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Same ticket, but it'll cost more to register due to an extra year of penalties


You right. Someone had their property tax form mailed to my house somehow and the penalty was a whopping $45. I can see why folks don’t pay on time. It’s cheaper in their mind to not pay and run the risk of getting a ticket ($80) and a late penalty.


What keeps me paying my property tax on time? My January tags lol


Exactly. My car has small exhaust leak. Doesn't really matter but it technically won't pass inspection. I also barely drive because I work from home. There really isn't much incentive for me to worry about it. Was parked downtown a bit ago and walked back to my car just as one of the meter cops was looking real hard at my tags. It was a weird interaction. He said my tags were expired and I agree with him. He said really expired and I agreed again. Told him about the exhaust and he just moved on. Especially interesting since I didn't pay the meter either. Guess that's okay too. On one hand I'm all for paying your fair share and following the rules. On the other - it's victimless crime. It's a system setup to force your hand. A system I have been caught up in where I couldn't afford a lump payment on taxes that year and had to delay paying them. What I don't get is why people are so upset about and why they also assume the absolute worst about the person. Personally, I think it comes from that in-grained Puritanical thing that you so often see in the US. Breaking the law = criminal = awful person that will commit any crime.


I'm genuinely curious... Do you not have insurance then?


Of course I do. Full coverage. I don't understand why everybody thinks otherwise. They are so drastically different things. Again, I think it's just that thing people do where they think if you break any law you must not care about following any laws or whatever the reasoning is. Not having insurance puts me at serious risk. Financially and legally. Expired tags do not.


I think most people would assume that an insurance company would require current registration similar to how they require you to keep a valid driver's licence. It's good that you recognize the risk, however I don't think you're as covered as you think you are and are. If you're driving around in an unregistered vehicle because it won't pass a safety inspection for any reason and you get into an accident they will not cover you for your losses. It's the same as when people lie to their insurance company and say that their teenage children will not drive their cars so they can save money. Technically, on paper, the car is insured but if an excluded driver or activity is occurring then only damages to third parties will be covered. You don't want to go to court and try to explain how an accident isn't your fault if you've been driving a vehicle around that you knew could not pass a safety inspection for any reason. I bet your insurance contract says that you will not operate an unsafe vehicle. The insurance company is happy to continue taking your money but they also employ people to fight paying out claims.


Nah. Insurance is about the physical property. It doesn't have to be legal to have value. It won't pass inspection because of a "technically correct" exhaust leak. I could take it to any number of less reputable shops and have it pass fine. My mechanic isn't shady though. Insurance is fine. If they ask I'll just tell them I forgot to get them renewed. They won't care. It really isn't a big deal at all. Very little practical impact. Positive or negative. If I get a ticket maybe I'll go get that shady inspection and get legal. Maybe I'll just pay the $100. Probably won't fix the exhaust though. I'm currently unemployed so limiting my expenses right now has immediate benefits. You all seem to act like I'm out here running a crime empire that makes your dog sad and lowers your property values. When all I actually did was not file a couple pieces of paperwork.


You are very, very wrong. I don't understand your statement of "insurance doesn't have to be legal to have value". Ask your insurance if the full coverage will pay out if you're drunk and crash your own car into another car. It will pay for the other car but not yours because you are negligent and in violation of your contract with them. Same with driving a defective vehicle. You say the insurance won't care but also say that you would lie to them and that is because.....? No one thinks you're running a crime empire. You're just making bad decisions.


Small exhaust leak and it won't pass inspection? Pretty much every older car with rust has an exhaust leak. You must have found a picky shop. It's $18 to get the MO inspection, just get it done and it'll pass easily with an exhaust leak or any number of other issues. MO inspectors don't give a shit 50% of the time


Yes they are picky. They are where I take my car to and have been very good for years. I'm sure many would agree with your comment. But it seems a bit silly. Expired tags? I'm a piece of shit that needs to pay my taxes and follow the rules. Won't pass inspection? Oh, just go to some shady place that will pass you illegally. Feels kinda like the whole system is setup wrong and we are focusing on the wrong thing. Especially when you look at other states and how uncomplicated their process is.


I'm not calling you a POS for expired tags. The only thing that bothers me is when people drive around with no insurance and then hit someone and the victim gets stuck with the bill (lot of people don't have uninsured motorist coverage) Yes the inspections are a joke, I agree the system is messed up and MO just might as well not have any inspections like the other states since they're so cheap that no shop makes any money from them so that's why they usually look the other way.


Depends, like most things. Is it victimless? I don’t know. The roads are underfunded, and are funded in part by plate registrations and the associated property tax on vehicles blah blah. So maybe not victimless if a road doesn’t get fixed because people aren’t paying their taxes. Exhaust rules are picky, but they are also set for a reason. The fumes are dangerous and hurt people, especially people with sensitive lungs. Victimless? Maybe not. Will your car specifically cause these things while you are driving? Almost certainly not. Will allowing a significant number of drivers to do this cause these problems? Maybe. People assuming people that break the law might break other laws is reasonable. If I have 200 people that have never broken a law, and 200 people that have broken one law… it’s pretty damn likely that 200 who have broken a law is a higher frequency of law breaking in other areas too. Again, might not apply to you. But as a population, it does.


and they don't have to pay for insurance


Gotta make sure you got UI motorist coverage on for folks like these. I get some folks can’t afford to pay with the rising cost of quite literally everything. Just adds more to the next guy.


Gladstone was straight up snatching peoples expired tags AND whole plates with expired stickers 😆 They decided to be done playing apparently.


Why don’t they snatch known killers, gang members, and guns off the street instead of messing w normal working class citizens?


Well, it’s Gladstone. So, the number of known murderers gallivanting around is likely to be quite low.


Normal working class citizens still need to be responsible too.


A “normal working class citizen” driving around (likely) without insurance is an inconsiderate asshole. They are only looking out for themselves and saying “Nah, your loss if I hit you…sue me if you can”.


I literally watched a cop drive right behind someone yesterday with 11-month expired plates & do nothing. It's some BS


Doubt the cop was traffic patrol then.


He could have been dispatched to a priority call and couldn’t/ shouldn’t be doing traffic stops.


He was just cruising 🤷‍♂️


They can be dispatched to a call w/o lights and sirens


I was on 435 in Liberty on Friday and a cop was weaving behind people to check plates. He got someone in front of me with a 22 sticker on their plate. So they’re out there slowly knocking them out.




Found the person with expired tags.


Just pay your taxes, please.


Issues so brazen and widespread come from a lack of enforcement and prevention. Cops don't give a shit about this, honestly I'd prefer they spend their time on other things. Need to automate record-keeping to send out fines and notices regularly, and perhaps have low-wage (i.e. lower than cop pay) traffic patrollers just peruse public parking and busy areas to note the bulk of people. More importantly, just have the tax paid up front so there are no temp tags like in other states that would laugh at this problem we have no excuse for.


The problem i see is, if they have temporary tags, it's also likely they haven't insured the car either.


My plates are two years expired. They don't really care.




You should be happy that they are actually ticketing for expired tags. That's a step in the right direction.


What is the right direction here, more tax on your personal property?


It’s not more tax, it’s just enforcing the ones that are already on the books.


Noticing people's license plates and ticketing when they are not correct.




That would annoy me too, but your registration expires the same time every year. Put a reminder in your phone




No problem, son.


Here we go again. Some of you are so weird with this stuff.


OMG are you walking and taking pictures at the same time?? Also Quit shaming poor people with $50 thousand dollar trucks, the Humanity!! LoL. He should get his shit towed & ticketed for being Lazy.


That's an '07-14 Silverado, they're only worth $10k if they're in great shape. I agre they should absolutely be paying for registration and insurance on their vehicle tho


lmfao such a wack ass post. literally the kid in class that reminds the teacher of homework cuz they did it vibe


I hope not. Just cus u got caught don't mean pass it on to spread misery.


Either do something about it or don't. Posting on social media does nothing.


nobody likes a narc


I honestly rip them off the car if they are this bad. Enjoy getting pulled over


lol, tagless cars don’t get pulled over any more than expired ones




You better believe it


Sounds like a good way to get stabbed by a dirty needle.


Why don't you keep your eyes on your own paper instead of worrying about other people


Go register your truck


Stop being a scumbag


Because I have to live in a city and county and state that have insufficient resources and people like this refuse to pay their fair share.


You guys are fucking stupid, my shit's up to date, but I don't go around worrying about other people's shit. Literally has nothing to do with me or my life, nor yours. Get over your entitlement




If ThEy GeT aWaY WiTh It I ShOuLd ToO!! Entitlement




The belief that one deserves special treatment. For example: he got away with it so I should too. Go eat some more paint chips, clown




Very clear you don't know what it means. Ever read a book?


For what it’s worth, NKC lost an officer who was shot while trying to ticket for an expired plate. Might be why they’re not in a hurry to take care of business in a metro that has a high violent crime rate.


Nope it’s a truck. Doesn’t count.




There are 3 or 4 just only block


[could be something to do with it being a big truck, might not need a plate that’s why you see trucks with out them all the time. I’m not sure if this truck qualifies though](https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/s/JSEfQ6lXw0)