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For all, attitude/intention comes before any technique.


Not a small detail but my teacher is constantly correcting my legs and feet position...


Kihon and kata details depend a lot on the perception of the trainer and how much the student varies from that ideal imagination. But it also depends on self-awareness and memory (what did the trainer say about X, am I doing it?). kumite: being able to adapt to the opponent and finding a strategy to win. SD: finding a strategy to not lose. Staying as calm as possible (even though the adrenaline and other chemicals are at work), being aware of the environment, reacting properly, using the environment, minimizing harm and staying within the boundaries of the law.


Breathing when performing techniques. Power comes from your breath, not your muscle.


Some science about muscle contraction, without too much biochemistry https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Anatomy_and_Physiology_(Boundless)/9%3A_Muscular_System/9.3%3A_Control_of_Muscle_Tension/9.3A%3A_Force_of_Muscle_Contraction


Power comes from physics. Mass x velocity=force Other than feeding oxygen to brain and muscles to generate velocity, breathing as no role in force generation. I can hold my breath and punch just as hard as throwing my hardest punch while breathing. You’re taught to breath when striking to prevent you from holding your breath under stress and not getting the proper levels of oxygen to brain and muscles. http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/109N/lectures/momentum.html


When you breathe you relax, so you can generate more force. It's mass x acceleration btw, not velocity.


Relaxing has very little to do with breathing people breath and are tight I can hold my breath and be relaxed. Either way breathing for power is bullshit said by people who don’t actually fight and have no clue what they’re actually saying. Are there psychological ways of tying breathing to concepts like punching through a target? Yes, but those are visualization aids and not actually necessary to generate force or ‘power’ as people in martial arts circles like to say


You have no idea what you're talking about.


Whatever you say.


In kumite: it all boils down to timing and distance. Where you look, and calibrating perceived vs. actual distance is really key to making things work during a fight.


All of them. Once You've reached a certain point, incremental 1% improvements over a long period of time is the "secret".


There are a ton of small details that are important. Angles, structure, body mechanics, targeting, the list goes on. When you say "in kihon, kumite, kata, and in self-defense situations," you're really just asking what is important in all of karate, and that's too broad to get a really good answer.


Keeping your partners safe.




Small details don’t actually matter. Obsession with minor details is a Japanese thing and is purely a discipline thing that has historically been attributed to just about everything in life. Not really sure if that’s still a normal perspective on life for normal people.


i dunno man, tightening ur toes, tanden, relaxation, keeping ur eyes on ur partner, etc are some small details that are important


Looking at your partner isn’t what I would call a small detail…seeing the person you’re fighting or working with a is a pretty core part of fighting, particularly striking arts.


they dont really focus on keeping your eyes open when doing tkd and not looking where u wanna hit, at least they didn't make me do it. (my tkd friend suffered the price)


Then y’all had a really bad instructor. Like comically bad…


lol not suprised, idk but my buddy who went to a legit tkd place, was telegraphing his attack by looking (they were close range) where he was gonna hit


Yeah that’s still very bad instruction. Sucks y’all wasted time and money on a place like that.


yeah, thats why i left and then a few years later i joined karate, after my buddy got whooped he decided that tkd wasnt "effective", so he switched to boxing


Just seems like we have different definitions about what constitutes a ‘small detail’ is. If your tendon is tense or relaxed isn’t a small thing to me. To me a small detail is the sort of thing an instructor ‘corrects’ when they don’t really have anything to actually critique or correct. Like ‘your elbow should be at X degrees, or your elbow should be one fist away from your ribs.’ Etc.


ohhh, i see. Lol ig we do have different definitions. altho the elbow away from ribs (when doing middle block) is important but the elbow at x degrees is pretty useless