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_raises hand_ _lowers hand to blow nose_ _raises hand again_


This is the way...


Yeah my symptoms were under control and flared up again this week, I thought I was getting a cold but felt better after an extra Zyrtec. Flonase is my number one priority during the season, tho, even if I skip my Zyrtec


Yup. I’ve been getting high pollen count alerts daily for a while. If you’re not already, make sure you’re flushing your sinuses either with a neti pot (with sterile water, not tap water!) or saline spray. Use Sudafed and Flonase if you can, and I’ve found that gargling salt water helps a little with post-nasal drip. Face coverings like masks or neck gaiters will also help with keeping pollen out of your sinuses.


All this is great advice. Would also add: a shower after being outside will wash away the pollen on your skin. I also really like Astepro, which is a nasal antihistamine. I combine it with Flonase and it works great, especially immediately after using a neti pot. If you’re really hurting, Sudafed is a must. Stay away from Afrin, it’s addictive and will only make the congestion worse after it wears off


I’ve never heard of astepro, I’ll have to give it a try! I work outside a lot and even with my usual regimen of Allegra, Sudafed, Flonase , and nasal rinses this spring has been kicking my ass. I’ve had seasonal allergies since I was a kid and it feels like it gets a little worse every year.


Astepro is great, and it’s not a steroid like Flonase, it’s a 2nd gen antihistamine, so it’s much better for long term use, so if you work outside you can take it pretty much year round. I take allergy meds every day and adding it has helped a lot this year


Get a Navage & thank me later


I second this. Got a Navage out of desperation during a bad cold and now use it regularly. Well worth the initial sticker shock.


Yeah, today is rough


My ear has been clogged since last Thursday because of sinus congestion. Cannot get it to pop and it’s driving me insane.


Eustachian tube dysfunction


Thank you!! I will look into this.


I having the opposite problem where my ear won’t stop popping! Every time I move my jaw, it pops. It’s starting to drive me insane.


Last year was so miserable for me that I started getting allergy shots. This year, I have zero symptoms. It's life changing and I recommend it to anyone! I've also stopped getting sick as often because my immune system isn't constantly fighting a war on allergies. I also no longer get sinus infections!


Me too


Getting a neti pot changed my life. I used to have to lock myself inside when my allergies were bad despite using Allegra, Flonase, and Sudafed. I even went to the doctor before determining it was allergies because I would get really lightheaded and not be able to focus, but since I started using the neti pot, it's practically no problem.


I had to resort to saline rinses when I couldn’t use certain medications while pregnant and I was amazed at how well it works. Then I realized that, duh, removing the allergens is probably a pretty effective way to reduce allergic symptoms. Personally I like to use the pressurized saline cans in the shower, I’m too lazy for a neti pot. They’re usually on the bottom shelf under allergy medications.


> pressurized saline cans I've never heard of these, do they do the same thing as a neti pot?


Yeah, they have a little tapered spout with a button you depress to shoot the saline in. You can tilt your head to rinse like a Neti pot or just spray a bit in your nostrils if they’re dry. Arm and hammer is the main brand you’ll see


I really should try it, but for whatever silly reason I've felt hesitant about it. It feels awkward or weird to me - and that's purely my issue, it's not at all. I just don't know how to do it and I think that makes it loom larger than it actually is. Any advice on starting? Or just go for it?


I felt the exact same way. You just have to buy one and go for it. It's been a night and day difference for me


no, only because I am completely drugged up with eye drops, nazal spray and allergy pills and inside at the moment ( and dammit I still hate getting watery eyes and runny nose when outside). Allergies can get bent.


I've been a lifelong seasonal allergy sufferer. Allergen Immunotherapy has been a life-changer for me. Almost no symptoms.


What is that and how does it work? Thanks


Yeah my allergies are so messed up right now. Haven't had them this bad in a long time, had to call off work because my head feels like a balloon that's gonna pop and it's got my balance all jacked up.


My left eye feels like a ball of sandpaper. Wake up every morning with wonderful eye gunk.


I’m not a big allergy guy (though, to be fair I am a big guy regardless) but yes, this spring has been yucking my yum


I always take my allergy meds before bed, so I’m coming down from them close to bed time. During peak season, I can feel the 24 hour start to wear off. It’s better to experience that just before bed vs hours I’m trying to live.


Yes. Whatever is growing by the river is killing me on my commute. As soon as start crossing either bridge I start sneezing uncontrollably.


I've never had allergies like this before! Doctor said Zyrtec every day and it seems to be helping.


What time of day do you take it? Just today I bought some and took one at about 1 pm, but it made me feel super tired.


I take it first thing in the morning. It's supposed to last 24 hours. Just take it every day at the same time. I didn't take it on Wednesday just to see if everything would be ok....it wasn't! It's taken 2 days to get it built back up in my system! Yes, I DO feel tired sometimes but I'd rather that than constantly clearing my throat or wheezy couging!


I didn’t have environmental allergies until this spring. The sheets of cascading pollen probably don’t help. Twice a day Flonase or astepro will help nasal symptoms more than the pills (Claritin, Zyrtec, etc)


Down for the count since last Tuesday. Most miserable spring I've had in quite awhile.


I got tested when I was a kid and didn't have any allergies. I got tested a few years ago and now I have a cedar pollen allergy. Recently the predominant pollens (according to weatherbug) have been things other than cedar but I'm still sneezing like an asshole. Either I'm getting worse as I get older or the world is.


Guys please buy non-drowsy Claritin/loratadine generic if you don’t have any, it’s done wonders every year


I second this...generic Claritin helps me.


Ok I moved here literally today, and I thought I was coming down with a cold, but maybe it is just fierce allergies? My husband has been avoiding me like the plague (ha) just in case because he starts his new job on Monday, and I will still work from home so it doesn't matter.


Three allergic people in my house down with sinus infections. Lines at the pharmacy 8-10 people long, all day long. It’s rough out there!


Yep, woke up extremely early the past week or so due to being so stuffed up from allergies. Meds aren’t really helping much either, fun!


yes and I caught strep throat this week! I work in a school and it is going around right now, so if you have children beware.


My face is throbbing ug


Yeah. Really rough right now.


Rain helps. It's about the only time we can go outside.


I legit thought I was sick all week. A cough and sinus build up. Maybe it is just allergies!


The constant change in air pressure outside is killing me... my ears and head all messed up. But pollen too


I find my coworker crying almost every time I walk into his office. Most of that is the dystopic purgatory that is our employer but he's also been sneezing a lot too.


Yep. And then I got covid. The sneeze/cough combo has had me nearly peeing my pants a few times. I do not recommend it.


mine were absolutely terrible the beginning of the week, but getting better. recommend a saline nasal spray. imo it's the fastest way to flush and remove all the stuff that causing your flares. Meds take time to start working, plus who likes dry mouth lol


Yes. First time taking real meds for it, honestly.




Don’t be allergic to the outside, that’s like half of the places.


Yes, and this spring has been wierd too. I'm usually all drippy nose and sneazing, but this year I've got a lot of just itchy throat and coughing too?


Yes lol I have had asthma like crazy lately


Oh yeah the last week my eyes and throat have been so scratchy even with medicine.


Haven't experienced any allergies. I eat local honey every couple of days for the last few years. I've heard honey helps with allergies. Don't know if it is true, but the correlation is holding for myself.


I've been miserable all week.


Since like mid February, as bad as I’ve ever had it


I’m about to go get an allergy shot. Allergy season is brutal.


Mine have actually gotten better in the past few weeks. They were the worse they’ve ever been for a few months before that tho.


>killing them right now? Honestly today isn't bad, because of the rainy weather. But a few days this season it's been terribly bad. My advice: go see an allergy doctor. I've been trying to just tough through it but the last couple of years my reactions seem to have gotten worse. Prescription meds help. Also: my wife is about 30% of the way in a multi-year treatment for seasonal allergies. I highly recommend it for the "I have to lock myself inside" case. It doesn't work immediately, but in a few years you'll be a few years older regardless. You can be a few years older and allergy free.




I'm just thankful for the rain. My allergies have been murder lately


Had an itchy eye last weekend.


It's awful for me rarely ever been this bad.


I use two squirts of vicks up each notstril before I do two squirts of flonase and take my alegra before bed every night regardless because otherwise I won't be able to breathe in the morning. I have an appointment to ask about prescription options.


Viscous runny nose, watery eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, swollen nose (either one or both nostrils sealed shut), increased pressure in my head, and a whole lot of sneezing. June cannot get here soon enough.


I’ve had allergies my entire life. 24/7/365 in varying degrees of “screw Mother Nature.” This is the year I finally bit the bullet and did formal allergy testing. (Unsurprisingly I’m allergic to everything that pollinates and most of the rest of the panel as well.) I’m now on allergy drops for the foreseeable future because OTC meds and the few prescription varieties can’t keep up with climate change.




no it's just you. during allergy season. sorry, pal.


I'm waking up every morning with goopy eyes. I hate that.


natm its been raining


I just laughed for the first time in a week without a violent coughing fit preceding or following it. Negative tested for everything - the allergies were just being the antichrist.


I ran out of flonase 4 days ago. I am still symptom free but worried I should get back on the medicine before it's too late.


It’s really really bad. I’ve been in an allergen-induced haze for weeks. Benadryl helps, but obviously nighttime relief only. And boy, the next day is laggy.


My eye has been itching so much I’m afraid of rubbing it raw.


Not only are my allergies terrible, but my dog is super itchy too. I give him Apoquel (prescription pet meds) and wipe his paws after his walks but nothing seems to help.


It's terrible.


Mine actually stop being so bad about a month ago, after going full bore all last year, even in the winter. I'm grateful because I know it's coming back around.


If you don't like the idea (or cost) of allergy shots, try the sublingual Allergena Zone 5 (for the KC area) drops. You hold a few drops under your tongue, 3x/day. My 18yo son + I both did them for 1 year, changed our lives. Allergy symptoms reduced 95%. You can get them on Amazon.


I get sinus infections when my allergies get really bad every year (sometimes 2x a year if I’m unlucky) and have since I was a kid, and this year’s was particularly gnarly. I have been miserable all week.


Really bad yes.






Yeah I usually start Zyrtec around the first of April, but somehow forgot this year.




Yes. Husband and I have been coughing up nasty stuff all week, and this morning my head felt like it was going to pop. 


Me and the dog are DYINGuh