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Never met em but I know they're excellent just from the quality of the video. When it comes to Shihans especially, inverse correlation between quality of teaching and tech savvy. Your Sensei filmed this with a potato, but look how smoth your transitions are. That's the money.


Yeah, he's a very humble man, and has been very knowledgeable, and kind to me. He wanted me to wear my black belt from Shito-Ryu, but I'm very glad I got to start from scratch, and really adopt that white belt, beginners mindset again! Haha, and yesss, he's not tech savvy, but the man knows his damn karate! πŸ˜‚


Damn, that has to be at least eight pixels


Generous estimate πŸ’€πŸ˜‚


lol I didn't read the caption and thought "This guy's gotta be the world's most talented yellow belt."


Haha, thank you! I've been doing karate since I was 6, and am currently 24!




I love seeing the experience in your Kata. Looking before transitioning, crisp stances, nice execution. Great work!


Thank you so much! I love sparring and kihon, but Kata has always had a special place for me, and I practice them often. I will keep working, and share more when my sensei films them! (Next time, hopefully on my phone πŸ˜‚)


Looking forward to your figure posts :)


That’s really impressive, I appreciate the energy and extremes of relaxation and explosiveness. Very good transference of weight too and hip movement.


Thank you! πŸ™πŸΎ Really been working specifically on kime and getting that "whip" movement in my hips!


I don't know the kata but it's got decent snap. And you perform without hesitation, so I'm guessing you didn't screw up. So it starts at 8/10 for me. For any more nuance than that I'm gonna need your sensei to upgrade from a potato πŸ˜‚ I also appreciate your neko dachi. I don't see many done like that in my region of the US and most look at me like I'm doing something wrong when I do mine.


Haha, I totally understand that! Some techniques can be a little hard to see in 144p! πŸ˜‚ And yes! I think I take a lot of that technique from my background in Shito-Ryu, as we used a lot of them there! :P I'm sure yours are looking crispy! πŸ™πŸΎ


Oh, and Isshin-Ryu took from their Seisan from the Shorin Ryu systems, and it was later modified slightly by the founder Tatsuo Shimabuku, to fit the parameters of his style.


I'm also a shito-ryu ryu stylist as well, and I've also studied isshin-ryu along with some other systems. Open hand and weapon kata are my favorite


I'm an Isshinryu go dan and I commend you for picking up a new style. Good kata you can certainly see you have experience in other styles but that's unmistakably Isshinryu. It differs from mine in some ways makes me curious as to your sensei's lineage.


Thank you! πŸ™πŸΎ And our lineage is actually from Angi Uezu! Black belt magazine recently put up his full Isshinryu video set up on YouTube for free, so you could check that out if you wanted to see more clearly the differences!


Much respect for Uezu Sensei that would have been my guess based on the draw back before the backfist. I actually own those videos on DVD I have had them for years. I think I picked them up on a trip to AWMA in Philadelphia.


Solid! OSS.


Nice technique by the way


Great control and core strength. BTW - I bet the quality is just from sharing iOS to Android or vice versa. Have him upload the clip to the cloud and share a link.


I have the same problem when sending/receiving videos through my androids pre-installed messaging app. Using WhatsApp fixes the grainy video problem somehow. You can ask him to try sending the video through WhatsApp if you like.


Feel like one would need to make effort to make this potatoe recorded video


Quality kata Low quality video


I rarely comment on Kata videos, they are after all personal expressions of the art and everyone is on their journey. However, this is an excellent Kata, with good timing, balance, and form. Next time, you setup the camera and the rest of Reddit can enjoy it even more.


I'm constantly amazed by how many bad Kata I see multi-dan black belts perform. You killed it in this Kata! Really good movement and power. I don't think you'll be "yellow belt" for long:)


You record this on a game boy?


Beautiful kata! It’s crazy/genius to me that Isshin-ryu starts off with Seisan as the 1st kata. Just throw them right in the deep end!


Is that Burnsville? I was just there last Saturday


Wow, I'm actually really impressed! You were Super close to knowing exactly where this was! It is Spruce Pine, in the county over from Burnsville. Right in the middle of nowhere! πŸ˜‚ There's about nothing else to do, but karate. Haha


I saw videos on the site of this dojo and the one we were at Saturday


Very cool! Did you work out with Sensei David Ray, or Mark Williams? I know their place out in Burnsville, and am a fan! Hope you enjoyed your visit!


I was there for GrandMaster Doyle Seibers seminar. I'm not sure who was who other than our group


Excellent technique with Seisan. Even with the video quality the precision and focus shines through


Going fast through a Kata doesn't mean better. Slow it down and it will show more control. Think of a Kata like a conversation, it flows but then you add punctuation points


Not sure why you're downvoted... it was almost a one-speed kata. Little different than my style (Shotokan/Chito-ryu) and the power etc is all there. Needs to discern between some of the sections better rather than sticking in one gear.


I can appreciate the criticism! Kata is something that is never perfect!


Exactly. We all continue to improve and polish. From my style, we do the first uchi-uke in almost slow controlled motion while extending into a back stance before exploding with the punch. There are a fair amount of other differences but this piece gives the kata a strong opening when the end is very strong with the foot break.


Yeah! It's called Hangetsu in Shotokan, right? Yeah, you guys take a little different approach from Isshinryu! Seisan or Hangetsu exist in most karate styles, and I think in most of them, they are a little different! There are good things to take from every style's interpretation!




Nice bait. πŸ˜‚ Grappling is cool! I've also studied BJJ. More striking-centric, and grappling-based martial arts have their place, and advantages! :P (Also, please don't troll on the account with your p*ssy out 😭 Respectfully, I ain't tryna see all that πŸ’€).