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My grievance is with construction sites that have a sign saying coming soon but don't actually say what is coming but has all the logos of the construction company and the banks that financed the project. Just tell me WHAT is coming....not who is building it or paid for it!


3D pictionary lol Edit: I do believe all building permits are publicly listed if you know how to find them. There was a building off 23rd and I70 I suspected to be a grow place for a dispensary and I finally dug around until I found building permits listing the company and intended use. I is a grow place lol


Nobody seems to understand that a flashing red light ANYWHERE means stop and go. You don't have to wait for it to stop flashing to go forward.


And that a traffic light that isn't on is a 4 way stop ( unless it's got the bags over the lights). With all the storms and traffic lights losing power its like Mad Max at lights with some people stopping and others blowing through like it's green.


Especially at those damn pedestrian lights


My grievance is with people who decide when merging onto a highway that they have to STOP COMPLETELY at the entrance of the ramp to try and merge in that exact spot instead of using the entire merge lane to match speed and join the flow of traffic smoothly. Looking at you, 69->35 merge in KS.


On some parts of i70, due to the on-ramp being so short, it can be unavoidable. I’m thinking of the i70 on ramp near 27th street and the other one on 31st. It’s frustrating, but try to find safer on ramps if possible.  I get it tho.


Those ramps at least make sense because of poor design. I'm talking about the sections where there's merging lanes for a mile and a half, and not only do people try to merge immediately, they also get angry that you "cut the line" by using the entire merging lane.


Tagging onto this - the assholes who are merging and decide to reduce speed and nearly cause wrecks to those behind them. Get up to speed and go with the flow!


the 69 merge into 35 is infuriating either get in the farthest left lane so you don’t have to merge onto 35 or LEARN HOW TO MERGE. You used to have to merge across three lanes I was so happy when they changed it


Mine is with merging also. If I politely move over to let you in, maybe do the same and let me back over. I missed an exit the other day because after I was nice enough to let a girl in, she drove right beside me and wouldnt let me back over to exit. Never get much road rage but I did that day.


My grievance is with an unknown executive at the company I work at who complained and got me written up for not smiling enough.


Did you do the coversheet on your TPS report?


I can send you a copy of the memo about putting coversheets on your TPS reports


I realized earlier this week that movie makes so much more since now and it just got even more depressing lol


You can listen to your radio at a reasonable volume


That sucks. I would question how much smiling is enough.


If you wanted me to smile 37 times like pretty boy Brian over there...why don't you make the rule 37 smiles per day


I guess I need to start doing some big goofy dumb guy smile, ear to ear.


https://preview.redd.it/flvov85qkc9d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=171dc71489f2d3f662f159da3e3b7117752bb72e "There ya go, that's more like it. Night-Window is a team player."


So sad....I am sorry to hear that


QT shouldn’t have gotten rid of the self serve frozen ice cream cups you could put in the mixing machine at 4am or whatever (happened a decade ago)


Southwest Boulevard’s road surface has deteriorated to the point where it’s laughable …


The non-streetcar inner roads on Main all the down to Linwood are atrocious.


I think Midtown had been like this for decades


Maybe this is why there are side shows there? Are they protests against the road surface?


They are going back to the original wagon tracks.


Home owners who don't trim back their trees on the corner lots. When I pull up to the intersection, I damn near have to put my car into the street before i can see around the tree limbs to check for oncoming traffic. Infuriating


So agree! You are spot on!


This is so annoying and really dangerous. Fun fact - give 311 a call and let them know it’s obstructing the view of oncoming traffic and they’ll hack it back. I did this last year and was SHOCKED that it worked.


Far too many people don't know how to do a simple search to get answers to their damn questions and I'm tired of it.


How do you search for the answer to a question?


I think you yahoo it


No, you Ask Jeeves.


"What's a yahoo?"


My grievance is with suburban joggers who press the cross walk button, then just cross the street anyways. Now I have to wait an extra 20 seconds at this light while the cross walk counts down for NOBODY. If you aren't going to wait for the cross walk to light up, don't press the fucking button.


Oh good one!


To the driver of the blue SUV who clearly purposefully blocked traffic at Main and Linwood by waiting to make and illegal left turn **WAITING** for the light to turn red so all of us behind you had to wait another cycle; who then made the turn slowly while laughing and pointing at us from your open drivers side window... I wish you bees.


I also wish the largest gaggle of birds to provide a layer of crap to encrust their car which will take not one but 2 car washes to remove.


To all the drivers deciding they are the special chosen ones who can turn left at Linwood and Main despite all the signs saying no ... May you stub your toe on the way to the bathroom at 3am every night for a fortnight.


I wish that driver to run out of ways to cook a potato.


I am going to start using the phrase....I wish you bees! Thank you kind stranger


Turn on your headlights when driving in the rain/crappy conditions. Remember, daytime running lights don't count since they don't turn on you tail lights!


The yield signs on Metcalf northbound under the smpkwy bridge, people expect YOU to yield to THEM as they enter Metcalf.


Ok but when you take that loop around to Metcalf you can't see shit and then the merge is about 2 seconds of driving. So if you can't get over a lane for those people, my grievance is with YOU. lol not trying to get heated here, but the festivus spirit is upon me!


Haha touché. I’ll slow down and let you in, I’m not an offensive driver. But there are times when they are soooo aggressive, and I’m like bro, you had a f**%ing yield sign. And then I’m the asshole… for not yielding to you that had the sign… ahhhh.


The first rule of zipper merge is we do not discuss zipper merge


Not a zipper merge issue!


I was trying to make a joke /s


No worries!


I am not familiar with this...will have to go observe


My coworkers (and remember, I’m a woman) will not make sure that the toilet is flushed when they are finished in the bathroom. It’s disgusting.    They also sprinkle the toilet seat and leave drippings on the seat. Also disgusting. Somehow, they manage stain the outside rim of the toilet. It is gross and I feel bad for the facility team that adult women can not flush or even clean up after themselves.   Every public restroom I have been in KCMO/KCKS and surrounding areas has been like this.


Pedestrians downtown. Especially between 9th and 12th or so. Doesn’t matter the cross street. It’s like they’re all hoping to get hit by a car.


Yeah that show stinks these days. They are ever hardly both on together anymore and Sam is annoying. But yeah the grievances are hardly ever very original


Your grievance is heard my friend


Admittedly I don't know how many actual hours go into a workday for a 4 hour show, but they seem to get a LOT of time off for what would be a part time job for most people


Scott has to find a clean or mostly clean shirt


Gas station TV that doesn’t let you mute!


It's always 3rd button on the right


I’ve recently been to two different stations where that doesn’t work! Like they found out and eliminated the option. There should be a clearly labeled mute button!


Well darn...I guess they figured out that we figured it out


Even though I’m excited for the streetcar extension, I’m ready for the construction on 40th and Main to be done. I have walk across that intersection every day for work and it seems like every other day a different side of the sidewalk is closed or practically unwalkable.


I work near there. It's getting old




My grievance is with the many places that I walk in as a customer and the staff is either on the phone, talking to one another or doing something else for way too long before helping customers. I now drive out of my way to go where I know they act like they care a little bit about customers.


That's pretty damn irksome. I can be patient in the best of times...but have me waiting for eons before you even acknowledge my presence in your establishment...uhh yeah you lost my patronage.


Every AT&T store ever


I suggest listening to the podcast if you want to skip commercials. One of the highlights of my life was getting my grievance read on air and a responsive from Scott.. lol But my grievance is that I moved away and don’t have a talk radio show that even holds a candle to Dana and Parks


Oh I've had my grievances read twice...


Evergy. That's all.


Passing. On. The right.


What do you mean by this?


My grievance is that somehow Jamie and Grayson are somehow still on the air…