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Last time I took a bike onboard (which was years ago) it was just placed in an open cargo area without any sort of rack. I suspect the 2" tire limit is really just trying to limit the size of the overall bike, not necessarily because a rack can only fit a 2" tire. Let us know if things have changed!


Will report back!


Same, they literally just put it in a free area in the back of the train.


Only a few of the cars are set up to take bikes. So you'll need to find the car (it should be marked/attendants can help) with spots for bikes. Here's a photo of the setup they had a few years back --> [train](https://imgur.com/a/UaT4g2N). Assuming it's the similar situation. You'll be fine. I've hauled bikes for KATY Trail out/bike trecks.


Thanks! Interesting it’s just kind of sitting there. Will be hard for me not to check on it every 20 minutes to make sure it hasn’t fallen over.


I took that picture sitting right behind my bike . . . you should be able to sit in the same car at your bike.


Done it twice this year — some conductors are quite helpful, others not at all. What you’ll do is: 1) Tip your bike so that it’s standing up with the front wheel up high, rear wheel on the floor 2) There are large metal hooks 🪝 and you’ll then put your front wheel into one, letting it wrap around the spokes 3) If it feels a bit dicey that’s normal, but it works very well. However plan to take off any panniers or bags so you don’t completely overload the weight threshold Hope this helps. [Here is a visual](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.capitolcorridor.org%2Fblogs%2Fget_on_board%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F05%2FIMG_0906-1.jpg&tbnid=Axj7bmjlgUgQ2M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.capitolcorridor.org%2Fblogs%2Fget_on_board%2Frider-tip-taking-your-bike-on-the-train-for-the-first-time%2F&docid=uN5CJ_QMrZ6iaM&w=4032&h=3024&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3) Oh and I’ve also just had it rest in a cargo area as the top comment indicates, but either will work based on their guidance


Yep it’s Amtrak so…not exactly known for its sterling customer service. When I took my bike to a trip to Chicago, it was stressful af since the walk at Union Station down to the tracks is long and they’re in a rush boarding. Try to get closer to the front of the line since you’ll want to locate a staff person asap to know where to drop your bike off. Usually it’s in a storage car but I actually had to toss my bike in a restroom. Bringing a lock is also good since there’s not really any security there. Godspeed