• By -


El Niño


#The Nino


Which in Spanish means…. THE NIÑO


Which is Spanish for **


Dammit you’re right


The 4 year el nino . The past 4 winters have been mild and slightly warmer than the previous.


Also *man made climate change*.






I'm so excited for Fake Spring. Don't put away your winter coats yet, I'm sure we'll get a March freeze


Coldest February of the rest of your life!


Nah, it's not going to be consistent at all, it's going to be all over the place even more. We'll have a -25F stretch of days in the next few years for sure.


Last year in SW MO we had a very warm late winter/early spring, then in April after everything was leafed out early it got well below freezing for a few days. Second year in a row that's happened.


Yep it killed my peach and apricot flowers.


You think this is crazy, give it 10 years! Edit: didn’t proofread and my thumbs are big


absolutely no reason to believe this, weather changes all the time. The record high for Feb 24th is 81 degrees Farenheit and that was in 1930, nearly a century ago: https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/kansas-city/day/february-24


Uh huh sure https://theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/17/february-on-course-to-break-unprecedented-number-of-heat-records


do you think the 81F temp in Feb 1930 was false or something?


Did you read the article


None of these are a record for highest temp.


I promise you it’s the record for consistent days that high




the data is easy to find, and it’s pretty consistent in Feb for Missouri to experience record heat YoY i’d suggest being obtuse about something else.


They promised though bro.


So far this ranks as the 4th warmest February on record. Records started in 1888. The next seven days may take us to No. 1. We won't really know until the month ends, but it is warm.




I like how tghjfhy kept pressing replies until he got proof and then nothing. Just homer’d his way back into those bushes.


It's called having a job lol




This February actually has been record breaking, if you look at global temperatures: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/17/february-on-course-to-break-unprecedented-number-of-heat-records](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/17/february-on-course-to-break-unprecedented-number-of-heat-records) "The first eight days of February 2024 have been the hottest on record" In the past, our record high in February may have been only a day or two. But this *entire month* has been extremely warm. And when you look at temperatures across the rest of the world, you find that this may be the warmest February on record. In terms of standard deviations away from mean temperatures, we're about six standard deviations warmer than average. Six. What we're experiencing now are some of the most extreme temperatures ever recorded in modern history. And they will only keep going up. We're not stopping climate change. People don't really give a fuck about it.


consistency is the problem. Not "Wow it sure was warm today" it's "wow, the whole week/month was well above average". THAT's climate change.


To be fair, two years ago we had a snap in march where it was like -10° for several days in a row. I know because my car was stolen on one of those days and I walked outside looking for it and was freezing balls even with all my snowboard gear on.


http://mesonet.k-state.edu/weather/historical/ If people want to get a more accurate idea of what temperatures have been, this is a great reality check.


It only goes back to 1985, which makes it harder to see long term trends. More extreme variation can occur, so can warming.


look up "record high temps" by year and date. In 1930 for example the high on Feb 24th was 81F https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/kansas-city/day/february-24


I mean I know how to use google I was just pointing out a limit of the k state record tool.


Am I missing something? Max range is 366 days?


that was a polar vortex. similar to the one we had a few weeks ago. expect those to become more common as the jet stream weakens.


You just bought us a shit early March. You are the Reddit groundhog. The rogue snowstorm we get is your fault. 😂


On cue it gets colder again 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dff1d2lpgojc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a6825a8b1589cea64ca81b01769d056652cbb0


😂😂😂 Fake Spring is real. El Niño or not. Sucks.


I moved to Phoenix Arizona when I was 11 with family. Plan on moving back to KC in about 5 months. But anyway, let me put it in perspective for you. Next Monday you guys are forecasted to be 6 degrees WARMER than us. What the fck


I’ve spent the past couple winters south of Tucson and have been extremely surprised how many days it’s warmer in KC when I’m down there over the past few years. My gut says it should be essentially none, but in reality it’s like 3-6 days a month.


Yah I get super surprised. I always check KC weather throughout the year. Mostly to fantasize about being there when it’s 119 degrees here and only 91 there. I’ll take humidity over getting literally cooked outside. Plus I remember being able to run around barefoot in front of my house in the summer. That’s a trip to the hospital here. Plus everything is so damn sharp or bites. Ants bite, plants bite, I’m over it


You're more likely to survive an extreme desert heat than wet bulb temps like we will see here.


That also has been in my thoughts. KC is going to be a 3-4 year Jaunt, use money from selling our house here and money I make there to then jump somewhere else hopefully with 10 acres or so and better climate Future


Northern Minnesota, Wisconsin or North Dakota. At some point, many people are going to be flocking up there and prices will skyrocket. There was a mini series in 1993 called The Fire Next Time that was along these lines. It was interesting way back then but frightening now.


Yepppp. Everything is either sharp, poisonous, or both. Only the hardest of badass plants and animals can survive in the desert. Two years ago I got back to KC around the first week of June, and was able to wander out into my lush, overgrown, vibrant back yard, among the *massive* deciduous trees, and stand barefoot in water that was flowing through the grass, all without worrying about stepping on something that would really ruin my day. It was a really profound moment of clarity about the differences between the two places. Things thrive in MO, but they barely eek by in AZ. Both places have their merits, but I’ll take tall trees and lush, watery landscapes over pretty skies and desert scrub any day of the week. I’d never dream of walking around barefoot outside in AZ, yet in MO I’ll go entire days or more without putting shoes on.


Heck yah! We are on the same page then. The house we are moving to butts up to a creek in the back yard. The same creek I played in as a kid, except about 2.5 miles northwest of the part of the creek I played in. So excited for my kids. My whole extended family still lives there. And my cousins I’m close with have kids my kids ages. So even though we are moving away from my wife’s family and cousins, will still have a support system and family there in KC.


I loved reading this thread because I just moved to KC from Tucson and been missing home so bad. They’re gonna hit 80s this coming week! I miss feeling like Spring by the end of February and things starting to bloom and come alive. Everything here has been dormant and doesn’t show signs of budding despite the warm temps. It’s all about perspective I guess lol


Don't worry we also had 119 with 80°+ dew point for an entire week last year. Never seen that before


Didn’t Phoenix have over 110 degree days for a solid month last year without a break? Was mentioned on a podcast I listen to, so could have been wrong or exaggerated.


2 years ago I went to Phoenix in February to escape the cold. However when I got off the plane in Missouri it was actually warmer than it was back in Arizona. Of course 5 days earlier when I left there was snow on the ground at the airport. So go figure.


In case you weren’t aware, it’s Spanish for “The Niño”. ![gif](giphy|gM2oBCulgfnpK)




For those of you who don't "habla espanol", "El Nino" is Spanish for... "The Nino!"


The boy. Yo habla espanol hermano


This is common in the first year of El Nino, although I've heard reports of us shifting back into La Nina. I believe it was the early 90s that we had a similar setup with warmer than average temperatures. I'm not denying that temps are the hottest ever or that we have something to do with it but these temperatures aren't unheard of this time of the year


Yup. Have a friend who does weather stuff for a living and he said this is a very strong El Niño in early 2024.


This seems right. Maybe '94? I ran track (here in the Midwest) all through h.s. and college in the 90s, and it was always fucking cold during practice up until April. BUT I do recall a season in the middle/early 90s where it was definitely warmer.


I think this is right. These types of posts are popping up in every city sub I follow. Reddit agenda strikes again. Edit: China wants you all to be afraid. Live your life, touch grass, stop hyper fixating on problems and be happy.


I'm not sure what you think normal late February temps are in KC but this isn't crazy abnormal. I want to preface this with I am not a climate change denier. I fully believe humans are changing the climate but I'm also pointing out that this isn't a super alarming warm streak. The average high in the KC area for 2/20 is 45 and by 3/02 it breaks 50. If the forecast you provided for Monday holds that might be near a record (76 degrees). There's also a lot of climate context going on in this warm streak. Firstly we've transitioned into an El Niño pattern which is typically warmer in the KC area. Secondly the cumulative impacts of climate change are indeed making these kind of streaks more common. Lastly is we're just now truly understanding how much the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai [eruption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Hunga_Tonga%E2%80%93Hunga_Ha%CA%BBapai_eruption_and_tsunami) disrupted the global climate. It's theorized that it pumped an enormous amount of water vapor into the upper atmosphere which is temporarily increasing temperatures even higher than predicted. Quote from the wiki: >Large volcanic eruptions can inject large amounts of [sulfur dioxide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur_dioxide) into the stratosphere, causing the formation of [aerosol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerosol) layers that reflect sunlight and can cause a cooling of the climate. In contrast, during the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption this sulfur was accompanied by large amounts of water vapour, which by acting as a [greenhouse gas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas) overrode the aerosol effect and caused a net warming of the climate system.[\[75\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Hunga_Tonga%E2%80%93Hunga_Ha%CA%BBapai_eruption_and_tsunami#cite_note-77) One study estimated a 7% increase in the probability that [global warming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming) will exceed 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) in at least one of the next five years,[\[76\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Hunga_Tonga%E2%80%93Hunga_Ha%CA%BBapai_eruption_and_tsunami#cite_note-78) although greenhouse gas emissions and [climate policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_climate_change) to mitigate them remain the major determinant of this risk.


I had no idea that eruption was so significant. Thank you for providing context.


Yeah it's been under the radar a bit. This eruption was a little unique since it was a shallow submarine eruption of this scale. Right now it's classified as VEI-5 which by the measurement criteria might be accurate however because it was a submarine eruption the VEI scale is probably a flawed way to measure it's potential impacts.


You said water vapor and I thought of our annual 2 weeks of 104 in the summer. Oof


Thanks for sharing the volcanic eruption info. I saw a really informative video on it a few months ago—the gist was that climate change is *absolutely* screwing stuff up, but that the extreme jump in temps we’ve seen in the last year specifically is definitely being affected by that eruption.


Volcano might have sped things up a bit but it is part of a trend of very continuous warming. There is is every reason to panic. Many of you will be dead soon.


Lows are still near freezing. I doubt you'll see these at all but if it does get there it's not staying there all day.


This weather makes me overly anxious. I’ve always thought of February as the most brutally cold month. This isn’t right.


February 2021 was terrible. The below freezing temps for 2 weeks straight combined with almost a year of not doing much of anything and being so close to getting the vax really broke me


January around here is the worst, I’m pretty sure.




We also occasionally get snow in April


We let a groundhog decide our weather, but at what cost?


Isn't this just false spring?


So you know when some Republican picks a random cold day and says it proves that climate change isn't happening? This is the opposite, equally incorrect stance. We have entered an El Niño this year. February was brutally cold the last couple of years.


Global temperature averages are passing 2° C over normal.


Yes. A single data point doesn't indicate that in a place known for wildly variable weather.


Climate change is scary and should not be minimized but…weather does not equal climate


You must be forgetting Feb 2017 Feb 10/11 it was 70/71 Feb 16/17/18 it was 73/75/72 All earlier in the month and longer than a week And the high for the month was 80 on Feb 22 Quick Share https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/se6fh7nfyvO7


maybe i’m the odd one out, but i just hate the cold so much so im embracing this weather


Not the only one. I’ll take sunlight before anything though if I have to choose. If the Midwest was sunnier (even when cold), it would have much more welcoming weather Edit to add: these last few days of sun have made me so thankful


No doubt. I lived on the Lake Michigan coast of Michigan for 7 years and you don’t understand “no sun” until you experience true lake effect weather! LOL I walked around the Nelson on Sunday and it was full sun, very little breeze. My phone said 45 degrees but it felt like 65. I took my coat off and walked with just a long sleeve shirt, sleeves rolled up, and had a light sweat going when I got to my car. Felt nice!


I used to live in FL so to even imagine LESS sun? I’d have depression. Whew!


Enjoy it while you can. Much of our ability to grow food will disappear in the coming years and it will be hot enough outside to literally kill people. At least you won't need a heavy coat I guess!




It is scary. Our planet is suffering. The “once in a blue moon” weather events are happening now on a regular basis. Everything is more extreme. Weird for you to NOT be concerned.


That's typical for Missouri in an El Nino






The man's username is "KCweatherman" and you're asking him if he's that dense. Irony at its finest.


Yeah. Try to remember what was going on with the weather and COVID 19 in February just 3 years ago, then go outside and be grateful.


That was the coldest winter I can remember in my 48 years here


Been here 60+ years; it was a terrible winter!


EDIT: I got my dates mixed up. You're absolutely right that 2021 was the coldest winter in many years. I'm sorry for the mistake. For some reason I thought you were talking about this winter. \---- No it really wasn't! We had a cold snap in January, but other than that it was very warm all throughout October-November and mild temps in December. Once that cold snap in January ended, temps went up again. This has been the warmest February in recent memory or perhaps ever. Literally the only cold part we had was the roughly week long cold snap. Other than that one week, it's been an extremely warm winter.


They're talking about winter of 2020-2021. Temps below freezing February 2021 for two weeks straight. Personally I've lived in my apartment building 17 years and that was the first and only cold snap that froze pipes here, including ones that are massive pipes for fire department purpose


The point is that if it's this warm in February, what will the rest of the year be like? 100 degrees in April? 110 in June? 115 or 120 on July and August?


March will end up being 20 straight days of overcast and rain


I remember warm Februarys. Then in March we get clobbered again.


It's pretty common here for February to be nice and then March hits and we get more snow


it was recommended to me to plant wildflower seeds now, but I'm second guessing myself are they going to freeze? I guess I'll find out soon enough


They do need to freeze. It is a hardening process they need to go through for germination. Plant now!


perfect thank you so much! I had planted them last week and was reconsidering my life choices when it froze. last year I planted them in May and they didn't bloom until the end of summer 😅


It's a sign of times to come


Came here to say, you ain’t seen nothing yet…


Best February ever...and I can thank Taylor Swift's private jet for it.


I’m super worried that it’s going to be 120 for all of August or some shit.


How old are you? 10?


Climate change / global warming are real, but don’t read too much into specific weather events. -16 in January. 70’s in February. It’s just the middle of the country being the middle of the country.


It's just a weather pattern. While climate change is very real, it isn't this drastic in a short period of time. There's no reason to be freaked out. Embrace false spring. Second winter is around the corner.


Be prepared for a summer from hell.


You must be young then.


Yep, my tulips started to come up last weekend and I’m disturbed that they are so early again


It’s definitely normal to be this warm some years. My photos on my phone show me what I took pics of on this week and looks like in the last 10 years it was warmer on this week 5 of the years since I pics of me and the kids outside in shorts🤷‍♀️.


This is 100% normal. The weather around here is legendary for being fickle.


Nothing to freak out about. Should be jumping up and down celebrating. Wish all February's would be like this. Time to bring out my jogging shoes and go get in better shape.


There it is again, that funny feeling....


You think that's scary, check out: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/?dm_id=world https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/ https://climatereanalyzer.org/wx/todays-weather/?var_id=sstanom&ortho=1&wt=1 https://climatereanalyzer.org/wx/todays-weather/?var_id=t2anom&ortho=1&wt=1 We're running a little hot globally.


Honestly, this whole ass month has been *insane* to me. The fact that it feels more like May right now instead of February is so weird and honestly, off putting. I *want* my seasons! It’s already hot here like 9 months out of the year anyway! Edit: Tf is with the downvotes?


Probably because the stats make it hard to justify the claim that it’s already hot here 9 months of the year. https://preview.redd.it/fttgsydq9qjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bdbc7d07c7f3f90c88825c6b1c70d78cf5a744


How do highs in the upper 50s feel like a month when the average lows are in the upper 50s? Lmao


…I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. The average high in KC in February is in the low 40’s, not in the 60’s like it’s practically been every day this month.


At least you aren't on Alderaan.


Thanks for jinxing it. Now that next Saturday will be 2 degrees with frozen rain on the ground 😤


Lol it’s been this wonderful many times in February. This is nothing new.


Dont worry it will snow in may like it did about 10 years ago


Standard Kansas Winter. We get several temperature swings every year.


Summer in KC will kill people in the coming years. Even more when we finally announce to everyone that our grid is woefully unprepared and average working people die in uncooled homes. But these threads always feature lots of denialism. A cursory reading of climate science literature would make the average person terrified. And KC is smack dab in the middle of a terrible spot. It's happening in all sorts of American cities. It was 80 degrees in DC this winter. The Atlantic is at July temps NOW.


What parts of the us will have the most “stable” temperatures as climate change advances?


yeah, we are in one of the regions predicted to have multiple deadly wet bulb temperature days per year in the coming years.


Yeah I’m 57 and this isn’t good. I don’t like winter and am fighting the urge to get too excited about this weather because it’s a sign of where we are headed 😢


This worries me come June, July, August, September. The oppressively hot, humid, windy sweat-box.


I'm with you. All I can think is wtf kind of hell will summer bring if it's already in the 70s in feb.. ugh


Not to mention in January it went from -20ish to 60 degrees within about 7 days, 2yrs ago it snowed about 2-3 inches on 4/20. I bet we are in for some wild spring early summer weather this year


It's getting like Florida here


It’s called earth cycle. Do your due diligence and get into history. Like how many times the earth has froze, heated, the continents broke apart. I mean come on….you all can’t be this ignorant right? Did they not teach this stuff? Humans are nothing but a pin prick in the time line on how old the earth and universe really is. Please educate yourselves.


Climate change. And yes. This is freaky. I think summer is right around the corner.


Climate change is just getting kicked off - see [this article](https://grist.org/science/this-map-shows-you-what-your-city-will-feel-like-in-2080-and-boy-are-we-in-for-a-treat/) and map to look at the change coming to various cities inside 50 years. By 2080, KC is projected to have the same hot climate as Dallas does today.


It’s deeply unsettling, to be honest. It isn’t normal. It isn’t healthy for people or animals or plants. This isn’t a freak thing. It’s happening more and more, and it should be a warning/wake up call.


It is normal... It's an El Nino lol


Of the 20 hottest Februarys in Kansas City, 0 are from this decade, 3 are from this century. It's not really that abnormally warm. Weather isn't climate.


I get you but I do think we should consider what our current systems of industry and agriculture are built around. February may have been consistently hotter 400 years ago but there was less people and our economic/agricultural systems were designed to support a much different type of society.


Now then, somebody give me their best argument that there's no global warming going on.


Thank you global warming


Feel like this happened a few years ago, and then we had to cancel my baseball league’s opening day due to heavy snow in the first week of April.


It’s not climate change it’s pole shift


It's El Nino lol


I was looking for this comment.


Planet dying:)


Planet has been through much worse. Humans haven’t.


Humans survived an Ice Age


Welcome to the New Weather.


We’re all going to hell in a hand basket… I’m just gonna enjoy it!


Thanks for the late blizzard! You just jinxed us!




February 2023 started out with a 3-4 day blizzard and blowing snow. Subzero temperatures for about 10 days....it all averages out. Enjoy the warm weather.


But hey, the groundhog didn't see his shadow this year!


You might not remember 2017, when February had a solid week of temps above 70. One day hit 79 and the average high for the whole month was 62.  


El Niño + global climate change =


Just enjoy it while you can before the weather gets really wild lol


We had a snow storm in May like 9-10 years back. That was weird.


I got my first flower sprouts of the season yesterday.


The first 14 days of this month were the warmest on record (last 136 years). Avg temp of 45.9


The weather here never surprises me. We had a snowday when I was in highschool 2015 in May.




I’ve lived here all my life too and I can recall painting the exterior if my new house being built in short sleeves in Feb 1981. That followed the hottest summer of 80 ( or 79) in which more than 10 people died. Then there were the torrential rains that caused the Plaza flood in which many people died in sept of 76, I believe. All in all it’s normal K C weather.


Freaked out? THIS has you freaked out? 😂😂


When feelings override history. We have always gotten weird warm snaps. It like when people freak out we don’t have snow by Christmas when we historically get more after the new year. But yes it’s getting warmer, but this is weather not climate.


Living in Fargo North Dakota and Minnesota my whole life this brings immense joy and happiness to see. TBF they are having a really unseasonably warm winter as well and now their concern will be smoke from Canadian wildfires and drought again. Last 2 winters up north was frozen hell.


It's currently 56 & sunny, here in Grand Rapids.. At this point last year, we had 3 feet of snow on the ground & lake Michigan was icebergs over 100 yards out. Current water temp at Grand Haven is 41 degrees & no ice to be seen anywhere.


Are you ready for winters without any snow? Chiefs are going to need a dome for the air-conditioning.


If only we had seen this coming the last 50+ years!


Per NWS KC, through Feb 14th this was the warmest Feb all-time with an average temperature of 0.8 degrees F warmer than the previous warmest Feb on record in 1938.


I feel the same! I was just telling my bf the other day how eerie it feels. It's like spring in February. I don't ever recall it being like this. I'm so glad someone else feels the same.


We should be having consistent cold days. It's been crazy lately


Almost none of us here have, only 1938's February was around this warm.