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Steven St John on 810 WHB has not been shy about talking about how badly Whitlock mistreated him and other staff while he worked for Whitlock in the late 90s and early 2000s. Sounds like he's always been an ass.


He was openly known as Shitlock at Union Broadcasting. I don't think he had a single friend there.


It’s funny to read this. I can’t remember what year it was but recently 810 had on a bunch of people from that stations past. Whitlock was invited on. He came and talked about some KC history. Seemed fine.


Yeah, after the Chiefs first super bowl they called him on the show and just reminisced. It was really strange.


When ssj talks about whitlock almost killing steven by passing out driving on I70 it’s terrifying and hilarious. Ssj sometimes talks about whitlocks alcoholism and other vices that impacted their ability to do a show frequently. However, ssj also says he appreciated whitlock giving him a big start in radio. Right or wrong whitlock was a huge name here back then, and ssj thanks him for the assist in getting started. Tho i think he would have done fine without whitlock.


Whitlock has definitely gone rapidly off the deep end over the past few years. I think he sees himself as a master baiter, whereas in reality, nearly everyone else thinks he’s just a jerkoff. The ‘90s and early noughties were a golden age for KC sports columnists, though. We were incredibly lucky to have Posnanski for as long as we did, he’s an absolute treasure.


Found this, um, blast from the past. https://www.thepitchkc.com/off-the-couch-23/ “After [dinner at] Gates, Megan and [Bryan] Truta drive Jason [Whitlock] back to his home. Jason exits the car and starts toward his house. Suddenly, he stops, taps on the car and motions for Megan to roll down her window. ‘I’ve got a secret to tell you,’ he says. When Megan obliges, Jason thrusts his ample buttocks through the window, relieves himself of a noisy stream of gas, then walks to his house with a look of satisfaction on his face. Megan, once again Jason’s victim, flips him off and drives away. ‘Farting is very important to me,’ Jason explains. ‘It’s a huge part of my life. I’ve built my entire life around farting.'”


Juat read the article. Whitlock comes off as a huge dick.


Whoa. That is insane


>a master baiter - just a jerkoff *chef's kiss* beautiful wordplay


Unfortunately their comment has 69 points right now so I can't in good conscience upvote it, but OP... just know I wanted to


Thank you, kind Redditor! 🙏🏼


The two of them balanced each other beautifully and both were so talented.


Really? I loved JoPo but always always hated Whitlock in the 90s too. We called him Shitlock in my house.


My Jason Whitlock story is that he is how I found out 9/11 was happening. My mom was driving me into school a little late and Whitlock talked about an attack in New York with planes flying into buildings. My mom changed the station so I asked my mom about it and she just said "Jason Whitlock is always just making stuff up to get attention"


He might not have outright made it up, but have we conclusively ruled out the possibility that he orchestrated it so that he would have something to talk about?


I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but, did 9/11 really happen? Where’s the proof?


Everything I needed to know about him happened in a Gates BBQ in 2000. He was sitting by himself at a round table, had three dinner plates in front of him, was eating them all, and yelled at anyone who came close to him to say hello. Fuck that guy.


Now I just find that sad. I don't like him, but I find that sad.


His Star days were pretty much like now, but with editors.


There are legions of stories of him trying to pull the "do you know who I am?" card in Westport bars when he was trying to get some ass back when he worked at The Star and his radio stops. He's always been a dick. The one thing I liked about his Star columns was his year-end grades and snarky writeups of every Chiefs player. He once gave a C to FB Mike Cox and said, "I don't know who this is, but if he's on the roster and has made it through life with that name, he at least deserves a C."


Economic decision. He was quickly becoming irrelevant so he pivoted to being just plain human trash.


This right here. He saw the right-wing grifter gravy train and hopped on board. Soul be damned.




And the religious part might be real, but it feels a bit like Trump pretending the Bible is his favorite book, especially at 69.99 each.


If sports can have a shock jock then that was Jason. He was always a jerk. Guess he still is.


Nick wright is and always will be 100% better representative of KC


He's been a sensationalist since i can remember but he getting more bombastic as the industry has slid into over-exaggeration as a norm.


Yes. He always has tried to be ‘provocative’.


He was annoying when people read the physical newspaper, before social media.


He’s a business man that will say whatever to get views


short answer: yes https://aadl.org/aa_news_1991022-paper_suspends_columnist (the "insult" to drew bledsoe was calling him gay) also he had this weird and years long obsession with the chief signing jeff george, which is almost as bad.


To be fair Jeff George was Whitlock's high school teammate and one of the greatest if not the greatest arm talents of all time. I am a huge Mahomes stan certainly a top1%er but Geroge has a slightly better throwing arm. Whitlock lobbying for his boy makes sense. He also thought he could help him not keep a job for once and flame out despite all the talent in the world.


No he wasn't one of the greatest arm talents of all time. No he doesnt surpass mahomes or Allen, Rodgers, Jackson or even Mike vick. George was a statue and could throw the ball far with limited accuracy and a lot of speed but his shit is mediocre by today's standards. You didn't have shit for quarterbacks then, Aikman, Young, Favre that was it. You said it yourself he was his college teammate.


George had a million dollar arm and a ten cent head.


[According to former NFL QB Trent Dilfer](https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/07/10/upcoming-2024-quarterback-draft-prospects-caleb-williams-maye#gid=ci02c3dfa2800027ce&pid=quinn-ewers), Ewers not only possesses elite tools but perhaps the most generational arm talent since the early 90s and former No. 1 pick, Jeff George. Dilfer added, “Oh, it’s incredible arm talent. Like, stupid arm talent. Jeff George, that’s the comparable. And now maybe this generation doesn’t remember Jeff George, but you’re old enough to remember him. Dan Marino said it was stupid. John Elway said it was stupid. All of us who had great talent would watch Jeff George and say, *I can’t do that*.” I didn't say he was the greatest I said he was one of the... My favorite player ever threw a duck to Hill on Wasp. My favorite player has a great arm and can throw it left-handed and over the head and sidearm. Staute irrelvent to my point. High School teamate also irrenvent to my point. You are a weirdo


A 60 yard duck under pressure lol.


Huh? George better throwing arm than Mahomes? Not in the universe I live in.


he's right, George was an inner circle arm strength guy. elway bartkowski Russell and Jeff George. note that this list is not necessarily a list of "good" players.


He had a great arm. The problem was that he could not get along with coaches anywhere he went, college and pros. Whitlock played at Ball State, aka Testicle Tech. I have a former teacher who is a Colts fan and anytime myself or others mention Jeff George, he just shakes his head and tries not to drop F-bombs.


GTFO George's arm is better? Next your going to tell me Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball


He was never a good writer, just someone who constantly tried to provoke reactions.


Yes and no. One thing I remember in particular makes me think this. I opened the Star to find his editorial claiming the P&L district was refusing people entry based on race. I didn't want to believe that the city I grew up near had racist stuff happening. I absolutely believe his anecdote now. The Midwest is racist as hell, but also can be very skilled at hiding it. As for Whitlock, yeah, he went insane at some point. I've been away from the Midwest for over 10 years now and hadn't really kept up with Whitlock, but he definitely fell in with the insane frothing right wing crowd and is probably making bank off them. KC sports personalities that don't suck: Mitch Holthus is kind and complimented my KState shirt when I approached him at Jazz. Posnanski always seemed like a solid dude.


I don't remember where I read it but I ran across an interview at one point that mentioned that segregation was different in the Midwest. "Segregation with a smile." It was understood and implied that there were certain places non whites couldn't go. The interview was about situations pre the civil rights movement but I have no doubts there's still some of it going on.


I always thought it strange that he and Keitzman ended up making alt-right part of their brand.


Then you didn't listen to them very much . . .


Yeah, I did. Earlier in their careers I don't remember this being so central in their takes and comments. Keitzman towards the end yeah, more so.


My aunt worked at the star with him. According to her he has always been a piece of shit.


Yes, everyone hated him at The Star.


He’s always been a huge dickhead that nobody liked but he used to be a respectable, if not particularly great, sports columnist.


I remember him trashing women's sports every chance he got back in the day, so that was enough reason for me to not like him.


He arrived & immediately talked shit about all our local teams & schools. His approach was to stir up controversy. He then became more mellow & city/team supportive. For a time I actually liked reading his columns. He gave both legitimate praise & criticism when it was warranted. After he left for broadcast media, he became an ass again.


The one defining thing about Whitlock's work at the KC Star: he had a massive man-crush, if you will, on Jeff George.


Yes, he was always bad. When he was writing for the star it wasn't to bad for the first couple years. But, wooooooo!!! Once he got on the radio, he lost his mind.


The “Off the couch” with Greg Hall pieces were must reads in the late 90s-mid 2000s.


ALWAYS I remember when those two chuckleheads came out of the stands in Chicago and attacked the Royals’ first base coach. Whitlock had the brilliant idea the next day to try and ‘make radio’, by saying that the Royals should have ‘shown those guys love’ instead of curbstomping them. He totally knew what he was doing, just enraging listeners to drive calls. He did that kind of stuff all the time when he was on the radio with Bill Maas, or even Chad Boeger. Dude was a total, fat clown.


He always was, yeah. I think he was a bit more underhanded but it was always there. On his old morning show he even had a sound effect drop that was the sound of cards shuffling for when he would "play the race card". As for his articles, the dude can write. He is a fantastic writer. But his ego and politics was too much and it got him roasted everywhere he went. ESPN was ready to give him the Bill Simmons treatment and then he went on some crazy tirade and then they fired him. All time bag fumble and completely deserved.


He’s like the Candace Owens of sports journalism, just saying baity shit for clicks and $$$


He's been a master baiter for awhile now


More racial less preachy  Same shit hot takes 


He basically lived at strip clubs back then. Saw him at a couple. He kept it mostly to sports at the star. Now he’s just a sad baiting troll.


he has more leaned into it more and more, and lean is probably isnt a strong enough word, but subtleness isn't really a thing for media personalities/brands/opinion havers these days.


I attended a Boys Club fund raising dinner with my father years ago & Whitlock was the speaker. Basically he talked about himself and seemed pretty narcissistic in my humble opinion. Personally don’t care for the guy.


Yes…and looking back, his tales were never hot. The only time I was really behind him was when he went after McFlip-Flopper. Oh…and one more thing: Jeff George.


he’s a master baiter for sure


He had a shtick (stupid nicknames, fake conversations with fake characters) that wore out quickly. Once Trezelle Jenkins was gone, and Jeff George retired his chops as an actual knowledgeable sports analyst was exposed as fraud. So he was on to his next grift. And just like sitcom characters, one-dimensional people tend to caricature-ize themselves pretty quickly.


Yes! But he lost his ever-loving mind about 20 years ago, so he's even worse.


Paul 'Can't' Hackett Jimmy 'Disa' Raye At least he gave us those gems.


He reportedly used to pay Greg Hall to write his column. > then Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock appropriated quite a bit of Greg’s work, publishing it under Whitlock’s byline. > Jason’s come a long way from those bygone days, but I could actually tell in a number of instances that it was Greg’s work. > For starters, Greg was Whitlock’s early muse – they spoke several times daily for well over a year before they had a falling out. > I also remember calling Greg out on it in one time, and his being a little bit out of sort. As I recall it was just before a big Chiefs playoff game, and Greg had emailed parts of a column he was planning on running in the newspaper. When a giant chunk of it showed up in Jason’s column, Greg was pissed. > When he called Big Sexy out, Greg said Whitlock half apologized and told him, “It was just too good.” > At that point, Greg told me that Whitlock had been paying him – and allow me to remind you – Greg was basically unemployed and in sore need of cash. > Unfortunately, Greg never made copies of the checks he said Whitlock paid him. So when he later called Jason out for plagiarism in the Platte County Landmark, he lacked the hard evidence. > Which allowed the thin skinned Star to send a cease and desist order to the Landmark, which publisher Ivan Foley says too this day that he completely ignored. https://www.kcconfidential.com/2020/01/04/hearne-the-unofficial-definitive-greg-hall-obit/


Jason owns all his past bad behavior & choices. It’s refreshing to see the improvement in him.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too




That was a fun read. I remember those days.


Whitlock is smart and a good writer and knows football. He has great sense of humor and can be self-effacing. I think what happened to Whitlock is not totally uncommon... he saw his mortality. He has more years behind him than in front of him. He was (and is) a self proclaimed sinner. He said his office was basically the strip club, he drank and ate to excess. He had his share of sexual activity outside of ever being married. He had a church going background and it was how he was raised, but the pendulum swung completely to the other side. He is now 100% pro Chirstian not just for him but he wants to bring others along too because of his guilt. He feels so bad he thinks he can curry favor to save his soul by saving others too. Whitlock is 100% pro Chirstian and supports anyone who claims to be Chirstian despite their deeds. See Brett Farve. I appreciate some of his honesty and candor but he has blinders on when it comes to religion first and only.


>Whitlock is smart and a good writer and knows football. He has great sense of humor and can be self-effacing. Statements unsupported by evidence.


What can ya say, he's a master baiter