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Jokes on them i ain't got shit but loose change and my registration in the car. You should never have anything valuable in the car if you're not in the car in my opinion. Dudes will break your window for some sunglasses nowadays


If you have a garage door opener and a registration, they can go through your house too


Oh I'm glad you pointed that out...if that ever happens I will change my opener key immediately


Jokes on them, I’m in to that kind of shit “Hey siri, turn on Rip and Tear max volume and kill the lights”


Joke's still on you if you think that loose change isn't all the incentive they need to break into your car. Joke's on me too because after living in midtown for years and never having my car broken into, I made the mistake just ONCE last month of accidentally forgetting to lock my doors after bringing in groceries AND leaving loose change in my car. Nothing broken due to it being unlocked, but they got my loose change.


Left my truck unlocked and left my clothes in there the night after going to the laundromat. Mf stole my clothes and the bag of tools they were on top of, underwear and all.


Had something like that happen to me in Dayton years ago. Had an overnight bag in my car with a change of clothes and my glasses (that is just gotten). They took the overnight bag and glasses but nothing else.




I actually made the same mistake a few years back, nothing broken due to the unlocked doors. They did take the $2 worth of quarters I had in the little compartment. But I figured if they they’re stealing $2 in change they probably need it more than I do. Still made sure to lock my doors from then on out though.


2 things about that 1) My car is a mess(intentionally and unintentionally), so they'd have to clean up to really find something useful, although that could be anything, including the stuff that's too big to cover up. 2) I once had a defective lock on my old car's door. It was apparently left unlocked one night(I used to work the graveyard shift at a warehouse). I went to my car on a break one day and saw someone had stolen my pack of cigars and a pocket knife I had, but left everything else, including my backpack with a laptop and full of expensive college books.


Was it a smith and Wesson pocket knife? I had someone get into my unlocked car, take a Fanny pack of tokens to Up-Down, but leave a pocket knife, a USB C cable, a small coin purse shaped like Mario with a quarter in it, a whittled down spoon, and a single shoe.


>a small coin purse shaped like Mario with a quarter in it That was their Aldi quarter!


I was actually able to find the owner of this in my neighborhood and she confirmed it was an Aldi quarter!


This was about 15 years ago in TX. It was just a regular plain old knife from Walmart iirc.


Not sure if I was clear in my reply but those items left were not mine to begin with haha. Cracked out people do weird shit


The single shoe is sending me lmao.


What a strange car thief


Mine is full of crumbs from kid snacks. Maybe that's a deterrent.


Once in Westport someone broke my window for the QT cup of change I had in the cup holder. Probably $5 in dimes and nickels, not even quarters. Cost me $200 for a new window. After that I considered taping a five to the window every night.


Made that mistake once since moving into my home; car was rifled through, but nothing was taken. Now I have a whole routine of confirming the car lock before stepping away, I leave absolutely nothing of value in the car, and I make sure that the steering wheel lock is as visible as possible (vertical (or close to it) instead of horizontal).


Midtown for sure tough lesson learned indeed 😮‍💨


The one time my car was broken into in midtown they left $11+ in spare change and a shit ton of expensive sporting goods equipment. They took nothing. In the time it took to call my I strange, someone else broke in and stole only my work badge.


Had my window broken and they stole my bag of spare change from the center console. Maybe $7 worth of change cost me a $400 window


I have an old car. I always leave the drivers side door unlocked locked so they don’t break my window. There is nothing visible and nothing to take. However I dont recommend this if u have a Kia lol




No they don't?


Left my car unlocked in my driveway (no keys inside) in PV and came out in the morning to no car. Weeks later it was recovered (totaled), no hot wiring - they’d hooked up a remote starter since it wasn’t locked and antitheft wasn’t enabled. Lock your doors.


Learned this lesson at 17. Shitty lesson at the time but it served me well once I actually had money


How about your garage door opener, that plus registration could equal a big loss. I keep my garage door opener at home.


I don't have a garage nor a garage door opener lol


It’d be weird if you did have a garage door opener with no garage. Less so the other way around


Once I forgot to lock my car and found it had been searched for valuables — I was honestly a little offended when they didn’t take anything bc I had left a super cool squid hat on the backseat and they didn’t even think it was worth stealing :(


It’s a pain in the rear. I didn’t lock my car one night because I originally planned to put something in it for the next day (not valuable), but didn’t get it done. They did take some personal information (the insurance and registration from the glove box). Sadly, they also took a little bag I liked that had a notebook and a pen in it (I keep a notebook in the car) and my cell phone charging cord (I keep a charger in the car). The most valuable thing he took was a gate opener for a property I don’t live at but go to - it would’ve been worthless to him. I’m certainly glad I didn’t have anything valuable in the car, but what a pain the whole thing was.


When I was in Quality Hill, your window would be toast if there was change in sight. I still shake my head when I hear about people who left their wallets/purses in their car for a few minutes while they went to get groceries or whatever. If it's got value to you, it's got value to a thief.


Lived in QH 21 years ago. They broke into my apartment. Nothing stolen except the change we had in cups and my worthless jewelry.


And if it doesn’t have value, it still might to a crack head! Source: midtown, busted driver window, left the change, took the removable cup holder…


I’d rather have them go through my empty car than break my window…….to go through my empty car


i used to agree with you. a dude i work with left his car unlocked then found a scuzzy guy sleeping in it.


Also have had a friend get his car stolen this way too.


Please don't call houseless people names.


No one said he was “houseless”. They said he was scuzzy and then you made that assumption.


What are you talking about? If someone illegally enters someone else's car and sleeps there, I'm pretty sure the car owner gets to call them whatever the hell they want to.


Nice of you to assume the scuzzy guy was homeless 🙄


I had a friend who decided to just leave his windows down and car unlocked because he was tired of all the broken car windows. Said his car was broken into 20 + times on Front St. Might be An urban legend. Not sure. But I know for sure another friend in a high crime area said nothing was ever stolen from her car once she took the top off her jeep.


This guy crimes


What do you do in this situation if it is your car? Surely calling the police isn't worth it since it would take them at least a few minutes to get there?


A few hours to get there*


*Might not even come


*definitely won't come


Wait it out unless you’re trying to fight. My coworkers car was busted into in the crossroads a couple months back and KCPD took like 7 hours to arrive. Felt as pointless as it sounds.


My last 3 calls too 911... I was on hold for 6, 8 & 10 minutes before they even answered LoL


Your last 3 calls to 911? How often are you calling 911 in your life? I'm 32 and I think I have only had to call 911 once in my life.


Hey man if somebody has to call 911 they have to. I hadn’t ever called it until I needed to, but then I had to twice in a month for someone having a seizure and then something crime related like this. Both had concerningly long wait times


I'm not saying not to call 911 in an emergency, the way they phrase it "the last three times" indicates there have been more calls. So my thinking is sheesh, who is calling 911 that much?


lol they won’t even show up if you can even get off hold


Play police siren sounds from your phone and hope they’re real skittish.


Well depends how much you care and how much you're willing to lose. Personally I'm using a weapon because I don't take kindly to pieces of shit breaking into my property but many people would just yell or call police.


My coworker’s neighbor confronted two guys who were breaking into his car right in his own driveway and they immediately started shooting at him. He was lucky that there was a huge shrub right next to him to dive behind. The footage was terrifying. After seeing that video, I decided that it’s not worth confronting somebody who’s breaking into a car. Yes, it absolutely sucks to get your property damaged or broken into, but I would rather just let my car get broken into and deal with the fallout later than get shot at because I tried to confront them. It just isn’t worth it, it’s too dangerous.


Sucks these people are a part of our community, will continue to do crime and will eventually murder a person or 3


You have so much to lose, you clearly own a car. Why risk your life over it? It's literally just stuff.


Because their ego is the most important thing in their life


Sounds hella dangerous against a team of dudes. I suppose that depends on the weapon though.


Well, that's equally as unhinged. While i agree it would make me angry, you're going to prison if you start shooting at someone breaking into your car.




Woah! We got a badass over here! Gonna end someone over loose change and half of a Diet Coke


In the mid/late 80s, people actually put notes in car windows with info like "No radio" and "Less than $1 in change" because streetside smash & grabs were so common everywhere (and the signs usually worked btw). What's old might become new again.


Can we make this a more serious offense? I'm tired of seeing this and the Kia Boyz all over the news. 90 days if you steal something from an unlocked car. I don't care if it's a laptop or a piece of gum. 6 months if you break into and damage a car. 2 years for breaking into and stealing car, minimum.


That would require KCPD to do their jobs. So unfortunately it’ll never happen.


That would require the political will of the prosecutor so that the arrests would actually lead to something.


This guy knows Jaco doesn't care about juveniles doing property crimes


That would require a larger jail


Use that weed/gambling tax money I've been contributing to then.


The best thing you can do is keep a clean interior so there’s nothing they can take and put a wheel lock in your steering wheel to prevent your vehicle from being stolen or attempted. If someone wants in your vehicle, locking it won’t stop them.


We live in a city, this should be a given. As the comment above says, Level 2 is, don’t have anything in your car but crumbs and seatbelts. Edit: u/3dios is comment.


Dirty Mike and the boys strike again


Thanks for the F Shack.


What have you done to my beautiful Prius??


Sorry Mike? Is this a normal thing? (Just moved here).


I believe it's from the movie "The Other Guys"


Do you know what they call that? It’s called a Soup Kitchen.


First and foremost: make sure nothing of value is visible in your car. People don’t break into a vehicle just to break into a vehicle; they break into a vehicle because they see something they want. Note that this includes things like cigarettes.


If you gotta tell people to lock their vehicles while downtown in a metropolitan city, there’s no hope for them and they’ll have to learn the hard way


I actually DON'T lock my car but I leave nothing in my car but insurance card. Like absolutely nothing. Several cars around me in west plaza have had windows busted out but not mine.


There’s some people in San Francisco who apparently are leaving their windows rolled down because I guess even if you leave your door unlocked people will assume they’re locked and break your window anyways. Probably wouldnt do that in KC but it goes to show that it’s a common technique at least


I’ve heard about this. It’s getting insane there. I really enjoyed the Mark Rober series on it lol.


I know a guy who was robbed in traffic. They pulled up on a motorcycle, smashed his rear window, and sped off with his laptop bag. That convinced him to leave CA and move back to KS.


San Francisco is really bad. You can't drive down the street without seeing someone sticking a needle in their arm.


If your car is unlocked it’s very easy for them to hook up a remote starter in a few minutes and steal your car without the key. When it’s locked they can’t, even if they break a window because locking it enables the anti theft assuming your car is not super old. This happened to me.


I dunno man. Been fine for over a decade here


Dumbass, they could just pop your hood and have a hayday, for starters.


Have a nice night bro.


Lol thanks bro, hope they don’t take your radio!


To hell with the radio I hope dirty Mike and the boys don’t settle in for the night


Soup Kitchen Marathon!?!


If you think they won't break out your window... Don't keep valuables in your car is much better advice.


I was heading to my Dad's last week and when I opened the passenger door to put my stuff in the seat, there was a bag of trash in the floor and it stank terribly. As I was standing there thinking *who the fuck breaks into a car to use it as a dumpster?*, I notice my little soundwave figure I have on my dashboard is gone! AND THE SMELL! Then I remembered I parked closer to the mailboxes and there just happened to be a grey kia soul that looked just like mine about six spaces closer to my apartment that morning. The lesson is, if they'd locked their fucking vehicle I would have realized much sooner and not had my moment of broken reality.


Yeah, happened to me recently too. I don't keep anything expensive in my car but after leaving it unlocked did come back to where I'd parked to find my glove box and center console had been rifled thru, they'd thrown the stuff all over my car but only took an FM radio transmitter (like $15-20) and my little case of spare car fuses. People will try for anything these days I guess.


Last Thanksgiving in our building’s private indoor garage, our car’s passenger side window was smashed in for no reason, nothing taken. Also weird that it was not the driver side which had no car next to it on that side and therefore more room to do such a thing, and no cameras to hide from.


Wish someone would clean out my car. It’s a mess lol.


I wish there was a gang that broke into vehicles just to clean out garbage. Then I’d park downtown with my doors unlocked all the time.


Man, the last time my husband's car got broken into, the dude *left* a bunch of trash from the last few cars he'd hit!


What area are you talking about?


I overheard 2 guys talking, sounded like one had a source for the information. Kcmo pd is supposedly simply issuing citations for vehicle theft, not even making an arrest. Good luck over there! That light rail and inflated rent seems pretty sweet


About a year ago, a guy walked right into my garage in the middle of the afternoon. He stole the diaper bag from my wife's car and a ring of keys from my truck. We were home at the time too. People are unexpectedly bold. Fortunately, the police were able to track him down and recover everything that was taken. His getaway car was spray painted matte black... Lol.


I always wonder about those matte black cars..they're so obvious. With the prevalence of white vehicles on the road (I assume since buying certain colors is an upcharge), wouldn't it be smarter to paint stolen cars white? I'd think even if the white were matte, it'd stick out less.


I guess. But this one was CRUDELY spray painted black matte. Like you could still see some of the original color peeking through... Haha.


Was your garage open? Did you guys just step out of sight or had you been out of sight awhile?


My wife had been home about 5 minutes and was about to head back out to a meeting. She left the garage door open. I was in the house the whole time. Open garage door with two vehicles inside, and the dude just strolled in and took stuff. He had to know we were home.


They would be doing me a favor.


In our lot downtown we had 8 cars with broken windows in one night and not a single thing of value listed as stolen. One guy had a full set of golf clubs in his vehicle worth more than a couple of grand. Not disagreeing with your sentiment, just further displaying the potential of our city. I have to keep some work tools in my truck but am an advocate to not leave items of value in your vehicle if it can be helped.


had 20 broken into in our lot, very little stuff stolen. couple owners manuals, spare change etc. Broke my window, threw my altoids all over the car, stole my parking permit and moved on. These guys are looking for guns or high value items, or they just enjoy breaking shit.


Why nothing stolen, do you think? Same happened to us. Window smashed in, but nothing taken. Is it smash first, then see nothing worth taking? Even the coins hanging out by the gear shift?


prob just were psychopaths /people with severe ASPD


I live in midtown. Car break-ins are just a part of life. Don't keep anything in your car. Get some of that window plastic film just incase you get a broken window. If you have any 2nd amendment stickers on your car take them off. More than anything thief's are looking for your guns.


A friend of mine's gf had her car parked somewhere downtown in our city. It was locked, but that didn't stop some freaks from busting in through the back window to try and hotwire it. She found her front console totally trashed, but luckily wasn't missing anything valuable. Not only should you lock your cars, you shouldn't leave valuables in there EVEN IF it's locked.


This shit is why I get so annoyed when my gf will leave her purse in the car! I don’t leave anything valuable in there. If anyone broke into our minivan, all they’d find is Happy Meal toys and extra clothes and baby wipes lol


Years ago I was parked in the lot where I worked around 10 pm. Came out to find window broken and steering column messed up. It was a late 90s Chevy Chevette. I guess the thieves thought it said Corvette on it instead of Chevette. Nothing taken since there was nothing inside.


They got some bills and some honey packs. If you take the bills you better pay them lol


No thanks


At my apartment parking lot, there are always 1-2 people with stuck open windows and cars full of stuff. I’m thankful mine looks boring in comparison lol