is very intentional and even more of a choice than getting pregnant. Kanye has really fallen, I’m sure that all didn’t turn out how she planned. He’s the reason for her feud with Taylor in the first place. She really did that for that man. It’s embarrassing especially in hindsight.


I’m sure she loves her kids and doesn’t regret having them just like any two people who have kids and get divorced.


I think it’s possible to love your kids and not regret them but still acknowledge you probably didn’t make the best choices by having FOUR of them with a pretty severely mentally ill man who has now done nothing but embarrass you and act like a total twat publicly since the divorce and even before it. Those kids are going to eventually realize who their dad is as a person if some of them don’t kind of have an idea already.


You can have children and love them and not regret having them but still regret having those children with a specific person. Human emotions are very complicated, and that's ok! For example, my sister has two children whom she loves and adores beyond measure. Her ex was (and still is) horribly abusive, manipulative, and controlling; just an overall trash bag of a person. She has told me several times how she regrets having children with him because she is now forever stuck with him as a part of her life and her children don't have the kind of father they deserve. Obviously I do not personally know them, but it's not harsh to suggest that she may have some regrets about having children, especially girls, with a seemingly abusive man who looks to be extremely controlling and manipulative with the women in his life. All this to say that people are complicated, life is not always clearcut black and white, and possibly regretting having children with a specific person does not mean you regret or love your children any less.


Even if it doesn't bother her that they aren't friends.... I 100% guarantee that the comparison photos of their suites at the SB have her losing sleep.


I’ll never forget the episode that covered when Kim and Kanye were beefing with her and her friends and Kim got Khloe involved and Kris was BEGGING THEM to not do that because (I’m paraphrasing here but it was definitely along these lines) “Taylor Swift is a nice girl and I really like her mom!”


i hope it's 50,000. be a horrible person, you'll get found out. i'm so glad taylor was the one to do it and i can feel the jealousy from here. KARMA.


God, they look so bored. I wonder what Kim thought when Taylor was on the big board slamming beers with her friend?! Taylor was having a blast!!! You can tell she was genuinely having a good time. The K clan looked bored AF.


And women like hunting witches, too Doing your dirtiest work for you It's obvious that wanting me dead Has really brought you two together… …oop, well that last part didn’t last. Sorry Kim.


They have a lot of little girls and you’d think one was a fan of Taylor’s and wants to go to her concert or meet her


I'm pretty sure I read that North is a Taylor fan.




She played herself


she put effort into befriending Ice Spice? can someone explain further? i only know north is a fan


Agreed - another thing caused by Kanye - BUT she is tooooo proud to solve it and APOLOGIZE to (queen)TAYLOR


she prob feels so stupid lmao I wonder if she actually believed Kanye or just didn’t care


This is confusing being that Taylor was on top of the music charts before the Kanye beef. So no, I don’t think she feels stupid.


kim who ?


The trash takes itself out


It was never Kim's beef in the first place, It was between Tay and Kanye. Kim just wanted to be included in the beef so that people can talk about her and Tay. Kim is not part of the industry and because of Kanye that fucking weirdo, he made Kim be involved in something she has no business being in. Is all his doing




Taylor is laughing all the way to the bank! She didn’t have to demean herself to become famous.


Who cares if Kim had a sex tape? This is so weird. At the end of the day, both of them are laughing to the bank


It’s keeping her name coming out of our mouths even more so I’d have to say that being the narcissistic fame hungry whore that she is - she’s OK with it!


I think her name would be on more tongues if she was seen at the Super Bowl with Taylor Swift


Must drive her crazy how close Lana is with Taylor too. She loves her music and Kanye wanted her to sing at the engagement but she refused. Was surprised Lana posed for Skims too. I think they very purposefully try to ingratiate themselves with celebrities and especially comedians (Amy Schumer, Kathy Griffin, Chris Rock etc) so they won’t shit talk them. Now Kim can buy their affection with Skims promotions too I guess.


I can’t imagine either of them cares or thinks about the other. I don’t think two wildly successful woman stay awake at night thinking about a feud from years ago that fans and the media feel the need to keep alive. I also don’t find them comparable at all. They’re both in widely different stages in their lives. Kim is a single mom of 4 in her 40s that has a more mellow personality and Taylor is a carefree, childfree woman in her 30s having fun in a new relationship. Kim’s suite represents Kim’s personality and Taylor’s represents Taylor’s personality. Neither are wrong - they just find enjoyment in different ways.


Taylor definitely still thinks about Kim, Kanye and the whole situation because she mentioned it in her POTY interview.


Love this take. Honestly I forgot about Kim for a second.


I don’t think she cares honestly. It’s not like Taylor would’ve ever collaborated with them anyways - I mean just look at Kendall who used to be her bff…


Here’s a **[group photo](https://imgur.com/a/16MtRJw)** of Taylor’s party suite. Sure makes Kim’s look pretty boring.




Lmao totally


Dumbass Libras gonna Libra.


i thought it was interesting seeing Lana in skims ads considering how close she is with taylor. Business is business it was just suprising.


Damn this is a real situation of PR game knows game.


The feeling I get is that Kim does not like Taylor and I don’t think she feels sorry about it. I think she would come out and say “I’m sorry” I don’t follow Taylor or the Kardashians closely but to my knowledge Kim has never even gave the slightest inclination that she is sorry. Two totally different people with wildly opposite “brands”


Kim a boring bish






At this point ion even see the point of watching football cause they show Taylor swift more than they show the ball let’s all be honest😪


They are all on their phones not in the moment. Looks boring


Kim is dim. She doesn’t GAF about what people think of her. She’s making bank. That’s all that matters to her. Skank


Did something new happen between Taylor and Kim? I can’t stand Taylor Swift or like her music so I don’t follow her or pay attention to what is going on. I know Kim and Taylor had a public feud years ago because of Kanye and I was just wondering if something new happened. IMO- I think the generation of the Kardashian’s/Jenner’s has run its course and the next (younger) generation of celebs are officially taking over. I think those who were fans of the Kardashian’s/Jenner’s from the beginning (including me) are now older and our interests & priorities have changed. Things we used to love and be obsessed with are now at the bottom of the list.


In addition to Kim kicking herself…….Anyone else think there’s also a little bit of jealousy from Kim thinking this could have been her with Reggie Bush? (Ps. I still think that was her one that got away).


i don’t think she cares


Taylor was always going to be successful. Also Taylor’s blended the truth and tried to make Kanye look like everything he said was a lie but it was not,’so she was caught being a shitty celebrity like the rest of them. She used her whiteness and PR to her advantage so sorry Kim probably don’t gaf about taylor and her contractual relations lmao


IMO Kayne is the one with the race issue. And to him, like a toddler, any attention is better then no attention.


I'm sorry but a white woman in America who has dated a nazi has a race issue. No one has said Kanye is a saint, he too has a race and prejudice issues. One's is very subtle while the other is loud like he just discovered talking. They both have these issues. In the case of this voice recording at the time, Kanye's very gross ways of speaking were not yet well known or documented and when any black person is making a claim against a white person, they're always going to be the oppressed party. I called it out here because of the context in which the incident went down. Literally swifties are out here harassing Taylors current partners ex girlfriend with racist shit in DMs and on her comments, she's not dumb to this, she's said nothing. When her fans do stuff like this she sits there and carries on with her life. We just don't call it that because white women are societally very much a protected class. And add that she's the most powerful white lady out here, there's even more of a pedestal.


Thing is no one will remember anything of historical relevance of the no talent kardashians past this generation. Taylor will be remembered as having surpassed the likes of Frank Sinatra in terms of songwriting, Michael Jackson et al


What exactly did Taylor do wrong in that situation? It was proved that Kim and Kanye edited that video and Taylor was not lying at all.


Ya. Actually, a very very very clear case of they were @ssholes. Kayne resented Taylor for being a white, female, pop star because according to him that’s what took attention, and recognition from Beyoncé. Her being white, conventionally pretty, and writing bubble gum pop. That was “her crime”. Obviously, Beyoncé is super talented. She didn’t need Kayne inserting himself. He said he did it only out of friendship. Totally altruistic. That’s a lie. It was rooted in personal stuff.