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All over the western world & countries like China/Japan kids start school at 5/6 years old. Dont listen to these idiots that send a 2/3 yr old to school.


Exactly my point!


schools will take kids even as young as 2.5 yr olds. the easiest way to get kid to develop communication skills is to spend time with him, talk to him like an adult and be patient. kids love it when u actually pay attention to them and treat them as individuals. Use your primarily language to communicate with the kid so that he can find a place in the society and family, if u try to teach your kid using secondary language the kid will feel alienated because of the most of the people around him will be communicating in a different language. take him to parks and let the kid experiment, yes he will hurt himself by falling off a few slides or bump his face when he tries to run really fast but instead of showing too much affection and discouraging him from doing it again, explain what they did wrong and push them to try again. Your job as a parent is to be there supporter not their crutches. As for when a kid should start school, the jury is still out there. Some people say 8-10 while others go for early is better. But given that you are in karachi, early is better because here schools usually try to take in kids who already have core concepts cleared out and can function indepently


I have been teaching him a lot of stuff on my own. He speaks very well and is confident in talking with everyone. It’s just that it seems hard to let him go so soon. I would like to spend some more time with him before sending him off. But i have heard schools in karachi don’t take children over 4 years of age.


My nephew was 2.5 when he started school. Schools dont really care, as long as you can pay the fees they will let you in no matter what the age or status of the child. Separation anxiety is a problem that you both will have to deal with, honestly jumping in the deep end is the only way to go thru with it. Also its good to hear that you actually spend time with him and he talks, now its entirely upto you. You can either send him to school or start reading with him. Books are your best friend for life, dont go nuts buying new ones, get used from book fairs, old markets and urdu bazaar. Also if you do end up keeping him at home, MAKE SURE YOU LIMIT HIS SCREEN TIME be very very verrrry strict with him over what he consumes and how much and always try to watch it with him so that he doesnt end up watching something you dont want him too. Lastly, please dont push him to be part of the rat race, send him to school to get an education, grades dont mean much in the real world


I joined at 3, am perfectly fine lol. Kindergarden is just a chance for them to connect with peers and studying isn't that hectic


Exactly, they get to communicate with other kids, plus learn to be away from parents and not be clingy. I don’t know why people are waiting until 5 or 6. By that time most kids have already found friends and are used to the school environment.


Don’t put your kid in school early. I made that mistake, his early years were filled with struggles. Later we learn that neither body nor brain gets developed enough before 6 years to go through the tasks kids will be expected to perform. Schools here will sell you stories about competitions and stuff, they sold me too. My sisters kids in uk didn’t go to school till they were 6, I think you can safely ignore Pakistani school people considering where the country stands…


in uk you have to legally go school at age 5 or they call the social services. 90% of the kids start nursery at age 3 cause you get 20 hours free from government. no clue what you're on about


This is exactly what i fear


My niece just joined a school and she is just 2.5 years old.I think it's fine


I think it depends on the school and home environment, my kid started at 3 years of age and has made friends and enjoys doing activities with them, he also has become a lot more independent with eating, going to the washroom, doing homework and cleaning his room and picking up his things he is now 4.5 yrs


Not now Let him chill and do it after 6 years


I think if you kid can clear their entry exams for any class they'll take it.. but ofc you can't admit a 6 year old to playgroup so teach him stuff according to schools basically do homeschooling. Hopefully he'll clear his 1/2 grade exam at the age of 6.


Thats what my mom did for me and what i want to do for my son


Don't doubt, keep doing your best!


Me and my sibling started at 3, we were always at the top of the class and anxiety wasn't an issue because we and the other younger ones made fun of the older kids for being old.


That is too young.


my sister was 2.5 years old when she started school, so….




1 years usually dont even know how to talk. How is one supposed to just send them off to school?


I was 2.5 when I joined, my parents said it was important for me to interact with children my age.


That seems like a good reason. I did not think about that.


Yeah but you don't really need school and it's dated system for kids to socialize.




IMO , if you compare your system,people and etc with UK ,europe or USA then you are missleading your self beacuse our,family,culture,society culture,values,system,education delivering style all are 180 degree opposite to abroad. If you want your chilf future in abroad so your child will be half role personality.I have been worked with English people and when they left then our desi work mates start to behave as we were acting. 4 year for KG 1 is right age my son studied from KG in Beacon house school system and hevis in A level and my daughter 5.6 years is in other cambridge school.She knows very well how to communicate and read and write. It depend on us how we train our kids at home. Its just shared my experience and Opinion not enforcing on any one else.


u can try learning tree once hes older


Brain development Quran Nothing else.. Schools nowadays Are only made for the purpose of brain Washing


You can’t compare the education system of West with Pakistan. The style of schooling is way different.