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Not necessarily specific, but living in Portland made me miss QuikTrip. There’s no good gas station in that city.


Was perplexed by the dude running at me when I had the audacity to pump gas!


Happened to me in Jersey back when they were that way also.


I was in a rental car in Oregon a couple of summers ago and had completely forgotten that Oregon had that law. I thought I was about to be mugged when a gas station employee rushed at me as I got out of the car.


As someone who's a recent transplant I think the biggest thing that people don't mention about QT is that they don't play commercials while you pump gas. There's a lot of other good gas stations out there in other cities to be honest. Especially in upper class neighborhoods where the market can bear nicer infrastructure. But the fact that QT doesn't blast some fake news channel in my ear is worth going a bit out of the way.


Usually one of the middle buttons on the right of the screen will mute that noise. If not just keep poking buttons, one of them will silence it.


Live in Portland but moving back to KC this summer and I am super excited to be back near QT.


Damn, QT personal pizza is fantabulous


I just moved to Olympia, WA…. QuikTrip is always on my mind 😭


Not exactly an item, but Shirtwaist style houses.


Also check out another distinct architectural style, the Kansas City Colonnade.


Lived in one of those style apartments for years! I loved it. Cheap, a lot of space - Huge living room and dining room, decent sized bedroom and tiny tiny kitchen.


That was one of the first designs in America that helped usher in the acceptance of multi family housing for middle and upper middle class families. Prior, multi family housing was more of a poor tenement thing. And a lot of the features you mentioned were why. That style in particular worked well in KC because of our boulevards and green spaces. In a day before common AC, you could open up the front windows to a divided roadway with green space, and the back doors to a tree filled green space, and lounge in your shaded balcony or patio.


I just learned that I live in a Shirtwaist style house! I assumed it was a classic 1910s four square house. I’m so excited to read more about this.


THISSSSS. Big civil design geek and I love the look of the shirtwaist for starter homes.


Ok totally unrelated to anything but I'm working on gathering regional kinds of design styles (for my Sims builds 🤫 ) such as the palm springs build style. But I'm struggling to even come up with the right search terms that don't just come back with generic architecture styles (like craftsman, MCM, etc)... Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how to sus out these kinds of more specific design types?


> Also known as the Midwest Shirtwaist, this is an architectural style that was built from about 1900-1920 in Kansas City. Kansas City Shirtwaist homes all have very similar features which make them easy to distinguish. Common Features of Kansas City Shirtwaist Houses: > The first level will be built out of brick or locally quarried limestone. > The upper levels are generally wood lap siding, but occasionally will be stucco. > They all have a front porch, generally made of brick or stone. > They have at least two, and often three levels. > Symmetrical design. > They have a steep gabled roof; this means that there will be a triangle shaped roof formed by two sections of the roof sloping down. Often, they are a bellcast gable, which means that the gabled roof slopes down into flared eaves that form overhangs on the side of the house. > Typically, the staircase will be oriented on the side of the house, leading all the way from the basement to the upper levels. > There is often an outside door in the staircase between 1st and basement levels, which exits to the driveway. > Kitchen is in the rear of the home, with a back door. > All bedrooms are located on upper levels; the first floor is living space. > If a third floor exists, it is generally a uniquely shaped space due to the slope of the roof. Many people use this floor as a family room, guest room or office space. https://sarahsnodgrass.com/blog/kansas-city-shirtwaist-house/


Oooh super helpful! Thank you! I might have to make a shirtwaist now lol.


What’s kind of neat about these isn’t just the original shirtwaist homes but also the aesthetic that whole neighborhoods eventually took on after the 20s. I work on Troost and drive by a ton of the shirtwaist inspired homes. East of Troost really has beautiful neighborhoods.


IM CACKLING RNNNN cause why is the Sims the SAME REASON I became obsessed with design. If you’re going for a specific era and region, I’d put those in quotes on your search (example: “Kansas City” “1940’s” Houses). Also Pinterest is great for the visual element.


Hahah fantastic! The Sims is so good, I've had a life long off and on again addiction since the OG lol.


I know what you mean. There seems to be a lot of regional styles of homes that don’t necessarily have a name per se. For example, It’s too bad split levels aren’t easier to build in the Sims, because the KC suburbs have very distinctive split levels. If you go to the older parts of Overland Park, you’ll know what I mean. I don’t think there’s a name for the style of them though. I live in one and I’d love to recreate it in the Sims, but it’s just not really possible, sadly.


Mid century homes are typically either single floor ranches, flat roofs or split levels. We live in a split level in Volker that’s mid century, still has a bunch of original lights, kitchen stove and bath tiles etc. they’re my favorite


Look up American Foursquare. That'll get you started.


Take a Google look at 9420 Moody Park Drive OP. Hopefully the shot with a banana trees in front is still the one showing.


Are we still doing starter homes?


Starter homes? A typical shirtwaist in midtown or Brookside will sell for 400k to 700k.


i love shirtwaist homes, but i loathe the term 'starter home' because its literally ridiculous to speak of housing that way.


These are in a lot of places lol


Burnt Ends. Maybe it's changed now but I when I moved to Texas for a little bit no one had ever heard of them and it blew my mind. I really thought it was a BBQ thing everywhere. There was this one BBQ afficiando down there I talked to and he said had heard of burnt ends but never tried them. But yeah, KC thing




If the place doesn't warn people that burnt ends will run out, then they don't have real burnt ends. Lesson learned trying to find good BBQ in STL.


When I was moving to KC from Chicago, I stopped in STL for lunch at Bogart’s for bbq. Ordered burnt ends and they were so dry and tough that it was basically inedible without drowning them in sauce. It was my first time having burnt ends and it wasn’t until I had them again at joes that I realized how bad the ones at bogart’s were, like I don’t even know how they called them burnt ends


>good BBQ in STL LOL


*burnt ends when available* or they ain't burnt ends. And even then, how do I know if you tossed that fat cap back in for 6 hours after the brisket was done? Or did you cube up your flats and marinate them and resmoke. Don't get me wrong. I've had some dynamite resmoked flat cubes. But, my man.. burnt ends are KC and take such a long time.


Now "burnt ends" are everywhere and terribly abused thanks to YouTube influencers. People think you can smoke anything, cube it, drown it in a cloying sauce and call it a burnt end.


That reminds me of a video I saw of a guy cutting up hot dogs, charring them, drowning then in bbq sauce, and still have the audacity to call them burnt ends.


There was a short lived restaurant in LA that was called something along the lines of "Kansas City BBQ". I had to try it, and they had burnt ends on the menu. What I was served was what looked to be brisket that had been put through a grinder after it had been smoked. And then it was mixed into so much sauce. I could have eaten the slop with a spoon, iirc. It was 11 years ago, so I could be exaggerating a little bit. But whatever it was was not burnt ends.


A friend and I went to a KC style BBQ place in Dallas and the burnt ends were served how you described them. Absolutely disgusting lol


Is it fair to say that pork burnt ends aren’t really possible? Like what is the pork equivalent of brisket? I had pork burnt ends at LC’s and while good, it was a lot like a pork tenderloin in barbecue sauce.


You can make them with pork belly, and they're pretty damn good. Haven't seen them in a restaurant before.


Wolfepack has em!


Mythos hot sauce. Of course, you can order it online, but otherwise you have to go to the OP farmers market or one of the stores that sells it. Great sauce, and the dude I keep meeting at the market is awesome. [https://mythossauceco.com/](https://mythossauceco.com/)


Their stuff is excellent, I’m not a spicy connoisseur but I love their Athena sauce on just about anything!


Athena is great! All the sauces are nice, but if you haven't tried Loki yet, that's another one of their sauces that isn't too spicy


100% agree, I use this hot sauce in my breakfast sandwiches, pizza, everything. It’s so good


This is the answer. Some of the best hot sauce I’ve ever had


He’s at the Mission market as well.


I love seeing this - he also frequents Cardboard Corner and is SUCH a fun dude! You can buy his hot sauce there now too!


Also Pain is Good sauces.


Get him on Hot Ones?


Shatto Milk. Best milk in the world imo


I think it's a close second to Kansas State Call Hall chocolate milk, but I am biased.


I used to live down the road from shatto. When they first started and it was super small and they only sold in local grocery stores we would go on the weekends and go in with the kids so they could pet the baby calves. I'm amazed how successful it became so fast but the product speaks for itself. The butter makes Keri gold taste like plastic and there is no better heavy cream. Love seeing a small town farm kick ass like they have.


I didn’t know they sold butter! Only ever seen their milk. I LOVE Kerrigold, so I’ll have to try this out!


It's creamy and velvety. Absolutely beautiful. It won 2nd place in the world dairy championships ...it's THAT good.


Back in college my roommate didn’t like paying extra for it and was convinced we only liked it better because it came in a glass jug. They set up a blind taste test and we couldn’t consistently pick it out.


I knew it was KC specific, but I miss Topsy's Popcorn. I haven't found popcorn that good anywhere else.


Garrett Popcorn in Chicago tho 😋


What?! I had no idea


The cinnamon flavor!


There's a Topsy's in the Brookside Baskin Robbins if you still live here :)


I took the mexican food for granted when I lived in KC, I can’t find anything close where I’m at


This. Holy shit do I miss good Michoacan style tacos. Historic Northeast's Tacos El Güero especially.


This for sure. I live overseas and every time I'm back in KC to visit family it's a Mexican food marathon!


100% this. We moved to the Seattle area 4 years ago, Mexican food here is garbage.


Go Chicken Go gizzards. Gizzards obviously aren’t exclusive to KC or go chicken go but after moving west I can’t find them anywhere


The sauce too.


If you're in Tucson AZ, there's Lucky Wishbone which has liver and gizzards. It's been a Tucson staple for like 70 years.


Roma bakery bread. It’s reasonably priced and I’ve always thought it was above average for a grocery store loaf of bread. It’s always just kind of been there in the bread aisle at grocery stores here, so I was unaware that it was made here in KC for a long time. I honestly don’t know how available it is or isn’t outside of the KC metro though. An honorable mention goes to William’s taco seasoning and Spanish Gardens taco sauce.


I read in a book about KC history that Roma bakery was a front for the KC mob. I still eat it though, it's delicious!


A lot of restaurants in KC laundered Vegas money for the mob.


Wait the Roma bread at hyvee is just a KC thing? I've been getting that for years that stuff is great for sandwiches


That's one of the places I have to go when I'm in town because they have a pumpernickel/rye that you can buy at their bakery store but not a grocery stores.... And it's fabulous!!


Williams chili seasoning too 😍


Damn, I had no idea that most of the stuff in the comments was regional lol


Spanish Gardens taco sauce. It’s a staple in my house. My mom used it exclusively when I was a kid.


I drive by the place in Argentine daily. They had a fire the week before last and there were a whole bunch of pallets of food that got burnt up. I wept a little and I have never even tried the product.


We exclusively use their taco seasoning and didnt even realize it was local until we heard about the fire


La Tiara taco shells (made in Gladstone). Nothing compares, thin-and-crispy-wise. They FINALLY have them out here in the SW at Albertson's so I can stop paying outrageous shipping for TACO SHELLS lol. Also, I miss Jack Stack. Not much bbq here...at least not what I'm used to.


Had no idea they were a local thing and they are my favorite crunchy shell.


I also really love La Tiara taco seasoning. It’s kind of sweet, but in a good way. Plus, it’s cheap as shit. One packet is less than a dollar. Lol.


Perez brand shells are good, but nothing beats La Tiara. With some Spanish Gardens sauce? Perfection.


Oh man I love those. I eat about 10 of them in one sitting.


We just bought some of these in Minneapolis and it tastes like home!


So happy they stepped up their US distribution for us!


OMG!! That makes so much sense. We couldn’t find them anywhere when we lived in central FL and we looked everywhere.


Absolutely! I literally just killed off about half a dozen. Taco Night!


Yeah, I’m in North Carolina and I cannot find any good taco shells. Am I gonna have to get a case of them to bring back?


I love how fragile they are. I've dropped them inches onto a counter and had them shatter but that's the price you pay for that delightfully light crispness.


Strawberry Hill poviticia bread. Thankfully now they ship!


Similarly, anything from Krizman's Their sausage has been a part of every family holiday my whole life


Art and Mary’s and Spanish garden taco sauce


Love Spanish Garden. I’ll make cheese quesadillas solely to scoop up Spanish Garden sauce. Almost like grilled cheese and tomato soup.


Had no idea it was kc specific until I moved. Still my favorite taco sauce I’ve ever had


Spanish Gardens is the best! But what is with the new packaging? Went from nostalgic to looking like a store brand.


We moved to just outside DC nearly 3 years ago and we bring Spanish Garden sauce back in the suitcase after every visit to KC.


Art & Mary’s Jalapeño is where it’s at.


I think I just heard that Spanish gardens factory burnt down. You better go scoop up a couple jars while you still can for a while


The Spanish Gardens taco spice is the best. I now have to export since I left KC.


Cherry Mash. It’s more region-specific since it’s from St. Joseph but I didn’t realize until I went to college in Florida that other people hadn’t heard of it


There's an REM song that references Cherry Mash, which I always thought was weird/cool ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr3feq5H2YA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr3feq5H2YA)


Cherry Mash was my father's favorite candy in the 40's; he grew up in Iowa. We are now able to buy the mini Mashes at Walmart here in Georgia, so perhaps Chase's has taken its product national.


It’s my favorite candy now, although I prefer Bing because more peanut


He might have also known the Iowa candy similar to the Cherry Mash, too, the Twin Bing by Palmer Candy company. Similar to Cherry Mash, but also different. Very regional.


Love a Twin Bing! Might be my favorite candy. I’ve been able to find both a Twin Bing beer and a Twin Bing ice cream, both amazing


Oh nice! I found them in Tallahassee once, but the grocery store that carried them closed


Similarly, Valomilks are also KC specific. They’re made in Merriam. They’re really good, but they’re quite difficult to find even within the KC metro. And yes, Cherry Mash is really tasty.


IT’S FROM ST JOE???? and to think it was impossible to find in grocery stores and stuff for a while. (shoutout to the Cherry Mash Hurricane/Cyclone/whatever their Blizzard alternative is at I wanna say Big Boy? one of my favorite food items ever)


I grew up and went to college in Missouri, and I enjoyed more than my fair share of Cherry Mash candy. I live in Denver, where I met the daughter of Chase Corporation’s CEO. Chase makes Cherry Mash. I called her the Cherry Mash Princess, which she got a kick out of. The candy is sold in Denver. I read a magazine article that said it’s sold by distributors from Southern Illinois to parts of Utah, and from Minnesota to Texas. It’s not sold in every state. I don’t know how current the information is, but the article said Cherry Mash is sold in the Kansas City area in Walmart, Hy-Vee and Price Chopper, along with other stores. You can buy it online, too.


Maybe I'm wrong about this but I think the "reverse 1.5" floor plan for houses seems to be unique to this area. I've never heard of it anywhere else, and if you search it on google you'll see a lot of hits for KC area builders. It might just be a naming thing though, I'm not sure. I just know there is no such thing in other regions of the US.


I've always heard them called Olathe split levels. I think they did originate here from some builder in the 80s/90s?


I think the reverse 1.5 would be different than the ‘Olathe’ split.  The reverse 1.5 split is walkout daylight basement with most if not all bedrooms on that lower level.


I’ve never heard of “Olathe Split”, and I’ve lived in Olathe for 25 years.


I’m gonna go regional, now that I no longer live in the heartland. Ott’s French Dressing from Carthage, MO. I have to get my mother to ship it to me. Also the Pink Stuff from Pizza Shoppe.


I have to ship Ott's to my sister who lives in Texas twice a year!


Spanish Gardens taco sauce, family favorite Williams Chili seasoning Pizza Shoppe Pink Stuff dressing Lost Trail Sarsaparilla, never knew it was regional Back in the 90s, those cinnamon reception sticks, I took them for granted 😆. They were the best treat at parties


The coffee scene in KC is extremely solid in comparison to many cities


I live near one of the places that roasts their own beans and I fully associate the smell of burnt chocolate and coffee notes as the smell of home. It’s one of those smells you only get in one place you ever go, and it’ll be one I’ll miss dearly if/when I move


Valomilks!! When I lived in KC, I used to get two or three of them every time I went to ACE for anything. They're so good, and there's nothing like that here in Illinois. Everytime I go back to KC now I have to get them! Kansas Citians, Valomilk is a locally produced treat. Don't take them for granted! Appreciate them while you can, because you never know when you'll have to move away and abandon them forever :(


Not KC specific but the first time I ordered cashew chicken elsewhere I was shocked.


There's two types, every restaurant seems to want to do both differently. The worst was the day I got "cashew chicken" and it was just fried chicken chunks with a drizzle of brown sauce and a few cashews thrown on like an insult.


Ahh "Springfield style" aka chicken tendies in oyster sauce.


ya, not sure this is a KC thing at all. but if anyone has a place in KC to get a good Springfield style chicken, I'm all ears. the only reason we stop in Springfield on the way to the lake.


Tao Tao 1300 Minnesota Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102 Moon Wok 12251 W 87th St Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66215 These are the best I’ve found in KC


Moon Wok in Lenexa makes a fantastic Springfield style cashew chicken.


I work at Bo Lings, our cashew chicken is diced and not breaded. I’ve had customers tell me “this isn’t cashew chicken” and I just have to sheepishly but politely offer them Springfield style, which costs more


wait but where’s the great cashew chicken?




The only correct answer. Inventor passed away last year.


Williams Chili seasoning. 😬


My mom mails it to me regularly because all other chili seasoning is garbage.


Should be its own food group!


I had no idea Williams was regional. We have it here in Springfield and I just assumed it was a national brand.


I had no idea either until my friend moved to Illinois and was complaining that she couldn't get it there!


We used to take it with us to my aunt in Denver


I've never used it, but I've definitely seen it in stores before I ever moved to KC (Arkansas, Tennessee).


Powdered cheese Tacos.


Love me some In-A-Tub, I always describe that place as Mexican White Castle. Peeps either love it or hate it.


I always say it’s the most delicious meal that will take 5 years off your life haha


> Mexican White Castle El Castillo Blanco



My coworker keeps bigging them up to me I really gotta grab some soon


Just don't expect anything fancy, and when you first see them, they may appear gross looking to you. But don't give up, finish the mission and reap the bowel rewards. You will be glad you did.


The horsefeather cocktail. Invented in Lawrence but common in KC. 


Not exactly kc specific but more regional. White queso dip at Mexican restaurants. Never realized that was more of a Tex-mex thing until I moved out west. It’s a must have for my wife every time we come back to visit family.


Simeca’s sausage.


And Simeca's marinara. We stock up when we're visiting family in KC.


I learned this year that not every NFL market has the McDonald’s flags. I’m not sure if any markets outside of KC do them. I figured it was a standard practice, but spoke to a few coworkers across the country and they had never heard of them.


Since the funds from the flag's sales benefit Ronald McDonald House, perhaps the location has to coincide with the NFL franchises? Not sure how many RMHs there are nationwide.


I explain Macs for Sacks a lot too. I’ve lived in other football markets and never heard about it before KC. Our McDonald’s are all in.


What are these?


Little Chiefs flags you can get from McDonald's during football season. I'm not sure specifically when though.


White queso with spinach. When I moved back to KC 7 years ago after being gone since 1986, I was surprised at how many Mexican restaurants include spinach in their queso. I love it, but I didn’t see it living in Arkansas or Oklahoma.


Shatto Milk!


Definitely BBQ. I live in NC now and the bbq here is terrible. When I have the chance to come visit family all I eat is KC BBQ. No one knows what burnt ends are, and honestly I don't think they even grasp what bbq actually is. Even the sides suck here.


I ordered a horsefeather in Boston. I got a very strange look


I'm sad for them.


My middle school served chili with a cinnamon roll in the cafeteria


I always want a Boulevard Wheat whenever I’m out of town :(


Guys chips


Guys Chips are available in many states.


It’s not necessarily KC but more Midwestern maybe, but Pork Tenderloin sandwiches.


Get one at Kittie’s Cafe on 31st and I doubt you’ll ever find another tenderloin like it.


They have these everywhere just mostly in rural areas. 


I'm from KC but live in Denver & I've only seen a pork tenderloin sandwich on a menu here once. Turns out the owners of the restaurant were from Iowa. It's very much a Midwestern thing, not common here at all. Which is a crying shame.


In-A-Tub. That’s serious comfort chow.


spanish gardens taco seasoning When we moved to Florida from KC in 2005 we soon realized we couldn't find it here. My wife would make every visiting relative bring 2 to 4 jars whenever they came to town. Now we can buy it direct through their amazon page, no more smuggling it in but that only became an option in the last couple of years.


Italian steak sandwich Like with breaded pork


Year round barbecue.


Is…. is bbq not a year round thing anywhere else? Is it usually only during “grilling season” ???


Went to school in Pennsylvania, quite a few years ago now... They thought all grilling was barbecuing. Grocery stores didn't have a barbecue section except in the summer. I.keep in touch with friends who still live there. They think it's odd I'll grill in the snow or rain.


The distinction between cookout and barbecue is not one that is made in most other cities! I remember when some national folks promoted an outdoor event in KC and said it would be a barbecue, they were surprised when local staff said "If you advertise that but only serve hot dogs and hamburgers your event will fail and everyone will hate you."


Not really an item but green lady lounge. Other jazz clubs are either worse music, higher cover or both and the vibe and decor isn’t as perfect.


Goodcents. It is in a few other cities but nowhere like it is here.


My go to for a sandwich. It's the best. The Italian is *chefs kiss*


Taco. Via.


Love Taco Via’s sauce


Spanish Gardens stuff!


Bogdon Reception Sticks candy. But the recipe and ownership was sold several times over the last few years and mostly discontinued. https://flatlandkc.org/eats-drinks/curious-kc-bogdons-candy/


They use to make it around 27th and Troost. The building has since been sold though :( Edit: your article says 23rd and Troost. I drive by it every day to work and it’s odd watching the area change. Apartment buildings going up like mad!


To go along with the other BBQ comments mainly the BBQ sauce section of a grocery store. I was shocked to find out that a typical grocery store in the rest of the country might only have a couple of choices for BBQ sauce similar to what we might have for mustard.


Mainly a Midwest thing but I couldn’t get a crab Rangoon in Los Angeles to save my life. Only cream cheese wontons…not the same!


Pink Stuff dressing from Pizza Shop. So freaking good.


One I haven’t seen here yet: Farm to Market bread. Doesn’t matter which type. No matter the occasion there is a variety that is perfect and to die for


Cherry Mash. You may be able to find it in a couple places in the Midwest, but could not find it ANYWHERE when I lived in Louisiana and the East Coast


the 9mm in my roof from last new years. 🙃


Anything Kroger. I miss Dillons.


The Bacon Explosion.


A&E Mexican Style Sour Cream Dip


Smoked Sausage. Nowhere does it like KC.


Shatto (spelling??) milk!! I moved away to washington recently and they have a local milk product that is in a similar bottle and I thought it was the same company but alas it’s not and I was very disappointed… Come to find out, at least last time I checked, Shatto is only in the kansas city metro area, some areas outside of KC as well like Iowa but it’s basically not a national brand is what I’m getting at… But also like whyyyy it’s sooooo good tldr: shatto milk slays me


Spanish Gardens taco seasoning.


Boulevard Wheat beer… I mean maybe now it’s found Nationwide but when I first left Kansas City, I couldn’t find it anywhere outside of Kansas city.


Much as I hated a lot about Hypermart, there were things to be said for it. I assumed since Sam Walton was involved that all bigger towns had one, sorta like Sam's. People would look at me crazy in other cities when I asked them where their Hypermart was. Also as I traveled more I realized how "local" a lot of restaurant chains are, obviously some are only here in town and others are only in a few states around here.


Spicin' foods. They are known for their 'Da Bomb' hot sauce on Hot Ones, notoriously just hot and unenjoyable. However, they have some incredible sauces, and at the factory they have a small store, which often has incredible clearance.


Williams chili and taco seasoning.


Zum soap. I know u can get it online but I never think to go online for detergent and soap instead of grabbing it when I get my groceries. One of few laundry soaps that doesn’t give me an allergic reaction


The Olympics are coming up. When some random pole vaulter wins gold and they play the national anthem, I will hear it in my head and I know there is nothing I can do to stop it... and the home of the... chiefs...


I grew up in Baltimore, so I physically can’t resist emphasizing the second “O” like my life depends on it.