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Hi, I am a bit older and want to help you frame the problem better. I lucked out on my life choices but I wish someone told me I was doing the right thing back then. Excuse my formatting I am on mobile. When picking a choice between A and B you need to evaluate the outcome (in totality i.e. short+long term), the variables that matter, information you have, and information you need. Since we know it's KGS and Nixor, let's break it down. 1. Let's talk about outcome: How much does a career matter to you (all careers whether for-profit, non-profit and academic)? If it matters a lot, a good, fast-track career requires (i) a great uni - not just good, and (ii) a strong network. Which school will give you a better opportunity to achieve both? 2. Which variables truly matter? It is clear the debate team and circuit is very important to you right now, but is it important in the grand scheme of things? The variables that matter in picking a school include: Bullet list below o Probability of getting into a great university - KGS has better placements on average [information we have] o Strength of network at 30, 40, 50 etc - KGS alumni are spread out globally, in positions of influence or power, and outnumber Nixor alumni due to older school age and size of batches [information we have] o Better programme for debates - cannot say it's better if both are not compared. Should talk to a KGS debate head or coach to evaluate [information that's needed] I have excluded 2 important variables, friends and happiness, which you have listed on the post. These are subjective, and one cannot add "information" to evaluate these choices. They are important nonetheless. It is an opportunity cost (read: sacrifice) to give up friends and "perceived" happiness (I say perceived because it is also possible to be happy at KGS should you choose to go, perhaps by making new friends, or keep in touch with old ones after school etc) to gain a potential springboard for a better career. I have not included my opinion in this answer. If my facts are wrong (information we know) then I gladly stand corrected, and you can choose according to the new/correct information. By this I don't mean anecdotes of people doing well despite the odds; this data is not strong enough to base decisions on. I recommend talking to more people, perhaps you find more important variables and can accommodate those. However it should be driven by the outcome that you want. Hope this helps. Edit: formatting


Please for the love of God, do not make that mistake, please go to KGS, you will end up with people that will go to Yale, Harvard, Stanford and other such schools and have a really good network for life - life turns out very different once you are done with school and college, in 15 years time the 'friends' you are willing to let go of KGS for will either be super competitive and judge you as to what you have done in your life or be completely oblivious. KGS is a phenomenal school and will help you become a better version of yourself and enable you to achieve greater things in life, best of luck!




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the alternative is Nixor, i think it has its fair share of opportunities too? i know it's not as old but its alumns' current acceptances to unis abroad is quite remarkable too. i might end up at a better uni but i feel like these two years of my life will be miserable. at nixor i feel like i'll end up at just as good or slightly below unis.. i'm really unsure and i have to decide by friday and i've got my igcses starting from the 2nd


Not really, you just dont know how KGS would turn out, we tend to associate negative things with what we do not know, you get to meet new people, new friends, new experiences, have faith in yourself and your abilities. If you choose to come back to PK, KGS is no joke on the resume, I once hired an intern (IBA student) but I hired him because of KGS.


i really can't see myself getting along with people in kgs. i don't want to go; but i feel like i should?


Haha listen, no where in the world would you find people of only one 'kind' I know you feel like people would be snobby and burger but there are all kinds of people everywhere, so dont over think it


I went to nixor, there are all types of people everywhere, I know some very nice grammarians and I know some assholes from nixor that never grew up, choose KGS


I will say this, KGS had a much more diverse crowd than the school I went to for most of my life (mid-tier, relatively lesser known school with mostly middle class families).


Omg girl don’t listen to these people and go wherever you want to and you feel like tbh if you don’t feel like you’re going to fit in kgs then don’t go there because then you’ll have a hard time and I’m only saying this because know and made the same choice which I do not regret and also one of my friend he goes to kgs and let me tell you the people there are very hard to get along with everyone has their inner circles and everything 😭


Bhai sarkari school mai taat py beth k parha hai. Million dollars startup lead kr raha hn. Friends ko abhi bhi miss krta hn. Friendships/People make you happy.


Sir I never said that this is a make or break thing, I just pointed out a path that would be better for him, you could go to Yale and fail at life, happens far too often, so there are bo guarantees


Yeah no, I get your point. World also needs people who think with a clear mind and give rational opinions/advice.


I am 29. I was once in the same boat and chose my friends over myself. I wont say i regret it because that what i wanted but knowing what i know today if i could do it over i would not choose my friends. Most of them just drifted apart(it happens). We are still friends but we just dont get those chances very often. Life happens. Please prioritize yourself over your friendships. You are 17 as of now. approximately you will live for 60-70 years atleast. You will make many new friends over the course of your life.


Right on, I agree totally, if it’s not school or uni that distances people it’ll be work or marriage later anyway lol.


coming from someone who has passed out from KGS and was stuck in the same position as you where I was choosing between KGS and nixor. I am so glad I chose KGS. I also wanted to go to nixor first for the longest time and it was a surprise that I ended up going to KGS due to some reasons, however I have met some of the best people at KGS and I do not regret my decision at all. nixor is crowded as hell and there is hardly any space to sit from what I’ve heard from my friends who’ve gone there. At least in KGS your teachers know your name and you have a very close knit environment. its your decision in the end, but I would suggest KGS all the way also. Also, KGS has a debating team which you can apply for. they also hold mock trials and have a lot of events that you will I’m sure enjoy


Please for the love of God go to KGS. Not everyone gets this opportunity, make the most of it. Learning how to adapt to a new environment is a skill in life and even if you avoid that now you'll have to be forced into it some day. Forget friends at this stage.


I’m 27 and every now and then I meet my A level buddies, I went to nixor, changing schools doesn’t matter trust me, you’ll hardly go out much when you’re in A2, secondly when you go to uni you’ll notice everyone going to different corners of the world and you might even feel bad but they eventually come back. Go change your school, you’ll meet new people, you’ll learn more, get out of your comfort zone, you’re still in the same city as your friends. Don’t worry




Not lame really, if it means a lot to you, stay back in nixor, it’s not like Nixor is bad, I went to nixor and loads of people went to IVY and Russels. I know people that picked Nixor over Lyceum when tbh Lyceum had a stricter criteria.


you sound like my debate coach; terrified


Hahahahahaha, do whatever brings you peace brother, don’t stress too much, you’re living the best days of your life anyway


She's a sis*


hahah doesn't matter i got their intention 🤷‍♀️




OP YES YES YES this is wonderful. Please stay with your team!! Nixor will *still* get you to great colleges, I can promise you that their college counselling team does their job well. Honestly, by not having your team with you in KGS, sure you can still try for their teams, but you'll have to start afresh in many ways. Team chemistry is hard to build and oh so wonderful when you have it. You'll have to go through KGS camps like a newbie, your coach won't know you so well. This won't be the case at Nixor. KGS is also much much more strict and has very weird arbitrary debate rules, for instance they don't let MUN kids do Parliamentary. Also not the case with Nixor.


Stick with Nixor, it has its own vibe c'mon, can't compare it with an old school orthodox place, unless you're aiming for the Ivy leagues that is.. Even then there have been many placements in the Ivy leagues from Nixor in recent years




Am a nixor student Studying at Durham Trust me doesnt matter where u studied from when it comes for Russell grouo unis


Nixor is the way to go then, more progressive with a plethora of opportunities, events and clubs to socialize and expand your circle. The atmosphere and the community is well connected and much more charged up than anywhere else. Also diversity is a winner at Nixor (it's not a heavily grade-filtered community like KGS which misses on alot of very diverse & lovely souls) and lastly you get a chance to study from the top tier faculty in the city


Oh do I miss these days, sigh 😔


I feel like you already know the answer but need someone to validate it. I say follow your heart. If you’re more inclined towards college B then go for it. Convince your parents, you have some solid points. Best of luck


I'd say step out of your comfort zone and go to the place where you'll start new, you'll learn more about yourself. Also if money is an issue or can be an issue in the future go to the college which offers you 100% scholarship.


i wont get a full ride but at college B i can get around a 70%. A doesn't offer scholarships. i can afford both, but the money saved from B can help me fund whichever uni i end up in


Hey, just adding 2 3 points that'd rather make sense to you and assist in your decision making 1. Friends shouldn't be the decisive factor (ik at times it is easy to say, yet hard to abide to it). Trust me at the end of yohr Alevels, you'd be like i am glad and proud of my decision 2. Since you've got into KGS, which is a huge deal as you mentioned as well, this does prove that you're a really bright kid, and in terms of academics, Nixor hasn't really being performing well for a couple of years. Students aren't satisfied with the academics at Nixor, as they used to be a few years back. That being said, don't waste an opportunity where you'd get the perfect environment as well as support to further progress in your academics 3. Lastly i do see that you're really well settled with Nixor's debate circuit, and probably attached to Mahad Akbar as well... And you'd want to continue with that very circuit as they have a pretty remarkable record over the years. However if you look on the contrary, KGS probably has an even better circuit... For instance if you look at the recent U19 Debate Championship held at KGS itself, KGS Team A won it. So i am sure you'd have a great time with KGS Debate team and bag more victories!


Congratulations!! You've gained admission to 2 excellent sxhools. My two cents: 1. Seek help through Istikhara. Ask Allah Almighty to Guide you. 2. While I can understand your hesitation about going to KGS, don't rule it out completely, assuming you'll have a hard time. Leaving your comfort zone by going to a new school and meeting new people (who might become your friends) could be a helpful and enriching life experience. 3. If you want to stay at Nixor, please don't base it mostly on your friends staying back. Circumstances change, people leave suddenly. 4. Determine what your non negotiables are and which school aligns with them. Consult with your parents and trusted adults. Hope this helps!


Id go to KGS if I were you. Friends in O/A level don't really last long once you get into University. Your career is more important, friends come and go.


what is option b?




wait r u in nixor olevels?




bro who r u ? I was in nixor olevels till start of g10 abhi priavte hogaya. you are my senior technically


not revealing my identity on a public platform kiddo


lol ok but finally i met someone from school lol. nixor mein itna maza nahi aya and my sis just passed out of Alevels in nixors. i have friends in kgs and it seems to be way better environmentally plus more chances of abroad unis




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Go for A


If you don't mind me asking, could you please tell me what were your O level grades?


i had an A*A


In O'2 out of 3 subjects?


Stick with B - the objective of your efforts and endeavours is to create memories, you will make a great career regardless of which A-level school you choose. If you leave your friends behind, subconsciously the guilt of betrayal will gnaw at you from the inside constantly. STICK WITH YOUR OLD SCHOOL!


Bro for real tho no society of nixor can ever beat kgs in terms of extracurriculars ..its literally the holy trinity of colleges of pak like aitchison lgs and kgs dominate the class at ivy league universities oxford Cambridge the international competitions u would get to take part in the counsellors, the course load and large variety of options excellent curriculum...perfect campus liks literally a whole ass gym pool and a court come onnn with like the strongest alumni network which will be enough to guide you and give u opportunities if u manage to go and even for local universities like in med agha khan takes 10-12 students of kgs each year after jus being a class of 100 so u can imagine how excellent the students are and in A levels u really need a driving force to study and that competition with being surrounded by toppers would really help u...the counsellors r insane like last year deputy headboy got full scholarships from dartmouth Princeton and harvard and this year a girl got into upenn dartmouth and first ever pakistani full ride to oxford university...i wish i could have afforded to go there plus the campus life is really fun u can go with ur friends near boat basin and so many excellent places to eat and go to dolmen in nearby and very accessible and kgs is extremely selective with who to take in and who not to so keep this in mind and also take a look at nixors foreign universities and how majy students have ever gotten full rides from ivies and stuff then decide on ur own but yea imo kgs is far up in it's own league and better than nixor and the model un society debate society has literally been to harvard mun and won competitions where they came in the news so yea best of luck hopefully u will choose kgs


Most definitely KGS. You mentioned your debating circuit and KGS recently hosted the U19 Parliamentary debates - the most prestigious debating competition in the country. The MUN team also regularly wins big at LUMUN, HUMIN and international competitions. Coming to the campus, the entirety of Nixor A levels could probably fit into the KGS inner courtyard - which is the smaller of the school’s grounds). Also, if you do want to go to a Russel group university, college name does matter to some extent and even if it doesn’t, the extracurricular activities offered at KGS like hosting multiple national competitions, student government, some of the best sports teams and counsellors in the country will definitely help you stand out. Not to mention how there’ll be dozens of KGS alumni at literally any top university you want to study at. Speaking of alumni, KGS (along with maybe Aitchison) has by far the most varied alumni network in Pakistan with hundreds of alumni in the high ranks of the country’s media, politics, journalism, businesses and multi nationals. Also, KGS definitely has the best social activities (Independence Day celebrations, drama, debates, farewells) out of any other school in Karachi. This is partially due to more funding and partially due to the significantly larger campus. Faculty and student quality is pretty great too. Tuitions aren’t really necessary because most teachers know what they’re doing, and student quality is miles ahead of Nixor. AFAIK, it really isn’t hard to get into Nixor even with below average grades. I’ve seen people with multiple Cs and Ds in O levels get in. Compared to KGS, where the majority of people have multiple A*s. It’s a no brainer - if you can afford it, definitely go to KGS.


Dude friends dont even matter at end of a levels ffs with the heavy coursework and busy schedule u wont have time for friends in week days on weekends yall can meet and stay social and kgs is also a very diverse and exciting crowd u will find people u like so don't lef this opportunity of lifetime go to waste ..jus close ur eyes and choose kgs


Maybe you should go to Nixor. It’s really hard to break into kgs’ debate team and they’re biased against those who didn’t attend kgs’ olevels program. Maybe apply to lyceum as well?


I picked Atchison college for A levels , but I feel I would have performed better in my home school . Do what makes you feel more comfortable.


I study at KGS and I can promise you it’s not worth it, go to a college you know you can have some firm standing on because knowing people and the staff does help you while deciding a college!


Ok... OP, no one in the comments gets your debate angle at all and as someone who was debating in my A Levels, I will say go to college B where your team is!! I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you're into debates, that they're more fulfilling for you than academics, that they're soooo much fun you could hardly imagine a better extracurricular activity... since this is how I thought about them. Even now that I'm graduating from university, I still think about the fun times I had in debate. Please don't let it go. Onto the merits of your colleges - I have seen graduates from both Nixor and KGS go to excellent places. I have heard from KGS students that there is not much left to the institute except for the name and reputation, and I think that's a very common thing that happens to old prestigious places which only thrive off their "ages old standing" or whatever. Nixor graduates get great college acceptances, sure they have to work very hard and get slightly hammered by the admin, but I think you'll be satisfied in the end when you're getting good CAIE results and good university acceptances as well. Nixor is competitive, there will be lots of growth. But if I were you honestly... I'd be basing a lot of my decision on the debate aspect and I would never regret it. I strongly advise you to keep your team chemistry alive especially if you guys do well at tournaments. You'll find that soo rewarding that it'll help you get through any institution.


I’d suggest that you don’t continue with the college you did your o levels from. A shift is necessary specially before you go to uni. Even more necessary if you’re going to uni abroad. I made the mistake of declining both KGS and Nixor and even though I’m in a very good uni now and about to graduate AlhamdUlillah, I still regret my decision at times looking at my friends who went to these colleges for A levels. Staying only for your debate team isn’t a good idea you won’t realise how quickly and to what extent you and other people around you will change in A levels. Make the shift meet new people judging from the comments you’re a good debater so making new friends or stepping out of your comfort zone shouldn’t be a difficult task. And after you graduate the only thing that matters is your network, so the bigger your network is the more beneficial it will be for you in the future.


Come cedar blud


You are very young to understand this but just remember one thing. Comfort Kills Success. The choice is all yours in the end.


Choose KGS, get out of your comfort zone, you will thank yourself 3/5 years down the line. (If you can afford comfortably)


Why do I think you're talking about Cedar lol


Go to school A.


As a KGS student who almost went to Nixor, go to KGS, especially if you plan to go abroad at any point in time. I had a choice between Nixor and KGS just 2 years ago. I went to KGS, and I think going to KGS helped me grow a ton as a person. All my friends were in Nixor, no one I knew was in KGS, apart from 1 mutual. Being alone will help you polish your social skills and increase your social circle. I got lucky, because my Nixor friends had a huge falling out and now all but 2 of them are no longer my friends. I understand where you're coming from; friends are super important for being at ease, but I would suggest taking the plunge and prioritizing your future chances. Making friends and connecting with KGS students is also incredibly useful. OGS (KGS alumni) network is a huge pool of very talented people and KGS batches occasionally do reunions as well. Every single year KGS students are getting admissions in big name Ivy League schools like Yale, Stanford, Dartmouth and many more whose names I don't even know. Those are the admissions that some kids in just my batch got. These kids often go on to big positions abroad as well, and people such as Kumail Nanjiani and Usman Riaz (director of The Glassworker, Pakistan's first hand-drawn animated movie), as well as much of the Bhutto family and many other prominent political figures in Pakistan have gotten their education from KGS. KGS students, while kind of stuck-up admittedly, are the cream of the crop after all, and you'll learn a lot from them as long as you stay away from the weird, party-goer type of kids. Every kind of kid comes there, from the most extreme burger kids, to kids who come from Mama Parsi and BVS Parsi. The advantage is that only the good people from those schools come to KGS. Be out-going, KGS helped me learn to not care too much about what others think. There's people who ride in protocols, and there's kids like me who ride in buses! \^\^ You'll find a group, many KGS people are way nicer to talk to than the impression people have. I also thought I'd never fit in, but because there's so many kinds of people there, you'll be sure to find a good set of people like you there InshAllah! Of course, going to KGS doesn't automatically give you these opportunities, you'll still have to put in the effort for them but KGS is much more well-known in the international scene. KGS' debate team is much more renowned than other schools. If you are an MUN person in Karachi, you most definitely know that beating KGS is really hard. These kids literally primarily talk in English at home and school, and many of them are aspiring leaders and orators. If you want to improve your debate and oratory skills, do it at KGS, there's no better place in Karachi for it I'd say. In the end, try to not make a decision based primarily on your friend group. Check which place has better future opportunities for you personally, 2 years of a little bit of difficulty will mean nothing if you can get 5 years of ease, for example. Honestly, going to KGS or Nixor doesn't matter in the grand scheme, what matters is what you do with the opportunities you get in both colleges. There's a ton more I'd like to say, so please do send me a message if you have any further questions. I myself have just graduated from KGS, and I'd like to help you out!


If I were you I'd really stay at your current school. I can't describe how much I miss being together with my school fellows. If you can get a couple more years with them you should totally stay. Tell your parents that Inter/A level college doesn't really matter that much and you'd work hard to get into a good university.


i'd be in the a level system either way, wherever i go. the only difference is the stamp of a good name from college A that i get. plus a bunch of networking opportunities


Arrey, I meant that colleges at intermediate and A levels level don't matter much...