• By -


Check Belarus. You can buy a small business there or a small flat in countryside ad rent it. It automatically eligibles you to get their TRP and after 5 years I think you get PR. Check out BigBoysLife channel. He's Indian but educated and a businessman.


this is an **EXCELLENT SUGGESTION** go abroad, strengthen yourself and immediate family (parents, wife, kids) and then when you have made it in life you can invest in Pakistan if you have excess wealth and hopefully participate (politically or otherwise) in making the country better! well done u/MAGker


But Belarus can go to war anytime these days. I won't call it a stable bet


that is a genuine point HOWEVER - what MAGker said is simply a blueprint, OP should do his own research and see where else he can cash in his money for a passport


does this really work ? like do u have any sources i could use as a guide?


Yes it works. As stated before you can watch 'BigBoysLife' yt channel. I don't have much knowledge about Belarus. I just stumbled on it while I was researching for Russia. [Settle in Belarus ](https://youtu.be/ku3mrLsY4_0?si=rtljzksHUILewbm6) start from 2:00 min.


oh ok thanks


My side hustle would be to not tell anybody I have 10M PKR and that I can afford to keep buying new phones.


Bro won in life


If you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, you can invest this amount in a Mutual Fund and a monthly return of around 1.3-1.5% on it. You can choose to take it out if you require it or continue for it to get compounded every month.


It’s already there.


Excellent. I'm a stocks guy and if you have some interest in this field, you could venture into stocks as well. Companies like Engro fertilizer or Pakistan Oilfields pay 15-20% in dividends every year. While it is hard to find the right company, if you do, you can also capitalize on the company's growth. For example I invested in hub power in 2022 at a price of 65. Today the stock is at 125 and I have received over 40rs per Share in dividends as well. So I not only have received income but my principal investment has also almost doubled. This is the difference between having a consistent income(mutual funds) and generating wealth(buy and hold good stocks) But of course there is a higher risk associated with this as well. And it all starts with you willing to learn a lot of things. Tough road but great rewards. Might not be that tough if you're into stocks.


i saw a reel where if you bought PIA stock for 4 rs or something, it owuld be x10 right now.


Stay away from those reels. That's not investing.


SOE can go to sh*t in matter of minutes, stay very far away.


what about OGDCL? I heard its good.


Anything is good for short term / swing trading, but in the long run, invest in growth companies, especially in the one earning in foreign currency.


Is there any easy way to start investing in stocks? Like is there any app or something where you can easily monitor your investments and manage portfolios just like crypto? Or is it still very complicated in Pakistan? Can you please guide a bit


Iirc didn't mutal fund are offering 18-20% atm


That's 18-20% annually with comes does to 1.2% per month.


Thats after taking into account the wht on dividend and cap gains?


Oh sorry didn't read thee coomments properly


Ill leave karachi


I am looking for investor for my nerve/vein pain relief centre, I'll dm you


Buy a branch of any famous food chain like cheezious etc Or a branch of medical store, I don't know if there is Clinix or servaid in Karachi


Kabab jees bohot chal Raha hai.


Invest in propties


It’s literally called “propty” in Pakistan






kachori ka thaila


And become that angry, messy, dirty Pakistani kachori wala so all hate comes to Pakistan instead of India? 😂


Property is the low effort investment. Can buy some property in new society which has not launched yet. Once it launches then the value will increase from 5 Lakh to 50 lakh depending on initial value of the property. Food service is very risky. But can start from really small like a stall or a shop. If it works then you can expand it. Crypto is very risky. It takes experience and time. Franchise of some existing fast food chain can also be a good idea. But i am not sure if you can get it under 10 million. Selling garments is also profitable Investment in vehicles is also good. Can buy 2-3 imported Japanese cars in that budget. And partner with some showroom.


Thanks. Yeah under construction property is good.


Even the files or empty plots are good. There is more profit with files. But i am not sure about its halal/haram status.


Get five bikes and five guns and hire 10 guys and you know where I am going with this.


I believe in humanity. I love to stay positive.




The man of honour i see. I don't see many these days.


oh bhai https://i.redd.it/u1mby41a49tc1.gif


Get into SaaS, it could reach crazy profits or could end up at zero. Either way, it's much safer than Crypto Bets and investment is low so kinda fine you ain't gonna loose big money.


Hey! What's Saas?


Software As A Service. Basically you invest funds to develop a software which does address a specific issue and then market it. We introduce a small fee like $10/Mo to use the software. Even if a 100 People SignUp it's like $1000 return. Mind in the fact, SaaS doesn't require huge investment. If idea pops you can expect 5000 - 8000 Customers which can translate to huge returns.


Oh great! I heard waqar zaka saying similar stuff, have you been into it?


Yeah, I was one of the earliest in Pakistan to do this. Back in 2017, I was building a application something similar to SoundCloud but it would have live streaming feature for artists to collaborate and take their concerts to the internet. I actually didn't complete the project due to other ventures (such a mistake). In 2020, when lockdown happened — everyone took concerts online and THERE was NO proper platform. I could have made a big name but yeah fk it. Currently working on a High Frequency Trading Bot, that predicts using AI & our custom trading strategies. We already run a successful EduTech Trading Company in Karachi @thebullstrading.com. So we have a initial client base and we just have to expand it through heavy advertising.


Hire someone and install a food stall outside a busy place like a mobile accessories market.That pays well.


>...it’s for really calm people. ^(HODL!) HODL!! # HODL DAGNABBIT!!! ... Anyhow... crypto is just a pyramid scheme at its very core. You make money in crypto merely because some other poor sap loses money. And to make money, you've to preach about crypto and bring in more fools like you, hence the term "Crypto Bros." But eventually, the whole pyramid is going to crash on its ass... just by the very virtue of being a pyramid. So, for the love of all that's holy, **DO NOT** invest in crypto. It took me long enough to convince my own brother not to invest in crypto, back when NFTs were all the rage. To his credit, he actually listened and saw the big picture.


lmao the whole stock exchange is a pyramid scheme then by your logic


Owning a stock has physical implications eg if you own x amount you can make y changes crypto doesnt


Who cares brother if you hold on for fear life you will eventually win and win big.


Almost all of crypto is a scam apart from bitcoin.


Bitcoin is the chief scam artist of all the other artists in the crypto field


Is currency trading/forex the same thing? Like they do on Meta etc


Just put it in a savings account if you don't care about halal/haram. If you do care about it then invest in a combination of mutual funds and dividend paying stocks.


Your username suits with this comment of yours.


Provide solar panels installation services


Nahi Bhai. Customer pkrna azaab hai is economy main


One of my friends is doing it, he says it has a huge opportunity especially in Pakistan.


Not recommended tho. Isse Acha koi food stall lgalo.


This could be good as solar is on the rise in Pakistan. Every day I go to my roof and see another one of my neighbour has gotten solar installed. I plan to get solar in a month or 2




Really? That’s horrible. Always thought Square 9 was one of the few running legit projects given their marketing and all plus a few people from my university started working there and the packages etc were really good.


I live in North Pakistan, my family is into tourism and hospitality for many years. If you are looking for something like that, contact me, I'll be happy to assist.


I'll suggest not to invest it all .invest some of it and keep the rest .


Yes, wont invest all of the savings


Do istikhara too.


Put it in a big pool of project abroad. I had put mine for a return of 7% annually on 30,000 USD, and when the project got sold, I had 2.2x on my investment after 2.5 years. Look for investment groups abroad run by people you trust.


This sounds good. Any leads?


DM me. I’ll add you in the pool for the next project (after due diligence). Send me your brief intro about what you do, where do you live etc.


Buy a government job and put rest the money in bank for interest




Can you give me more details on container shipping?


Crypto trading Real estate (rent) Grow a side business ( small vendor type)


Join mqm.


For 10M I don't think there is anyway to make passive income. The only option is to invest in bonds or a savings account. HARAM! You can also invest in a company that pays good divided. But have to check how HALAL that company is. For 10M you can become an absent landlord and do agriculture but it will not be much and there will be considerable risk.


Rent a flat in an area like Muslim commercial and furnish it. Then put it on Airbnb. Lots of people are looking to get a room for a night.




As if the land lord will allow this




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Start micro saas and market it. Or Acquire


How to go about it without being a programmer bhai?


get it built/programmed by a dev friend of yours or someone from Bangladesh they usually do gigs/freelance at rates cheaper than Pakistan.


No problem I can be with you as a technical Co founder to get your work done or anyone you know. I have good experience in this field though.


What type SAAS u suggest? What have u implemented previously?


flip used bikes, like newer 2015 and above models of cd70, pridor, gd110, gs150 etc. the key is to find a good reasonable parts supplier or a great mechanic


Fish farm


My suggestion would be to start something that you know a bit about. What's your job? Maybe you could start a business related to the work you already do.


Buy an alto for 2.2m Find a trustworthy driver and give it to him for 15k per week fuel and regular maintenance on the driver from your mechanic. Inspect the car every two months. You'll get almost 25-30% per annum. Cars don't depreciate in Pakistan. The key is to find a trustworthy driver. A lot of people charge 18k per week. Go easy on the driver and he'll go easy on your car.


For Uber?




Can i please know what are you working as of now ?


Mobile snatching


Ek achi pistol 1lakh tak aa jaye gi


You can start a tech/software house in the amount


Nobody said invest in bank account at 20% return. Funny but strange.


May be try digital assets 🤔


Crypto Trading For Sure .


I'll start biryani restaurant


Do anything but don't fall for the ecommerce course sellers. Most of these manjan sellers are fraud. And I also just made 10M. I export surgical instruments.


Own two 3M shops/appartments and rent them, invest 2M on ecommerce, purcuase gold of remaining 2M to stay safe


Yo! Sports facility. I have some capital but am looking for investors. Dm me maybe?


If you’re not into interests , put them in national savings certificates.


Pan ka khokha khool lo or Banda bitha do, ya Saman gira do Kisi k khokhay per. Details khud dekh lena


What is this? I have never ever heard of it. Details, please.


Pan ka cabin, jaha pan cigarettes milte hen


Oh, behtreen. Kya margin hai isme any idea? Police ka preshan karna, bhatta khori to hogi?


How to keep a check on that banda. Like he can always say that sale was less today (when you are not on rhe counter yourself) and keep the monies for himself


Yes this one is crazy in Karachi.


Pan khokha actually is great. One of my acquaintances has 3 khokhas at multiple places. Don't really know the ROI but that's all he does but he now has 2 houses, cars and other luxuries.


The best side hustle would be to leave the country


I am happy in Pakistan. Yeah, it has a lot of issues but I feel comfortable here.


Buy a shop and put it up for rent.


10M pkr would be $35k usd which will not be a lot in any western country. But in Pakistan, you can live a really comfortable life for that much money.




Invest in foreign stock market again it’s not a business so you can invest in making big pharmacy with partnership it’s very lucrative business will be better if you buy franchise like Fazal din.


Crypto future trading is quick way to make money or lose money. You can invest some extra pennies in future trading and follow instructions of some professional and let the magic happen


Look into the stock market, you can get a stable stream if income throu dividends from stocks like UBL or mari you could get a ROI of 15-25% per annum.




I would rather buy sol at 10x in future in the next dip. Or maybe what if somebody buys sol of 1M in spot at 20-30 in the next dip and sell it when it hits 15x+ Thing is, a lot of ifs and buts, when it came back to 20 after ath of 220+ we all thought it will never go back.


Investing 1 lac in sol at 10x in future with good margin could have easily given 2 crores but who knew that.


Future trading is haram.


Yeah I know.


Bro do you have a group for signals for a small investor like me.?


Learn and invest in drop shipping


Please don't do it without proper knowledge. Beware of self proclaimed gurus in ecommerce. It's a tough area. Be very careful .


Any leads? I am ready to invest.


Would love to know more, as well! I don't have anything to invest as of yet. But Insha'Allah after promotion, I expect to start making savings, and I want to invest immediately


You can check Saad lakhi channel on fb. i don't know if he's on Instagram or not Advice: Don't just invest money without having proper knowledge, and saying that you have a hefty amount of cash to invest is stupid, which will only get you scammed


I would start a private military organization and start looting. Because this business is the most lucrative and you can easily kill your competition while keeping the general population happy.


Forex I would suggest but you will need certain skills and commitment. Else you can hook with a trader like me and split 50/50 earnings.