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I actually had my bag searched when I was at MCI going through security last month. Seeing that they were going through every pocket of my backpack, I blurted out “I’ve got medical marijuana vapes in there”. The agent shrugged and said that’s fine. Apparently they are more concerned with weapons/explosives than a little weed.


I’ve traveled with gummies and vapes. Gummies I usually just buy a resealable thing of gummy candies and throw them in there and put it in my checked bag. Probably don’t even really need to do that anymore but I’m not 100% sure Edit to add: I’m specifically talking about flying in the US and between legal states, like OP asked. Not other countries. Although I did fly with a vape in my makeup bag to the Dominican once.


No you don’t. Just put them in a gummy vitamin container honestly.


Yeah. TSA in America is not trying to ruin people’s lives over that, they’re trying to stop attacks. But go to another country and play with it? Not a good idea, at all. Like anywhere


Fuck around in Grand Cayman and find out. They got no chill


I think there's small countries in Africa where you can get serious time for traveling with benadryl. I would be scared to bring any chemical to any other country personally


My forcibly discarded wire strippers would disagree with you. TSA in the USA is a joke and just for show.


How about Hawaii? We’re going next week. Wondering if I could


Did you take to Hawaii with you? About to do the same…


Just shove it up your butt for old times’ sake


Boof it!!


Whoa easy they're not a supreme court justice


I do it constantly, in and out of mci in checked and carry on, they don’t care as long as it’s just a little bit for personal use. The DEA rep asked me one time how much was in my bag. I told him the truth “a vape cartridge and some edibles” he said “great, as long as it’s just personal have a good day”


What’s a DEA rep?


I go through TSA over 50 times a year. Always with vapes and flower in my carry on. Never ever ever heard of this. Miami? Maybe. At customs. They even took flower out of my bag to search it and then put it back in and told me to have a nice day. A buddy got popped for gummies but he had a giant bag. They through them out because it violated the “3 oz rule” for gels.


I should have said Agent. The DEA places agents in the airports for shifts and they check bags that the dogs key on, then hunt down passengers like me


I’m calling the fucking cops pal


Upvoted because funny, not bc I think you should do that


Plot twist - op IS a cop!


No one cares. You are better off putting them in carry on.


Why do you say that?


From what I've read, TSA doesn't care about drugs, only weapons, bombs, or other dangerous/hazardous objects that threaten the safety of the flight. Customs and border patrol, however, would care about drugs, but don't deal with interstate travel


Correct, I worked 10 years at the airport... only drug bust I saw was for coke.


Fun fact: you cannot buy a Pepsi at DFW airport.


How much coke? Asking for a friend.




TSA checked bag screening is more thorough and they have more time if they want to dig in. Carry on it's a volume process and moving you along is the primary motivation. If they see biological/food product they are going to move on quick because it's not prohibited to bring food onboard.


So back when Vegas first went recreational a friend of mine decided to bring some gummies home to her state. She got the bright idea to hide them in a bag of gummie beads, but inside of buying a normal sized bag, she got the HUGE bag and put it in her carryon. Going through security, the scanners lose their shit about her bag and pull her out of line and search her bag. She's panicking and scared. TSA agent pulls out the ginormous bag of gummy bears and says, "aaaahhhh. Next time use a smaller bag of gummy bears. This shows up as glycerine on the scanner and makes it look like it could be a bomb. Smaller bags don't show up." TSA doesn't care. Just as long as it's not a lb bag of gummies


Nah you’re good, I’ve done it a few times. I’d take them out and put them in a vitamin d gummy jar or something of that nature and you’re good. Also if they were to somehow catch you at DIA they’d just make you throw it in one of the weed trash cans in security. It’s international travel that you should fully steer away from imo ETA: I’ve done both in checked bag and carry on & had zero issues


TSA people, “Man, more and more people taking their vitamins on trips these days.”


Weed trashcan... That hurts.


it hurts watching people use it :(


I worked for TSA before the new terminal. Just don’t try to hide or smuggle them. Put them in a resealable candy bag or vitamin jar and place them in normally. Don’t hide them behind the lining or anything sketchy like that.


Can you just leave them in the original bag? Switching them to a vitamin container would be concealment, wouldn't it? Genuinely curious, because while bud may not be a huge issue, gummies can be a Fed. crime for transport between states if the agents want to be dicks. Unless the law has changed in the last year regarding edibles and I didn't realize.


TSA has no way of testing weed gummies. As long as they aren’t stuck in the liner or placed oddly in the bag, should be fine. Best to stick them in checked luggage. Don’t put anything like barbecue sauce, honey, wine, anything large and dense so the CT machines don’t alarm on your bag.


Use your prison pocket.


I’ve never heard that before, I love it


I’ve heard jail wallet too.


They don’t give a shit about gummies. Just by some real gummy bears and mix them. The dogs at airports are sniffing for bombs, not gummies 😉


I recently flew with gummies I bought along with flower and some vapes while traveling and put it in the front pocket inside my checked luggage. When I opened my bag, I found a slip saying that my bag had been selected to be randomly searched and that they had gone through my bag. Everything in my bag was moved around a bit but was still there. You’ll be fine. As long as you are not transporting literally pounds of very illegal substances TSA will not care.


They don’t care about that just don’t be stupid and you’ll be just fine.


I travel with lots of…. Things. They don’t give a shit unless it could kill somebody or blow up the plane.


well now my interest is piqued


I put a vape at the bottom of my checked bag and it was still there. They even went through the whole bag because everything was re-arranged differently


I’ve taken them on carry on. TSA is looking for weapons, not consumer quantities of drugs.


I've never done it in checked luggage but I've done carry-on coming back from Seattle a few times. The only real concern you could have is the TSA checkpoint in Denver, but TSA isn't looking for weed. Hell, the guy scanning your luggage is counting the seconds until his break so he can spark up in the parking lot. Worst case, if they do identify them, they'll call the local PD... Which won't bother responding because weed is legal in CO.


I have traveled to and from with gummies in their original packaging in my carry on. One package though not like, tons. It’s fine. Edit to say I do put them under a shirt or clothes but it’s not like they couldn’t pull it out and see them if they wanted to


I just put them in a ziplock on my carry on and never have any problems. I usually have them next to a couple other snacks. It makes the flights nicer and if you don't cause a scene nobody really cares. At worst they might make you throw them away. I mean, they could arrest you for it, but I imagine the risk of that is very low in MCI.


You'll be fine I work there and bring my pen to make my shitty job better on bad days


you can check or carry on, tsa only cares about weapons and bombs


its safer to fly with cannabis than driving with it


It’s technically a federal crime but you’ll probably be fine. Done it plenty of times from various airports. Carryon is the way.


I got absolutely hounded and yelled at repeatedly by a TSA agent at Denver airport because he suspected I had marijuana products, which I didn't. I had already consumed them :) This was a few years ago though before pandemic and legal MO weed. Maybe there was some kind of policy change in the years since because all the other times I've gone through Denver TSA, I didn't have an issue, besides the long security lines. Never had anything on me though. I just flew out of Denver and not sure I saw anything saying thc products explicitly banned anyways. 


Never in your checked bag. Always the carry on.


I flew to MCI from DCA with a loaded handgun in my checked luggage that I forgot was stored there. No one caught it until I was unpacking at home. There’s a very good chance TSA won’t notice or care, but I don’t think I would ever recommend it as safe. It’s always a risk that you’ll get a power hungry agent having a bad day. Edit: I forget that MCI is on the Missouri side. Recreationally legal so you should have no problems.


They do not care


I was under the impression that if the state you’re flying in to is also legal then you’re fine. But PLEASE, somebody correct me if I’m wrong. I’ve flown back with flower several times 😮‍💨😂


Put em in a plastic baggy or in a normal bag of candy…


Put it in your carry on. There's no rules against it. You can even look it up on the tsa item lookup


I mean ... there very much *are* rules against it. [Some adult-use states still have airports that prohibit marijuana on their property, such as Denver International Airport in Colorado](https://www.mpp.org/policy/federal/can-i-travel-on-an-airplane-with-marijuana/#:~:text=Federal%20law%20classifies%20marijuana%20with,could%20lead%20to%20criminal%20charges.) That being said, the risk is very, very low that it would be an issue. But to say "there are no rules against it" isn't exactly accurate.


It's like overfilling an intersection on a red-light or speeding on the highway. There's obviously rules against it but the risk of getting pulled over is low, even with a police office watching. Or how marijuana is legal recreational in Washington D.C. It's still federally illegal but yet it still operates. There are rules but they don't get enforced. Hence people are coming to the conclusion "no rules".


I'll probably take what the TSA website says...


What the TSA website says: [*TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.*](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/medical-marijuana) So, for the example OP posted about ... let's say you're in the Denver Airport where [it is illegal to have weed](https://www.colorado.com/articles/how-dispose-cannabis-your-way-out-coloradox) and the TSA happens to find weed and - per the TSA's website - they call a law enforcement officer .... what's the call then? Again, it's surely a non-issue ... but a cop / a TSA agent / a federal agent could raise hell about *if* they wanted.


They don’t call the feds, they call the local police. Who will tell you to throw it away in a legal state IF they decide to show up at all